Application Files/ComResource.h

//  File:       ComResource.h
//  Contains:   Resource definitions for the QuickTime sample code framework. 
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      11/08/99    rtm     first file
// menu IDs
// Windows accesses menu items with a single "menu item identifier", which is of type UINT.
// Macintosh accesses menu items with both a menu ID and a menu item index. To be able to 
// access menu items in a cross-platform manner, we will map the pair of numbers associated
// with a Macintosh menu item into a single "menu item identifier", using the MENU_IDENTIFIER
// macro defined in the file ComFramework.h. This means that the menu item identifiers that
// we use in our Windows code depend on the values we use for the menu ID and menu item indices
// in the Macintosh resource file.
// resource IDs for Macintosh menus
#define kMenuBarResID                   128
#define kAppleMenuResID                 128
#define kFileMenuResID                  129
#define kEditMenuResID                  130
#define kTestMenuResID                  131
#define kMovieMenuResID                 kTestMenuResID
// IDs for Apple menu items
#define kAboutMenuItem                  1
// IDs for File and Edit menus and menu items
#define IDS_FILEMENU                    33024   // ((kFileMenuResID<<8)+(0))
#define IDM_FILENEW                     33025
#define IDM_FILEOPEN                    33026
#define IDM_FILECLOSE                   33027
#define IDM_FILESAVE                    33028
#define IDM_FILESAVEAS                  33029
#define IDM_EXIT                        33031
#define IDS_EDITMENU                    33280   // ((kEditMenuResID<<8)+(0))
#define IDM_EDITUNDO                    33281
#define IDM_EDITCUT                     33283
#define IDM_EDITCOPY                    33284
#define IDM_EDITPASTE                   33285
#define IDM_EDITCLEAR                   33286
#define IDM_EDITSELECTALL               33288
#define IDM_EDITSELECTNONE              33289
#define IDM_PREFERENCES                 33291
#define IDS_TESTMENU                    33536   // ((kTestMenuResID<<8)+(0))
#define IDS_MOVIEMENU                   IDS_TESTMENU
#define IDM_IMPORT_ANY_COMP             33537   // ((kTestMenuResID<<8)+(1))
#define IDM_EXPORT_ANY_COMP             33538   // ((kTestMenuResID<<8)+(2))
#define IDM_EXPORT_AS_HINTED            33539   // ((kTestMenuResID<<8)+(3))
// IDs for Window menu and menu items (Windows-only)
#define IDS_WINDOWMENU                  1300
#define IDM_WINDOWTILE                  1301
#define IDM_WINDOWCASCADE               1302
#define IDM_WINDOWCLOSEALL              1303
#define IDM_WINDOWICONS                 1304
#define IDM_WINDOWCHILD                 1310
// Windows-only resource IDs
#define IDS_HELPMENU                    1400
#define IDM_ABOUT                       1401
#define IDC_STATIC                      -1
#define IDS_APPNAME                     1
#define IDS_DESCRIPTION                 2
#define WINDOWMENU                      3
#define IDS_FILTERSTRING                3
#define IDS_SAVEONCLOSE                 2000
#define IDS_SAVEONQUIT                  2001
#define IDI_APPICON                     101
#define IDI_CHILDICON                   102
#define IDD_ABOUT                       103