
//  File:       QTCustomButton.c
//  Contains:   Sample code for displaying and managing the custom button in the controller bar.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      11/25/99    rtm     first file
//  This code snippet shows one way to display a pop-up menu when the user clicks on the custom
//  button in the movie controller bar (just like the QuickTime web browser plug-in does for its
//  custom button). The basic idea is very simple: just call PopUpMenuSelect when the user clicks
//  the custom button. Before we do that, however, we need to obtain a MenuHandle to the desired
//  pop-up menu. Here we use NewMenu and MacAppendMenu to create the menu on the fly; we do this
//  mainly so that we don't need to drag a resource file around. A real application would just
//  call MacGetMenu to read the menu from its resource file.
//  Note that all menu-handling here uses the Macintosh Menu Manager APIs. This code executes
//  just fine on Windows, though.
// header files
#include "QTCustomButton.h"
#include "ComFramework.h"
// QTCustom_ShowCustomButton 
// Show the custom button in the controller bar.
void QTCustom_ShowCustomButton (MovieController theMC)
    long            myControllerFlags;
    MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &myControllerFlags);
    MCDoAction(theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)(myControllerFlags | mcFlagsUseCustomButton));
// QTCustom_HandleCustomButtonClick
// Handle a click on the custom button in the controller bar.
void QTCustom_HandleCustomButtonClick (MovieController theMC, EventRecord *theEvent, long theRefCon)
#pragma unused(theMC)
    MenuHandle          myMenu = NULL;
    WindowObject        myWindowObject = NULL;
    StringPtr           myMenuTitle = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kMenuTitle);
    StringPtr           myItem1Text = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kItem1Text);
    StringPtr           myItem2Text = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kItem2Text);
    StringPtr           myItem3Text = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kItem3Text);
    myWindowObject = (WindowObject)theRefCon;
    if (myWindowObject == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // make sure we got a valid event
    if (theEvent == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a new menu;
    // we do this programmatically (rather than using resources) to facilitate cross-platform deployment;
    // to read the menu from your resource file, use MacGetMenu instead of NewMenu
    myMenu = NewMenu(kCustomButtonMenuID, myMenuTitle);
    if (myMenu != NULL) {
        long            myItem = 0;
        Point           myPoint;
        // add some items to the menu
        MacAppendMenu(myMenu, myItem1Text);
        MacAppendMenu(myMenu, myItem2Text);
        MacAppendMenu(myMenu, myItem3Text);
        // insert the menu into the menu list
        MacInsertMenu(myMenu, hierMenu);
        // by default, MacAppendMenu enables the item; do any desired menu item disabling here
        if (!(**myWindowObject).fIsDirty)
            DisableMenuItem(myMenu, kSaveItemIndex);
        // find the location of the mouse click;
        // the top-left corner of the pop-up menu is anchored at this point
        myPoint = theEvent->where;
        // display the pop-up menu and handle the item selected
        myItem = PopUpMenuSelect(myMenu, myPoint.v, myPoint.h, myItem);
        switch (MENU_ITEM(myItem)) {
            case kItem1Index:
            case kItem2Index:
            case kItem3Index:
        // remove the menu from the menu list
        // dispose of the menu