Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
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// File: QTShowEffect.h |
// |
// Contains: Code to generate a QuickTime movie with a QuickTime video effect in it, |
// and to preview an effect on zero, one, or two pictures. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based on existing ShowEffect code written by Dan Crow, |
// which was adapted from Peter Hoddie's original DoEffect code. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1996-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <1> 12/15/97 rtm first file; integrated existing code with shell framework |
// |
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// header files |
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#include "ComApplication.h" |
#include <Controls.h> |
#include <ControlDefinitions.h> |
#include <Devices.h> |
#include <Dialogs.h> |
#include <DiskInit.h> |
#include <FileTypesAndCreators.h> |
#include <Fonts.h> |
#include <ImageCodec.h> |
#include <ImageCompression.h> |
#include <Movies.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <Resources.h> |
#include <Sound.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#include <ToolUtils.h> |
#include "MacFramework.h" |
#endif |
#include "WinFramework.h" |
#endif |
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// compiler flags |
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#define USES_MAKE_IMAGE_DESC_FOR_EFFECT 1 // use MakeImageDescriptionForEffect (QT 4.0 and later) |
#define ALLOW_COMPOUND_EFFECTS 0 // add a compound effect to the output effects movie? |
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// constants |
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// the maximum number of items we'll allow in a pop-up menu |
#define kMaxNumPopupMenuItems 75 |
// resource IDs |
#define kCustomDialogID 132 |
#define kSelectDialogID 133 |
#define kSplashDialogID 134 |
#define kPopUpMenuID 133 |
#define kWatchCursorResID 128 |
#define kFirstPICTResID 129 |
#define kSecondPICTResID 130 |
// dialog item IDs of items in the Select Effect dialog box |
#define kSelectButtonOK 1 |
#define kSelectPopUpID 2 |
// dialog item IDs of items in the custom Customize Effect dialog box |
#define kCustomPopUpID 1 |
#define kCustomStaticTextID 2 |
#define kCustomButtonOK 3 |
#define kCustomUserItemID 4 |
// default width, height, and bit depth of the main window |
#define kWidth 360 |
#define kHeight 360 |
#define kThumbNailWidth 64 |
#define kThumbNailHeight 64 |
#define kDepth 0 |
// effects sources names |
#define kSourceOneName FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcA') |
#define kSourceTwoName FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcB') |
#define kSourceThreeName FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcC') |
#define kSourceNoneName FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcZ') |
// parameters for QTGetEffectsList |
#define kNoMinNumSources -1 |
#define kNoMaxNumSources -1 |
// looping states |
#define kNoLooping IDM_NO_LOOPING |
#define kNormalLooping IDM_NORMAL_LOOPING |
#define kPalindromeLooping IDM_PALINDROME_LOOPING |
// play directions |
#define kForward 1 |
#define kBackward 2 |
// miscellaneous constants |
#define kOneSecond 600 |
#define kEffectMovieDuration (5 * kOneSecond) |
#define k30StepsCount 30 |
#define kWindowOffset 75 |
#define kSaveEffectMoviePrompt "Save effect movie file as:" |
#define kSaveEffectMovieFileName "" |
#define kEffectsWindowClassName "Effects Window" |
#define kEffectsWindowTitle "Show Video Effect" |
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// data types |
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// a structure to hold information about the Select Effect pop-up menu |
typedef struct { |
MenuHandle fMenu; |
short fLastChosen; |
short fNumberOfItems; |
char fMenuText[kMaxNumPopupMenuItems][255]; |
OSType fItemInfo[kMaxNumPopupMenuItems]; |
} PopUpMenuInformation; |
// a structure to hold information about the current effect |
typedef struct { |
OSType fEffectType; |
ImageDescriptionHandle fSampleDescription; |
Boolean fShowingEffect; |
Boolean fSteppingEffect; |
ImageSequence fEffectSequenceID; |
QTAtomContainer fEffectDescription; |
TimeBase fTimeBase; |
TimeValue fTime; |
} StateInformation; |
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// |
// function prototypes |
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OSErr QTEffects_Init (void); |
OSErr QTEffects_Stop (void); |
void QTEffects_ProcessEffect (void); |
void QTEffects_DrawEffectsWindow (void); |
Boolean QTEffects_HandleEffectsWindowEvents (EventRecord *theEvent); |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
LRESULT CALLBACK QTEffects_HandleEffectsWindowMessages (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam); |
BOOL QTEffects_RegisterEffectsWindowClass (HANDLE hInstance); |
#endif |
OSErr QTEffects_LetUserChooseEffect (void); |
OSErr QTEffects_LetUserCustomizeEffect (QTAtomContainer theEffectDesc); |
# if TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
static void QTEffects_EffectsDialogCallback (EventRecord *theEvent, DialogRef theDialog, DialogItemIndex theItemHit); |
LRESULT CALLBACK QTEffects_CustomDialogWndProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam); |
#endif |
Boolean QTEffects_HandleEffectsDialogEvents (EventRecord *theEvent, DialogItemIndex theItemHit); |
OSErr QTEffects_InitializePopUpMenu (PopUpMenuInformation *theMenuInfo); |
OSErr QTEffects_UninitializePopUpMenu (PopUpMenuInformation *theMenuInfo); |
OSErr QTEffects_AddItemToPopUpMenu (PopUpMenuInformation *theMenuInfo, char *theItemText, OSType theItemInfo); |
OSErr QTEffects_AddListOfEffects (void); |
QTAtomContainer QTEffects_CreateEffectDescription (OSType theEffectName, OSType theSourceName1, OSType theSourceName2); |
OSErr QTEffects_AddTrackReferenceToInputMap (QTAtomContainer theInputMap, Track theTrack, Track theSrcTrack, OSType theSrcName); |
OSErr QTEffects_SetUpEffectSequence (void); |
ImageDescriptionHandle QTEffects_MakeSampleDescription (OSType theEffectType, short theWidth, short theHeight); |
OSErr QTEffects_RunEffect (TimeValue theTime); |
OSErr QTEffects_GetPictResourceAsGWorld (short theResID, short theWidth, short theHeight, short theDepth, GWorldPtr *theGW); |
OSErr QTEffects_GetPictureAsGWorld (short theWidth, short theHeight, short theDepth, GWorldPtr *theGW); |
OSErr QTEffects_AddVideoTrackFromGWorld (Movie *theMovie, GWorldPtr theGW, Track *theSourceTrack, long theStartTime, short theWidth, short theHeight); |
void QTEffects_CreateEffectsMovie (OSType theEffectType, QTAtomContainer theEffectDesc, short theWidth, short theHeight); |
void QTEffects_NewCreateEffectsMovie (OSType theEffectType, QTAtomContainer theEffectDesc, short theWidth, short theHeight); |
void QTEffects_AddFilmNoiseToMovie (Movie theMovie, Track theSrcTrack); |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-02-25