
//  File:       QTDataRef.c
//  Contains:   Sample code for working with data references and data handlers.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <4>      02/21/01    rtm     added QTDR_CreateMovieInRAM and the two static functions it uses
//     <3>      08/12/00    rtm     added QTFrame_ActivateController call to QTDR_GetURLFromUser
//     <2>      07/13/00    rtm     added alternate code using AddEmptyTrackToMovie
//     <1>      04/23/00    rtm     first file
// header files
#include "QTDataRef.h"
// global variables
extern short                gAppResFile;                        // file reference number for this application's resource file
extern ModalFilterUPP       gModalFilterUPP;                    // UPP to our custom dialog event filter
Ptr                         gDataBuffer = NULL;                 // buffer that holds data being transferred
ComponentInstance           gDataReader = NULL;                 // the data handler that reads data from the URL
ComponentInstance           gDataWriter = NULL;                 // the data handler that writes data to a file
DataHCompletionUPP          gReadDataHCompletionUPP = NULL;
DataHCompletionUPP          gWriteDataHCompletionUPP = NULL;
long                        gBytesToTransfer = 0L;              // the number of bytes to transfer
long                        gBytesTransferred = 0L;             // the number of bytes already transferred
Boolean                     gDoneTransferring = false;          // are we done transferring data?
UINT                        gTimerID;                           // ID of the timer that tasks the data handlers
// Data reference creation utilities.
// Use these functions to create data references.
// QTDR_MakeFileDataRef
// Return a file data reference for the specified file.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the handle returned by this function (by calling DisposeHandle).
Handle QTDR_MakeFileDataRef (FSSpecPtr theFile)
    Handle          myDataRef = NULL;
    QTNewAlias(theFile, (AliasHandle *)&myDataRef, true);
// QTDR_MakeResourceDataRef
// Return a resource data reference for the specified file.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the handle returned by this function (by calling DisposeHandle).
Handle QTDR_MakeResourceDataRef (FSSpecPtr theFile, OSType theResType, SInt16 theResID)
    Handle          myDataRef = NULL;
    OSType          myResType;
    SInt16          myResID;
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    myDataRef = QTDR_MakeFileDataRef(theFile);
    if (myDataRef == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // append the resource type and ID to the data reference
    myResType = EndianU32_NtoB(theResType);
    myResID = EndianS16_NtoB(theResID);
    myErr = PtrAndHand(&myResType, myDataRef, sizeof(myResType));
    if (myErr == noErr)
        myErr = PtrAndHand(&myResID, myDataRef, sizeof(myResID));
    if (myErr != noErr) {
        if (myDataRef != NULL)
        myDataRef = NULL;
// QTDR_MakeHandleDataRef
// Return a handle data reference for the specified handle.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the handle returned by this function (by calling DisposeHandle).
Handle QTDR_MakeHandleDataRef (Handle theHandle)
    Handle          myDataRef = NULL;
    myDataRef = NewHandleClear(sizeof(Handle));
    if (myDataRef != NULL)
        BlockMove(&theHandle, *myDataRef, sizeof(Handle));
    // the following single line can replace the preceding three lines
//  PtrToHand(&theHandle, &myDataRef, sizeof(Handle));
// QTDR_MakeURLDataRef
// Return a URL data reference for the specified URL.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the handle returned by this function (by calling DisposeHandle).
Handle QTDR_MakeURLDataRef (char *theURL)
    Handle          myDataRef = NULL;
    Size            mySize = 0;
    // get the size of the URL, plus the terminating null byte
    mySize = (Size)strlen(theURL) + 1;
    if (mySize == 1)
        goto bail;
    // allocate a new handle and copy the URL into the handle
    myDataRef = NewHandleClear(mySize);
    if (myDataRef != NULL)
        BlockMove(theURL, *myDataRef, mySize);
// Movie-retrieval utilities.
// Use these functions to get movies specified using data references.
// QTDR_GetMovieFromFile
// Get the movie stored in the specified file.
Movie QTDR_GetMovieFromFile (FSSpecPtr theFile)
    Movie       myMovie = NULL;
    Handle      myDataRef = NULL;
    myDataRef = QTDR_MakeFileDataRef(theFile);
    if (myDataRef != NULL) {
        NewMovieFromDataRef(&myMovie, newMovieActive, NULL, myDataRef, rAliasType);
// QTDR_GetMovieFromHandle
// Get the movie stored in the specified block of memory.
Movie QTDR_GetMovieFromHandle (Handle theHandle)
    Movie       myMovie = NULL;
    Handle      myDataRef = NULL;
    myDataRef = QTDR_MakeHandleDataRef(theHandle);
    if (myDataRef != NULL) {
        NewMovieFromDataRef(&myMovie, newMovieActive, NULL, myDataRef, HandleDataHandlerSubType);
// QTDR_GetMovieFromResource
// Get the movie stored in the specified resource.
Movie QTDR_GetMovieFromResource (FSSpecPtr theFile, OSType theResType, SInt16 theResID)
    Movie       myMovie = NULL;
    Handle      myDataRef = NULL;
    myDataRef = QTDR_MakeResourceDataRef(theFile, theResType, theResID);
    if (myDataRef != NULL) {
        NewMovieFromDataRef(&myMovie, newMovieActive, NULL, myDataRef, ResourceDataHandlerSubType);
// QTDR_GetMovieFromURL
// Get the movie in the file referenced by the specified uniform resource locator (URL).
Movie QTDR_GetMovieFromURL (char *theURL)
    Movie       myMovie = NULL;
    Handle      myDataRef = NULL;
    myDataRef = QTDR_MakeURLDataRef(theURL);
    if (myDataRef != NULL) {
        NewMovieFromDataRef(&myMovie, newMovieActive, NULL, myDataRef, URLDataHandlerSubType);
// URL utilities.
// Use these functions to elicit URLs from the user and get the basename of a URL.
// QTDR_GetURLFromUser
// Display a dialog box to elicit a URL from the user; return a C string that contains the text in the
// dialog box when the user clicks the OK button; otherwise, return NULL.
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
// Note that the URLs handled here are limited to 255 characters; supporting longer URLs is left as an
// exercise for the reader.
char *QTDR_GetURLFromUser (short thePromptStringIndex)
    short           myItem;
    short           mySavedResFile;
    GrafPtr         mySavedPort;
    DialogPtr       myDialog = NULL;
    short           myItemKind;
    Handle          myItemHandle;
    Rect            myItemRect;
    Str255          myString;
    char            *myURL = NULL;
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    // save the current resource file and graphics port
    mySavedResFile = CurResFile();
    // set the application's resource file
    // create the dialog box in which the user will enter a URL
    myDialog = GetNewDialog(kGetURL_DLOGID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1L);
    if (myDialog == NULL)
        goto bail;
    QTFrame_ActivateController(QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow(), false);
    SetDialogDefaultItem(myDialog, kGetURL_OKButton);
    SetDialogCancelItem(myDialog, kGetURL_CancelButton);
    // set the prompt string    
    GetIndString(myString, kTextKindsResourceID, thePromptStringIndex);
    GetDialogItem(myDialog, kGetURL_URLLabelItem, &myItemKind, &myItemHandle, &myItemRect);
    SetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, myString);
    // display and handle events in the dialog box until the user clicks OK or Cancel
    do {
        ModalDialog(gModalFilterUPP, &myItem);
    } while ((myItem != kGetURL_OKButton) && (myItem != kGetURL_CancelButton));
    // handle the selected button
    if (myItem != kGetURL_OKButton) {
        myErr = userCanceledErr;
        goto bail;
    // retrieve the edited text
    GetDialogItem(myDialog, kGetURL_URLTextItem, &myItemKind, &myItemHandle, &myItemRect);
    GetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, myString);
    myURL = QTUtils_ConvertPascalToCString(myString);
    // restore the previous resource file and graphics port
    if (myDialog != NULL)
// QTDR_GetURLBasename
// Return the basename of the specified URL.
// The basename of a URL is the portion of the URL following the rightmost URL separator. This function
// is useful for setting window titles of movies opened using the URL data handler to the basename of a
// URL (just like QuickTime Player does).
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free).
char *QTDR_GetURLBasename (char *theURL)
    char    *myBasename = NULL;
    short   myLength = 0;
    short   myIndex;
    // make sure we got a URL passed in
    if (theURL == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // get the length of the URL
    myLength = strlen(theURL);
    // find the position of the rightmost URL separator in theURL
    if (strchr(theURL, kURLSeparator) != NULL) {
        myIndex = myLength - 1;
        while (theURL[myIndex] != kURLSeparator)
        // calculate the length of the basename
        myLength = myLength - myIndex - 1;
    } else {
        // there is no rightmost URL separator in theURL;
        // set myIndex so that myIndex + 1 == 0, for the call to BlockMove below
        myIndex = -1;
    // allocate space to hold the string that we return to the caller
    myBasename = malloc(myLength + 1);
    if (myBasename == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // copy into myBasename the substring of theURL from myIndex + 1 to the end
    BlockMove(&theURL[myIndex + 1], myBasename, myLength);
    myBasename[myLength] = '\0';
// Data reference extension functions.
// Use these functions to add extensions to data references.
// QTDR_AddFilenamingExtension
// Add a filenaming extension to a data reference. If theStringPtr is NULL, add a 0-length filename.
// A filenaming extension is a Pascal string.
OSErr QTDR_AddFilenamingExtension (Handle theDataRef, StringPtr theFileName)
    unsigned char   myChar = 0; 
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    if (theFileName == NULL)
        myErr = PtrAndHand(&myChar, theDataRef, sizeof(myChar));
        myErr = PtrAndHand(theFileName, theDataRef, theFileName[0] + 1);
// QTDR_AddMacOSFileTypeDataRefExtension
// Add a Macintosh file type as a data reference extension.
// A Macintosh file type data extension is an atom whose data is a 4-byte OSType.
OSErr QTDR_AddMacOSFileTypeDataRefExtension (Handle theDataRef, OSType theType)
    unsigned long   myAtomHeader[2];
    OSType          myType;
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    myAtomHeader[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(myAtomHeader) + sizeof(theType));
    myAtomHeader[1] = EndianU32_NtoB(kDataRefExtensionMacOSFileType);
    myType = EndianU32_NtoB(theType);
    myErr = PtrAndHand(myAtomHeader, theDataRef, sizeof(myAtomHeader));
    if (myErr == noErr)
        myErr = PtrAndHand(&myType, theDataRef, sizeof(myType));
// QTDR_AddMIMETypeDataRefExtension
// Add a MIME type as a data reference extension.
// A MIME type data extension is an atom whose data is a Pascal string.
OSErr QTDR_AddMIMETypeDataRefExtension (Handle theDataRef, StringPtr theMIMEType)
    unsigned long   myAtomHeader[2];
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    if (theMIMEType == NULL)
    myAtomHeader[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(myAtomHeader) + theMIMEType[0] + 1);
    myAtomHeader[1] = EndianU32_NtoB(kDataRefExtensionMIMEType);
    myErr = PtrAndHand(myAtomHeader, theDataRef, sizeof(myAtomHeader));
    if (myErr == noErr)
        myErr = PtrAndHand(theMIMEType, theDataRef, theMIMEType[0] + 1);
// QTDR_AddInitDataDataRefExtension
// Add some initialization data as a data reference extension.
// An initialization data data extension is an atom whose data is any block of data.
OSErr QTDR_AddInitDataDataRefExtension (Handle theDataRef, Ptr theInitDataPtr)
    unsigned long   myAtomHeader[2];
    OSErr           myErr = noErr;
    if (theInitDataPtr == NULL)
    myAtomHeader[0] = EndianU32_NtoB(sizeof(myAtomHeader) + GetPtrSize(theInitDataPtr));
    myAtomHeader[1] = EndianU32_NtoB(kDataRefExtensionInitializationData);
    myErr = PtrAndHand(myAtomHeader, theDataRef, sizeof(myAtomHeader));
    if (myErr == noErr)
        myErr = PtrAndHand(theInitDataPtr, theDataRef, GetPtrSize(theInitDataPtr));
// File-transfer functions.
// These functions implement our file-transfer capability.
// QTDR_CopyRemoteFileToLocalFile
// Copy a remote file (located at the specified URL) into a local file.
OSErr QTDR_CopyRemoteFileToLocalFile (char *theURL, FSSpecPtr theFile)
    Handle              myReaderRef = NULL;         // data reference for the remote file
    Handle              myWriterRef = NULL;         // data reference for the local file
    ComponentResult     myErr = badComponentType;
    // create the local file with the desired type and creator
    // delete the target local file, if it already exists;
    // if it doesn't exist yet, we'll get an error (fnfErr), which we just ignore
    myErr = FSpCreate(theFile, kTransFileCreator, kTransFileType, smSystemScript);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // create data references for the remote file and the local file
    myReaderRef = QTDR_MakeURLDataRef(theURL);
    if (myReaderRef == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myWriterRef = QTDR_MakeFileDataRef(theFile);
    if (myWriterRef == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // find and open the URL and file data handlers; connect the data references to them
    gDataReader = OpenComponent(GetDataHandler(myReaderRef, URLDataHandlerSubType, kDataHCanRead));
    if (gDataReader == NULL)
        goto bail;
    gDataWriter = OpenComponent(GetDataHandler(myWriterRef, rAliasType, kDataHCanWrite));
    if (gDataWriter == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // set the data reference for the URL data handler
    myErr = DataHSetDataRef(gDataReader, myReaderRef);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // set the data reference for the file data handler
    myErr = DataHSetDataRef(gDataWriter, myWriterRef);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // allocate a data buffer; the URL data handler copies data into this buffer,
    // and the file data handler copies data out of it
    gDataBuffer = NewPtrClear(kDataBufferSize);
    myErr = MemError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // connect to the remote and local files
    // open a read-only path to the remote data reference
    myErr = DataHOpenForRead(gDataReader);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // get the size of the remote file
    myErr = DataHGetFileSize(gDataReader, &gBytesToTransfer); 
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // open a write-only path to the local data reference
    myErr = DataHOpenForWrite(gDataWriter);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // start reading and writing data
    gDoneTransferring = false;
    gBytesTransferred = 0L;
    gReadDataHCompletionUPP = NewDataHCompletionUPP(QTDR_ReadDataCompletionProc);
    gWriteDataHCompletionUPP = NewDataHCompletionUPP(QTDR_WriteDataCompletionProc);
    // start retrieving the data; we do this by calling our own write completion routine,
    // pretending that we've just successfully finished writing 0 bytes of data
    QTDR_WriteDataCompletionProc(gDataBuffer, 0L, noErr);
    // if we encountered any error, close the data handler components
    if (myErr != noErr)
// QTDR_ReadDataCompletionProc
// This procedure is called when the data handler has completed a read operation.
// The theRefCon parameter contains the number of bytes just read.
PASCAL_RTN void QTDR_ReadDataCompletionProc (Ptr theRequest, long theRefCon, OSErr theErr)
#pragma unused(theErr)
    // we just finished reading some data, so schedule a write operation            
    DataHWrite( gDataWriter,
                theRequest,                     // the data buffer
                gBytesTransferred,              // write from the current offset
                theRefCon,                      // the number of bytes to write
// QTDR_WriteDataCompletionProc
// This procedure is called when the data handler has completed a write operation.
// The theRefCon parameter contains the number of bytes just written.
PASCAL_RTN void QTDR_WriteDataCompletionProc (Ptr theRequest, long theRefCon, OSErr theErr)
#pragma unused(theErr)
    long        myNumBytesToRead;
    wide        myWide;
    // increment our tally of the number of bytes written so far
    gBytesTransferred += theRefCon;
    if (gBytesTransferred < gBytesToTransfer) {
        // there is still data to read and write, so schedule a read operation
        // determine how big a chunk to read
        if (gBytesToTransfer - gBytesTransferred > kDataBufferSize)
            myNumBytesToRead = kDataBufferSize;
            myNumBytesToRead = gBytesToTransfer - gBytesTransferred;
        myWide.lo = gBytesTransferred;          // read from the current offset 
        myWide.hi = 0;
        // schedule a read operation
                        theRequest,             // the data buffer
    } else {
        // we've transferred all the data, so set a flag to tell us to close down the data handlers
        gDoneTransferring = true;
// QTDR_CloseDownHandlers
// Close our read/write access to our data references and then close down the read/write data handlers.
void QTDR_CloseDownHandlers (void)
    if (gDataReader != NULL) {
        gDataReader = NULL;
    if (gDataWriter != NULL) {
        gDataWriter = NULL;
    // dispose of the data buffer
    if (gDataBuffer != NULL)
    // dispose of the routine descriptors
    if (gReadDataHCompletionUPP != NULL)
    if (gWriteDataHCompletionUPP != NULL)
    gDoneTransferring = false;
    // kill the timer that tasks the data handlers
    KillTimer(NULL, gTimerID);
// QTDR_TimerProc
// Handle timer messages to task the data handlers.
void CALLBACK QTDR_TimerProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT theID, DWORD theTime)
#pragma unused(theWnd, theMessage, theID, theTime)
// Other functions.
// These functions are called by ComApplication.c.
// QTDR_CreateReferenceCopy
// Create a copy of the given file that is a reference movie (that is, a movie file and a separate
// media file).
OSErr QTDR_CreateReferenceCopy (Movie theSrcMovie, FSSpecPtr theDstMovieFile, FSSpecPtr theDstMediaFile)
    Track           mySrcTrack = NULL;
    Media           mySrcMedia = NULL;
    Movie           myDstMovie = NULL;
    Track           myDstTrack = NULL;
    Media           myDstMedia = NULL;
    Handle          myMediaRef = NULL;          // data reference for the media file
    Fixed           myWidth, myHeight;
    OSType          myType;
    long            myFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile | createMovieFileDontCreateResFile;
    short           myResRefNum = 0;
    short           myResID = movieInDataForkResID;
    OSErr           myErr = paramErr;
    // get the first video track and media in the source movie
    mySrcTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theSrcMovie, 1, VideoMediaType, movieTrackMediaType);
    if (mySrcTrack == NULL)
        goto bail;
    mySrcMedia = GetTrackMedia(mySrcTrack);
    if (mySrcMedia == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a file data reference for the new media file
    myMediaRef = QTDR_MakeFileDataRef(theDstMediaFile);
    if (myMediaRef == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a file for the destination movie data
    myErr = FSpCreate(theDstMediaFile, sigMoviePlayer, MovieFileType, 0);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // create a file for the destination movie atom and create an empty movie
    myErr = CreateMovieFile(theDstMovieFile, sigMoviePlayer, smCurrentScript, myFlags, &myResRefNum, &myDstMovie);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // assign the default progress proc to the destination movie
    SetMovieProgressProc(myDstMovie, (MovieProgressUPP)-1, 0);
    myErr = AddEmptyTrackToMovie(mySrcTrack, myDstMovie, myMediaRef, rAliasType, &myDstTrack);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myDstMedia = GetTrackMedia(myDstTrack);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // get some information about the source track and media
    GetTrackDimensions(mySrcTrack, &myWidth, &myHeight);
    GetMediaHandlerDescription(mySrcMedia, &myType, 0, 0);
    // create the destination movie track and media
    myDstTrack = NewMovieTrack(myDstMovie, myWidth, myHeight, kNoVolume);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myDstMedia = NewTrackMedia(myDstTrack, myType, GetMediaTimeScale(mySrcMedia), myMediaRef, rAliasType);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    CopyTrackSettings(mySrcTrack, myDstTrack);
    // copy the entire source track into the destination track; this copies the track's media
    // samples into the destination media file
    myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myDstMedia);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = InsertTrackSegment(mySrcTrack, myDstTrack, 0, GetTrackDuration(mySrcTrack), 0);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = EndMediaEdits(myDstMedia);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // add the movie atom to the data fork of the movie file
    myErr = AddMovieResource(myDstMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL);
// QTDR_PlayMovieFromRAM
// Play a movie.
OSErr QTDR_PlayMovieFromRAM (Movie theMovie)
    WindowPtr               myWindow = NULL;
    Rect                    myBounds = {50, 50, 100, 100};
    Rect                    myRect;
    StringPtr               myTitle = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kWindowTitle);
    OSErr                   myErr = memFullErr;
    myWindow = NewCWindow(NULL, &myBounds, myTitle, false, 0, (WindowPtr)-1, false, 0);
    if (myWindow == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myErr = noErr;
    GetMovieBox(theMovie, &myRect);
    MacOffsetRect(&myRect, -myRect.left, -myRect.top);
    SetMovieBox(theMovie, &myRect);
    if (!EmptyRect(&myRect))
        SizeWindow(myWindow, myRect.right, myRect.bottom, false);
        SizeWindow(myWindow, 200, 0, false);
    SetMovieGWorld(theMovie, GetWindowPort(myWindow), NULL);
    MoviesTask(theMovie, 0);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    while (!IsMovieDone(theMovie))
        MoviesTask(theMovie, 0);
    if (theMovie != NULL)
    if (myWindow != NULL)
// QTDR_CreateMovieInRAM
// Create a movie in RAM.
OSErr QTDR_CreateMovieInRAM (void)
    Movie                   myMovie = NULL;
    Track                   myTrack = NULL;
    Media                   myMedia = NULL;
    short                   myResRefNum = 0;
    short                   myResID = 0;
    Handle                  myDataRef = NULL;
    Handle                  myHandle = NULL;
    FSSpec                  myFSSpec;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    // create a new handle to hold the movie
    myHandle = NewHandleClear(0);
    if (myHandle == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // create a data reference to that handle
    myDataRef = QTDR_MakeHandleDataRef(myHandle);
    if (myDataRef == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myMovie = NewMovie(newMovieActive);
    if (myMovie == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myErr = SetMovieDefaultDataRef(myMovie, myDataRef, HandleDataHandlerSubType);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // create the movie track and media
    myTrack = NewMovieTrack(myMovie, FixRatio(kVideoTrackWidth, 1), FixRatio(kVideoTrackHeight, 1), kNoVolume);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTrack, VideoMediaType, kVideoTimeScale, myDataRef, HandleDataHandlerSubType);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // create the media samples
    myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = QTDR_AddVideoSamplesToMedia(myMedia, kVideoTrackWidth, kVideoTrackHeight);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // add the media to the track
    myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // add the movie atom to the movie file
    myErr = AddMovieResource(myMovie, myResRefNum, &myResID, NULL);
    myFSSpec.name[0] = (unsigned char)0;
    myFSSpec.parID = 0;
    myFSSpec.vRefNum = 0;
    QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow(myMovie, &myFSSpec);
    if (myDataRef != NULL)
// QTDR_AddVideoSamplesToMedia
// Add video media samples to the specified media.
static OSErr QTDR_AddVideoSamplesToMedia (Media theMedia, short theTrackWidth, short theTrackHeight)
    GWorldPtr                   myGWorld = NULL;
    PixMapHandle                myPixMap = NULL;
    CodecType                   myCodecType = kJPEGCodecType;
    long                        myNumSample;
    long                        myMaxComprSize = 0L;
    Handle                      myComprDataHdl = NULL;
    Ptr                         myComprDataPtr = NULL;
    ImageDescriptionHandle      myImageDesc = NULL;
    CGrafPtr                    mySavedPort = NULL;
    GDHandle                    mySavedDevice = NULL;
    Rect                        myRect;
    OSErr                       myErr = noErr;
    MacSetRect(&myRect, 0, 0, theTrackWidth, theTrackHeight);
    myErr = NewGWorld(&myGWorld, kPixelDepth, &myRect, NULL, NULL, (GWorldFlags)0);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myPixMap = GetGWorldPixMap(myGWorld);
    if (myPixMap == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myErr = GetMaxCompressionSize(  myPixMap,
                                    0,                          // let ICM choose depth
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myComprDataHdl = NewHandle(myMaxComprSize);
    if (myComprDataHdl == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myComprDataPtr = StripAddress(*myComprDataHdl);
    myComprDataPtr = *myComprDataHdl;
    myImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(4);
    if (myImageDesc == NULL)
        goto bail;
    GetGWorld(&mySavedPort, &mySavedDevice);
    SetGWorld(myGWorld, NULL);
    for (myNumSample = 1; myNumSample <= kNumVideoFrames; myNumSample++) {
        QTDR_DrawFrame(theTrackWidth, theTrackHeight, myNumSample, myGWorld);
        myErr = CompressImage(  myPixMap, 
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myErr = AddMediaSample( theMedia, 
                                0,                              // no offset in data
                                kVideoFrameDuration,            // frame duration
                                1,                              // one sample
                                0,                              // self-contained samples
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
    SetGWorld(mySavedPort, mySavedDevice);
    if (myImageDesc != NULL)
    if (myComprDataHdl != NULL)
    if (myGWorld != NULL)
// QTDR_DrawFrame
// Draw a frame of video.
static void QTDR_DrawFrame (short theTrackWidth, short theTrackHeight, long theNumSample, GWorldPtr theGWorld)
    Handle                              myHandle = NULL;
    char                                myData[kPICTFileHeaderSize];
    static PicHandle                    myPicture = NULL;
    static GWorldPtr                    myGWorld = NULL;
    static GraphicsImportComponent      myImporter = NULL;
    Rect                                myRect;
    RGBColor                            myColor;
    ComponentResult                     myErr = noErr;
    MacSetRect(&myRect, 0, 0, theTrackWidth, theTrackHeight);
    if (myPicture == NULL) {
        myErr = NewGWorld(&myGWorld, kPixelDepth, &myRect, NULL, NULL, (GWorldFlags)0);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // read a picture from our resource file
        myPicture = GetPicture(kPictureID);
        if (myPicture == NULL)
            goto bail;
        // use Munger to prepend a 512-byte header onto the picture data; this converts the PICT
        // resource data into in-memory PICT file data (see Ice Floe 14 for an explanation of this)
        myHandle = (Handle)myPicture;
        Munger(myHandle, 0, NULL, 0, myData, kPICTFileHeaderSize);
        // get a graphics importer for the picture
        myErr = OpenADefaultComponent(GraphicsImporterComponentType, kQTFileTypePicture, &myImporter); 
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // configure the graphics importer
        myErr = GraphicsImportSetGWorld(myImporter, myGWorld, NULL);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myErr = GraphicsImportSetDataHandle(myImporter, myHandle);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        myErr = GraphicsImportSetBoundsRect(myImporter, &myRect);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
        // draw the picture into the source GWorld
        myErr = GraphicsImportDraw(myImporter);
        if (myErr != noErr)
            goto bail;
    // set the blend amount (0 = fully transparent; 0xffff = fully opaque)
    myColor.red = (theNumSample - 1) * (0xffff / kNumVideoFrames - 1);
    myColor.green = (theNumSample - 1) * (0xffff / kNumVideoFrames - 1);
    myColor.blue = (theNumSample - 1) * (0xffff / kNumVideoFrames - 1);
    // blend the picture (in the source GWorld) into the empty rectangle (in the destination GWorld)
    if (theNumSample == kNumVideoFrames)
        goto bail;
    if (myHandle != NULL)
    if (myPicture != NULL)
    if (myImporter != NULL)