
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    This class manages an MKMapView camera scroll  zoom by implementing
                the typical MKMapViewDelegate regionDidChangeAnimated and
                regionWillChangeAnimated to add bounce-back when the user
                scrolls/zooms away from the floorplan.
import CoreLocation
import Foundation
import MapKit
    This class manages an MKMapView camera scroll & zoom by implementing the
    typical MKMapViewDelegate regionDidChangeAnimated and
    regionWillChangeAnimated to add bounce-back when the user scrolls/zooms away
    from the floorplan.
class VisibleMapRegionDelegate: NSObject {
        Set to true if you would want reset the MapCamera to center on the
    var needResetCameraOrientation = true
        Keep track of changes to [mapView camera].altitude so that we know
        whether to auto-zoom or auto-scroll.
    fileprivate var lastAltitude: CLLocationDistance
        Properties of the floorplan. See FloorplanOverlay for more.
    fileprivate var boundingMapRectIncludingRotations: MKMapRect
    fileprivate var boundingPDFBox: MKMapRectRotated
    fileprivate var floorplanCenter: CLLocationCoordinate2D!
    fileprivate var floorplanUprightMKMapCameraHeading: CLLocationDirection!
    /// Initializes on floorplan bounds.
    init(floorplanBounds: MKMapRect, boundingPDFBox: MKMapRectRotated, floorplanCenter: CLLocationCoordinate2D, floorplanUprightMKMapCameraHeading heading: CLLocationDirection) {
        boundingMapRectIncludingRotations = floorplanBounds
        self.boundingPDFBox = boundingPDFBox
        self.floorplanCenter = floorplanCenter
        floorplanUprightMKMapCameraHeading = heading
        lastAltitude = Double.nan
        needResetCameraOrientation = true
        Resets the camera orientation to the floorplan on our mapview.
        - parameter mapView: MKMapView upon which we reset.
    func mapViewResetCameraToFloorplan(_ mapView: MKMapView) {
        resetCameraOrientation(mapView, center: floorplanCenter, heading: floorplanUprightMKMapCameraHeading)
    /// Handles zoom and floorplan autofit.
    func mapView(_ mapView: MKMapView, regionDidChangeAnimated animated: Bool) {
        let camera = mapView.camera
        var didClampZoom = false
        // Has the zoom level stabilized?
        if (lastAltitude != camera.altitude) {
            // Not yet! Someone is changing the zoom!
            lastAltitude = camera.altitude
            // Auto-zoom the camera to fit the floorplan.
            didClampZoom = clampZoomToFloorplan(mapView, floorplanBoundingMapRect: boundingMapRectIncludingRotations, floorplanCenter: floorplanCenter)
        if (!didClampZoom) {
            // Once the zoom level has stabilized, auto-scroll if needed.
            clampScrollToFloorplan(mapView, floorplanBoundingPDFBoxRect: boundingPDFBox, optionalCameraHeading: needResetCameraOrientation ? floorplanUprightMKMapCameraHeading : Double.nan)
            needResetCameraOrientation = false
        Resets the camera orientation to the given centerpoint with the given
        - parameter mapView: MapView which needs to be re-centered.
        - parameter center: new centerpoint.
        - parameter heading: orientation to use.
    func resetCameraOrientation(_ mapView: MKMapView, center: CLLocationCoordinate2D, heading: CLLocationDirection) {
        let newCamera = mapView.camera.copy() as! MKMapCamera
        // Center the floorplan...
        newCamera.centerCoordinate = center
        // ...and rotate so the floorplan is upright.
        newCamera.heading = heading
        mapView.setCamera(newCamera, animated: true)
        - returns: `true` if the floorplan doesn't fill the screen.
        - parameter mapView: MapView to check.
        - parameter floorplanBoundingMapRect: MKMapRect that defines the
            floorplan's boundaries.
    func floorplanDoesNotFillScreen(_ mapView: MKMapView, floorplanBoundingMapRect: MKMapRect) -> Bool {
        if (MKMapRectContainsRect(floorplanBoundingMapRect, mapView.visibleMapRect)) {
            // Your view is already entirely inside the floorplan.
            return false
        // The specific part of the floorplan that is currently visible.
        let visiblePartOfFloorplan = MKMapRectIntersection(floorplanBoundingMapRect, mapView.visibleMapRect)
        // The floorplan does not fill your screen in either direction.
        return (
            (visiblePartOfFloorplan.size.width < mapView.visibleMapRect.size.width)
            (visiblePartOfFloorplan.size.height < mapView.visibleMapRect.size.height)
        Helper function for clampZoomToFloorplan()
        - returns: the MapCamera altitude required to bounce back the MapCamera
            zoom back onto the floorplan. if no zoom adjustment is needed,
            returns NAN.
        - parameter mapView: The MKMapView we're looking at
        - parameter floorplanBoundingMapRect: floorplan's bounding rectangle.
    func getZoomAdjustment(_ mapView: MKMapView, floorplanBoundingMapRect: MKMapRect) -> Double {
        let mapViewVisibleMapRectArea: Double = mapView.visibleMapRect.size.area()
        let maxZoomedOut: MKMapRect = mapView.mapRectThatFits(floorplanBoundingMapRect)
        let maxZoomedOutArea: Double = maxZoomedOut.size.area()
        if (maxZoomedOutArea < mapViewVisibleMapRectArea) {
            // You have zoomed out too far?
            let zoomFactor: Double = sqrt(maxZoomedOutArea / mapViewVisibleMapRectArea)
            let currentAltitude: CLLocationDistance = mapView.camera.altitude
            let newAltitude: CLLocationDistance = currentAltitude * zoomFactor
            let newAltitudeUsable: CLLocationDistance = newAltitude
                NOTE: Supposedly MapKit's internal zoom level counter is by
                    powers of two, so a 0.5x buffer here is safe and should
                    prevent pulsing when we're near the maximum zoom level.
                Assumption: We will never see a lowestGoodAltitude smaller than
                0.5x a stable MapKit altitude.
            if (newAltitudeUsable < currentAltitude) {
                // Zoom back in.
                return newAltitudeUsable
        // No change. Return NAN.
        return Double.nan
        Detect whether the user has zoomed away from the floorplan and, if so, bounce back.
        - returns: `true` if we needed to bounce back
        - parameter mapView: mapview we're working on
        - parameter floorplanBoundingMapRect: bounds of the floorplan
        - parameter floorplanCenter: center of the floorplan
    func clampZoomToFloorplan(_ mapView: MKMapView, floorplanBoundingMapRect: MKMapRect, floorplanCenter: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> Bool {
        if (floorplanDoesNotFillScreen(mapView, floorplanBoundingMapRect: floorplanBoundingMapRect)) {
            // Clamp!
            let newAltitude: CLLocationDistance = getZoomAdjustment(mapView, floorplanBoundingMapRect: floorplanBoundingMapRect)
            if (!newAltitude.isNaN) {
                // We have a zoom change to make!
                let newCamera: MKMapCamera = mapView.camera.copy() as! MKMapCamera
                newCamera.altitude = newAltitude
                    Since we've zoomed out enough to see the entire floorplan
                    anyway, let's re-center to make sure the entire floorplan is
                    actually on-screen.
                newCamera.centerCoordinate = floorplanCenter
                mapView.setCamera(newCamera, animated: true)
                return true
        // No zoom correction took place.
        return false
        Detect whether the user has scrolled away from the floorplan, and if so,
        bounce back.
        - parameter mapView: The MapView to scroll.
        - parameter floorplanBoundingMapRect: A map rect that must be "in view"
            when the scrolling is complete. We will only scroll until this map
            rect enters the view.
        - parameter optionalCameraHeading: If you give valid CLLocationDirection
            we will also adjust the camera heading. If you give an invalid
            CLLocationDirection (e.g. -1.0), we'll keep whatever heading the
            camera already has.
    func clampScrollToFloorplan(_ mapView: MKMapView, floorplanBoundingPDFBoxRect: MKMapRectRotated, optionalCameraHeading: CLLocationDirection) {
        let rotationNeeded: Bool = 0.0 <= optionalCameraHeading && optionalCameraHeading < 360.0
            Assuming we are zoomed at the correct level, we still can't see the
            floorplan. Maybe you have scrolled too far?
        let visibleMapRectMid = MKMapPoint(x: MKMapRectGetMidX(mapView.visibleMapRect), y: MKMapRectGetMidY(mapView.visibleMapRect))
        let visibleMapRectOriginProposed = MKMapRectRotatedNearestPoint(floorplanBoundingPDFBoxRect, point: visibleMapRectMid)
        let dxOffset = visibleMapRectOriginProposed.x - visibleMapRectMid.x
        let dyOffset = visibleMapRectOriginProposed.y - visibleMapRectMid.y
        // Okay, now we know the "proposed" scroll adjustment...
        let visibleMapRectMidPixels = mapView.convert(MKCoordinateForMapPoint(visibleMapRectMid), toPointTo: mapView)
        let visibleMapRectProposedPixels = mapView.convert(MKCoordinateForMapPoint(visibleMapRectOriginProposed), toPointTo: mapView)
        let scrollDistancePixels = CGPoint.hypotenuse(visibleMapRectProposedPixels, b: visibleMapRectMidPixels)
            ...but is it more than 1.0 screen pixel worth? (Otherwise the user
            probably wouldn't even notice)
            NOTE: Due to rounding errors it's hard to get exactly
                scrollDistancePixels == 0.0 anyway, so doing a check like this
                improves general responsiveness overall.
        let scrollNeeded = scrollDistancePixels > 1.0
        if (rotationNeeded || scrollNeeded) {
            let newCamera = mapView.camera.copy() as! MKMapCamera
            if (rotationNeeded) {
                // Rotation the camera (e.g. to make the floorplan upright).
                newCamera.heading = optionalCameraHeading
            if (scrollNeeded) {
                // Scroll back toward the floorplan.
                var cameraCenter = MKMapPointForCoordinate(mapView.camera.centerCoordinate)
                cameraCenter.x += dxOffset
                cameraCenter.y += dyOffset
                newCamera.centerCoordinate = MKCoordinateForMapPoint(cameraCenter)
            mapView.setCamera(newCamera, animated: true)