Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Common Files/SpriteUtilities.c
////////// |
// |
// File: SpriteUtilities.c |
// |
// Contains: Utilities for adding sprite tracks to QuickTime movies. |
// |
// Written by: Sean Allen |
// Revised by: Chris Flick and Tim Monroe |
// |
// Copyright: © 1997-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <4> 11/10/00 rtm general clean-up to bring this file into conformance with style of other |
// sample code |
// <3> 03/27/98 rtm added error checking to AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample to prevent crashes |
// if PICT resources not found |
// <2> 03/27/98 cf further fixes for Windows compiles |
// <1> 03/26/98 rtm made fixes for Windows compiles |
// |
// |
////////// |
#include "SpriteUtilities.h" |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData |
// Set sprite properties for non-NULL parameters, overriding or adding atoms as necessary. |
// |
// Keep in mind that all data in an atom container must be in big-endian format. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_SetSpriteData (QTAtomContainer theSprite, Point *theLocation, short *theVisible, short *theLayer, short *theImageIndex, ModifierTrackGraphicsModeRecord *theGraphicsMode, StringPtr theSpriteName, QTAtomContainer theActionAtoms) |
{ |
QTAtom myPropertyAtom; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
// set the sprite location data |
if (theLocation != NULL) { |
MatrixRecord myMatrix; |
SetIdentityMatrix(&myMatrix); |
myMatrix.matrix[2][0] = ((long)theLocation->h << 16); |
myMatrix.matrix[2][1] = ((long)theLocation->v << 16); |
EndianUtils_MatrixRecord_NtoB(&myMatrix); |
myPropertyAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyMatrix, 1, NULL); |
if (myPropertyAtom == 0) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyMatrix, 1, 0, sizeof(MatrixRecord), &myMatrix, NULL); |
else |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theSprite, myPropertyAtom, sizeof(MatrixRecord), &myMatrix); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the sprite visibility state |
if (theVisible != NULL) { |
short myVisible = *theVisible; |
myVisible = EndianS16_NtoB(myVisible); |
myPropertyAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyVisible, 1, NULL); |
if (myPropertyAtom == 0) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyVisible, 1, 0, sizeof(short), &myVisible, NULL); |
else |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theSprite, myPropertyAtom, sizeof(short), &myVisible); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the sprite layer |
if (theLayer != NULL) { |
short myLayer = *theLayer; |
myLayer = EndianS16_NtoB(myLayer); |
myPropertyAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theSprite, 0, kSpritePropertyLayer, 1, NULL); |
if (myPropertyAtom == 0) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSprite, 0, kSpritePropertyLayer, 1, 0, sizeof(short), &myLayer, NULL); |
else |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theSprite, myPropertyAtom, sizeof(short), &myLayer); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the sprite image index |
if (theImageIndex != NULL) { |
short myImageIndex = *theImageIndex; |
myImageIndex = EndianS16_NtoB(myImageIndex); |
myPropertyAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyImageIndex, 1, NULL); |
if (myPropertyAtom == 0) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyImageIndex, 1, 0, sizeof(short), &myImageIndex, NULL); |
else |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theSprite, myPropertyAtom, sizeof(short), &myImageIndex); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the sprite graphics mode |
if (theGraphicsMode != NULL) { |
ModifierTrackGraphicsModeRecord myGraphicsMode; |
myGraphicsMode.graphicsMode = EndianU32_NtoB(theGraphicsMode->graphicsMode); | = EndianU16_NtoB(theGraphicsMode->; | = EndianU16_NtoB(theGraphicsMode->; | = EndianU16_NtoB(theGraphicsMode->; |
myPropertyAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyGraphicsMode, 1, NULL); |
if (myPropertyAtom == 0) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpritePropertyGraphicsMode, 1, 0, sizeof(myGraphicsMode), &myGraphicsMode, NULL); |
else |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theSprite, myPropertyAtom, sizeof(myGraphicsMode), &myGraphicsMode); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the sprite name |
if (theSpriteName != NULL) { |
QTAtom mySpriteNameAtom; |
mySpriteNameAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpriteNameAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (mySpriteNameAtom == 0) |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpriteNameAtomType, 1, 0, theSpriteName[0] + 1, theSpriteName, NULL); |
else |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theSprite, mySpriteNameAtom, theSpriteName[0] + 1, theSpriteName); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the action atoms |
if (theActionAtoms != NULL) |
myErr = QTInsertChildren(theSprite, kParentAtomIsContainer, theActionAtoms); |
bail: |
if ((myErr != noErr) && (theSprite != NULL)) |
QTRemoveChildren(theSprite, 0); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample |
// Add a sprite to a sample. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_AddSpriteToSample (QTAtomContainer theSample, QTAtomContainer theSprite, QTAtomID theSpriteID) |
{ |
QTAtom mySpriteAtom = 0; |
OSErr myErr = paramErr; |
// see if the sample already contains a sprite atom of the specified ID |
mySpriteAtom = QTFindChildByID(theSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpriteAtomType, theSpriteID, NULL); |
if (mySpriteAtom != 0) |
goto bail; |
// here, the index 0 means to append the sprite to the sample |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theSample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpriteAtomType, theSpriteID, 0, 0, NULL, &mySpriteAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = QTInsertChildren(theSample, mySpriteAtom, theSprite); |
bail: |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AddSpriteSampleToMedia |
// Add a sprite sample to a sprite track's media. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_AddSpriteSampleToMedia (Media theMedia, QTAtomContainer theSample, TimeValue theDuration, Boolean isKeyFrame, TimeValue *theSampleTime) |
{ |
SampleDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
mySampleDesc = (SampleDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SpriteDescription)); |
if (mySampleDesc == NULL) { |
myErr = MemError(); |
goto bail; |
} |
myErr = AddMediaSample(theMedia, |
(Handle)theSample, |
0, |
GetHandleSize(theSample), |
theDuration, |
mySampleDesc, |
1, |
(short)(isKeyFrame ? 0 : mediaSampleNotSync), |
theSampleTime); |
bail: |
if (mySampleDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle) mySampleDesc); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AddCompressedSpriteSampleToMedia |
// Add a compressed sprite sample to a sprite track's media. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_AddCompressedSpriteSampleToMedia (Media theMedia, QTAtomContainer theSample, TimeValue theDuration, Boolean isKeyFrame, OSType theDataCompressorType, TimeValue *theSampleTime) |
{ |
SpriteDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = NULL; |
Handle myCompressedSample = NULL; |
ComponentInstance myComponent = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myErr = OpenADefaultComponent(DataCompressorComponentType, theDataCompressorType, &myComponent); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
mySampleDesc = (SpriteDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(SpriteDescription)); |
if (mySampleDesc == NULL) { |
myErr = MemError(); |
goto bail; |
} |
if (myComponent != NULL) { |
UInt32 myCompressBufferSize, myActualCompressedSize, myDecompressSlop = 0; |
UInt32 myUncompressedSize; |
SignedByte mySaveState = HGetState(theSample); |
myErr = (OSErr)DataCodecGetCompressBufferSize(myComponent, GetHandleSize(theSample), &myCompressBufferSize); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myCompressedSample = NewHandle(sizeof(UInt32) + myCompressBufferSize); |
myErr = MemError(); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
HLockHi(theSample); |
HLockHi(myCompressedSample); |
myErr = (OSErr)DataCodecCompress(myComponent, |
*theSample, |
GetHandleSize(theSample), |
*myCompressedSample + sizeof(UInt32), // room for size at beginning |
myCompressBufferSize, |
&myActualCompressedSize, |
&myDecompressSlop); |
HSetState(theSample, mySaveState); |
HUnlock(myCompressedSample); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
SetHandleSize(myCompressedSample, sizeof(UInt32) + myActualCompressedSize); |
myErr = MemError(); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
(**mySampleDesc).decompressorType = EndianU32_NtoB(theDataCompressorType); |
myUncompressedSize = GetHandleSize(theSample); |
(*(UInt32*) *myCompressedSample) = EndianU32_NtoB(myUncompressedSize); // add uncompressed size at beginning |
myErr = AddMediaSample(theMedia, |
(Handle)myCompressedSample, |
0, |
GetHandleSize(myCompressedSample), |
theDuration, |
(SampleDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, |
1, |
(short)(isKeyFrame ? 0 : mediaSampleNotSync), |
theSampleTime); |
} else { |
myErr = AddMediaSample(theMedia, |
(Handle)theSample, |
0, |
GetHandleSize(theSample), |
theDuration, |
(SampleDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, |
1, |
(short)(isKeyFrame ? 0 : mediaSampleNotSync), |
theSampleTime); |
} |
bail: |
if (myCompressedSample != NULL) |
DisposeHandle(myCompressedSample); |
if (mySampleDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)mySampleDesc); |
if (myComponent != NULL) |
CloseComponent(myComponent); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample |
// Compress a PICT with the animation compressor and add the image data to a sprite key sample's images container atom. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_AddPICTImageToKeyFrameSample (QTAtomContainer theKeySample, short thePictID, RGBColor *theKeyColor, QTAtomID theID, FixedPoint *theRegistrationPoint, StringPtr theImageName) |
{ |
PicHandle myPicture = NULL; |
Handle myCompressedPicture = NULL; |
ImageDescriptionHandle myImageDesc = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
// get picture from resource |
myPicture = (PicHandle)GetPicture(thePictID); |
if (myPicture == NULL) |
myErr = resNotFound; |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
DetachResource((Handle)myPicture); |
// convert it to image data compressed by the animation compressor |
myErr = ICUtils_RecompressPictureWithTransparency(myPicture, theKeyColor, NULL, &myImageDesc, &myCompressedPicture); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// add it to the key sample |
HLock(myCompressedPicture); |
myErr = SpriteUtils_AddCompressedImageToKeyFrameSample(theKeySample, myImageDesc, GetHandleSize(myCompressedPicture), *myCompressedPicture, theID, theRegistrationPoint, theImageName); |
bail: |
if (myPicture != NULL) |
KillPicture(myPicture); |
if (myCompressedPicture != NULL) |
DisposeHandle(myCompressedPicture); |
if (myImageDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myImageDesc); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AddCompressedImageToKeyFrameSample |
// Add compressed image data to a sprite key sample's images container atom. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_AddCompressedImageToKeyFrameSample (QTAtomContainer theKeySample, ImageDescriptionHandle theImageDesc, long theDataSize, Ptr theCompressedDataPtr, QTAtomID theImageID, FixedPoint *theRegistrationPoint, StringPtr theImageName) |
{ |
Handle myImageData = NULL; |
QTAtom myDefaultsAtom, myImagesContainerAtom, myImageAtom; |
ImageDescriptionHandle myImageDesc = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(GetHandleSize((Handle)theImageDesc)); |
BlockMoveData(*theImageDesc, *myImageDesc, GetHandleSize((Handle)theImageDesc)); |
EndianUtils_ImageDescription_NtoB(myImageDesc); |
#else |
myImageDesc = theImageDesc; // already is big endian |
#endif |
// append compressed picture data to myImageDesc to obtain sprite image data |
myImageData = NewHandle(0); |
myErr = MemError(); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = HandAndHand((Handle)myImageDesc, myImageData); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = PtrAndHand(theCompressedDataPtr, myImageData, theDataSize); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myDefaultsAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, 0, kSpriteSharedDataAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myDefaultsAtom == 0) { |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, kParentAtomIsContainer, kSpriteSharedDataAtomType, 1, 0, 0, NULL, &myDefaultsAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
myImagesContainerAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, myDefaultsAtom, kSpriteImagesContainerAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myImagesContainerAtom == 0) { |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myDefaultsAtom, kSpriteImagesContainerAtomType, 1, 0, 0, NULL, &myImagesContainerAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, kSpriteImageAtomType, theImageID, 0, 0, NULL, &myImageAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
HLock(myImageData); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageDataAtomType, 1, 0, GetHandleSize(myImageData), *myImageData, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
HUnlock(myImageData); |
if (theRegistrationPoint != NULL) { |
FixedPoint myRegistrationPoint; |
myRegistrationPoint.x = EndianS32_NtoB(theRegistrationPoint->x); |
myRegistrationPoint.y = EndianS32_NtoB(theRegistrationPoint->y); |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageRegistrationAtomType, 1, 0, sizeof(myRegistrationPoint), &myRegistrationPoint, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} else { |
FixedPoint myRegistrationPoint = { 0, 0 }; // flipping {0,0} doesn't change anything so we don't flip |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageRegistrationAtomType, 1, 0, sizeof(myRegistrationPoint), &myRegistrationPoint, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
if (theImageName != NULL) { |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageNameAtomType, 1, 0, theImageName[0], &theImageName[1], NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
bail: |
if (myImageDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myImageDesc); |
#else |
// myImageDesc is still theImageDesc, so don't dispose of it |
#endif |
if (myImageData != NULL) |
DisposeHandle(myImageData); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AssignImageGroupIDsToKeyFrame |
// Assign image group IDs to the images in a key frame sample. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr SpriteUtils_AssignImageGroupIDsToKeyFrame (QTAtomContainer theKeySample) |
{ |
QTAtom myDefaultsAtom, myImagesContainerAtom; |
ImageDescriptionHandle myFirstImageDesc = NULL; |
ImageDescriptionHandle mySecondImageDesc = NULL; |
short myFirstIndex, mySecondIndex, myNumImages; |
CodecType myFirstImageType, mySecondImageType; |
long myGroupID = 0, myTestID; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myDefaultsAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, 0, kSpriteSharedDataAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myDefaultsAtom == 0) |
goto bail; |
myImagesContainerAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, myDefaultsAtom, kSpriteImagesContainerAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myImagesContainerAtom == 0) |
goto bail; |
myFirstImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0); |
if (myFirstImageDesc == NULL) { |
myErr = memFullErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
mySecondImageDesc = (ImageDescriptionHandle)NewHandle(0); |
if (mySecondImageDesc == NULL) { |
myErr = memFullErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
myNumImages = QTCountChildrenOfType(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, kSpriteImageAtomType); |
for (myFirstIndex = 1; myFirstIndex <= myNumImages; myFirstIndex++) { |
myErr = SpriteUtils_SetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, myFirstIndex, 0); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
for (myFirstIndex = 1; myFirstIndex <= (myNumImages - 1); myFirstIndex++) { |
myErr = SpriteUtils_GetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, myFirstIndex, &myTestID); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
if (myTestID == 0) { |
myGroupID++; |
myErr = SpriteUtils_SetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, myFirstIndex, myGroupID); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
myErr = SpriteUtils_GetImageDescription(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, myFirstIndex, myFirstImageDesc); |
myFirstImageType = (**myFirstImageDesc).cType; |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
for (mySecondIndex = (myFirstIndex + 1); mySecondIndex <= myNumImages; mySecondIndex++) { |
myErr = SpriteUtils_GetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, mySecondIndex, &myTestID); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
if (myTestID == 0) { |
myErr = SpriteUtils_GetImageDescription(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, mySecondIndex, mySecondImageDesc); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
mySecondImageType = (**mySecondImageDesc).cType; |
if (myFirstImageType == mySecondImageType) { |
ImageSequence mySeqID; |
Boolean isEquivalent; |
myErr = DecompressSequenceBegin(&mySeqID, myFirstImageDesc, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ditherCopy, (RgnHandle)NULL, 0, codecNormalQuality, anyCodec); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
CDSequenceEquivalentImageDescription(mySeqID, mySecondImageDesc, &isEquivalent); |
CDSequenceEnd(mySeqID); |
if (isEquivalent) { |
myErr = SpriteUtils_SetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, mySecondIndex, myGroupID); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// assign an ID to the last image |
myErr = SpriteUtils_GetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, myNumImages, &myTestID); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
if (myTestID == 0) { |
myGroupID++; |
myErr = SpriteUtils_SetImageGroupID(theKeySample, myImagesContainerAtom, myNumImages, myGroupID); |
} |
bail: |
if (myFirstImageDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myFirstImageDesc); |
if (mySecondImageDesc != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)mySecondImageDesc); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_AssignImageGroupIDsToKeyFrame |
// Assign image group IDs to the images in a key frame sample. |
// |
////////// |
static OSErr SpriteUtils_GetImageDescription (QTAtomContainer theKeySample, QTAtom theImagesContainerAtom, short theImageIndex, ImageDescriptionHandle theImageDesc) |
{ |
QTAtom myImageAtom, myImageDataAtom; |
UInt8 mySaveState; |
UInt32 mySize; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myImageAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, theImagesContainerAtom, kSpriteImageAtomType, theImageIndex, NULL); |
if (myImageAtom == 0) { |
myErr = cannotFindAtomErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
myImageDataAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageDataAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myImageDataAtom == 0) { |
myErr = cannotFindAtomErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
mySaveState = HGetState((Handle)theImageDesc); |
HUnlock((Handle)theImageDesc); |
// copy the data (ImageDescription followed by image data) to a handle |
myErr = QTCopyAtomDataToHandle(theKeySample, myImageDataAtom, (Handle)theImageDesc); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
mySize = EndianU32_BtoN((**theImageDesc).idSize); |
// pull off anything following the image description (& its color table, if any, and any image description extensions) |
SetHandleSize((Handle)theImageDesc, mySize); |
EndianUtils_ImageDescription_BtoN(theImageDesc); |
#endif |
HSetState((Handle)theImageDesc, mySaveState); |
myErr = MemError(); |
bail: |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_SetImageGroupID |
// Set the group ID of an image group. |
// |
////////// |
static OSErr SpriteUtils_SetImageGroupID (QTAtomContainer theKeySample, QTAtom theImagesContainerAtom, short theImageIndex, long theGroupID) |
{ |
QTAtom myImageAtom, myImageGroupAtom; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myImageAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, theImagesContainerAtom, kSpriteImageAtomType, theImageIndex, NULL); |
if (myImageAtom == 0) { |
myErr = cannotFindAtomErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
myImageGroupAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageGroupIDAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myImageGroupAtom == 0) { |
myErr = QTInsertChild(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageGroupIDAtomType, 1, 1, 0, NULL, &myImageGroupAtom); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
} |
theGroupID = EndianU32_NtoB(theGroupID); |
myErr = QTSetAtomData(theKeySample, myImageGroupAtom, sizeof(theGroupID), &theGroupID); |
bail: |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// SpriteUtils_GetImageGroupID |
// Get the group ID of an image group. |
// |
////////// |
static OSErr SpriteUtils_GetImageGroupID (QTAtomContainer theKeySample, QTAtom theImagesContainerAtom, short theImageIndex, long *theGroupID) |
{ |
QTAtom myImageAtom, myImageGroupAtom; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myImageAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, theImagesContainerAtom, kSpriteImageAtomType, theImageIndex, NULL); |
if (myImageAtom == 0) { |
myErr = cannotFindAtomErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
myImageGroupAtom = QTFindChildByIndex(theKeySample, myImageAtom, kSpriteImageGroupIDAtomType, 1, NULL); |
if (myImageGroupAtom == 0) |
*theGroupID = 0; |
else { |
myErr = QTCopyAtomDataToPtr(theKeySample, myImageGroupAtom, false, sizeof(*theGroupID), (Ptr)theGroupID, NULL); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
*theGroupID = EndianU32_BtoN(*theGroupID); // return native endian long |
} |
bail: |
return(myErr); |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-02-25