
//  File:       QT3DTween.h
//  Contains:   QuickDraw 3D tweening support for QuickTime movies.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              based largely on 3DTween code by Scott Kuechle (Apple Developer Technical Support),
//              which was based on the 3DMF2AnimatedCameraMovie sample code in the QuickTime 2.5 SDK.
//  Copyright:  © 1997-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      24/11/97    rtm     first file
#include "ComApplication.h"
#include <QD3D.h>
#include <QD3DCamera.h>
#include <QD3DTransform.h>
#include "MacFramework.h"
#include "WinFramework.h"
#define k3DPlacementFactor              10.0            // how far away is the initial placement of the camera?
#define k3DMovieWidth                   320<<16
#define k3DMovieHeight                  240<<16
#define k3DTimeScale                    1000
#define k3DDuration                     5000
#define k3DTweenSavePrompt              "Save New 3DTween Movie As:"
#define k3DTweenSaveMovieFileName       "3DTweenMovie.mov"
// IDs for the various tween entries we want to use
#define k3DCameraTweenID                1
#define k3DRotationTweenID              2
#define k3DMatrixTweenID                3
// function prototypes
OSErr                       QT3DTween_Get3DMFFileAliasAndSize (Handle *theAlias, long *theSize);
void                        QT3DTween_GetFinalCameraData (TQ3CameraData *theCameraData);
void                        QT3DTween_GetStartCameraData (TQ3CameraData *theCameraData);
OSErr                       QT3DTween_CreateTweenMovie (void);
OSErr                       QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToSample (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, QTAtomType theType, void *theData, long theDataSize);
OSErr                       QT3DTween_AddTweenEntryToInputMap (QTAtomContainer theInputMap, long theRefIndex, long theID, OSType theType, char *theName);
OSErr                       QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryInitialConditions (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, void *theData, long theDataSize);
OSErr                       QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryDuration (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, TimeValue theDuration);
OSErr                       QT3DTween_SetTweenEntryStartOffset (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomID theID, TimeValue theOffset);
void                        QT3DTween_ConvertFloatToBigEndian (float *theFloat);
PASCAL_RTN Boolean          QT3DTween_FilterFiles (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode);
PASCAL_RTN Boolean          QT3DTween_FilterFiles (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr);