Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Relevant replacement documents include:
Common Files/ComFramework.h
////////// |
// |
// File: ComFramework.h |
// |
// Contains: Code for the QuickTime sample code framework that is common to both Macintosh and Windows. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based on the QTShell code written by Tim Monroe, which in turn was based on the MovieShell |
// code written by Kent Sandvik (Apple DTS). This current version is now very far removed from |
// MovieShell. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <2> 01/14/00 rtm added fGraphicsImporter field to window object record |
// <1> 11/05/99 rtm first file |
// |
////////// |
#pragma once |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#ifndef __Prefix_File__ |
#include <WinPrefix.h> |
#endif |
#include <ControlDefinitions.h> |
#endif |
#include <FileTypesAndCreators.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MENUS__ |
#include <Menus.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MOVIES__ |
#include <Movies.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __NAVIGATION__ |
#include <Navigation.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QUICKTIMEVR__ |
#include <QuickTimeVR.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __RESOURCES__ |
#include <Resources.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __SOUND__ |
#include <Sound.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef _STRING_H |
#include <string.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TEXTUTILS__ |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QTUtilities__ |
#include "QTUtilities.h" |
#endif |
#include "ComResource.h" |
#ifndef __QTML__ |
#include <QTML.h> |
#endif |
#include <shlobj.h> // for SHAddToRecentDocs |
#endif |
// revert to older names, to keep the linker happy |
#if TARGET_CPU_68K |
#define EnableMenuItem EnableItem |
#define DisableMenuItem DisableItem |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// constants |
// |
////////// |
#define kInvalidFileRefNum -1 // an invalid file reference number |
#define kDefaultFileTypeCount 100 // a generous guess at the number of file types we can open |
// constants for selecting InitApplication phase |
enum { |
kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow = 1L << 0, // MDI frame window is not yet created |
kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow = 1L << 1, // MDI frame window is already created |
kInitAppPhase_BothPhases = kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow | kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow |
}; |
// constants for selecting StopApplication phase |
enum { |
kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows = 1L << 0, // movie windows are not yet torn down |
kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows = 1L << 1, // movie windows are already torn down |
kStopAppPhase_BothPhases = kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows | kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows |
}; |
enum { |
kApplicationSignature = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('QTsh') |
}; |
// parameters to the SetMenuItemState function |
#define kEnableMenuItem 0x00000000L |
#define kDisableMenuItem 0x00000001L |
#endif |
#define kEnableMenuItem MF_ENABLED |
#define kDisableMenuItem MF_GRAYED |
#endif |
// constants for standard modal dialog filter proc |
#define kMyButtonDelay 8 |
#define kReturnKey (char)0x0D |
#define kEnterKey (char)0x03 |
#define kEscapeKey (char)0x1B |
#define kPeriod '.' |
// items in Save Changes dialog box |
#define kSaveChanges 1 // save the changes before closing window |
#define kCancelClose 2 // no, don't close the window or save changes |
#define kDontSaveChanges 3 // discard any unsaved changes |
#define kOKButtonUserItem 4 |
#endif |
#define kSaveChanges IDYES // save the changes before closing window |
#define kCancelClose IDCANCEL // no, don't close the window or save changes |
#define kDontSaveChanges IDNO // discard any unsaved changes |
#endif |
// default name of a movie created by "New" menu command |
#define kNewMovieName "" |
#endif |
#define kNewMovieName "C:\\" |
#endif |
// default window positions |
#ifndef kDefaultWindowX |
#define kDefaultWindowX 100 |
#endif |
#ifndef kDefaultWindowY |
#define kDefaultWindowY 100 |
#endif |
// accelerators for Windows Edit menu items |
#define kWinUndoAccelerator "\tCtrl+Z" |
#define kWinPasteAccelerator "\tCtrl+V" |
#define kWinClearAccelerator "\tDel" |
#define kAmpersandText "&" |
///////// |
// |
// macros |
// |
////////// |
// macros for converting Mac menu ID/menu item pairs into a single "menu item identifier" |
#define MENU_IDENTIFIER(menuID,menuItem) ((menuID<<8)+(menuItem)) |
#define MENU_ID(menuIdentifier) ((menuIdentifier&0xff00)>>8) |
#define MENU_ITEM(menuIdentifier) ((menuIdentifier&0x00ff)) |
////////// |
// |
// data types |
// |
////////// |
typedef const OSType * QTFrameTypeListPtr; |
typedef MenuHandle MenuReference; |
typedef WindowPtr WindowReference; |
typedef NavObjectFilterUPP QTFrameFileFilterUPP; |
#endif |
typedef HMENU MenuReference; |
typedef HWND WindowReference; |
typedef FileFilterUPP QTFrameFileFilterUPP; |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// structures |
// |
////////// |
// WindowObjectRecord is a data structure attached to a movie window. |
// We use this structure to associate data with any window presented. |
// If you have application-specific data that you want associated with |
// a movie or movie window, use the fAppData field to hold a handle to |
// that data. |
typedef struct { |
WindowReference fWindow; // the window |
Movie fMovie; // the movie |
MovieController fController; // the movie controller |
GraphicsImportComponent fGraphicsImporter; // the graphics import component (if an image file) |
FSSpec fFileFSSpec; // location of the movie file |
short fFileResID; // the resource ID that the movie was loaded from |
short fFileRefNum; // the file reference number for the movie file |
Boolean fCanResizeWindow; // can the window be resized? |
Boolean fIsDirty; // has the movie data changed since the last save? |
Boolean fIsQTVRMovie; // is this a QuickTime VR movie? |
QTVRInstance fInstance; // the QTVRInstance, if it's a QuickTime VR movie |
OSType fObjectType; // a tag indicating that the window object belongs to our application |
Handle fAppData; // a handle to application-specific window data |
} WindowObjectRecord, *WindowObjectPtr, **WindowObject; |
////////// |
// |
// function prototypes |
// |
////////// |
// the following functions are defined in MacFramework.c and/or WinFramework.c |
void QTFrame_QuitFramework (void); |
WindowReference QTFrame_CreateMovieWindow (void); |
void QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_ShowAboutBox (void); |
void QTFrame_GetDisplayName (char *thePathName, char *theDispName); |
// the following functions are defined in ComFramework.c |
void QTFrame_HandleFileMenuItem (WindowReference theWindow, UInt16 theMenuItem); |
void QTFrame_HandleEditMenuItem (WindowReference theWindow, UInt16 theMenuItem); |
int QTFrame_AdjustMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu, long theModifiers); |
Boolean QTFrame_CreateNewMovie (void); |
Boolean QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theFSSpec); |
MovieController QTFrame_SetupController (Movie theMovie, WindowReference theWindow, Boolean theMoveWindow); |
OSErr QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile (WindowReference theWindow); |
Boolean QTFrame_UpdateMovieFile (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows (void); |
void QTFrame_CloseMovieWindows (void); |
void QTFrame_CreateWindowObject (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_CloseWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetFrontAppWindow (void); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow (void); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowObject QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow (void); |
WindowObject QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow (WindowReference theWnd); |
MovieController QTFrame_GetMCFromFrontWindow (void); |
MovieController QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
QTVRInstance QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromFrontWindow (void); |
QTVRInstance QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromFrontWindow (void); |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindow (WindowReference theWnd); |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsWindowObjectOurs (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsAppWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsImageWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_ActivateController (WindowReference theWindow, Boolean IsActive); |
void QTFrame_Beep (void); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuRank, short theState); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, short theState); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemLabel (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, char *theText); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemCheck (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, Boolean theState); |
GrafPtr QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetWindowReferenceFromPort (GrafPtr thePort); |
WindowPtr QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetWindowReferenceFromWindow (WindowPtr theWindow); |
short QTFrame_GetWindowWidth (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_SetWindowTitleFromFSSpec (WindowReference theWindow, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, Boolean theAddToRecentDocs); |
void QTFrame_SizeWindowToMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
OSErr QTFrame_PutFile (ConstStr255Param thePrompt, ConstStr255Param theFileName, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, Boolean *theIsSelected, Boolean *theIsReplacing); |
OSErr QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview (short theNumTypes, QTFrameTypeListPtr theTypeList, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, void *theFilterProc); |
PASCAL_RTN void QTFrame_HandleNavEvent (NavEventCallbackMessage theCallBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr theCallBackParms, void *theCallBackUD); |
Handle QTFrame_CreateOpenHandle (OSType theApplicationSignature, short theNumTypes, QTFrameTypeListPtr theTypeList); |
QTFrameFileFilterUPP QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP (ProcPtr theFileFilterProc); |
OSErr QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList (void); |
static void QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes (OSType theComponentType, long *theNextIndex); |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTFrame_FilterFiles (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode); |
#endif |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTFrame_FilterFiles (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr); |
void QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinRect (Rect *theMacRect, RECT *theWinRect); |
void QTFrame_ConvertWinToMacRect (RECT *theWinRect, Rect *theMacRect); |
void QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinMenuItemLabel (MovieController theMC, MenuReference theWinMenu, long theModifiers, UInt16 theMenuItem); |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// application-specific function prototypes |
// |
// These are defined in the file ComApplication.c; both MacFramework.c and WinFramework.c |
// call these functions at specific times; you can use them to customize a specific application. |
// |
////////// |
void QTApp_Init (UInt32 theStartPhase); |
void QTApp_Stop (UInt32 theStopPhase); |
void QTApp_Idle (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTApp_Draw (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTApp_HandleContentClick (WindowReference theWindow, EventRecord *theEvent); |
Boolean QTApp_HandleKeyPress (char theCharCode); |
Boolean QTApp_HandleMenu (UInt16 theMenuItem); |
void QTApp_AdjustMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu); |
Boolean QTApp_HandleEvent (EventRecord *theEvent); |
void QTApp_SetupController (MovieController theMC); |
void QTApp_SetupWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void QTApp_RemoveWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTApp_MCActionFilterProc (MovieController theMC, short theAction, void *theParams, long theRefCon); |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14