Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
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// File: QTReadWriteJPEG.h |
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// Contains: Sample code for compressing and decompressing JPEG images. |
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// Written by: Michael Marinkovich and Guillermo Ortiz |
// Revised by: Tim Monroe |
// Based heavily on the existing "JPEG Sample" code. |
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// Copyright: © 1996-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
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// Change History (most recent first): |
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// <1> 04/27/98 rtm first file |
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// header files |
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#include <FixMath.h> |
#include <ImageCompression.h> |
#include <Movies.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <StandardFile.h> |
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// constants |
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#define kImageFileCreator FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ogle') |
#define kBufferSize codecMinimumDataSize // data unload buffer size |
#define kSaveImagePrompt "Save compressed image as:" |
#define kSaveImageFileName "Untitled.jpg" |
#define kWindowTitle "Photo - JPEG" |
// JFIF (JPEG) markers |
enum { |
kSOFMarker = 0xC0, // start Of Frame N |
kSOFMarker2 = 0xC2, |
kDHTMarker = 0xC4, // DHT Marker |
kDACMarker = 0xCC, // DAC |
kRSTOMarker = 0xD0, // RSTO marker |
kSOIMarker = 0xD8, // image start marker |
kEOIMarker = 0xD9, // image end marker |
kSOSMarker = 0xDA, // SOS marker |
kDQTMarker = 0xDB, // DQT marker |
kAPPOMarker = 0xE0, // APPO marker |
kCommentMarker = 0xFE, // comment marker |
kStartMarker = 0xFF // marker loacted after this byte |
}; |
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// data types |
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// a record to hold info about the JPEG data while we're loading it from disk |
struct DLDataRec |
{ |
long fRefNum; // ref number of current file |
long fFileLength; |
Ptr fOrigPtr; // address of start of buffer |
Ptr fEndPtr; // address of end of buffer |
}; |
typedef struct DLDataRec DLDataRec; |
typedef DLDataRec *DLDataPtr, **DLDataHnd; |
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// function prototypes |
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void QTJPEG_PromptUserForJPEGFileAndDisplay (void); |
OSErr QTJPEG_ReadJPEG (FSSpec theFSSpec, CGrafPtr *theGWorld); |
OSErr QTJPEG_ConvertJPEG (Handle image, CGrafPtr *newWorld); |
OSErr QTJPEG_ReadJPEGHeader (short theRefNum, ImageDescriptionHandle theDesc, Rect *theRect); |
UInt8 QTJPEG_FindNextMarker (long theRefNum); |
OSErr QTJPEG_HandleAPPOMarker (UInt8 theMarker, long theRefNum, ImageDescriptionHandle theDesc, Boolean *readingExtension); |
OSErr QTJPEG_HandleSOFMarker (long theRefNum, ImageDescriptionHandle theDesc, Boolean readingExtension); |
void QTJPEG_HandleSOSMarker (long theRefNum); |
UInt8 QTJPEG_ReadByte (short theRefNum); |
UInt16 QTJPEG_ReadWord (short theRefNum); |
void QTJPEG_SkipLength (long theRefNum); |
OSErr QTJPEG_NewJPEGWorld (GWorldPtr *theWorld, short theDepth, Rect theRect); |
OSErr QTJPEG_SaveJPEG (GWorldPtr theWorld); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTJPEG_DataUnloadProc (Ptr theData, long theBytesNeeded, long theRefCon); |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTJPEG_DataLoadingProc (Ptr *theData, long theBytesNeeded, long theRefCon); |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14