Common Files/EndianUtilities.c

//  File:       EndianUtilities.c
//  Contains:   Utilities for managing the endian differences between operating systems.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Based on existing endian functions by various QT engineers.
//  Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      03/27/98    rtm     first file
#include "EndianUtilities.h"
// EndianUtils_FlipImageDescription
// Convert an image description to big- or native-endian format.
static void EndianUtils_FlipImageDescription (Boolean theNtoB, ImageDescriptionHandle theIDH)
    (**theIDH).idSize           = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).idSize);
    (**theIDH).cType            = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).cType);
    (**theIDH).resvd1           = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).resvd1);
    (**theIDH).resvd2           = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).resvd2);
    (**theIDH).dataRefIndex     = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).dataRefIndex);
    (**theIDH).version          = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).version);
    (**theIDH).revisionLevel    = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).revisionLevel);
    (**theIDH).vendor           = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).vendor);
    (**theIDH).temporalQuality  = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).temporalQuality);
    (**theIDH).spatialQuality   = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).spatialQuality);
    (**theIDH).width            = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).width);
    (**theIDH).height           = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).height);
    (**theIDH).hRes             = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).hRes);
    (**theIDH).vRes             = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).vRes);
    (**theIDH).dataSize         = EndianU32_NtoB((**theIDH).dataSize);
    (**theIDH).frameCount       = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).frameCount);
    (**theIDH).depth            = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).depth);
    (**theIDH).clutID           = EndianU16_NtoB((**theIDH).clutID);
    if ((**theIDH).clutID == 0 ) {
        ImDesc  **myHandle = (ImDesc **)theIDH;
        short   i;
        // make sure there really is a color table following the image description
        if (GetHandleSize((Handle)theIDH) == sizeof(ImageDescription)) {
            (**theIDH).clutID = -1;
        } else {
            short   ctSize = (**myHandle).ct.ctSize;
            if (!theNtoB)                   // not already native endian
                ctSize = EndianS16_NtoB(ctSize);
            (**myHandle).ct.ctSeed      = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctSeed);
            (**myHandle).ct.ctSize      = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctSize);
            (**myHandle).ct.ctFlags     = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctFlags);
            for (i = 0; i < ctSize + 1; i++) {
                (**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i].value        = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i].value);
                (**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i]      = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i];
                (**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i]    = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i];
                (**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i]     = EndianU16_NtoB((**myHandle).ct.ctTable[i];
// EndianUtils_ImageDescription_NtoB
// Convert an image description to big-endian format.
void EndianUtils_ImageDescription_NtoB (ImageDescriptionHandle theIDH)
    EndianUtils_FlipImageDescription(kNtoB, theIDH);
// EndianUtils_ImageDescription_BtoN
// Convert an image description from big- to native-endian format.
void EndianUtils_ImageDescription_BtoN (ImageDescriptionHandle theIDH)
    EndianUtils_FlipImageDescription(kBtoN, theIDH);
// EndianUtils_MatrixRecord_NtoB
// Convert a matrix record to big-endian format.
void EndianUtils_MatrixRecord_NtoB (MatrixRecord *theMatrix)
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
            theMatrix->matrix[j][i] = EndianS32_NtoB(theMatrix->matrix[j][i]);
// EndianUtils_RgnHandle_NtoB
// Convert a region handle to big-endian format.
// We know that a region consists of a size, followed by a Rect, followed possibly by a stream of SInt16s,
// so we can just flip size of region/sizeof(SInt16) SInt16s from native- to big-endian format.
void EndianUtils_RgnHandle_NtoB (RgnHandle theRgn)
    short           mySize;
    SInt16          *mySInt16Ptr;
    if (theRgn && *theRgn) {
        mySize = (**((short **)theRgn))/2;
        for (mySInt16Ptr = (SInt16*)*theRgn; mySize > 0; mySize--, mySInt16Ptr++) 
            *mySInt16Ptr = EndianU16_NtoB(*mySInt16Ptr);
// EndianUtils_Float_NtoB
// Convert a floating-point value to big-endian format.
void EndianUtils_Float_NtoB (float *theFloat)
    unsigned long   *myLongPtr;
    myLongPtr = (unsigned long *)theFloat;
    *myLongPtr = EndianU32_NtoB(*myLongPtr);