
    File:       HighSierra.h
    Description:Provide type and constant definitions relating to High Sierra 
                format CDs.
    Copyright:  Copyright: © 1987-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc.
                all rights reserved.
    Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
                restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
                responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
                not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
                after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
                we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
                descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes.
    Change History (most recent first):
                6/24/99 Updated for Metrowerks Codewarror Pro 2.1(KG)
#define CDBLKSIZE   2048
#define HSVOLSTART  16      /* where we expect a Primary Volume Descriptor */
#define HSTERMSTART 17      /* where we expect the Volume Descriptor Terminator */
#define StdVolType  1       /* Primary Volume Descriptor type */
#define VolEndType  255     /* Volume Descriptor Set Terminator type */ 
 * File Flags for Directory Records
#define existenceBit    0x01
#define directoryBit    0x02
#define associatedBit   0x04
#define recordBit       0x08
#define protectionBit   0x10
#define multiextentBit  0x80
/*  Exported Types                                                          */
typedef unsigned char byte;
/*  We need to ensure that these structures are aligned properly            */
#if defined(powerc) || defined (__powerc)
#pragma options align=mac68k
/*  High Sierra (May 26, 1986) Standard                                     */
 * Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD)
typedef struct
    long    lsbLogicalBlockNumber;
    long    msbLogicalBlockNumber;
    byte    VDType;                 /* Must be 1 for PVD */
    char    VSStdId[5];             /* Must be "CDROM" */
    byte    VSStdVersion;           /* Must be 1 */
    byte    Reserved1;              /* Must be 0's */
    char    systemIdentifier[32];
    char    volumeIdentifier[32];
    char    Reserved2[8];           /* Must be 0's */
    long    lsbVolumeSpaceSize;
    long    msbVolumeSpaceSize;
    char    Reserved3[32];          /* Must be 0's */
    short   lsbVolumeSetSize;
    short   msbVolumeSetSize;
    short   lsbVolumeSetSequenceNumber;
    short   msbVolumeSetSequenceNumber;
    short   lsbLogicalBlockSize;
    short   msbLogicalBlockSize;
    long    lsbPathTableSize;
    long    pathTableSize;
    long    lsbPathTable1;          /* mandatory occurrence */
    long    lsbPathTable2;          /* optional occurrence */
    long    lsbPathTable3;          /* optional occurrence */
    long    lsbPathTable4;          /* optional occurrence */
    long    msbPathTable1;          /* mandatory occurrence */
    long    msbPathTable2;          /* optional occurrence */
    long    msbPathTable3;          /* optional occurrence */
    long    msbPathTable4;          /* optional occurrence */
    char    rootDirectoryRecord[34];
    char    volumeSetIdentifier[128];
    char    publisherIdentifier[128];
    char    dataPreparerIdentifier[128];
    char    applicationIdentifier[128];
    char    copyrightFileIdentifier[32];
    char    abstractFileIdentifier[32];
    char    volumeCreation[16];
    char    volumeModification[16];
    char    volumeExpiration[16];
    char    volumeEffective[16];
    char    FileStructureStandardVersion;
    char    Reserved4;              /* Must be 0's */
    char    ApplicationUse[512];
    char    FutureStandardization[680];
} PVD, *PVDPtr;
 * Path Table
typedef char    dirIDArray[8];
typedef struct
    long    dirLocation;    /* 1st logical block where directory is stored */
    byte    XARlength;  /* Extended Attribute Record Length */
    byte    len_di;         /* length of directory identifier */
    short   parentDN;       /* parent directory number */
    dirIDArray  dirID;      /* directory identifier: actual length is
                             *  9 - [8+Len_di]; there is an extra blank
                             *  byte if Len_di is odd.
} PathTableRecord, *PathTableRecordPtr;
 * Directory Record
 *  There exists one of these for each file in the directory.
typedef struct
    char    macFlag[2];     /* $42 $41 - 'BA' famous value */
    byte    systemUseID;    /* 06 = HFS */
    byte    fileType[4];    /* such as 'TEXT' or 'STAK' */
    byte    fileCreator[4]; /* such as 'hscd' or 'WILD' */
    byte    finderFlags[2];
} OldAppleExtension;
typedef struct
    char    signature[2];       /* $41 $41 - 'AA' famous value */
    byte    extensionLength;    /* $0E for this ID */
    byte    systemUseID;    /* 02 = HFS */
    byte    fileType[4];    /* such as 'TEXT' or 'STAK' */
    byte    fileCreator[4]; /* such as 'hscd' or 'WILD' */
    byte    finderFlags[2];
} AppleExtension;
typedef struct
    byte    len_dr;         /* directory record length */
    byte    XARlength;  /* Extended Attribute Record Length */
    long    lsbStart;
    long    msbStart;           /* 1st logical block where file starts */
    long    lsbDataLength;
    long    msbDataLength;
    byte    year;           /* since 1900 */
    byte    month;
    byte    day;
    byte    hour;
    byte    minute;
    byte    second;
    byte    fileFlags;
    byte    reserved;       /* must be 0 */
    byte    interleaveSize;
    byte    interleaveSkip;
    short   lsbVolSetSeqNum;
    short   msbVolSetSeqNum;    /* which volume in volume set contains this file. */
    byte    len_fi;             /* length of file identifier which follows */
    char    fi[34];             /* file identifier: actual is 34-[33+Len_fi].
                                    contains extra blank byte if Len_fi odd */
    AppleExtension  apple;      /* this actually fits immediately after the fi[] */
                                /* field, or after its padding byte. */
} DirRcd, *DirRcdPtr;
/*  ISO 9660 (pANS Z39.86 198x) standard format                             */
 * Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD)
typedef struct
    byte    VDType;                 /* Must be 1 for PVD */
    char    VSStdId[5];             /* Must be "CD001" */
    byte    VSStdVersion;           /* Must be 1 */
    byte    Reserved1;              /* Must be 0's */
    char    systemIdentifier[32];
    char    volumeIdentifier[32];
    char    Reserved2[8];           /* Must be 0's */
    long    lsbVolumeSpaceSize;
    long    msbVolumeSpaceSize;
    char    Reserved3[32];          /* Must be 0's */
    short   lsbVolumeSetSize;
    short   msbVolumeSetSize;
    short   lsbVolumeSetSequenceNumber;
    short   msbVolumeSetSequenceNumber;
    short   lsbLogicalBlockSize;
    short   msbLogicalBlockSize;
    long    lsbPathTableSize;
    long    msbPathTableSize;
    long    lsbPathTable1;          /* mandatory occurrence */
    long    lsbPathTable2;          /* optional occurrence */
    long    msbPathTable1;          /* mandatory occurrence */
    long    msbPathTable2;          /* optional occurrence */
    char    rootDirectoryRecord[34];
    char    volumeSetIdentifier[128];
    char    publisherIdentifier[128];
    char    dataPreparerIdentifier[128];
    char    applicationIdentifier[128];
    char    copyrightFileIdentifier[37];
    char    abstractFileIdentifier[37];
    char    bibliographicFileIdentifier[37];
    char    volumeCreation[17];
    char    volumeModification[17];
    char    volumeExpiration[17];
    char    volumeEffective[17];
    char    FileStructureStandardVersion;
    char    Reserved4;              /* Must be 0's */
    char    ApplicationUse[512];
    char    FutureStandardization[653];
} PVD, *PVDPtr;
 * Path Table
typedef char    dirIDArray[8];
typedef struct
    byte    len_di;         /* length of directory identifier */
    byte    XARlength;  /* Extended Attribute Record Length */
    long    dirLocation;    /* 1st logical block where directory is stored */
    short   parentDN;       /* parent directory number */
    dirIDArray  dirID;      /* directory identifier: actual length is
                             *  9 - [8+Len_di]; there is an extra blank
                             *  byte if Len_di is odd.
} PathTableRecord, *PathTableRecordPtr;
 * Directory Record
 *  There exists one of these for each file in the directory.
typedef struct
    char    macFlag[2];     /* $42 $41 - 'BA' famous value */
    byte    systemUseID;    /* 06 = HFS */
    byte    fileType[4];    /* such as 'TEXT' or 'STAK' */
    byte    fileCreator[4]; /* such as 'hscd' or 'WILD' */
    byte    finderFlags[2];
} OldAppleExtension;
typedef struct
    char    signature[2];       /* $41 $41 - 'AA' famous value */
    byte    extensionLength;    /* $0E for this ID */
    byte    systemUseID;    /* 02 = HFS */
    byte    fileType[4];    /* such as 'TEXT' or 'STAK' */
    byte    fileCreator[4]; /* such as 'hscd' or 'WILD' */
    byte    finderFlags[2];
} AppleExtension;
typedef struct
    byte    len_dr;             /* directory record length */
    byte    XARlength;          /* Extended Attribute Record Length */
    long    lsbStart;
    long    msbStart;           /* 1st logical block where file starts */
    long    lsbDataLength;
    long    msbDataLength;
    byte    year;               /* since 1900 */
    byte    month;
    byte    day;
    byte    hour;
    byte    minute;
    byte    second;
    byte    gmtOffset;
    byte    fileFlags;
    byte    interleaveSize;
    byte    interleaveSkip;
    short   lsbVolSetSeqNum;
    short   msbVolSetSeqNum;    /* which volume in volume set contains this file. */
    byte    len_fi;             /* length of file identifier which follows */
    char    fi[37];             /* file identifier: actual is 37-[36+Len_fi].
                                    contains extra blank byte if Len_fi odd */
    AppleExtension  apple;      /* this actually fits immediately after the fi[] */
                                /* field, or after its padding byte. */
} DirRcd, *DirRcdPtr;