
//  File:       QT3DTween.c
//  Contains:   QuickDraw 3D tweening support for QuickTime movies.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              based largely on 3DTween code by Scott Kuechle (Apple Developer Technical Support),
//              which was based on the 3DMF2AnimatedCameraMovie sample code in the QuickTime 2.5 SDK.
//  Copyright:  © 1997-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <7>      03/17/00    rtm     made changes to get things running under CarbonLib
//     <6>      09/30/98    rtm     tweaked call to AddMovieResource to create single-fork movies
//     <5>      05/29/98    rtm     changed ID of kTween3dInitialCondition atom to 1; this makes
//                                  the rotation tweening work correctly now
//     <4>      12/05/97    rtm     added rotation tween entry support; revised menus accordingly
//     <3>      12/04/97    rtm     finished Windows version
//     <2>      11/26/97    rtm     finished Mac version
//     <1>      11/24/97    rtm     first file; revised to personal coding style
// This sample shows how to create a QuickTime movie that "animates" a 3D object. It does this
// by storing tweening information in a special tween media track. The same techniques can be used
// to dynamically alter other QuickTime movie tracks (such as sound tracks) by adding tween tracks
// to a movie.
// *** (1) ***
// For complete information on creating tween media tracks, see the chapter "Tween Media Handler Components"
// in the QuickTime 2.5 or 3.0 Developers Guide.
// TO DO:
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <FixMath.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include "QT3DTween.h"
// global variables
// these variables determine what kind of tween data we add to the movie
Boolean             gAddCameraTweenData = false;        // do we add camera tween data?
Boolean             gAddRotationTweenData = false;      // do we add rotation tween data?
// QT3DTween_Get3DMFFileAliasAndSize
// Have the user select a 3DMF file; return an alias to, and the size of, that file.
OSErr QT3DTween_Get3DMFFileAliasAndSize (Handle *theAlias, long *theSize)
    OSType                      myTypeList[] = {kQTFileType3DMF};
    short                       myNumTypes = 1;
    FSSpec                      myFSSpec;
    short                       myRefNum = 0;
    AliasHandle                 myAlias = NULL;
    QTFrameFileFilterUPP        myFileFilterUPP = NULL;
    OSErr                       myErr = userCanceledErr;
    myNumTypes = 0;
    myFileFilterUPP = QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP((ProcPtr)QT3DTween_FilterFiles);
    myErr = QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview(myNumTypes, (QTFrameTypeListPtr)myTypeList, &myFSSpec, myFileFilterUPP);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // determine the size of the data in the 3DMF file
    myErr = FSpOpenDF(&myFSSpec, fsRdPerm, &myRefNum);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = GetEOF(myRefNum, theSize);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // make an alias to the 3DMF file (QuickTime calls this a "data reference")
    myErr = NewAliasMinimal(&myFSSpec, &myAlias);
    if (myFileFilterUPP != NULL)
    if (myRefNum != 0)
        myErr = FSClose(myRefNum);
    *theAlias = (Handle)myAlias;
// QT3DTween_GetFinalCameraData
// Fill in a TQ3CameraData structure with the ending camera data.
// This data will eventually be written to the movie file as sample data,
// so we need to make sure the data is returned in big-endian format.
void QT3DTween_GetFinalCameraData (TQ3CameraData *theCameraData)
    TQ3Point3D      myCameraFrom    = {0.0, 0.0, 40.0};
    TQ3Point3D      myCameraTo      = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
    TQ3Vector3D     myCameraUp      = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0};
    // set the camera data
    theCameraData->placement.cameraLocation     = myCameraFrom;
    theCameraData->placement.pointOfInterest    = myCameraTo;
    theCameraData->placement.upVector           = myCameraUp;
    // convert to proper endian format
    theCameraData->range.yon = 1000.0;
    theCameraData->range.hither = 0.001;
    // convert to proper endian format
    theCameraData->viewPort.origin.x = -1.0;
    theCameraData->viewPort.origin.y = 1.0;
    theCameraData->viewPort.width = 2.0;
    theCameraData->viewPort.height = 2.0;
    // convert to proper endian format
// QT3DTween_GetStartCameraData
// Fill in a TQ3CameraData structure with the starting tween data.
// This data will eventually be written to the movie file as sample data,
// so we need to make sure the data is returned in big-endian format.
void QT3DTween_GetStartCameraData (TQ3CameraData *theCameraData)
    TQ3Point3D      myCameraFrom    = {0.0, 0.0, 40.0};
    // reset the original camera location
    theCameraData->placement.cameraLocation = myCameraFrom;
    // set the initial placement of camera
    theCameraData->placement.cameraLocation.x *= k3DPlacementFactor;
    theCameraData->placement.cameraLocation.y *= k3DPlacementFactor;
    theCameraData->placement.cameraLocation.z *= k3DPlacementFactor;
    // convert to proper endian format
// QT3DTween_CreateTweenMovie
// Create a movie containing a 3D track and a tween track.
// To create a tween movie, we need to create a movie containing two tracks, a 3D data track
// and a tween media track. The 3D data track is straightforward: it contains a media sample
// that references a 3DMF file.
// The tween media track contains one or more tween media samples. A tween media sample is a
// QTAtomContainer that contains one or more kTweenEntry atoms. Each atom defines a separate
// tweening operation.
// Once we've created the 3D track and the tween track, we need to link the two tracks by in-
// serting a reference from the tween track to the 3D track. We also need to update the input
// map of the 3D track, to indicate how it should interpret the data received from the tween
// track. An input map is a QTAtomContainer that contains a kTrackModifierInput atom, which in 
// turn contains two leaf atoms, one atom of type kTrackModifierType and another atom of type
// kInputMapSubInputID.
OSErr QT3DTween_CreateTweenMovie (void)
    Handle                      myHandle = NULL;
    ThreeDeeDescriptionHandle   mySampleDesc = NULL;
    short                       myResRefNum = 0;
    short                       myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
    Movie                       myMovie = NULL;
    Track                       my3DTrack, myTweenTrack;
    Media                       my3DMedia, myTweenMedia;
    FSSpec                      myFile;
    Boolean                     myIsSelected = false;
    Boolean                     myIsReplacing = false;  
    StringPtr                   myPrompt = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(k3DTweenSavePrompt);
    StringPtr                   myFileName = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(k3DTweenSaveMovieFileName);
    QTAtomContainer             mySample = NULL;
    QTAtomContainer             myInputMap = NULL;
    QTAtom                      myAtom = 0;
    QTAtom                      myInputAtom = 0;
    TQ3CameraData               myCameraData;
    TQ3RotateTransformData      myRotateData;
    long                        mySize;
    long                        myRefIndex;
    long                        myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
    OSErr                       myErr = noErr;
    // create the 3D track and media, which contains a reference to the model (in 3DMF format)
    // get an alias to a 3DMF file, as well as the size of the data in that file
    myErr = QT3DTween_Get3DMFFileAliasAndSize(&myHandle, &mySize);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // prompt user for the destination file name
    QTFrame_PutFile(myPrompt, myFileName, &myFile, &myIsSelected, &myIsReplacing);
    if (!myIsSelected)
        goto bail;
    // create a movie file for the destination movie
    myErr = CreateMovieFile(&myFile, FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'), smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myMovie);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // create the 3D track and media
    my3DTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, k3DMovieWidth, k3DMovieHeight, kNoVolume);
    my3DMedia = NewTrackMedia(my3DTrack, ThreeDeeMediaType, k3DTimeScale, myHandle, rAliasType);
    // create the sample description
    mySampleDesc = (ThreeDeeDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(ThreeDeeDescription));
    if (mySampleDesc == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // fill in the fields of the sample description;
    // by zeroing out the structure when we created it, we get default values for all the fields;
    // (if you have non-zero values in any fields following the dataRefIndex field, make sure you
    // convert your data to big-endian format)
    (**mySampleDesc).descSize = sizeof(ThreeDeeDescription);
    // add the 3DMF data reference as a sample to the media
    myErr = AddMediaSampleReference(my3DMedia, 0, (unsigned long)mySize, k3DDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, 1, 0, NULL);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // insert the 3D media into the track
    myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(my3DTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(my3DMedia), fixed1);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // dispose of some things we no longer need
    myHandle = NULL;
    mySampleDesc = NULL;
    // create the tween track and media, and a sample to contain the tween data
    // NOTE: we can add as many tween entries to the tween sample as we like;
    // for present purposes, we'll illustrate adding (1) some camera tweening data and
    // (2) some object rotation tweening data.
    // create the tween track and media
    myTweenTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, 0, 0, kNoVolume);
    myTweenMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTweenTrack, TweenMediaType, k3DTimeScale, NULL, 0);
    // create a new sample; this sample will hold the tween data
    myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&mySample);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    if (gAddCameraTweenData) {
        // add some camera tweening data to the tween media sample
        // get the camera data for the final frame
        // make a tween entry for that data;
        // a tween entry is a parent atom that contains leaf atoms describing the tweening operation
        myErr = QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToSample(mySample, k3DCameraTweenID, kTweenType3dCameraData, &myCameraData, sizeof(myCameraData));
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // get the camera data for the start frame
        // add the initial tween data to the sample
        myErr = QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryInitialConditions(mySample, k3DCameraTweenID, &myCameraData, sizeof(myCameraData));
        // if you want to add other atoms to the tween entry, you can do it here;
        // for instance, you can use the following lines to make the duration of the tweening operation
        // different from the duration of the sample:
        //  {
        //      TimeValue       myDuration;
        //      myDuration = 1000;
        //      myErr = QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryDuration(mySample, k3DCameraTweenID, myDuration);
        //      if (myErr != noErr)
        //          goto bail;
        //  }
    } // if (gAddCameraTweenData)
    if (gAddRotationTweenData) {
        // add some object rotation data to the tween media sample
        // get the rotation data for the final frame
        myRotateData.axis = (TQ3Axis)EndianU32_NtoB(kQ3AxisY);
        myRotateData.radians = 2 * 3.14159;
        myErr = QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToSample(mySample, k3DRotationTweenID, kTweenType3dRotate, &myRotateData, sizeof(myRotateData));
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // get the rotation data for the start frame
        myRotateData.axis = (TQ3Axis)EndianU32_NtoB(kQ3AxisY);
        myRotateData.radians = 0.0;
        myErr = QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryInitialConditions(mySample, k3DRotationTweenID, &myRotateData, sizeof(myRotateData));
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
    } // if (gAddRotationTweenData)
    // create the sample description
    mySampleDesc = (ThreeDeeDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SampleDescription));
    if (mySampleDesc == NULL)
        goto bail;
    (**mySampleDesc).descSize = sizeof(SampleDescription);
    // add the tween sample to the media
    myErr = AddMediaSample(myTweenMedia, mySample, 0, GetHandleSize(mySample), k3DDuration, (SampleDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, 1, 0, NULL);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // add the media to the track
    InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTweenTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myTweenMedia), fixed1);
    // dispose of some things we no longer need
    mySample = NULL;
    mySampleDesc = NULL;
    // create a link between the 3D track and the tween track, and update the 3D track's input map
    // first, create a new atom container
    myErr = QTNewAtomContainer(&myInputMap);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // for *each* tween entry in the tween media sample,    
    // create a link between the 3D track and the tween track, and add an entry to the input map
    if (gAddCameraTweenData) {
        myErr = AddTrackReference(my3DTrack, myTweenTrack, kTrackModifierReference, &myRefIndex);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myErr = QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToInputMap(myInputMap, myRefIndex, k3DCameraTweenID, kTrackModifierCameraData, NULL);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
    if (gAddRotationTweenData) {
        myErr = AddTrackReference(my3DTrack, myTweenTrack, kTrackModifierReference, &myRefIndex);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myErr = QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToInputMap(myInputMap, myRefIndex, k3DRotationTweenID, kTrackModifierType3d4x4Matrix, NULL);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
    // attach the input map to the 3D media handler
    myErr = SetMediaInputMap(my3DMedia, myInputMap);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // dispose of the input map
    myInputMap = NULL;
    // finish up
    // add the movie resource to the movie file
    myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL);
    if (mySample != NULL)
    if (myInputMap != NULL)
    if (mySampleDesc != NULL)
    if (myResRefNum != 0)
    if (myHandle != NULL)
    if (myMovie != NULL)
// Tween utilities.
// Use these functions add tween entries to samples or to add attributes to tween entries.
// QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToSample
// Add a tween entry to the specified sample.
// A tween entry defines a set of values for a single tweening operation. A tween entry is a parent atom
// whose children define the tween data type, the tween data, and additional attributes of the operation.
// The data specified in the theData parameter is assumed to be in big-endian format.
OSErr QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToSample (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, QTAtomType theType, void *theData, long theDataSize)
    QTAtom              myAtom;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // create an entry for this tween in the sample
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kTweenEntry, theID, 0, 0, NULL, &myAtom);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // set the type of this tween entry
    // a kTweenEntry atom can contain only one kTweenType atom, whose ID and index must be 1
    theType = EndianU32_NtoB(theType);
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, myAtom, kTweenType, 1, 0, sizeof(theType), &theType, NULL);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // set the data for this tween entry
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, myAtom, kTweenData, 1, 0, theDataSize, theData, NULL);
// QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToInputMap
// Add a tween entry to the specified input map.
OSErr QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToInputMap (QTAtomContainer theInputMap, long theRefIndex, long theID, OSType theType, char *theName)
    QTAtom              myInputAtom;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // add an entry to the input map
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theInputMap, kParentAtomIsContainer, kTrackModifierInput, theRefIndex, 0, 0, NULL, &myInputAtom);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // add two child atoms to the parent atom;
    // these atoms define the type of the modifier input and the ID of the tween entry atom
    theType = EndianU32_NtoB(theType);
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theInputMap, myInputAtom, kTrackModifierType, 1, 0, sizeof(OSType), &theType, NULL);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    theID = EndianU32_NtoB(theID);
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theInputMap, myInputAtom, kInputMapSubInputID, 1, 0, sizeof(long), &theID, NULL);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // set the name of the input atom
    if (theName != NULL) {
        long        myLength = 1;
        Ptr         myPtr = theName;
        UInt16      *myShort;
        // determine the length of the name string
        while (*myPtr++)
        // convert the name string to the proper endian format
        myPtr = theName;
        while (*myPtr) {
            myShort = (UInt16 *)myPtr;
            *myPtr = EndianU16_NtoB(*myShort);
            myPtr = myPtr + 2;  // point to next word
        myErr = QTInsertChild(theInputMap, myInputAtom, kTrackModifierInputName, 1, 0, myLength, theName, NULL);
// QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryInitialConditions
// Set the initial conditions of the specified tween entry.
OSErr QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryInitialConditions (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, void *theData, long theDataSize)
    QTAtom              myAtom;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // find the tween entry with the specified ID
    myAtom = QTFindChildByID(theSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kTweenEntry, theID, NULL);
    if (myAtom == 0)
    // add in the initial conditions data;
    // a kTweenEntry atom can contain only one kTween3dInitialCondition atom, whose ID and index must be 1
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, myAtom, kTween3dInitialCondition, 1, 0, theDataSize, theData, NULL);
// QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryDuration
// Set the duration of the specified tween entry.
OSErr QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryDuration (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, TimeValue theDuration)
    QTAtom              myAtom;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // find the tween entry with the specified ID
    myAtom = QTFindChildByID(theSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kTweenEntry, theID, NULL);
    if (myAtom == 0)
    // add in the duration
    theDuration = EndianS32_NtoB(theDuration);
    // a kTweenEntry atom can contain only one kTweenDuration atom, whose ID and index must be 1
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, myAtom, kTweenDuration, 1, 0, sizeof(TimeValue), &theDuration, NULL);
// QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryStartOffset
// Set the starting offset of the specified tween entry.
OSErr QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryStartOffset (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, TimeValue theOffset)
    QTAtom              myAtom;
    OSErr               myErr = noErr;
    // find the tween entry with the specified ID
    myAtom = QTFindChildByID(theSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kTweenEntry, theID, NULL);
    if (myAtom == 0)
    // add in the starting offset
    // a kTweenEntry atom can contain only one kTweenStartOffset atom, whose ID and index must be 1
    theOffset = EndianS32_NtoB(theOffset);
    myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, myAtom, kTweenStartOffset, 1, 0, sizeof(TimeValue), &theOffset, NULL);
// QT3DTween_ConvertFloatToBigEndian
// Convert the specified floating-point number to big-endian format.
void QT3DTween_ConvertFloatToBigEndian (float *theFloat)
    unsigned long       *myLongPtr;
    myLongPtr = (unsigned long *)theFloat;
    *myLongPtr = EndianU32_NtoB(*myLongPtr);
// QT3DTween_FilterFiles
// Filter files for a file-opening dialog box.
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QT3DTween_FilterFiles (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode)
#pragma unused(theCallBackUD, theFilterMode)
    NavFileOrFolderInfo     *myInfo = (NavFileOrFolderInfo *)theInfo;
    if (theItem->descriptorType == typeFSS) {
        if (!myInfo->isFolder) {
            OSType          myType = myInfo->fileAndFolder.fileInfo.finderInfo.fdType;
            if (myType == kQTFileType3DMF)
            // if we got to here, it's a file we cannot open
    // if we got to here, it's a folder or non-HFS object
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QT3DTween_FilterFiles (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr)
#pragma unused(thePBPtr)