
//  File:       QTMusic.h
//  Contains:   QuickTime Music Architecture sample code.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              based largely on QTMusic code by David Van Brink (see develop, issue 23).
//  Copyright:  © 1997-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      11/14/97    rtm     first file; conversion to personal coding style
#include "ComApplication.h"
#include <QuickTimeMusic.h>
#include "MacFramework.h"
#include "WinFramework.h"
// constants
#define kNoteRequestEventLength             ((sizeof(NoteRequest)/sizeof(long)) + 2)    // number of (32-bit) long words in a note request event
#define kMarkerEventLength                  (1)                                         // number of (32-bit) long words in a marker event
#define kGeneralEventLength                 (2)                                         // number of (32-bit) long words in a general event, minus its data
#define kNoteDuration                       240                                         // in 600ths of a second
#define kRestDuration                       300                                         // in 600ths of a second; tempo will be 120 bpm
// some constants for the instruments we'll use; a complete list is found in develop, issue 23, p. 9
#define kInst_AcousticGrandPiano            1
#define kInst_BrightAcousticPiano           2
#define kInst_ElectricGrandPiano            3
#define kInst_HammondOrgan                  17
#define kInst_Violin                        41
#define kInst_Viola                         42
#define kInst_Custom                        1                                           // number of our custom instrument
#define kCustomInstAtomID                   11                                          // arbitrary ID of our custom instrument atom
#define kCustomInstPICTID                   128                                         // ID of our picture for our custom instrument
#define kMIDINoteValue_Lowest               0
#define kMIDINoteValue_Highest              128
#define kMusicSavePrompt                    "Save New Music Movie As:"
#define kMusicSaveMovieFileName             "music.mov"
// structures
typedef struct {
    NoteAllocator           fNoteAllocator;
    NoteChannel             fNoteChannel;
} MIDIInputExample;
// sound header data structure
typedef union {
    SoundHeader             s;                              // plain sound header
    CmpSoundHeader          c;                              // compressed sound header
    ExtSoundHeader          e;                              // extended sound header
} CommonSoundHeader, *CommonSoundHeaderPtr;
// function prototypes
void                        QTMusic_PlayRisingNotesOnChannel (NoteAllocator theNoteAllocator, NoteChannel theNoteChannel);
void                        QTMusic_PlaySomeNotes (void);
void                        QTMusic_PlayShepardMelody (void);
void                        QTMusic_PickInstThenPlaySomeNotes (void);
void                        QTMusic_PlaySomeBentNotes (void);
unsigned long *             QTMusic_BuildTuneHeader (long *theCount, AtomicInstrument theInstrument);
Handle                      QTMusic_BuildTuneSequence (long *theDuration);
void                        QTMusic_BuildSequenceAndPlay (void);
PASCAL_RTN ComponentResult  QTMusic_ReadHook (MusicMIDIPacket *theMIDIPacket, long theRefCon);
void                        QTMusic_UseMIDIInput (void);
void                        QTMusic_CreateMusicMovie (AtomicInstrument theInstrument);
AtomicInstrument            QTMusic_CreateAtomicInstFromResource (Handle theHandle);
void                        QTMusic_PickCustomInstThenPlaySomeNotes (void);
void                        QTMusic_AddCustomInstrumentToMovie (Movie theMovie);
Handle                      QTMusic_PickSndResource (void);
short                       QTMusic_GetSndResourceID (short theRefNum);
OSErr                       QTMusic_ParseSndResource (Handle theHandle, SoundComponentData *theSndInfo, CompressionInfo *theCompInfo, unsigned long *theHeaderOffset, unsigned long *theDataOffset, long *theBaseFreq);
PASCAL_RTN Boolean          QTMusic_FilterFiles (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode);
PASCAL_RTN Boolean          QTMusic_FilterFiles (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr);