Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* Copyright (c) Dietmar Planitzer, 1998, 2002 */ |
/* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees |
and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or |
implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ |
#import "macx_glut.h" |
#import "GLUTView.h" |
#import <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h> |
#import <Kernel/IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDUsageTables.h> |
struct _GLUTinputActionRec __glutInputActionArray[kNumJoystickActions]; |
static Boolean __glutJoystickList = false; |
/* CENTRY */ |
void APIENTRY glutJoystickFunc(void (*func)(unsigned int buttonMask, int x, int y, int z), int pollInterval) |
{ |
__glutCollectInputDevicesOnce(); |
__glutMatchHIDPrefsToDevices(); |
if (!__glutJoystickList) |
__glutInitJoystickInput (NULL); |
[__glutCurrentView setJoystickCallback: func |
pollInterval: ((NSTimeInterval) pollInterval) / 1000.0]; |
} |
void APIENTRY glutForceJoystickFunc(void) |
{ |
[__glutCurrentView processJoystick: NULL]; |
} |
short __glutGetJoystickNumButtons (void) |
{ |
short i, num = 0; |
if (!__glutJoystickList) |
__glutInitJoystickInput (NULL); |
for (i = kActionButton1; i < kNumJoystickActions; i++) // for all buttons |
if (__glutInputActionArray [i].pDevice != NULL) // if the device exists |
num++; // count |
return num; |
} |
short __glutGetJoystickNumAxis (void) |
{ |
short i, num = 0; |
if (!__glutJoystickList) |
for (i = 0; i < kActionButton1; i++) // for all axis |
if (__glutInputActionArray [i].pDevice != NULL) // if the device exists |
num++; // count |
return num; |
} |
struct _GLUTinputActionRec * __glutGetJoystickDeviceElement (short inputNum) |
{ |
if (!__glutJoystickList) |
__glutInitJoystickInput (NULL); |
return &__glutInputActionArray [inputNum]; |
} |
// check for attached devices (changes, reset globals if required for missing devices) |
void __glutClearMissingDeviceJoystickInput (void) |
{ |
short i; |
if (!__glutJoystickList) |
return; |
// assumes the list is updated |
for (i = 0; i < kNumJoystickActions; i++) { |
if (!__glutIsInputDeviceConnected(__glutInputActionArray[i].pDevice)) { // if we did not find the device |
__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement = NULL; |
__glutInputActionArray [i].pDevice = NULL; |
__glutInputActionArray [i].invertMul = 1; // not inverted |
__glutInputActionArray [i].value = 0; |
} |
} |
} |
void __glutFillEmptyJoystickInput (pRecDevice pDevice) |
{ |
short i; |
GLUTDeviceEnumerator enumer; |
pRecDevice pSelDevice = NULL; |
pRecElement pElement = NULL; |
short selButtonCount = 0, selAxisCount = 0, currButton = 0; |
if (NULL == pDevice) { // no preferred device |
__glutGetInputDeviceEnumeratorOfClass(GLUT_JOYSTICK_DEVICE, &enumer); |
while((pDevice = __glutGetNextInputDevice(&enumer)) != NULL) { // while we have valid devices |
bool deviceSelect = NO; |
if (pDevice->axis >= 3) { // if device has at least 3 axis |
if ((selAxisCount < 3) || // previous device has less than 3 axis (select this device) |
(pDevice->buttons > selButtonCount)) // select device has 3 or more axis and we have more buttons (select this device) |
deviceSelect = YES; |
// else do not select (selected device has at least 3 axis and more buttons) |
} else if (((pDevice->axis == selAxisCount) && (pDevice->buttons > selButtonCount)) || // equal axis but more buttons (select this device) |
(pDevice->axis == selAxisCount)) // more axis when current axis < 3 |
deviceSelect = YES; |
if (YES == deviceSelect) { // if the number meet the min |
selAxisCount = pDevice->axis; // set selected number of axis |
selButtonCount = pDevice->buttons; // set selected number of buttons |
pSelDevice = pDevice; // set device |
} |
} |
pDevice = pSelDevice; // use a single device with the most axis |
} |
if (NULL == pDevice) |
{ |
//we didn't find a suitable device, so leave things unassigned |
return; |
} |
__glutJoystickList = true; // set only if we found devices we like |
// prefer correct elements, then try any |
// look for x axis |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_X == pElement->usage)) { // if it is the x axis |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
// look for y axis |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_Y == pElement->usage)) { // if it is the y axis |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
// look for z axis (first as a z axis) |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_Z == pElement->usage)) { // if it is the y axis |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
// look for z axis as a z rotation (since most joysticks and gamepads are configured this way, thanks Windows...) |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_Rz == pElement->usage)) { // if it is the y axis |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
// for any not filled axis find any avialable (that is not already used) |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis == pElement->type) || // if it is an axis or |
((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_X <= pElement->usage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel >= pElement->usage))) { // it is an axis type usage |
if ((pElement != __glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pElement) && (pElement != __glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement)) { // not already used |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis == pElement->type) || // if it is an axis or |
((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_X <= pElement->usage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel >= pElement->usage))) { // it is an axis type usage |
if ((pElement != __glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pElement) && (pElement != __glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement)) { // not already used |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
if (NULL == __glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement) { // if axis is empty |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement) { // for each element |
if ((kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Axis == pElement->type) || // if it is an axis or |
((kHIDPage_GenericDesktop == pElement->usagePage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_X <= pElement->usage) && (kHIDUsage_GD_Wheel >= pElement->usage))) { // it is an axis type usage |
if ((pElement != __glutInputActionArray [kActionXAxis].pElement) && (pElement != __glutInputActionArray [kActionYAxis].pElement)) { // not already used |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pDevice = pDevice; |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionZAxis].pElement = pElement; |
// reset user min and max |
pElement->minReport = 0; |
pElement->maxReport = 0; |
break; |
} |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
} |
// find buttons (just fill them in order up to 32) |
pElement = HIDGetFirstDeviceElement (pDevice, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get first element |
while (pElement && (32 > currButton)) { // for each element and up to 32 buttons |
if (kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button == pElement->type) { // if it is a button |
Boolean found = false; |
short a; |
for (a = kActionButton1; a < kNumJoystickActions; a++) // check all buttons |
if (__glutInputActionArray [a].pElement == pElement) // is element used already |
found = true; // mark as such |
if (!found) { // if not used already |
while (NULL != __glutInputActionArray [kActionButton1 + currButton].pElement) // find first empty button |
currButton++; // advance until empty one since we can have a sparse array |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionButton1 + currButton].pDevice = pDevice; // assign button |
__glutInputActionArray [kActionButton1 + currButton].pElement = pElement; |
} |
} |
pElement = HIDGetNextDeviceElement (pElement, kHIDElementTypeIO); // get next element |
} |
// set device limits |
for (i = 0; i < kNumJoystickActions; i++) |
{ |
if (__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement) { |
if (i < kActionButton1) { |
(__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement)->userMin = -1000; |
(__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement)->userMax = 1000; |
} else { |
(__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement)->userMin = 0; |
(__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement)->userMax = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
// all inputs will have same device |
} |
// assumes __glutCollectInputDevices already called |
// check for atttached devices, set globals if required, enables/disblaes setup menu |
void __glutInitJoystickInput (pRecDevice pDevice) |
{ |
int i; |
// zero all actions |
__glutJoystickList = false; |
for (i = 0; i < kNumJoystickActions; i++) { |
__glutInputActionArray [i].pElement = NULL; |
__glutInputActionArray [i].pDevice = NULL; |
__glutInputActionArray [i].invertMul = 1; // not inverted |
__glutInputActionArray [i].value = 0; |
} |
// find device with max (up to three) axis |
if (HIDCountDevices()) { |
__glutFillEmptyJoystickInput (pDevice); |
} |
} |
// return the device of first assigned input which will be the same for all inputs |
pRecDevice __glutGetJoystickDevice (void) |
{ |
int i = 0; |
while ((NULL == __glutInputActionArray [i].pDevice) && (i < kNumJoystickActions)) |
i++; |
if (i < kNumJoystickActions) |
return __glutInputActionArray [i].pDevice; |
else |
return NULL; |
} |
// assumes __glutCollectInputDevices already called |
// check for attached devices (changes, reset globals if required for missing devices) |
// sets to device with at least 3 axis (or most if less) and most buttons is current device does not exist |
void __glutUpdateJoystickInput (void) |
{ |
if (!__glutJoystickList) |
__glutInitJoystickInput (NULL); |
else { |
// check for device ensure inputs are clear if device is not present |
if (NULL != __glutGetJoystickDevice()) // if we found a assigned input |
__glutClearMissingDeviceJoystickInput (); // check to ensure device is attached |
if (NULL == __glutGetJoystickDevice()) // if we cleared the input or if we found no assigned inputs |
__glutInitJoystickInput (NULL); // init the list |
} |
} |
// returns current polled values of first gamepad or joystick found |
void __glutGetJoystickInput (int *pButtonMask, int *pX, int *pY, int *pZ) |
{ |
short a; |
*pButtonMask = 0; |
if (!__glutJoystickList) { |
*pX = 0; |
*pY = 0; |
*pZ = 0; |
return; |
} |
for (a = 0; a < kNumJoystickActions; a++) |
{ |
__glutInputActionArray [a].value = 0; |
if (__glutInputActionArray [a].pDevice && __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement) { // handle device input |
__glutInputActionArray [a].value = HIDGetElementValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].pDevice, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
switch (a) { |
case kActionXAxis: |
*pX = __glutInputActionArray [a].invertMul * |
HIDScaleValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
// HIDScaleValue (HIDCalibrateValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement), __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
break; |
case kActionYAxis: |
*pY = __glutInputActionArray [a].invertMul * |
HIDCalibrateValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
// HIDScaleValue (HIDCalibrateValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement), __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
break; |
case kActionZAxis: |
*pZ = __glutInputActionArray [a].invertMul * |
HIDScaleValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
// HIDScaleValue (HIDCalibrateValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement), __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement); |
break; |
default: |
if (__glutInputActionArray [a].invertMul == 1) |
// *pButtonMask += HIDScaleValue (HIDCalibrateValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement), __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement) << |
*pButtonMask += HIDScaleValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement) << |
(a - kActionButton1); |
else |
// *pButtonMask += (1 - HIDScaleValue (HIDCalibrateValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement), __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement)) << |
*pButtonMask += (1 - HIDScaleValue (__glutInputActionArray [a].value, __glutInputActionArray [a].pElement)) << |
(a - kActionButton1); |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2008 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2008-02-08