
//  File:       QTFlattenToHandle.c
//  Contains:   Handle data handler sample code.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Based on the existing code revised by Deeje Cooley.
//  Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <4>      03/21/00    rtm     changed QTHandle_OpenMovieFileAndFlattenToHandle to use FSSpec parameter
//     <3>      02/01/99    rtm     reworked window title handling to remove "\p" sequences
//     <2>      05/15/98    rtm     added support for passing 0-length handles to FlattenMovieData
//     <1>      04/09/98    rtm     first file; integrated existing code with shell framework
// A data handler is a component (of type DataHandlerType) that is responsible for reading and writing
// a media's data. In other words, a data handler provides data input and output services to the media's
// media handler. Originally, QuickTime included a file data handler. QuickTime version 2.0 introduced
// the handle data handler (component subtype HandleDataHandlerSubType), which allows you to play movie
// data stored in memory rather than in a file. This sample code shows how to work with the handle data
// handler.
// Here, we will open a movie file and then flatten the movie data into a handle. Then we will play the
// movie from the handle. The essential step is to create a data reference record describing the handle
// and then pass that record, instead of an FSSpec record, to FlattenMovieData. To do this, set the
// flattenFSSpecPtrIsDataRefRecordPtr flag when calling FlattenMovieData.
#include "QTFlattenToHandle.h"
// QTHandle_OpenMovieFileAndFlattenToHandle
// Open the specified movie file, and write the movie data into a handle.
// Then play the memory-based movie.
OSErr QTHandle_OpenMovieFileAndFlattenToHandle (FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr)
    short                   myResRefNum;
    Movie                   mySrcMovie;
    Movie                   myMemMovie;         // the movie in our handle
    Handle                  myHandle = NULL;    // the handle that contains the movie data
    long                    mySize = 0L;
    long                    myFlags = 0L;
    DataReferenceRecord     myDataRefRec;
    FSSpec                  *myFile;
    OSErr                   myErr = noErr;
    // open the movie file and create a movie from that file
    myErr = OpenMovieFile(theFSSpecPtr, &myResRefNum, fsRdPerm);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    myErr = NewMovieFromFile(&mySrcMovie, myResRefNum, NULL, NULL, newMovieActive, NULL);
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    // create a 0-length handle
    myHandle = NewHandleClear(mySize);
    if (myHandle == NULL)
        goto bail;
    // fill in the data reference record
    myDataRefRec.dataRefType = HandleDataHandlerSubType;
    myDataRefRec.dataRef = NewHandle(sizeof(Handle));
    if (myDataRefRec.dataRef == NULL)
        goto bail;
    *((Handle *)*(myDataRefRec.dataRef)) = myHandle;
    myFlags = flattenFSSpecPtrIsDataRefRecordPtr;
    myFile = (FSSpec *)&myDataRefRec;
    // flatten the source movie into the handle
    myMemMovie = FlattenMovieData(mySrcMovie, myFlags, myFile, 0L, smSystemScript, 0L);
    // play the movie once thru
    myErr = QTHandle_PlayMovieResource(myMemMovie);
    if (myResRefNum != 0)
    if (myHandle != NULL)
    if (mySrcMovie != NULL)
// QTHandle_PlayMovieResource
// Play a movie.
OSErr QTHandle_PlayMovieResource (Movie theMovie)
    WindowPtr               myWindow = NULL;
    Rect                    myBounds = {50, 50, 100, 100};
    Rect                    myRect;
    StringPtr               myTitle = QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString(kWindowTitle);
    OSErr                   myErr = memFullErr;
    myWindow = NewCWindow(NULL, &myBounds, myTitle, false, 0, (WindowPtr)-1, false, 0);
    if (myWindow == NULL)
        goto bail;
    myErr = noErr;
    GetMovieBox(theMovie, &myRect);
    MacOffsetRect(&myRect, -myRect.left, -myRect.top);
    SetMovieBox(theMovie, &myRect);
    SizeWindow(myWindow, myRect.right, myRect.bottom, false);
    SetMovieGWorld(theMovie, GetWindowPort(myWindow), NULL);
    MoviesTask(theMovie, 0);
    myErr = GetMoviesError();
    if (myErr != noErr)
        goto bail;
    while (!IsMovieDone(theMovie))
        MoviesTask(theMovie, 0);
    if (theMovie != NULL)
    if (myWindow != NULL)