
/* Copyright (c) Dietmar Planitzer, 1998, 2002 - 2003 */
/* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees 
   and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or 
   implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */
#import "GLUTView.h"
#import "GLUTWindow.h"
#import "GLUTMenu.h"
@interface GLUTView(GLUTPrivate)
- (void)_commonReshape;
- (void)_updateTrackingRects: (NSNotification *)notification;
- (NSCursor *)_inheritedNativeCursor;
- (void)_recursiveInvalidateCursorRectsWithWindow: (GLUTWindow *)aWindow;
- (void)_recursiveCopyPixelsTo: (NSBitmapImageRep *)bitmap sourceRect: (NSRect)srcRect baseView: (NSView *)bView;
- (void)_recursiveMarkHidden;
- (void)_updateComputedVisibility;
- (void)evaluateVisibility;
- (NSArray *)_orderedSiblings;
static GLUTView *   __glutVisibilityUpdateList = NULL;
static GLUTView *   __glutVisibilityUpdateTail = NULL;
#pragma mark -
@implementation GLUTView
/* Designated initializer */
- (id)initWithFrame: (NSRect)frameRect pixelFormat: (NSOpenGLPixelFormat *)pixelFormat
         windowID: (int)winid treatAsSingle: (BOOL)treatAsSingle isSubwindow: (BOOL)isSub 
         fullscreenStereo: (BOOL)pfStereo isVBLSynced: (BOOL)isVBLSync
   if((self = [super initWithFrame: frameRect]) != nil) {
      _openGLContext = [[NSOpenGLContext alloc] initWithFormat:pixelFormat shareContext:nil];
      if(!_openGLContext) {
    [self release];
    return nil;
      [self setAutoresizingMask: (NSViewHeightSizable | NSViewWidthSizable)];
      [self setAutoresizesSubviews: NO];
      [self setPostsBoundsChangedNotifications: NO];
      [self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: NO];
      [self allocateGState];    // make -lockFocus 2x faster...
      /* This list contains ALL subviews of a GLUTView including
         hidden views - which are NOT part of -subviews. This is
         necessary so that we can re-insert a hidden view at the
         correct place in the sibling list. I.e. the view just
         below us might have been killed while we were hidden.
         We track such changes via this list and are thus able to
         re-display the hidden view in the correct position once
         glutShowWindow is called on the hidden view again. */
      _siblings.obj = self;
      _cursorID = GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT;
      _flags.forceReshape = YES;
      _flags.isVisibilityUpdateAllowed = [NSApp isRunning];
      _flags.isSubwindow = isSub;
      _flags.isShown = NO;
      _flags.treatAsSingle = treatAsSingle;
      _winid = winid;
      _displayFunc = __glutDefaultDisplay;
      _reshapeFunc = __glutDefaultReshape;
      _wmCloseFunc = __glutDefaultWMClose;  
      _quadObj = NULL;
      _eventMask = 0;
      _curEventMask = 0;
      _isFullscreenStereo = pfStereo;
      if (isVBLSync)
        _isVBLSync = 1;
        _isVBLSync = 0;
      [[self openGLContext] makeCurrentContext]; 
      if(_flags.treatAsSingle) {
         /* We do this because either the window really is single
            buffered (in which case this is redundant, but harmless,
            because this is the initial single-buffered context
            state); or we are treating a double buffered window as a
            single-buffered window because the system does not appear
            to export any suitable single- buffered visuals (in which
            the following are necessary). */
      [[self openGLContext] setValues:&_isVBLSync forParameter:NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(_surfaceNeedsUpdate:) name:NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification object:self];
      return self;
   return nil;
- (void)dealloc
   int  i, winid = [self windowID];
   GLUTNode *   curChild = _allChildrens.head.succ;
   /* Recursively destroy any children. */
   while(curChild) {
      GLUTNode *    tmp = curChild->succ;
      [(id)(curChild->obj) release];
      curChild = tmp;
   /* Unbind if bound to this window. */
   if(self == __glutCurrentView) {
      __glutCurrentView = nil;
   for(i = 0; i < GLUT_MAX_MENUS; i++)
      [_menu[i] release];
   [self releaseGState];
   [_nativeCursor release];
      [self removeTrackingRect: _trackingRectTag];
   /* NULLing the __glutWindowList helps detect is a window
      instance has been destroyed, given a window number. */
   __glutViewList[winid - 1] = NULL;
   /* Cleanup data structures that might contain window. */
   if(self == __glutGameModeWindow) {
      /* Destroying the game mode window should implicitly
         have GLUT leave game mode. */
      __glutGameModeWindow = nil;
      __glutDestoryingGameMode = false;
      [[self openGLContext] clearDrawable];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification object:self];
    // If our context is current, clear it so no one can do anything bad any more.
    if([NSOpenGLContext currentContext] == _openGLContext)
    [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];
   [_openGLContext release];
    [super dealloc];
- (void)finalize
   int  i, winid = [self windowID];
   GLUTNode *   curChild = _allChildrens.head.succ;
   /* Recursively destroy any children. */
   while(curChild) {
      GLUTNode *    tmp = curChild->succ;
      [(id)(curChild->obj) release];
      curChild = tmp;
   /* Unbind if bound to this window. */
   if(self == __glutCurrentView) {
      __glutCurrentView = nil;
   for(i = 0; i < GLUT_MAX_MENUS; i++)
      [_menu[i] release];
   [self releaseGState];
      [self removeTrackingRect: _trackingRectTag];
   /* NULLing the __glutWindowList helps detect is a window
      instance has been destroyed, given a window number. */
   __glutViewList[winid - 1] = NULL;
   /* Cleanup data structures that might contain window. */
   if(self == __glutGameModeWindow) {
      /* Destroying the game mode window should implicitly
         have GLUT leave game mode. */
      __glutGameModeWindow = nil;
      __glutDestoryingGameMode = false;
      [[self openGLContext] clearDrawable];
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self name:NSViewGlobalFrameDidChangeNotification object:self];
    if([NSOpenGLContext currentContext] == _openGLContext)
    [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];
    [super finalize];
#pragma mark - 
#pragma mark NSView overrides
#pragma mark -
- (BOOL)isOpaque
    return YES;
- (void)lockFocus
    NSOpenGLContext* context = _openGLContext;
    // make sure we are ready to draw
    [super lockFocus];
    // when we are about to draw, make sure we are linked to the view and
    if (!_isFullscreenStereo && ([context view] != self)) {
        [context setView:self];
    // make us the current OpenGL context
    [context makeCurrentContext];
- (void)makeCurrentGLUTView
    NSOpenGLContext* context = _openGLContext;
    if(_isFullscreenStereo && (__glutGameModeWindow == self) && !_inFullScreen)
    [context setFullScreen];
    _inFullScreen = YES;
    [context makeCurrentContext];
- (void)resignCurrentGLUTView
    NSOpenGLContext* context = _openGLContext;
    if(_isFullscreenStereo && (__glutGameModeWindow != self) && _inFullScreen)
    [context clearDrawable];
    _inFullScreen = NO;
    [NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext];
- (NSOpenGLContext *)openGLContext
    return _openGLContext;
- (void)update
    if ([_openGLContext view] == self) {
        [_openGLContext update];
- (void) _surfaceNeedsUpdate:(NSNotification*)notification
    [self update];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Accessors
#pragma mark -
- (NSPoint)windowPosition
   NSPoint          pt;
   GLUTWindow * window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
   if(!_flags.isSubwindow) {
      unsigned int  mask = [window styleMask];
      NSRect            rect = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: [window frame] styleMask: mask];
      pt = rect.origin;
      pt.y = __glutScreenHeight - (pt.y + rect.size.height);
   } else {
      pt = [self convertPoint: [self bounds].origin toView: nil];
      pt = [window convertBaseToScreen: pt];
   return pt;
- (BOOL)isSubwindow
   return _flags.isSubwindow;
    /* Return window size in local coordinates. */
- (NSSize)windowSize
   return [self bounds].size;
- (int)visibilityState
   return _visState;
- (BOOL)isDamaged
   return _flags.isDamaged;
- (BOOL)isShown
   return _flags.isShown;
- (void)setShown: (BOOL)flag
   _flags.isShown = flag;
- (BOOL)isTreatAsSingle
   return _flags.treatAsSingle;
- (int)windowID
   return _winid;
- (int)parentWindowID
   if(_flags.isSubwindow) {
      GLUTView *    parentWindow = (GLUTView *)[self superview];
      if(parentWindow == nil)
         parentWindow = _savedSuperview;
      return [parentWindow windowID];
   return 0;
/* Return the real number of childrens including hidden ones */
- (unsigned)numberOfChildrens
   GLUTNode *   tail = &_allChildrens.tail;
   GLUTNode *   node = _allChildrens.head.succ;
   unsigned     i = 0;
   while(node != tail) {
      node = node->succ;
   return i;
- (BOOL)ignoreKeyRepeats
   return _flags.ignoreKeyRepeats;
- (void)setIgnoreKeyRepeats: (BOOL)yesno
   _flags.ignoreKeyRepeats = yesno;
- (NSTimeInterval)joystickPollInterval
   return _pollInterval;
- (int)eventMask
   return _eventMask;
- (void)setEventMask: (int)mask
   _eventMask = mask;
- (BOOL)isFullscreenStereo
   return _isFullscreenStereo;
- (BOOL)isVBLSync
   return _isVBLSync;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Callbacks
#pragma mark -
- (void)setPassiveMotionCallback: (GLUTmotionCB)func { _passiveMotionFunc = func; }
- (void)setEntryCallback: (GLUTentryCB)func { _entryFunc = func; }
- (void)setKeyDownCallback: (GLUTkeyboardCB)func { _keyDownFunc = func; }
- (void)setKeyUpCallback: (GLUTkeyboardCB)func { _keyUpFunc = func; }
- (void)setMouseCallback: (GLUTmouseCB)func { _mouseFunc = func; }
- (void)setMotionCallback: (GLUTpassiveCB)func { _motionFunc = func; }
- (void)setSpecialDownCallback: (GLUTspecialCB)func { _specialFunc = func; }
- (void)setSpecialUpCallback: (GLUTspecialCB)func { _specialUpFunc = func; }
- (void)setDisplayCallback: (GLUTdisplayCB)func
   if(!func) {
      __glutFatalError("NULL display callback not allowed in GLUT 3.0; update your code.");
   _displayFunc = func;
- (void)setReshapeCallback: (GLUTreshapeCB)func
   _reshapeFunc = (func) ? func : __glutDefaultReshape;
- (void)setWindowStatusCallback: (GLUTwindowStatusCB)func
   _windowStatusFunc = func;
   if(!_windowStatusFunc) {
      /* Make state invalid. */
- (void)setSpaceballMotionCallback: (GLUTspaceMotionCB)func 
    _spaceballMotionFunc = func; 
    if (_spaceballMotionFunc)
        if (!_spaceballTimer)
            _spaceballTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.01 
                                    target: self 
                                    selector: @selector(processSpaceball:) 
                                    userInfo: 0 
                                    repeats: YES];
            [_spaceballTimer setFireDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]];
    else if (!_spaceballMotionFunc && !_spaceballRotateFunc && !_spaceballButtonFunc) { // if no spaceball functions turn off timer
        [_spaceballTimer invalidate];
        _spaceballTimer = nil;
- (void)setSpaceballRotateCallback: (GLUTspaceRotateCB)func
    _spaceballRotateFunc = func; 
    if (_spaceballRotateFunc)
        if (!_spaceballTimer)
            _spaceballTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.01 
                                    target: self 
                                    selector: @selector(processSpaceball:) 
                                    userInfo: 0 
                                    repeats: YES];
            [_spaceballTimer setFireDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]];
    else if (!_spaceballMotionFunc && !_spaceballRotateFunc && !_spaceballButtonFunc) { // if no spaceball functions turn off timer
        [_spaceballTimer invalidate];
        _spaceballTimer = nil;
- (void)setSpaceballButtonCallback: (GLUTspaceButtonCB)func
    _spaceballButtonFunc = func; 
    if (_spaceballButtonFunc)
        if (!_spaceballTimer)
            _spaceballTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: 0.01 
                                    target: self 
                                    selector: @selector(processSpaceball:) 
                                    userInfo: 0 
                                    repeats: YES];
            [_joyTimer setFireDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.01]];
    else if (!_spaceballMotionFunc && !_spaceballRotateFunc && !_spaceballButtonFunc) { // if no spaceball functions turn off timer
        [_spaceballTimer invalidate];
        _spaceballTimer = nil;
- (void)setButtonBoxCallback: (GLUTbuttonBoxCB)func { _buttonBoxFunc = func; }
- (void)setDialCallback: (GLUTdialsCB)func  { _dialFunc = func; }
- (void)setTabletMotionCallback: (GLUTtabletMotionCB)func   { _tabletMotionFunc = func; }
- (void)setTabletButtonCallback: (GLUTtabletButtonCB)func   { _tabletButtonFunc = func; }
- (void)setJoystickCallback: (GLUTjoystickCB)func pollInterval: (NSTimeInterval)delay
    _joystickFunc = func; // set joystick function always
    if ((delay > 0) && _joystickFunc)
        _pollInterval = delay;
        _pollInterval = 0;
    if (_pollInterval) {
        if (!_joyTimer)
            _joyTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: delay 
                                 target: self 
                                 selector: @selector(processJoystick:) 
                                 userInfo: 0 
                                 repeats: YES];
            [_joyTimer setFireDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:_pollInterval]];
    } else {
        [_joyTimer invalidate];
        _joyTimer = nil;
- (void)setVisibilityCallback: (GLUTvisibilityCB)func   { _visibilityFunc = func; }
- (GLUTvisibilityCB)visibilityCallback   { return _visibilityFunc; }
- (void)setWMCloseCallback: (GLUTwmcloseCB)func
   /* WM close func is only relevant for top-level windows on MacOS X */
   if(!_flags.isSubwindow) {
      _wmCloseFunc = func;
      /* Enabled/disable window close button */
      if(_wmCloseFunc == __glutDefaultWMClose)
         [[[self window] standardWindowButton: NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled: NO];
         [[[self window] standardWindowButton: NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled: YES];
- (GLUTwmcloseCB)wmCloseCallback { return _wmCloseFunc; }
- (void)setFortranCallback: (int)which callback: (void *)func
    switch (which) {
        case GLUT_FCB_DISPLAY:
            _fdisplayFunc = (GLUTdisplayFCB) func;
      case GLUT_FCB_WMCLOSE:
         _fwmcloseFunc = (GLUTwmcloseFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_RESHAPE:
            _freshapeFunc = (GLUTreshapeFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_MOUSE:
            _fmouseFunc = (GLUTmouseFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_MOTION:
            _fmotionFunc = (GLUTmotionFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_PASSIVE:
            _fpassiveMotionFunc = (GLUTpassiveFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_ENTRY:
            _fentryFunc = (GLUTentryFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_KEYBOARD:
            _fkeyDownFunc = (GLUTkeyboardFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_KEYBOARD_UP:
            _fkeyUpFunc = (GLUTkeyboardFCB) func;
            _fwindowStatusFunc = (GLUTwindowStatusFCB) func;
            _fvisibilityFunc = (GLUTvisibilityFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_SPECIAL:
            _fspecialFunc = (GLUTspecialFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_SPECIAL_UP:
            _fspecialUpFunc = (GLUTspecialFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_BUTTON_BOX:
            _fbuttonBoxFunc = (GLUTbuttonBoxFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_DIALS:
            _fdialFunc = (GLUTdialsFCB) func;
            _fspaceballMotionFunc = (GLUTspaceMotionFCB) func;
            _fspaceballRotateFunc = (GLUTspaceRotateFCB) func;
            _fspaceballButtonFunc = (GLUTspaceButtonFCB) func;
            _ftabletMotionFunc = (GLUTtabletMotionFCB) func;
            _ftabletButtonFunc = (GLUTtabletButtonFCB) func;
        case GLUT_FCB_JOYSTICK:
            _fjoystickFunc = (GLUTjoystickFCB) func;
- (void *)getFortranCallback: (int)which;
    switch (which) {
        case GLUT_FCB_DISPLAY:
            return (void*) _fdisplayFunc;
      case GLUT_FCB_WMCLOSE:
         return (void*) _fwmcloseFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_RESHAPE:
            return (void*) _freshapeFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_MOUSE:
            return (void*) _fmouseFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_MOTION:
            return (void*) _fmotionFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_PASSIVE:
            return (void*) _fpassiveMotionFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_ENTRY:
            return (void*) _fentryFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_KEYBOARD:
            return (void*) _fkeyDownFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_KEYBOARD_UP:
            return (void*) _fkeyUpFunc;
            return (void*) _fwindowStatusFunc;
            return (void*) _fvisibilityFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_SPECIAL:
            return (void*) _fspecialFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_SPECIAL_UP:
            return (void*) _fspecialUpFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_BUTTON_BOX:
            return (void*) _fbuttonBoxFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_DIALS:
            return (void*) _fdialFunc;
            return (void*) _fspaceballMotionFunc;
            return (void*) _fspaceballRotateFunc;
            return (void*) _fspaceballButtonFunc;
            return (void*) _ftabletMotionFunc;
            return (void*) _ftabletButtonFunc;
        case GLUT_FCB_JOYSTICK:
            return (void*) _fjoystickFunc;
            return nil;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Cursor
#pragma mark -
- (int)cursor
   return _cursorID;
- (NSCursor *)_inheritedNativeCursor
   if(!_nativeCursor) {
         return [(GLUTView *)[self superview] _inheritedNativeCursor];
         return [NSCursor arrowCursor];
   return _nativeCursor;
- (void)resetCursorRects
   if(!_nativeCursor) {
      if(_cursorID == GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT) {
         _nativeCursor = [[self _inheritedNativeCursor] retain];
      } else {
         _nativeCursor = [__glutGetNativeCursor(_cursorID) retain];
   [self addCursorRect: [self visibleRect] cursor: _nativeCursor];
- (void)_recursiveInvalidateCursorRectsWithWindow: (GLUTWindow *)aWindow
   NSArray *        childrens = [self subviews];
   unsigned int i, count = [childrens count];
   for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      GLUTView *    view = (GLUTView *)[childrens objectAtIndex: i];
      if(view->_cursorID == GLUT_CURSOR_INHERIT) {
         [view->_nativeCursor release];
         view->_nativeCursor = nil;
         [aWindow invalidateCursorRectsForView: view];
         [view _recursiveInvalidateCursorRectsWithWindow: aWindow];
- (void)setCursor: (int)cursor
   if(_cursorID != cursor) {
      GLUTWindow *  window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
      [_nativeCursor release];
      _nativeCursor = nil;
      _cursorID = cursor;
      [window invalidateCursorRectsForView: self];
      [self _recursiveInvalidateCursorRectsWithWindow: window];
      [window performSelector:@selector(resetCursorRects) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.0];
// need the above to work around some AppKit issue with setting cursors while inside cursor rects
//    [[self window] resetCursorRects];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Work Events
#pragma mark -
 * --- Temp fix for current sub-windowing scheme, full logic change for post Panther ---
 * We need to clear and re-establish the surface of each (sub-)view which acts
 * as a GLUT sub-window, because sub-windows (ONLY those) which are moved from
 * one top-level window to another one fail to draw once they are re-inserted
 * into the new window and told to draw themselves.
- (void)_recursiveKickSurface
   NSArray *    subviews = [self subviews];
   int          i, count = [subviews count];
   [[self openGLContext] clearDrawable];
   [[self openGLContext] setView: self];
   for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
      [(GLUTView *)[subviews objectAtIndex: i] _recursiveKickSurface];
static GLUTWindow *__glutSwitchWindowFullscreenMode(GLUTWindow *window, NSRect frame, BOOL mode)
    GLUTWindow *    othWindow = nil;
   GLUTView *       view = (GLUTView *)[window contentView];
   NSDictionary *   args = nil;
   int              op = kGLUTMorphOperationFullscreen;
   if(!mode) {
      args = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: [NSValue valueWithRect: frame]
                           forKey: GLUTWindowFrame];
      op = kGLUTMorphOperationRegular;
   othWindow = [[GLUTWindow   windowByMorphingWindow: window
                              operation: op
                              arguments: args] retain];
   [view _recursiveKickSurface];
   if([window isVisible])
      [othWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
   [window setReleasedWhenClosed: YES];
   [window close];
   return othWindow;
- (void)_updateTrackingRects: (NSNotification *)notification
   NSPoint  mouseLoc = [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
   NSRect   bounds = [self bounds];
   [self removeTrackingRect: _trackingRectTag];
   _flags.wasMouseInside = NSMouseInRect([self convertPoint: mouseLoc fromView: nil], bounds, YES);
   _trackingRectTag = [self addTrackingRect: bounds owner: self userData: nil assumeInside: _flags.wasMouseInside];
 * Updates the current event mask so that it becomes equivalent to
 * the event mask stored in _eventMask.
- (void)_updateCurrentEventMask
   BOOL forceEntry = NO;
   // kPassiveMotionEvents
   if((_curEventMask & kPassiveMotionEvents) ^ (_eventMask & kPassiveMotionEvents)) {
      if((_eventMask & kPassiveMotionEvents) == kPassiveMotionEvents) {
         // turn 'em on
         [(GLUTWindow *) [self window] enableMouseMovedEvents];
      } else {
         // turn 'em off
         [(GLUTWindow *) [self window] disableMouseMovedEvents];
         /* Force recreation of any necessary tracking rectangle because
            the AppKit forgets about them as soon as you enable the
            generation of mouse moved events... */
         if((_curEventMask & kEntryEvents) == kEntryEvents) {
            [self removeTrackingRect: _trackingRectTag];
            [self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: NO];
            [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
            _trackingRectTag = 0;
            forceEntry = YES;
   // kEntryEvents
   if(forceEntry || (_curEventMask & kEntryEvents) ^ (_eventMask & kEntryEvents)) {
      if((_eventMask & kEntryEvents) == kEntryEvents) {
         /* setup our tracking rect */
         NSPoint    mouseLoc = [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
         NSRect bounds = [self bounds];
         _flags.wasMouseInside = NSMouseInRect([self convertPoint: mouseLoc fromView: nil], bounds, YES);
         _trackingRectTag = [self   addTrackingRect: bounds
                                    owner: self
                                    userData: nil
                                    assumeInside: _flags.wasMouseInside];
         [self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: YES];
         [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]  addObserver: self
                                                selector: @selector(_updateTrackingRects:)
                                                name: NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification
                                                object: self];
   } else { 
      if(_trackingRectTag) {
         [self removeTrackingRect: _trackingRectTag];
         [self setPostsFrameChangedNotifications: NO];
         [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: self];
         _trackingRectTag = 0;
   _curEventMask = _eventMask;
- (void)handleWorkEvent: (GLUTWorkEvent *)event
   int  workMask;
   BOOL isSub = _flags.isSubwindow;
     __glutPrintWorkMask(event, _winid, _eventMask);    // dump the events to process
   /* Capture work mask for work that needs to be done to this
      window, then clear the window's work mask (excepting the
      dummy work bit, see below).  Then, process the captured
      work mask.  This allows callbacks in the processing the
      captured work mask to set the window's work mask for
      subsequent processing. */
   workMask = event->workMask;
   assert((workMask & GLUT_DUMMY_WORK) == 0);
   /* Set the dummy work bit, clearing all other bits, to
      indicate that the window is currently on the window work
      list _and_ that the window's work mask is currently being
      processed.  This convinces __glutPostWorkEvent that this
      window is on the work list still. */
   event->workMask = GLUT_DUMMY_WORK;
   /* Optimization: most of the time, the work to do is a
      redisplay and not these other types of work.  Check for
      the following cases as a group to before checking each one
      individually one by one. */
      if(workMask & GLUT_MAP_WORK) {
         /* Show / hide window */
         if(isSub) {
            NSMutableSet *  views = [NSMutableSet set];
            if(event->desiredMapState == kWithdrawnState) {
               /* hide */
               [[self superview] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
               /* Remove us from the superview. Doing this is save because
                  the _glutViewList still retains us. */
               _savedSuperview = (GLUTView *)[self superview];
               [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
               [views addObject: self];
               [self removeFromSuperview];
               [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
               [self setShown: NO];
            } else {
               /* show */
               if(_savedSuperview) {
                  GLUTList *    list = &_savedSuperview->_allChildrens;
                  if(_siblings.pred == &list->head) {
                     /* We're the bottom most of all siblings */
                     [_savedSuperview addSubview: self positioned: NSWindowBelow relativeTo: nil];
                  } else {
                     /* We're somewhere in the middle of the stack or the top-most */
                     GLUTView * refView = _siblings.pred->obj;
                     [_savedSuperview addSubview: self positioned: NSWindowAbove relativeTo: refView];
                  _savedSuperview = nil;
                  [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
                  [self recursiveCollectViewsIntoSet: views];
                  [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
                  [self setShown: YES];
                  [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
                  // ggs: fix for not initially accepting keyboard events.
                  // set subview to be first responder
                  [[self window] makeFirstResponder: self];
         } else {
            /* Use the persistent window here because [self window] will return
               nil if we're currently miniaturized, but [self persistentWindow]
               always returns our true GLUTWindow miniaturized or not. */
            GLUTWindow *    window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
            switch(event->desiredMapState) {
               case kWithdrawnState:
                     [window orderOut: nil];
               case kNormalState:
                     if([window isAffectedByFullscreenWindow])
                        [window setLevel: GLUT_FULLSCREEN_LEVEL];
                     if([window isMiniaturized])
                        [window deminiaturize: nil];
                     [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
               case kGameModeState:
                     [window setLevel: GLUT_GAMEMODE_LEVEL];
                     if([window isMiniaturized])
                        [window deminiaturize: nil];
                     [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
               case kIconicState:
                     /* Give our GLUTViews a chance to draw themselves so that
                        the miniaturization code is able to pick up a meaningful
                        OGL graphics and not just some randomly set pixels... */
                     [window display];
                     [window miniaturize: nil];
      if(workMask & GLUT_CONFIGURE_WORK) {
         if(event->desiredConfMask & (CWWidth | CWHeight)) {
            /* resize window */
            NSSize  Xsize = NSMakeSize(event->desiredWidth, event->desiredHeight);
            NSMutableSet *  views = [NSMutableSet set];
            [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
            if(isSub) {
               NSSize   size = [self frame].size;
               if(size.width != Xsize.width || size.height != Xsize.height) {
                  [[self superview] setNeedsDisplayInRect: [self frame]];
                  [self setFrameSize: Xsize];
                  [self _commonReshape];
                  [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
            } else {
               GLUTWindow * window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
               unsigned int mask;
               NSRect           frame;
               if([window isFullscreen]) {
                  frame = [window frame];
                  frame.origin.y = NSMaxY(frame) - Xsize.height;
                  frame.size = Xsize;
                  window = __glutSwitchWindowFullscreenMode(window, frame, NO);
               } else {
                  mask = [window styleMask];
                  frame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: [window frame] styleMask: mask];
                  frame.origin.y = NSMaxY(frame) - Xsize.height;
                  frame.size = Xsize;
                  frame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: frame styleMask: mask];
                  [window setFrame: frame display: YES];
            [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
            [views addObject: self];
            [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
         if(event->desiredConfMask & (CWX | CWY)) {
            /* move window */
            NSPoint Xpos = NSMakePoint(event->desiredX, event->desiredY);
            NSMutableSet *  views = [NSMutableSet set];
            [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];            
            if(isSub) {
               [[self superview] setNeedsDisplayInRect: [self frame]];
               [self setFrameOrigin: Xpos];
               [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
            } else {
               GLUTWindow * window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
               unsigned int mask;
               NSRect           frame;
               if([window isFullscreen]) {
                  frame = [window frame];
                  frame.origin.y = __glutScreenHeight - (Xpos.y + NSHeight(frame));
                  frame.origin.x = Xpos.x;
                  window = __glutSwitchWindowFullscreenMode(window, frame, NO);
               } else {
                  mask = [window styleMask];
                  frame = [NSWindow contentRectForFrameRect: [window frame] styleMask: mask];
                  frame.origin.y = __glutScreenHeight - (Xpos.y + NSHeight(frame));
                  frame.origin.x = Xpos.x;
                  frame = [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: frame styleMask: mask];
                  [window setFrameOrigin: frame.origin];
            [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
            [views addObject: self];
            [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
         if(event->desiredConfMask & CWStackMode) {
            /* change window stacking order */
            if(isSub) {
               GLUTView *   superview = (GLUTView *) [self superview];
               GLUTList *   list = &superview->_allChildrens;
               NSMutableSet *   views = [NSMutableSet set];
               if(event->desiredStack == kAbove) {
                  __glutRemoveNode(list, &_siblings);
                  [self removeFromSuperview];
                  [superview addSubview: self positioned: NSWindowAbove relativeTo: nil];
                  __glutAddTailNode(list, &_siblings);
                  [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
                  [self recursiveCollectViewsIntoSet: views];
                  [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
                  [self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
               } else {
                  [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
                  [self recursiveCollectViewsIntoSet: views];
                  __glutRemoveNode(list, &_siblings);
                  [self removeFromSuperview];
                  [superview addSubview: self positioned: NSWindowBelow relativeTo: nil];
                  __glutAddHeadNode(list, &_siblings);
                  [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
                  [[self superview] setNeedsDisplay: YES];
            } else {
               GLUTWindow * window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
               if(event->desiredStack == kAbove) {
                  if([window isAffectedByFullscreenWindow])
                     [window setLevel: GLUT_FULLSCREEN_LEVEL];
                  [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
               } else {
                  if([window isAffectedByFullscreenWindow])
                     [window setLevel: GLUT_NORMAL_LEVEL];
                  [window orderBack: nil];
         if(event->desiredConfMask & CWFullScreen) {
            GLUTWindow *    window = (GLUTWindow *) [self window];
            if(!isSub && ![window isFullscreen])
               (void) __glutSwitchWindowFullscreenMode(window, NSZeroRect, YES);
         /* Zero out the mask. */
         event->desiredConfMask = 0;
      if(workMask & GLUT_EVENT_MASK_WORK) {
         [self _updateCurrentEventMask];
      /* Render to normal plane (and possibly overlay). */
      /* Note: GLUT window redisplay is NOT recursive. That's why
         we do the -lockFocus, -drawRect and -unlockFocus stuff
         ourselves here (and we get a nice speed-up for free) */
      if([self lockFocusIfCanDraw]) {
         [self drawRect: /* rect is ignored */NSZeroRect];
         [self unlockFocus];
   /* Combine workMask with window->workMask to determine what
      finish and debug work there is. */
   workMask |= event->workMask;
   if(workMask & GLUT_DEBUG_WORK) {
   /* Strip out dummy, finish, and debug work bits. */
   event->workMask &= ~(GLUT_DUMMY_WORK | GLUT_DEBUG_WORK);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Drawing & Misc
#pragma mark -
- (BOOL)isFlipped { return YES; }
- (void)_commonReshape
   NSSize   size = [self bounds].size;
   (*_reshapeFunc)(size.width, size.height);
   /* For sake of compatibility with the X Windows implementation... */
   _flags.isDamaged = YES;
   _flags.forceReshape = NO;
- (void)drawRect: (NSRect)aRect
   [[self window] setDocumentEdited: YES];
   if(_flags.forceReshape) {
      /* Guarantee that before a display callback is generated
         for a window, a reshape callback must be generated. */
      [self _commonReshape];
   _flags.isDamaged = NO;
- (void)resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: (NSSize)oldFrameSize
    [super resizeWithOldSuperviewSize: oldFrameSize];
   [self _commonReshape];
- (void)viewWillStartLiveResize
   if(!_flags.isSubwindow) {
      _viewStorage = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
      [_viewStorage unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
      [_viewStorage addObject: self];
- (void)viewDidEndLiveResize
   if(!_flags.isSubwindow) {
      [_viewStorage unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
      [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: _viewStorage];
      [_viewStorage release];
      _viewStorage = nil;
static void flipAndfixUpAlphaComponents(NSBitmapImageRep *imageRep)
        unsigned char * sp = [imageRep bitmapData];
        int bytesPerRow = [imageRep bytesPerRow];
        int height = [imageRep pixelsHigh];
        int width = [imageRep pixelsWide];
        unsigned int alphaMask = (NS_LittleEndian == NSHostByteOrder()) ? 0xFF000000 : 0x000000FF;
        while (height > 1) { // top half mirrored to bottom
            unsigned int * pt = (unsigned int *) sp;
            unsigned int * pb = (unsigned int *) (sp + (height - 1) * bytesPerRow) ;
            int w = width;
            while (w-- > 0) {
                unsigned int tmp = *pt | alphaMask;
                *pt++ = *pb | alphaMask;
                *pb++ = tmp;
            sp += bytesPerRow;
            height -= 2;
        if (height) { // middle row
            int w = width;
            unsigned int * pt = (unsigned int *) sp;
            while (w-- > 0) 
                *pt++ |= alphaMask;
- (void)_recursiveCopyPixelsTo: (NSBitmapImageRep *)bitmap sourceRect: (NSRect)srcRect baseView: (NSView *)bView
   NSArray *        childs = [self subviews];
   unsigned int i, count = [childs count];
   GLvoid *         pixels = (GLvoid *) [bitmap bitmapData];
   NSRect           rect = NSIntersectionRect([self bounds], srcRect);
   NSPoint          origin = [self convertPoint: rect.origin toView: bView];
   GLfloat          zero = 0.0f;
   [self lockFocus];
      while(glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR);
         glReadBuffer((_flags.treatAsSingle) ? GL_FRONT : GL_BACK);
         glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R, 1, &zero);
         glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G, 1, &zero);
         glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B, 1, &zero);
         glPixelMapfv(GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A, 1, &zero);
        if (NS_LittleEndian == NSHostByteOrder())
            glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, 1);
            glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES, 0);
         glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST, 0);
         glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 0);
         glPixelStoref(GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, NSWidth(srcRect));
         glPixelStoref(GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS, origin.x);
         glPixelStoref(GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS, NSHeight(srcRect) - (origin.y + NSHeight(rect)));
         glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_SKIP_IMAGES, 0);
         glPixelTransferi(GL_MAP_COLOR, 0);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_RED_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_RED_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_GREEN_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_GREEN_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_BLUE_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_BLUE_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_RED_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_GREEN_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_BLUE_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_SCALE, 1.0f);
         glPixelTransferf(GL_POST_COLOR_MATRIX_ALPHA_BIAS, 0.0f);
         glReadPixels((GLint) NSMinX(rect), (GLint) NSMinY(rect),
                        (GLsizei) NSWidth(rect), (GLsizei) NSHeight(rect),
                        GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8, pixels);
      // Get rid of any error, in order to not mislead GLUT clients...
      while(glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR);
   [self unlockFocus];
   for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
      [(GLUTView *)[childs objectAtIndex: i]    _recursiveCopyPixelsTo: bitmap
                                             sourceRect: srcRect
                                             baseView: bView];
- (NSBitmapImageRep *)bitmapInsideRect: (NSRect)rect
   NSBitmapImageRep *   bitmap = nil;
      rect = [self bounds];
   if((bitmap = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]  initWithBitmapDataPlanes: NULL
                                             pixelsWide: NSWidth(rect)
                                             pixelsHigh: NSHeight(rect)
                                             bitsPerSample: 8
                                             samplesPerPixel: 4
                                             hasAlpha: YES
                                             isPlanar: NO
                                             colorSpaceName: NSDeviceRGBColorSpace
                                             bytesPerRow: NSWidth(rect) * 4
                                             bitsPerPixel: 32] autorelease]) == nil) {
      return nil;
      [self _recursiveCopyPixelsTo: bitmap sourceRect: rect baseView: self];
   return bitmap;
- (NSImage *)imageWithTIFFInsideRect: (NSRect)rect
   NSBitmapImageRep *   bitmap = nil;
   NSImage *                image = nil;
      // Create an NSImage containing the actual window contents as a TIFF graphics
   if((image = [[[NSImage alloc] init] autorelease]) == nil)
      return nil;
   if((bitmap = [self bitmapInsideRect: rect]) == nil)
      return nil;
      [image addRepresentation: bitmap];
   return image;
- (void)prepareForMiniaturization
   NSBitmapImageRep *   bitmap = [self bitmapInsideRect: NSZeroRect];
   if([self lockFocusIfCanDraw]) {
      [bitmap draw];
      [self unlockFocus];
- (void)recursiveWillBeginMorph: (int)op
   GLUTNode *   curChild = _allChildrens.head.succ;
   [self willBeginMorph: op];
   while(curChild) {
      [(id)(curChild->obj) recursiveWillBeginMorph: op];
      curChild = curChild->succ;
- (void)recursiveDidEndMorph: (int)op
   GLUTNode *   curChild = _allChildrens.head.succ;
   while(curChild) {
      [(id)(curChild->obj) recursiveDidEndMorph: op];
      curChild = curChild->succ;
   [self didEndMorph: op];
- (void)willBeginMorph: (int)op
   if(_trackingRectTag) {
      [self removeTrackingRect: _trackingRectTag];
      _trackingRectTag = 0;
- (void)didEndMorph: (int)op
   if((_curEventMask & kEntryEvents) == kEntryEvents) {
      NSPoint   mouseLoc = [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
      NSRect    bounds = [self bounds];
      _flags.wasMouseInside = NSMouseInRect([self convertPoint: mouseLoc fromView: nil], bounds, YES);
      _trackingRectTag = [self addTrackingRect: bounds owner: self userData: nil assumeInside: _flags.wasMouseInside];
/* Add a subview in its HIDDEN state. A latter Map work event will then
   put the view into the view hierarchy */
- (void)attachSubview: (GLUTView *)aView
   __glutAddTailNode(&_allChildrens, &aView->_siblings);
   aView->_savedSuperview = self;
- (void)detachFromSuperview
   GLUTView *   parent = (GLUTView *)[self superview];
   NSMutableSet *   views = [NSMutableSet set];
   [views unionSet: [self coveredViews]];
   [views addObject: self];
   __glutRemoveNode(&parent->_allChildrens, &_siblings);
   [self removeFromSuperview];
   [GLUTView evaluateVisibilityOfViews: views];
   [self setShown: NO];
- (GLUquadricObj *)_getQuadObj
    if (_quadObj == NULL)
        _quadObj = gluNewQuadric();
    return _quadObj;
// A helper for quadric objects
GLUquadricObj *__glutGetQuadObj(void)
    if (__glutViewList == NULL) // This means you never initialized GLUT - BUT you are still allowed to call glutWireShphere()
                                // and such anyway.  Fixes bug #2742838
        return gluNewQuadric();
    return [__glutCurrentView _getQuadObj];
- (void)processJoystick: (id)sender
   int buttonMask; 
   int x, y, z;
   if(_joystickFunc) {
      __glutGetJoystickInput (&buttonMask, &x, &y, &z);
      if (buttonMask || x || y || z)
        (*_joystickFunc)(buttonMask, x, y, z);
- (void)processSpaceball: (id)sender
    static int buttonMask = 0; 
    static int x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, rx = 0, ry = 0, rz = 0;
    int savebuttonMask = 0;
    int savex = 0, savey = 0, savez = 0, saverx = 0, savery = 0, saverz = 0;
    if(_spaceballMotionFunc || _spaceballRotateFunc || _spaceballButtonFunc) {
        __glutGetSpaceballInput (&buttonMask, &x, &y, &z, &rx, &ry, &rz);
        if (_spaceballMotionFunc && ((savex != x) || (savey != y) || (savez != z)))
            (*_spaceballMotionFunc)(x, y, z);
        if (_spaceballRotateFunc && ((saverx != rx)  || (savery != ry) || (saverz != rz)))
            (*_spaceballRotateFunc)(rx, ry, rz);
        if (_spaceballButtonFunc && (savebuttonMask != buttonMask)) {
            short i;
            for (i = 0; i < __glutGetSpaceballNumButtons(); i++) // for every current button
                if (((1 << i) & savebuttonMask) != ((1 << i) & buttonMask)) // if masks at this position are different
                    (*_spaceballButtonFunc)(i+1, ((1 << i) & buttonMask)); // 0 is down 1 is up so look at old position as indicator
        // store current values
        savex = x; savey = y; savez = z;
        saverx = rx; savery = ry; saverz = rz;
        savebuttonMask = buttonMask;
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Menus
#pragma mark -
- (void)attachMenu: (GLUTMenu *)menu toButton: (int)button
   if ((_menu[button] != menu) && (button < GLUT_MAX_MENUS)) {
      /* Give the GLUT menu object a chance to build the native menu
         now, so that the user won't notice a delay when clicking
         while the GLUTMenu is occupied building the native menu. */
      (void) [menu nativeMenu];
      [_menu[button] release];
      _menu[button] = nil;
      _menu[button] = [menu retain];
- (void)detachMenuFromButton: (int)button
    if (button < GLUT_MAX_MENUS) {
        [_menu[button] release];
        _menu[button] = nil;
- (void)_popUpContextMenu: (GLUTMenu *)aMenu withEvent: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   __glutStartMenu(aMenu, self, [theEvent locationInWindow]);
    [NSMenu popUpContextMenu: [aMenu nativeMenu] withEvent: theEvent forView: self];
   if((_curEventMask & kPassiveMotionEvents) == kPassiveMotionEvents) {
      /* Work around a bug in the AppKit whereby a window with mouse moved events
         generation turned on, stops sending any further such events after the
         user has played around with either a menubar menu or a contextual menu.
         Looks like as if the Carbon MenuManager changes the window's event mask
         so that it includes mouse moved events before it enters its internal
         modal event loop. However, it removes the mouse moved events from the
         window's event mask as soon as the modal event loop ended. All this happens
         behind the back of the AppKit so it still thinks mouse moved events are
         generated when in fact they are no longer 'cause the MM turned them off. */
      NSWindow *    window = [self window];
      [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: NO];
      [window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Events
#pragma mark -
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstMouse: (NSEvent *)theEvent  { return YES; }
- (BOOL)acceptsFirstResponder   { return YES; }
- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
   return YES;
/* Key up/down & special up/down */
- (void)keyDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   char     utf8[16];
   int      i, len = 16;
   NSPoint  loc;
   BOOL     isSpecial;
   if(_flags.ignoreKeyRepeats && [theEvent isARepeat])
   loc = [self convertPoint: [[self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream] fromView: nil];
   _iMouseLocX = rint(loc.x);
   _iMouseLocY = rint(loc.y);
   __glutModifierMask = [theEvent modifierFlags];
   __glutMapKeyCode(theEvent, utf8, &len, &isSpecial);
   for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      if(!isSpecial && _keyDownFunc) {
         (*_keyDownFunc)((unsigned char) utf8[i], _iMouseLocX, _iMouseLocY);
      } else if(_specialFunc) {
         (*_specialFunc)(utf8[i], _iMouseLocX, _iMouseLocY);
   __glutModifierMask = ~0;
- (void)keyUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   char utf8[16];
   int  i, len = 16;
   BOOL isSpecial;
   if(_flags.ignoreKeyRepeats && [theEvent isARepeat])
   __glutModifierMask = [theEvent modifierFlags];
   __glutMapKeyCode(theEvent, utf8, &len, &isSpecial);   
   for(i = 0; i < len; i++) {      
      if(!isSpecial && _keyUpFunc) {
         (*_keyUpFunc)((unsigned char) utf8[i], _iMouseLocX, _iMouseLocY);
      } else if(_specialUpFunc) {
         (*_specialUpFunc)(utf8[i], _iMouseLocX, _iMouseLocY);
   __glutModifierMask = ~0;
- (void)_commonMouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   GLUTMenu *   menu = nil; // initially no menus
   int          buttonID, buttonPhysID;
   __glutMapMouseButton(theEvent, &buttonID, &buttonPhysID, &__glutModifierMask);
   if (buttonID != buttonPhysID)
      _flags.wasMouseEmulated = 1 << (buttonID-1); // let mouse up know later what button was emulated
   if ((buttonID >= 0) && (buttonID < GLUT_MAX_MENUS)) { // ensure we are only accessing menus that exist
      if (!__glutGameModeWindow) // only do menus when not in gamemode
         menu = _menu[buttonID];
      if (menu) {
         [self _popUpContextMenu: menu withEvent: theEvent];
      } else if(_mouseFunc) {
         // Only send in events where this isn't a duplicate mouse down (emulation)
         // This way we can maintain a 1 to 1 up/down ratio
         if( !(_flags.hadMouseDown & (1 << buttonID)) ) {
            NSPoint location = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
            (*_mouseFunc)(buttonID, GLUT_DOWN, rint(location.x), rint(location.y));
            _flags.hadMouseDown |= 1 << buttonID;
         else // catch when the button is down twice via emulation
            _flags.duplicateEmulatedMouseDown = 1;
      __glutModifierMask = ~0;
- (void)_commonMouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   /* Only pass the mouse up event to the GLUT application if it belongs
      to a previously seen mouse down. Spurious mouse up events may come
      along if (1) a pop-up menu is assigned to a mouse button, (2) the
      user invoked the menu and (3) the user dismissed the menu by
      clicking *outside* of the pop-up menu. Such mouse up events should
      not be passed to the GLUT app. */
   if(_mouseFunc) {
      NSPoint   location = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
      int       buttonID, buttonPhysID;
      __glutMapMouseButton(theEvent, &buttonID, &buttonPhysID, &__glutModifierMask);
      // Check for emulation when looking at button 0 up events
      if(buttonPhysID == 0) {
         if(_flags.wasMouseEmulated) {
            // make mouse up event match emulated mouse down button
            buttonID = 1 << (_flags.wasMouseEmulated-1);
         else buttonID = 0;
      if(buttonID >= 0 && (_flags.hadMouseDown & (1<<buttonID))) {
         if(_flags.duplicateEmulatedMouseDown &&
            ((_flags.wasMouseEmulated<<1) & (1<<buttonID))) {
             // Emulation caused this button to be down twice at the same time
            _flags.duplicateEmulatedMouseDown = 0;
             // Ignore this mouse up event and wait for a second one
         else {
            (*_mouseFunc)(buttonID, GLUT_UP, rint(location.x), rint(location.y));
            _flags.hadMouseDown &= ~(1 << buttonID);
      __glutModifierMask = ~0;
      if((buttonPhysID == 0) && _flags.wasMouseEmulated)
         _flags.wasMouseEmulated = 0;
- (void)_commonMouseDragged: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   if([theEvent buttonNumber] <= 2 && _motionFunc) {
      NSPoint   location  = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
      (*_motionFunc)(rint(location.x), rint(location.y));
/* Left mouse */
- (void)mouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)mouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseUp: theEvent];
- (void)mouseDragged: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseDragged: theEvent];
- (void)mouseMoved: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   NSPoint  location = [self convertPoint: [theEvent locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
   if(_entryFunc) {
      /* Generate a facked enter/exit event because the AppKit forgets
         about its tracking rects as soon as you enable the generation
         of mouse moved events... */
      BOOL  isInside = NSMouseInRect(location, [self bounds], YES);
      if(isInside ^ _flags.wasMouseInside) {
         _flags.wasMouseInside = isInside;
         (*_entryFunc)((isInside) ? GLUT_ENTERED : GLUT_LEFT);
   if(_passiveMotionFunc) {
      (*_passiveMotionFunc)(rint(location.x), rint(location.y));
/* Right mouse */
- (void)rightMouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)rightMouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseUp: theEvent];
- (void)rightMouseDragged: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseDragged: theEvent];
/* Middle mouse */
- (void)otherMouseDown: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseDown: theEvent];
- (void)otherMouseUp: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseUp: theEvent];
- (void)otherMouseDragged: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   [self _commonMouseDragged: theEvent];
- (void)mouseEntered: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   if(_entryFunc) {
      _flags.wasMouseInside = YES;
- (void)mouseExited: (NSEvent *)theEvent
   if(_entryFunc) {
      _flags.wasMouseInside = NO;
- (BOOL)validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *)menuItem
   /* User is about to start a menu tracking session. We install a special
      timer which will execute the idle function while menu tracking is
      going on because menu tracking happens in its own modal event loop. */
   if(__glutDisablePrinting) {
      if([menuItem action] == @selector(print:))
         return NO;
   return YES;
- (void)print: (id)sender
   [[self window] print: sender];
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Visibility
#pragma mark -
- (BOOL)isVisible
      return ([self superview] != nil);
      return [[self window] isVisible];
 * Returns an ordered list of all currently visible siblings of the
 * receiver. Views are ordered from front to back.
- (NSArray *)_orderedSiblings
   NSMutableArray * siblings = nil;
   if(_flags.isSubwindow) {
      // We're a subwindow
      NSArray *         subviews = [[self superview] subviews];
      NSEnumerator *        enumerator = [subviews reverseObjectEnumerator];
      id                        obj;
      siblings = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: [subviews count]];      
      while((obj = [enumerator nextObject]) != nil)
         [siblings addObject: obj];
   } else {
      // We're a top-level window
   NSArray *        windows = [NSApp orderedWindows];
      unsigned              i, count = [windows count];
      siblings = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: count];
      for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         NSWindow * curWindow = [windows objectAtIndex: i];
         NSView *       contView = [curWindow contentView];
         if([curWindow isVisible] &&
            [curWindow isKindOfClass: [GLUTWindow class]] &&
            [siblings addObject: contView];
   return siblings;
 * Puts all siblings of the receiver  into the given mutable set which
 * are at a lower place in the view (window) stack. Further, adds the
 * receiver's parent view to the set if it is a subwindow.
- (NSSet *)coveredViews
   NSMutableSet *   aSet = [NSMutableSet setWithCapacity: 13];
   NSWindow *       window = [self window];
   NSArray *        siblings = [self _orderedSiblings]; // front -> back
   unsigned     i, count = [siblings count];
   NSRect           myBounds = [self bounds];
   // convert my bounds to screen space
   myBounds = [self convertRect: myBounds toView: nil];
   myBounds.origin = [window convertBaseToScreen: myBounds.origin];
   // add parent, if we're a subwindow
   if(_flags.isSubwindow && [self superview]) {
      [aSet addObject: [self superview]];
   if(count > 1) {
      // add all siblings which are below us
      for(i = count - ([siblings indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: self] + 1); i < count; i++) {
         NSView *   curView = [siblings objectAtIndex: i];
         NSRect curBounds = [curView bounds];
         curBounds = [curView convertRect: curBounds toView: nil];
         curBounds.origin = [[curView window] convertBaseToScreen: curBounds.origin];
         if(!NSIsEmptyRect(NSIntersectionRect(myBounds, curBounds)))
            [aSet addObject: curView];
   return aSet;
 * Evaluates the receiver's visibility based on the current state
 * of the window or view hierarchy.
- (void)_evaluateVisibility
   int  status = GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED;
   if([self isVisible]) {
      /* We're visible */
      NSArray * others;
      NSRect        myBounds = [self bounds];
      double        myArea, myVisibleArea;
      unsigned      i, count;
      // compute my screen space bounds
      myBounds = [self convertRect: myBounds toView: nil];
      myBounds.origin = [[self window] convertBaseToScreen: myBounds.origin];
      // compute my area in pixels
      myArea = NSWidth(myBounds) * NSHeight(myBounds);
      myVisibleArea = myArea;
      // (1) find out what influence all my siblings above me have on my visibility
      others = [self _orderedSiblings];
      count = [others indexOfObjectIdenticalTo: self];
      for(i = 0; (i < count) && (myVisibleArea >= DBL_EPSILON); i++) {
         NSView *   curView = [others objectAtIndex: i];
         NSRect curBounds = [curView bounds];
         NSRect iRect;
         curBounds = [curView convertRect: curBounds toView: nil];
         curBounds.origin = [[curView window] convertBaseToScreen: curBounds.origin];
         iRect = NSIntersectionRect(myBounds, curBounds);
         myVisibleArea -= NSWidth(iRect) * NSHeight(iRect);
      if(myVisibleArea >= DBL_EPSILON) {
         // (2) find out what influence all my child views have on my visibility
         others = [self subviews];
         count = [others count];
         for(i = 0; (i < count) && (myVisibleArea >= DBL_EPSILON); i++) {
            NSView *    curView = [others objectAtIndex: i];
            NSRect  curBounds = [curView bounds];
            NSRect  iRect;
            curBounds = [curView convertRect: curBounds toView: nil];
            curBounds.origin = [[curView window] convertBaseToScreen: curBounds.origin];
            iRect = NSIntersectionRect(myBounds, curBounds);
            myVisibleArea -= NSWidth(iRect) * NSHeight(iRect);
      // classify our remaining visible area
      if(myVisibleArea < DBL_EPSILON)
      status = GLUT_FULLY_COVERED;
      else if(myVisibleArea < (myArea - DBL_EPSILON))
               status = GLUT_PARTIALLY_RETAINED;
                  status = GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED;
   } else {
      /* We're hidden */
      status = GLUT_HIDDEN;
   /* Remember the newly computed visibility state and put us onto the visibility
      update list, if we're not already there. */
   if(_newVisState == GLUT_UNKNOWN_VISIBILITY) {
      _visibilityNext = NULL;
      if(__glutVisibilityUpdateList == NULL) {
         __glutVisibilityUpdateList = self;
         __glutVisibilityUpdateTail = self;
      } else {
         __glutVisibilityUpdateTail->_visibilityNext = self;
         __glutVisibilityUpdateTail = self;
   _newVisState = status;
- (void)_recursiveMarkHidden
   if(_visState != GLUT_HIDDEN) { // if we are not already hidden
      NSArray *     childrens = [self subviews];
      unsigned int  i, count = [childrens count];
      __glutPrintVisibilityState(GLUT_HIDDEN, _winid);
      _visState = GLUT_HIDDEN; // ensure it is really marked hidden
        if(_windowStatusFunc) {
      /* An unmap is only reported on a single window; its
         descendents need to know they are no longer visible. */      
      for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
         [(GLUTView *)[childrens objectAtIndex: i] _recursiveMarkHidden];
- (void)_updateComputedVisibility
   if(_flags.isVisibilityUpdateAllowed) {
      int   visState = _newVisState;
      _visibilityNext = NULL;
      if(_visState != GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED &&
         (visState == GLUT_PARTIALLY_RETAINED || visState == GLUT_FULLY_RETAINED)) {
         /* We just became 'more' visible or we have been partially visible
            and somehow a new partial visibility was computed */
         _flags.isDamaged = YES;
      if(visState == GLUT_HIDDEN) {
         [self _recursiveMarkHidden];
      } else { 
         if(visState != _visState) {
            __glutPrintVisibilityState(visState, _winid);
            _visState = visState; //ggs: always set vis state
            if(_windowStatusFunc) {
- (void)enableVisibilityUpdates
   _flags.isVisibilityUpdateAllowed = YES;
 * Evaluates the visibility of the given set of views. The visibility
 * state of all views is updated after all of them have been evaluated.
+ (void)evaluateVisibilityOfViews: (NSSet *)views
   NSEnumerator *   enumerator = [views objectEnumerator];
   GLUTView *       curView;
      /* (1) compute new visibility states */
   while((curView = (GLUTView *) [enumerator nextObject]) != nil) {
      [curView _evaluateVisibility];
      /* (2) update visibility states */
      curView = __glutVisibilityUpdateList;
      while(curView) {
         GLUTView * tmpView = curView->_visibilityNext;
         [curView _updateComputedVisibility];
         curView = tmpView;
      __glutVisibilityUpdateList = NULL;
      __glutVisibilityUpdateTail = NULL;
- (void)recursiveCollectViewsIntoSet: (NSMutableSet *)views
   NSArray *    subviews = [self subviews];
   unsigned     i, count = [subviews count];
   [views addObject: self];
   for(i = 0; i < count; i++)
      [(GLUTView *) [subviews objectAtIndex: i] recursiveCollectViewsIntoSet: views];