Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Common Files/QTUtilities.h
////////// |
// |
// File: QTUtilities.h |
// |
// Contains: Some utilities for working with QuickTime movies. |
// All utilities start with the prefix "QTUtils_". |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based on the DTSQTUtilities package by Apple DTS. |
// This is essentially a subset of that package, revised for cross-platform use. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <2> 02/03/99 rtm moved non-QTVR-specific utilities from QTVRUtilities to here |
// <1> 09/10/97 rtm first file |
// |
////////// |
#pragma once |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#ifndef __QTUtilities__ |
#define __QTUtilities__ |
#ifndef __MOVIES__ |
#include <Movies.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MOVIESFORMAT__ |
#include <MoviesFormat.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MEDIAHANDLERS__ |
#include <MediaHandlers.h> |
#endif |
#include <NumberFormatting.h> |
#endif |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QUICKTIMEVR__ |
#include <QuickTimeVR.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QTSMOVIE__ |
#include <QTSMovie.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __ENDIAN__ |
#include <Endian.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __GESTALT__ |
#include <Gestalt.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __FIXMATH__ |
#include <FixMath.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MACWINDOWS__ |
#include <MacWindows.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __PRINTING__ |
#include <Printing.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __SCRIPT__ |
#include <Script.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __SOUND__ |
#include <Sound.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef _STRING_H |
#include <string.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef _STDLIB_H |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TEXTUTILS__ |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TRAPS__ |
#include <Traps.h> |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// compiler macros |
// |
////////// |
#ifndef min |
#define min(a, b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b)) |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// compiler flags |
// |
////////// |
#define CONTENT_RATING_AVAIL 0 // is movie content-rating capability implemented? |
////////// |
// |
// constants |
// |
////////// |
// constants used for QTUtils_SaveMovie |
#define kSavePrompt "Save Movie as:" |
#define kSaveMovieFileName "" |
#define kSaveResName "Movie Resource" |
// constants used for QTUtils_PrintMoviePICT |
enum eQTUPICTPrinting { |
kPrintFrame = 1, |
kPrintPoster = 2 |
}; |
// constants used for QTUtils_GetMovieFileLoopingInfo |
enum { |
kNormalLooping = 0, |
kPalindromeLooping = 1, |
kNoLooping = 2 |
}; |
#define kQTVideoEffectsMinVers 0x0300 // version of QT that first supports QT video effects |
#define kQTFullScreenMinVers 0x0209 // version of QT that first supports full-screen calls |
#define kQTWiredSpritesMinVers 0x0300 // version of QT that first supports wired sprites |
// constants for GetQuickTimePreference/SetQuickTimePreference settings |
#define kConnectionSpeedPrefsType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cspd') |
#define kContentRatingPrefsType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('crat') |
enum { |
kQTUtilsSpeakerButton = mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton, |
kQTUtilsStepButtons = mcFlagSuppressStepButtons, |
kQTUtilsBackButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressBackBtn, |
kQTUtilsZoomButtons = mcFlagQTVRSuppressZoomBtns, |
kQTUtilsHotSpotButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotBtn, |
kQTUtilsTranslateButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn, |
kQTUtilsHelpText = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHelpText, |
kQTUtilsHotSpotNames = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotNames, |
kQTUtilsCustomButton = mcFlagsUseCustomButton, |
// these are to support existing code that uses our older names |
kQTVRSpeakerButton = mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton, |
kQTVRBackButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressBackBtn, |
kQTVRZoomButtons = mcFlagQTVRSuppressZoomBtns, |
kQTVRHotSpotButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotBtn, |
kQTVRTranslateButton = mcFlagQTVRSuppressTranslateBtn, |
kQTVRHelpText = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHelpText, |
kQTVRHotSpotNames = mcFlagQTVRSuppressHotSpotNames, |
kQTVRCustomButton = mcFlagsUseCustomButton |
}; |
// default window position |
#ifndef kDefaultWindowX |
#define kDefaultWindowX 50 |
#endif |
#ifndef kDefaultWindowY |
#define kDefaultWindowY 50 |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// data types |
// |
////////// |
// structure of content rating data for GetQuickTimePreference |
struct ContentRatingPrefsRecord { |
UInt16 fContentRating; |
UInt16 fContentTypes; |
}; |
typedef struct ContentRatingPrefsRecord ContentRatingPrefsRecord; |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// function prototypes |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTUtils_TrapAvailable (short theTrapWord); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsQuickTimeInstalled (void); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsQuickTimeCFMInstalled (void); |
long QTUtils_GetQTVersion (void); |
Boolean QTUtils_HasQuickTimeVideoEffects (void); |
Boolean QTUtils_HasFullScreenSupport (void); |
Boolean QTUtils_HasWiredSprites (void); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsQTVRMovie (Movie theMovie); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsStreamedMovie (Movie theMovie); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsAutoPlayMovie (Movie theMovie); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsControllerBarVisible (MovieController theMC); |
short QTUtils_GetControllerBarHeight (MovieController theMC); |
void QTUtils_HideControllerBar (MovieController theMC); |
void QTUtils_ShowControllerBar (MovieController theMC); |
void QTUtils_ToggleControllerBar (MovieController theMC); |
void QTUtils_PutControllerBarOnTop (MovieController theMC); |
void QTUtils_HideControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton); |
void QTUtils_ShowControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton); |
void QTUtils_ToggleControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton); |
void QTUtils_ResetControllerButton (MovieController theMC, long theButton); |
void QTUtils_ShowCustomButton (MovieController theMC); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsControllerButtonVisible (MovieController theMC, long theButton); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsMediaTypeInMovie (Movie theMovie, OSType theMediaType); |
Boolean QTUtils_MovieHasTimeCodeTrack (Movie theMovie); |
Boolean QTUtils_MovieHasSoundTrack (Movie theMovie); |
MediaHandler QTUtils_GetSoundMediaHandler (Movie theMovie); |
OSErr QTUtils_UpdateMovieVolumeSetting (Movie theMovie); |
OSErr QTUtils_SelectAllMovie (MovieController theMC); |
OSErr QTUtils_SelectNoneMovie (MovieController theMC); |
ImageDescriptionHandle QTUtils_MakeSampleDescription (long theEffectType, short theWidth, short theHeight); |
OSErr QTUtils_GetContentRatingFromMovie (Movie theMovie, UInt16 *theRating, UInt32 *theReasons); |
OSErr QTUtils_AddContentRatingToMovie (Movie theMovie, UInt16 theRating, UInt32 theReasons); |
OSErr QTUtils_AddUserDataTextToMovie (Movie theMovie, char *theText, OSType theType); |
OSErr QTUtils_AddCopyrightToMovie (Movie theMovie, char *theText); |
OSErr QTUtils_AddMovieNameToMovie (Movie theMovie, char *theText); |
OSErr QTUtils_AddMovieInfoToMovie (Movie theMovie, char *theText); |
OSErr QTUtils_GetMovieFileLoopingInfo (Movie theMovie, long *theLoopInfo); |
OSErr QTUtils_SetMovieFileLoopingInfo (Movie theMovie, long theLoopInfo); |
OSErr QTUtils_SetLoopingStateFromFile (Movie theMovie, MovieController theMC); |
OSErr QTUtils_MakeMovieLoop (Movie theMovie, Boolean isPalindrome); |
OSErr QTUtils_GetWindowPositionFromFile (Movie theMovie, Point *thePoint); |
char * QTUtils_GetTrackName (Track theTrack); |
OSErr QTUtils_SetTrackName (Track theTrack, char *theText); |
char * QTUtils_MakeTrackNameByType (Track theTrack); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsImageFile (FSSpec *theFSSpec); |
Boolean QTUtils_IsMovieFile (FSSpec *theFSSpec); |
void QTUtils_ConvertFloatToBigEndian (float *theFloat); |
StringPtr QTUtils_ConvertCToPascalString (char *theString); |
char * QTUtils_ConvertPascalToCString (StringPtr theString); |
OSErr QTUtils_DeleteAllReferencesToTrack (Track theTrack); |
TimeValue QTUtils_GetFrameDuration (Track theTrack); |
long QTUtils_GetFrameCount (Track theTrack); |
void QTUtils_GetMaxWindowDepth (CWindowPtr theWindow, short *thePixelType, short *thePixelSize); |
void QTUtils_GetMaxScreenDepth (Rect *theGlobalRect, short *thePixelType, short *thePixelSize); |
long QTUtils_GetUsersConnectionSpeed (void); |
OSErr QTUtils_SetUsersConnectionSpeed (long theSpeed); |
OSErr QTUtils_GetUsersContentRating (UInt32 *theType, UInt16 *theRating); |
OSType QTUtils_GetControllerType (Movie theMovie); |
OSErr QTUtils_SetControllerType (Movie theMovie, OSType theType); |
MovieController QTUtils_ChangeControllerType (MovieController theMC, OSType theType, long theFlags); |
#endif // __QTUtilities__ |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-02-25