
    File:       ApplicationPrivate.h
    Contains:   QuickTime 3.0 Offscreen sample application.
    Written by: Scott Kuechle
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
    Change History (most recent first):
       <1>      4/24/98     srk     first file
    /* private data held in each child movie window */
typedef struct
    Movie           movie;              /* movie associated with the window */
    short           refNum;             /* movie reference number */
    TimeValue       currentTime;        /* current time value for movie display */
    LPRGBQUAD       srcRgbQuadArray;    /* rbg color values for our window background bitmap */
    HPALETTE        hBackgroundPalette; /* color palette for our window background */
    HBITMAP         hBitmap;            /* the DIB (from CreateDIBSection) for use with our memory device context */
    HANDLE          hBkgrndBitmap;      /* bitmap used to paint on the background of our windows */
    HANDLE          ghInst;
    HDC             hMemDC;             /* memory device context we use for drawing our bitmap/offscreen images */
    GWorldPtr       offscreenGWorld;    /* our Mac offscreen */
    LONG            maxWindowWidth;
    LONG            maxWindowHeight;
} ChildWindowRecord, *ChildWindowPtr;