CreateMovie sample version 1.0
CreateMovie is a sample application that demonstrates how to use the QuickTime APIs
to create a very simple QuickTime movie with both a video track and a sound track.
CreateMovie is based largely on the sample code included in Inside Macintosh:QuickTime,
starting with pg. 2-45. The user is first asked to specify a location on disk to create the new movie.
A new movie is then created using CreateMovieFile function. Next, video & sound tracks
are added with NewMovieTrack. Media for the sound & video tracks are added with the
NewTrackMedia, BeginMediaEdits, EndMediaEdits sequence of calls. The video track media
is created by drawing a string and color background into an offscreen GWorld. The sound
track media is copied from a standard macintosh 'snd ' resource included in the application file.
Because the code relies on the presence of a 'snd ' resource in the application file,
under Windows 95/NT we must use the QuickTime 3.0 RezWack utility to embed the 'snd ' resource
into the application file (details below).
The code contains rather limited error checking. It's up to you to add the appropriate error-handling routines.
   - Included is a Metrowerks project file. The application will run on any system with QuickTime 2.5
   or better installed.
Windows 95/NT
   - Included is a Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 makefile. The application will run on any system with QuickTime 3.0
   or better installed. Note once the program is built using the Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 build environment,
   we must embed the 'snd ' resource into the application executable file (xxx.exe) using the QuickTime 3.0
   RezWack utility. Here's how it's done:
   1) build the application normally using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2. The result is an executable file named
   2) copy the executable file "CreateMovie.exe" to the root level of the project (i.e. the *same* directory
   as the files "MyRezWack.bat" , "RezWack.exe" and "SoundResources").
   3) launch the DOS console application "MyRezWack.bat". This console application will use the QuickTime 3.0
   RezWack utility to embed the 'snd ' resource (read from the "SoundResources" file) into a new executable
   titled "CreateAMovie.exe". Launch the "CreateAMovie.exe" file and you are off and running.
Launch the application, and at the prompt, specify a location to create the new movie file. A new movie file
is created, and the application quits. Open the movie with any Quicktime movie-savvy application such as MoviePlayer.
QuickTime Team