
    File:       RTPRssmComponentVideo.h
    Contains:   Declarations for Component Video RTPReassembler
    Copyright:  © 1997-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
#pragma once
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      H E A D E R S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <QTStreamingComponents.h>
#include "ComponentVideoRTP.h"
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *      D A T A T Y P E S
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  An RTPRssmComponentVideoInstanceData structure stores instance variables
 *  for a Component Video RTPReassembler instance.  The structure declares the
 *  following fields:
 *      itself                      the RTPReassembler instance that maintains
 *                                  this data structure
 *      itsBase                     the RTPReassembler to which the instance
 *                                  delegates calls
 *      itsFinalDerivation          the RTPReassembler instance to which the
 *                                  instance targets calls to itself
 *      itsPayloadAttributes        cached attributes of incoming payloads
 *      itsSavedChunk               the most recent frame of reassembled
 *                                  sample data
typedef struct
    RTPReassembler          itself;
    RTPReassembler          itsBase;
    RTPReassembler          itsFinalDerivation;
    ComponentVideoPayload   itsPayloadAttributes;
    SHChunkRecord *         itsSavedChunk;
} RTPRssmComponentVideoInstanceData;