Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
CreateMovie sample version 1.0 |
6/26/98 |
CreateMovie is a sample application that demonstrates how to use the QuickTime APIs |
to create a very simple QuickTime movie with both a video track and a sound track. |
CreateMovie is based largely on the sample code included in Inside Macintosh:QuickTime, |
starting with pg. 2-45. The user is first asked to specify a location on disk to create the new movie. |
A new movie is then created using CreateMovieFile function. Next, video & sound tracks |
are added with NewMovieTrack. Media for the sound & video tracks are added with the |
NewTrackMedia, BeginMediaEdits, EndMediaEdits sequence of calls. The video track media |
is created by drawing a string and color background into an offscreen GWorld. The sound |
track media is copied from a standard macintosh 'snd ' resource included in the application file. |
Because the code relies on the presence of a 'snd ' resource in the application file, |
under Windows 95/NT we must use the QuickTime 3.0 RezWack utility to embed the 'snd ' resource |
into the application file (details below). |
The code contains rather limited error checking. It's up to you to add the appropriate error-handling routines. |
Macintosh |
- Included is a Metrowerks project file. The application will run on any system with QuickTime 2.5 |
or better installed. |
Windows 95/NT |
- Included is a Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 makefile. The application will run on any system with QuickTime 3.0 |
or better installed. Note once the program is built using the Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 build environment, |
we must embed the 'snd ' resource into the application executable file (xxx.exe) using the QuickTime 3.0 |
RezWack utility. Here's how it's done: |
1) build the application normally using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2. The result is an executable file named |
"CreateMovie.exe". |
2) copy the executable file "CreateMovie.exe" to the root level of the project (i.e. the *same* directory |
as the files "MyRezWack.bat" , "RezWack.exe" and "SoundResources"). |
3) launch the DOS console application "MyRezWack.bat". This console application will use the QuickTime 3.0 |
RezWack utility to embed the 'snd ' resource (read from the "SoundResources" file) into a new executable |
titled "CreateAMovie.exe". Launch the "CreateAMovie.exe" file and you are off and running. |
Launch the application, and at the prompt, specify a location to create the new movie file. A new movie file |
is created, and the application quits. Open the movie with any Quicktime movie-savvy application such as MoviePlayer. |
Enjoy, |
QuickTime Team |
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