
"iSudoku" is a simple web application that illustrates the use of web standards and JavaScript for the iPhone.  This project contains a simple, 4-square by 4-square Sudoku game, provides validation of user input, and displays a "Congratulations" screen when the puzzle is complete.  
To play the game, simply select "New Game" and then tap on a white square to input a value.  You can edit a value at any time by tapping on a filled square. 
Details on the coordinate system used by the board are available in game-coordinates.html.
Using the Sample
Open index.html in Safari 3 on either Mac or PC. If you have your own webserver (eg. Mac OS X Personal Web Server) and an iPhone or iPod touch, you can also place these files on your server and browse them using your iPhone or iPod touch.
Changes from Previous Versions
Reduced the size of the board for better layout on the iPhone screen. 
Updated the viewport meta in the "index.html" file, set its width to the device-width constant. Using the device-width constant removes the "viewport width or height set to physical device width" warning message on iPhone or iPod touch. 
Feedback and Bug Reports
Please send all feedback about this sample by connecting to the Contact ADC <> page.
Please submit any bug reports about this sample to the Bug Reporting <> page.
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