Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
////////// |
// |
// File: QTText.c |
// |
// Contains: QuickTime text media handler sample code. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// parts based on QTTextSample code by Nick Thompson (see develop, issue 20). |
// |
// Copyright: © 1998-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <14> 07/20/00 rtm replaced all calls to QTText_UpdateMovieAndController by MCMovieChanged; |
// reworked QTText_RemoveIndTextTrack to call MCMovieChanged right after |
// calling QTUtils_DeleteAllReferencesToTrack; this prevents crashes when |
// calling MCMovieChanged after QTText_RemoveIndTextTrack on Windows (this |
// happened when deleting a visible chapter track) |
// <13> 07/07/00 rtm added HREFTrack support; added QTText_SyncWindowData |
// <12> 06/16/00 rtm added call to TextMediaSetTextProc to QTText_AddTextTrack |
// <11> 06/02/00 rtm added call to QTText_UpdateMovieAndController to QTText_EditText |
// <10> 03/17/00 rtm made changes to get things running under CarbonLib |
// <9> 06/14/99 rtm added a bunch more chapter track utilities |
// <8> 06/11/99 rtm added QTText_GetChapterTrackForTrack |
// <7> 06/10/98 rtm general clean-up; in QTText_AddTextTrack, set the time scale of the |
// text track media to that of the movie |
// <6> 06/08/98 rtm fixed text track duration calculations |
// <5> 06/05/98 rtm fixed track geometry calculations in QTText_AddTextTrack |
// <4> 06/03/98 rtm added QTText_AddTextTrack and QTText_RemoveIndTextTrack; borrowed |
// QTText_CopyCStringToPascal from source file CGlue.c |
// <3> 05/29/98 rtm added chapter track enabling/disabling |
// <2> 04/08/98 rtm added text offset handling, so we can now search within the current sample; |
// added QTText_EditText to allow editing a sample's text; added compile flag |
// to use MovieSearchText instead of TextMediaFindNextText (see Note 3) |
// <1> 04/07/98 rtm first file; conversion to personal coding style; updated to latest headers; |
// got basic searching working on Mac and Windows |
// |
// This source code shows how to do searches on text media, how to use a simple text procedure to retrieve |
// the text from a text media sample, and how to edit that text. It also shows how to convert a text track |
// into a chapter track (and vice versa), and how to add (and remove) text tracks to (and from) a movie. |
// |
// NOTES: |
// |
// *** (1) *** |
// This code is based in part on the code provided with the develop article on QuickTime text by Nick Thompson |
// (issue 20). Make sure to read that article for complete details on the techniques employed here. I have |
// taken the liberty of reworking that code as necessary to make it run on Windows platforms and to bring it |
// into line with the other QuickTime code samples. |
// |
// *** (2) *** |
// The editted text does NOT use the font, size, color, justification, or background color of the text |
// it replaces. It would be straightforward to add this capability. See the develop article mentioned above for |
// code that does all these things. |
// |
// *** (3) *** |
// The Movie Toolbox provides two different functions that you can use to search for text in a text track: |
// TextMediaFindNextText (originally called FindNextText) and MovieSearchText. TextMediaFindNextText inspects |
// only a specified track, while MovieSearchText can search all text tracks in a specified movie. Moreover, |
// MovieSearchText will automatically go to and highlight the found text; these operations must be done manually |
// if you're using TextMediaFindNextText. This sample code illustrates BOTH of these functions; you determine |
// which is used by setting the USE_MOVIESEARCHTEXT compiler flag in QTText.h. |
// |
////////// |
#include "QTText.h" |
////////// |
// |
// global variables |
// |
////////// |
Boolean gSearchForward = true; // do we search forward or backward? |
Boolean gSearchWrap = true; // do we wrap around when searching? |
Boolean gSearchWithCase = false; // is the search case sensitive? |
Str255 gSearchText; // the text we're searching for |
Str255 gSampleText; // the text of the current text media sample |
long gOffset; // offset of current found text within sample |
TextMediaUPP gTextProcUPP = NULL; // UPP to text handling procedure |
extern ModalFilterUPP gModalFilterUPP; |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_InitWindowData |
// Initialize any window-specific data for the text media handler. |
// |
////////// |
ApplicationDataHdl QTText_InitWindowData (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
ApplicationDataHdl myAppData = NULL; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
MediaHandler myHandler = NULL; |
myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)NewHandleClear(sizeof(ApplicationDataRecord)); |
if (myAppData != NULL) { |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType((**theWindowObject).fMovie, 1, TextMediaType, movieTrackMediaType | movieTrackEnabledOnly); |
if (myTrack != NULL) { |
// load the entire text track into RAM |
LoadTrackIntoRam(myTrack, 0L, GetTrackDuration(myTrack), 0L); |
// set the text handling procedure |
myHandler = GetMediaHandler(GetTrackMedia(myTrack)); |
if (myHandler != NULL) |
TextMediaSetTextProc(myHandler, gTextProcUPP, (long)theWindowObject); |
} |
// remember the text track and media handler |
(**myAppData).fMovieHasText = (myTrack != NULL); |
(**myAppData).fTextIsChapter = QTText_TrackTypeHasAChapterTrack((**theWindowObject).fMovie, VideoMediaType); |
(**myAppData).fTextIsHREF = QTText_IsHREFTrack(myTrack); |
(**myAppData).fTextTrack = myTrack; |
(**myAppData).fTextHandler = myHandler; |
} |
return(myAppData); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_DumpWindowData |
// Get rid of any window-specific data for the text media handler. |
// |
////////// |
void QTText_DumpWindowData (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
ApplicationDataHdl myAppData = NULL; |
myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject); |
if (myAppData != NULL) |
DisposeHandle((Handle)myAppData); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_SyncWindowData |
// Synchronize any window-specific data for the text media handler. |
// |
////////// |
void QTText_SyncWindowData (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
ApplicationDataHdl myAppData = NULL; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
MediaHandler myHandler = NULL; |
myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject); |
if (myAppData != NULL) { |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType((**theWindowObject).fMovie, 1, TextMediaType, movieTrackMediaType | movieTrackEnabledOnly); |
if (myTrack != NULL) { |
// load the entire text track into RAM |
LoadTrackIntoRam(myTrack, 0L, GetTrackDuration(myTrack), 0L); |
// set the text handling procedure |
myHandler = GetMediaHandler(GetTrackMedia(myTrack)); |
if (myHandler != NULL) |
TextMediaSetTextProc(myHandler, gTextProcUPP, (long)theWindowObject); |
} |
// remember the text track and media handler |
(**myAppData).fMovieHasText = (myTrack != NULL); |
(**myAppData).fTextIsChapter = QTText_TrackTypeHasAChapterTrack((**theWindowObject).fMovie, VideoMediaType); |
(**myAppData).fTextIsHREF = QTText_IsHREFTrack(myTrack); |
(**myAppData).fTextTrack = myTrack; |
(**myAppData).fTextHandler = myHandler; |
} |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_SetSearchText |
// Let the user specify the text to be searched for. |
// |
////////// |
void QTText_SetSearchText (void) |
{ |
DialogPtr myDialog; |
short myItem; |
short myType; |
Handle myItemHandle; |
Rect myRect; |
// get the dialog that lets the user specify the search text |
myDialog = GetNewDialog(kTextDialogID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); |
if (myDialog == NULL) |
goto bail; |
SetDialogDefaultItem(myDialog, kTextOKIndex); |
// set the current search text into the edittext field |
GetDialogItem(myDialog, kTextTextEditIndex, &myType, &myItemHandle, &myRect); |
SetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, gSearchText); |
SelectDialogItemText(myDialog, kTextTextEditIndex, 0, 32767); |
// now show the dialog |
MacShowWindow(GetDialogWindow(myDialog)); |
MacSetPort(GetDialogPort(myDialog)); |
do { |
ModalDialog(gModalFilterUPP, &myItem); |
} while (myItem != kTextOKIndex); |
// get the text in the edittext field |
GetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, gSearchText); |
bail: |
if (myDialog != NULL) |
DisposeDialog(myDialog); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_FindText |
// Find the specified string in the (first) text track of the specified window object. |
// |
////////// |
void QTText_FindText (WindowObject theWindowObject, Str255 theText) |
{ |
ApplicationDataHdl myAppData = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
MediaHandler myHandler = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
long myFlags = 0L; |
TimeValue myTimeValue; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject); |
if (myAppData == NULL) |
return; |
myMC = (**theWindowObject).fController; |
myMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie; |
myHandler = (**myAppData).fTextHandler; |
// set the search features |
myFlags = findTextUseOffset; |
if (!gSearchForward) |
myFlags |= findTextReverseSearch; |
if (gSearchWrap) |
myFlags |= findTextWrapAround; |
if (gSearchWithCase) |
myFlags |= findTextCaseSensitive; |
myTimeValue = GetMovieTime(myMovie, NULL); |
////////// |
// |
// METHOD ONE: Use MovieSearchText, your one-stop, find-the-text-and-do-the-right-thing function. |
// |
////////// |
myFlags |= searchTextEnabledTracksOnly; |
myErr = MovieSearchText(myMovie, (Ptr)(&theText[1]), theText[0], myFlags, NULL, &myTimeValue, &gOffset); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
QTFrame_Beep(); // if the desired string wasn't found, beep |
#else |
////////// |
// |
// METHOD TWO: Use TextMediaFindNextText. Here, you need to explicitly go to the found text and select it. |
// |
////////// |
if (myHandler != NULL) { |
TimeValue myFoundTime, myFoundDuration; |
TimeRecord myNewTime; |
RGBColor myColor; | = = = 0x8000; // grey |
// search for the specified text |
myErr = TextMediaFindNextText(myHandler, (Ptr)(&theText[1]), theText[0], myFlags, myTimeValue, &myFoundTime, &myFoundDuration, &gOffset); |
if (myFoundTime != -1) { |
// convert the TimeValue to a TimeRecord |
myNewTime.value.hi = 0; |
myNewTime.value.lo = myFoundTime; |
myNewTime.scale = GetMovieTimeScale(myMovie); |
myNewTime.base = NULL; |
// go to the found text |
MCDoAction(myMC, mcActionGoToTime, &myNewTime); |
// highlight the text |
TextMediaHiliteTextSample(myHandler, myFoundTime, gOffset, gOffset + theText[0], &myColor); |
} else { |
// if the desired string wasn't found, beep |
QTFrame_Beep(); |
} |
} |
// update the current offset, if we're searching forward |
if (gSearchForward && (myErr == noErr)) |
gOffset += theText[0]; |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_EditText |
// Edit the text in the current sample of the (first) text track of the specified window object. |
// |
////////// |
void QTText_EditText (WindowObject theWindowObject) |
{ |
ApplicationDataHdl myAppData = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
Media myMedia = NULL; |
MediaHandler myHandler = NULL; |
DialogPtr myDialog = NULL; |
short myItem; |
short myType; |
Handle myItemHandle = NULL; |
Rect myRect; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
// get the movie and related stuff |
myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject); |
if (myAppData == NULL) |
goto bail; |
myMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie; |
myTrack = (**myAppData).fTextTrack; |
myMedia = GetTrackMedia(myTrack); |
myHandler = (**myAppData).fTextHandler; |
// get the dialog that lets the user specify the text for the current sample |
myDialog = GetNewDialog(kEditDialogID, NULL, (WindowPtr)-1); |
if (myDialog == NULL) |
goto bail; |
SetDialogDefaultItem(myDialog, kEditOKIndex); |
SetDialogCancelItem(myDialog, kEditCancelIndex); |
// set the current sample text into the edittext field |
GetDialogItem(myDialog, kEditTextEditIndex, &myType, &myItemHandle, &myRect); |
SetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, gSampleText); |
SelectDialogItemText(myDialog, kEditTextEditIndex, 0, 32767); |
// now show the dialog |
MacShowWindow(GetDialogWindow(myDialog)); |
MacSetPort(GetDialogPort(myDialog)); |
do { |
ModalDialog(gModalFilterUPP, &myItem); |
} while ((myItem != kEditOKIndex) && (myItem != kEditCancelIndex)); |
// if the user hit the OK button, save the text and update the text sample |
if (myItem == kEditOKIndex) { |
Fixed myWidth; |
Fixed myHeight; |
Rect myBounds; |
TimeValue myMovieTime; |
TimeValue mySampleTime; |
TimeValue myDuration; |
TimeValue myMediaSampleDuration; |
TimeValue myMediaSampleStartTime; |
TimeValue myMediaCurrentTime; |
TimeValue myInterestingTime; |
long myMediaSampleIndex; |
// get the text in the edittext field |
GetDialogItemText(myItemHandle, gSampleText); |
// install that text as the current text media sample |
// first, we need to find the start and duration for this media sample; |
// get the current movie time and the time in media time of the current sample |
myMovieTime = GetMovieTime(myMovie, NULL); |
myMediaCurrentTime = TrackTimeToMediaTime(myMovieTime, myTrack); |
// get detailed information about the start and duration of the current sample |
MediaTimeToSampleNum( myMedia, |
myMediaCurrentTime, |
&myMediaSampleIndex, |
&myMediaSampleStartTime, |
&myMediaSampleDuration); |
// see where this text starts |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime(myTrack, nextTimeEdgeOK | nextTimeMediaSample, myMovieTime, -fixed1, &myInterestingTime, NULL); |
// get the duration of the current sample |
myMovieTime = myInterestingTime; |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime(myTrack, nextTimeEdgeOK | nextTimeMediaSample, myMovieTime, fixed1, NULL, &myDuration); |
myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// delete the existing text |
myErr = DeleteTrackSegment(myTrack, myInterestingTime, myDuration); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// get the track bounds |
GetTrackDimensions(myTrack, &myWidth, &myHeight); | = 0; |
myBounds.left = 0; |
myBounds.right = Fix2Long(myWidth); |
myBounds.bottom = Fix2Long(myHeight); |
// write out the new data to the media |
myErr = TextMediaAddTextSample( myHandler, |
(Ptr)(&gSampleText[1]), |
gSampleText[0], |
0, |
0, |
0, |
teCenter, |
&myBounds, |
dfClipToTextBox, |
0, |
0, |
0, |
myMediaSampleDuration, |
&mySampleTime); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
EndMediaEdits(myMedia); |
// insert the new media into the track |
InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTrack, myInterestingTime, mySampleTime, myMediaSampleDuration, fixed1); |
// stamp the movie as dirty |
(**theWindowObject).fIsDirty = true; |
// update the chapter pop-up |
if ((**theWindowObject).fController != NULL) |
MCMovieChanged((**theWindowObject).fController, myMovie); |
} |
bail: |
if (myDialog != NULL) |
DisposeDialog(myDialog); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_TextProc |
// This function is called whenever a new text sample is about to be displayed. |
// We'll use it to grab the text of the current text sample. |
// |
// NOTE: The theRefCon parameter is a handle to a window object record. |
// |
////////// |
PASCAL_RTN OSErr QTText_TextProc (Handle theText, Movie theMovie, short *theDisplayFlag, long theRefCon) |
{ |
#pragma unused(theMovie, theRefCon) |
char *myTextPtr = NULL; |
short myTextSize; |
short myIndex; |
// on entry to this function, theText is a handle to the text sample data, |
// which is a big-endian 16-bit length word followed by the text itself |
myTextSize = EndianU16_BtoN(*(short *)(*theText)); |
myTextPtr = (char *)(*theText + sizeof(short)); |
// copy the text into our global variable |
for (myIndex = 1; myIndex <= myTextSize; myIndex++, myTextPtr++) |
gSampleText[myIndex] = *myTextPtr; |
gSampleText[0] = myTextSize; |
// ask for the default text display |
*theDisplayFlag = txtProcDefaultDisplay; |
return(noErr); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Text track utilities. |
// |
// Use these functions to manipulate text tracks in a movie. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_AddTextTrack |
// Add a text track containing some text data to a movie; return the new track to the caller. |
// |
// The theStrings parameter is an array of C strings; each element is the text for a certain span of frames |
// of the movie. The theFrames parameter is an array of frame counts; each of these counts determines how many |
// frames the corresponding text element in the theStrings array applies to; the sum of all the values in this |
// array should be equal to the total number of frames in the movie. |
// |
// If the isChapterTrack parameter is true, the text track is set to be a chapter track, attached to the (first) |
// track of type theType. |
// |
////////// |
Track QTText_AddTextTrack (Movie theMovie, char *theStrings[], short theFrames[], short theNumFrames, OSType theType, Boolean isChapterTrack) |
{ |
Track myTypeTrack = NULL; |
Track myTextTrack = NULL; |
Media myMedia = NULL; |
MediaHandler myHandler = NULL; |
TimeScale myTimeScale; |
MatrixRecord myMatrix; |
Fixed myWidth; |
Fixed myHeight; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
////////// |
// |
// find the target track |
// |
////////// |
// get the (first) track of the specified type; this track determines the width of the new text track |
// and (if isChapterTrack is true) is the target of the new chapter track |
myTypeTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, theType, movieTrackMediaType); |
if (myTypeTrack == NULL) |
goto bail; |
// get the dimensions of the target track |
GetTrackDimensions(myTypeTrack, &myWidth, &myHeight); |
myTimeScale = GetMediaTimeScale(GetTrackMedia(myTypeTrack)); |
////////// |
// |
// create the text track and media |
// |
////////// |
myTextTrack = NewMovieTrack(theMovie, myWidth, FixRatio(kTextTrackHeight, 1), kNoVolume); |
if (myTextTrack == NULL) |
goto bail; |
myMedia = NewTrackMedia(myTextTrack, TextMediaType, myTimeScale, NULL, 0); |
if (myMedia == NULL) |
goto bail; |
myHandler = GetMediaHandler(myMedia); |
if (myHandler == NULL) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// figure out the text track geometry |
// |
////////// |
GetTrackMatrix(myTextTrack, &myMatrix); |
TranslateMatrix(&myMatrix, 0, myHeight); |
SetTrackMatrix(myTextTrack, &myMatrix); |
SetTrackEnabled(myTextTrack, true); |
////////// |
// |
// edit the track media |
// |
////////// |
myErr = BeginMediaEdits(myMedia); |
if (myErr == noErr) { |
Rect myBounds; |
short myIndex; |
TimeValue myTypeSampleDuration; |
TimeRecord myTimeRec; | = 0; |
myBounds.left = 0; |
myBounds.right = Fix2Long(myWidth); |
myBounds.bottom = Fix2Long(myHeight); |
// determine the duration of a sample in the track of the specified type |
myTypeSampleDuration = QTUtils_GetFrameDuration(myTypeTrack); |
for (myIndex = 0; myIndex < theNumFrames; myIndex++) { |
TimeValue myTextSampleDuration; |
Str255 mySampleText; |
myTextSampleDuration = myTypeSampleDuration * theFrames[myIndex]; |
// set the time scale of the media to that of the movie |
myTimeRec.value.lo = myTextSampleDuration; |
myTimeRec.value.hi = 0; |
myTimeRec.scale = GetMovieTimeScale(theMovie); |
ConvertTimeScale(&myTimeRec, GetMediaTimeScale(myMedia)); |
myTextSampleDuration = myTimeRec.value.lo; |
QTText_CopyCStringToPascal(theStrings[myIndex], mySampleText); |
{ |
TextDescriptionHandle mySampleDesc = NULL; |
Handle mySample = NULL; |
UInt16 myLength; |
RGBColor myBGColor = {0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff}; |
mySampleDesc = (TextDescriptionHandle)NewHandleClear(sizeof(TextDescription)); |
if (mySampleDesc == NULL) |
goto bail; |
(**mySampleDesc).descSize = sizeof(TextDescription); |
(**mySampleDesc).dataFormat = TextMediaType; |
(**mySampleDesc).displayFlags = dfClipToTextBox; |
(**mySampleDesc).textJustification = teCenter; |
(**mySampleDesc).defaultTextBox = myBounds; |
(**mySampleDesc).bgColor = myBGColor; |
myLength = EndianU16_NtoB(mySampleText[0]); |
// create the text media sample: a 16-bit length word followed by the text |
myErr = PtrToHand(&myLength, &mySample, sizeof(myLength)); |
if (myErr == noErr) { |
myErr = PtrAndHand((Ptr)(&mySampleText[1]), mySample, mySampleText[0]); |
if (myErr == noErr) |
AddMediaSample( myMedia, |
mySample, |
0, |
GetHandleSize(mySample), |
myTextSampleDuration, |
(SampleDescriptionHandle)mySampleDesc, |
1, |
0, |
NULL); |
DisposeHandle(mySample); |
} |
DisposeHandle((Handle)mySampleDesc); |
} |
#else |
// write out the new data to the media |
myErr = TextMediaAddTextSample( myHandler, |
(Ptr)(&mySampleText[1]), |
mySampleText[0], |
0, |
0, |
0, |
teCenter, |
&myBounds, |
dfClipToTextBox, |
0, |
0, |
0, |
myTextSampleDuration, |
NULL); |
#endif |
} |
} |
myErr = EndMediaEdits(myMedia); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
// insert the text media into the text track |
myErr = InsertMediaIntoTrack(myTextTrack, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(myMedia), fixed1); |
if (myErr != noErr) |
goto bail; |
////////// |
// |
// set the text handling procedure |
// |
////////// |
TextMediaSetTextProc(myHandler, gTextProcUPP, (long)QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow()); |
////////// |
// |
// if requested, set the new text track as a chapter track for the track of the specified type |
// |
////////// |
if (isChapterTrack) |
AddTrackReference(myTypeTrack, myTextTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, NULL); |
bail: |
return(myTextTrack); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_RemoveIndTextTrack |
// Remove a text track, specified by its index, from a movie. |
// |
// If theIndex is kAllTextTracks (0), remove all text tracks from the movie. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTText_RemoveIndTextTrack (WindowObject theWindowObject, short theIndex) |
{ |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
if (theWindowObject == NULL) |
return(paramErr); |
myMC = (**theWindowObject).fController; |
myMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie; |
if (theIndex == kAllTextTracks) { |
// remove ALL text tracks from the movie |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(myMovie, 1, TextMediaType, movieTrackMediaType); |
if (myTrack == NULL) |
myErr = badTrackIndex; |
while (myTrack != NULL) { |
QTUtils_DeleteAllReferencesToTrack(myTrack); |
MCMovieChanged(myMC, myMovie); |
DisposeMovieTrack(myTrack); |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(myMovie, 1, TextMediaType, movieTrackMediaType); |
} |
} else { |
// remove ONE text track from the movie |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(myMovie, theIndex, TextMediaType, movieTrackMediaType); |
if (myTrack == NULL) { |
myErr = badTrackIndex; |
} else { |
QTUtils_DeleteAllReferencesToTrack(myTrack); |
MCMovieChanged(myMC, myMovie); |
DisposeMovieTrack(myTrack); |
} |
} |
return(myErr); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Chapter track utilities. |
// |
// Use these functions to manipulate chapter tracks in a movie. |
// |
// A chapter track is a text track that has been associated with some other track (often a video or sound |
// track) in such a way that the movie controller will build, display, and handle a pop-up menu of titles |
// of various parts of the associated track. The pop-up menu appears (space permitting) in the controller |
// bar. The various parts of the associated track are called the track's "chapters". When a user selects a |
// chapter title in the pop-up menu, the movie controller jumps to the start time of the selected chapter. |
// |
// You create the association between a text track and some other track by creating a reference from that |
// other track to the text track, where the reference is of type kTrackReferenceChapterList. Note that all |
// the chapter titles must be contained in a single text track; you specify the starting time for chapters |
// when you add the text to the text track by calling TextMediaAddTextSample. Note also that you need to |
// create the chapter association only between the text track and one other track, not between the chapter |
// track and all other tracks in the movie. (That "other" track must be enabled, but typically the chapter |
// track is not enabled.) |
// |
// The pop-up menu will disappear from the controller bar if there isn't enough space to display the menu, |
// the volume slider control, the step buttons, and the other controls. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_SetTextTrackAsChapterTrack |
// Set the (first) text track in the specified movie to be or not to be a chapter track |
// for the (first) enabled track of the specified type. |
// |
// The isChapterTrack parameter determines the final state of the text track. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTText_SetTextTrackAsChapterTrack (WindowObject theWindowObject, OSType theType, Boolean isChapterTrack) |
{ |
ApplicationDataHdl myAppData = NULL; |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
MovieController myMC = NULL; |
Track myTypeTrack = NULL; |
Track myTextTrack = NULL; |
OSErr myErr = paramErr; |
// get the movie, controller, and related stuff |
myAppData = (ApplicationDataHdl)QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject(theWindowObject); |
if (myAppData == NULL) |
return(myErr); |
myMovie = (**theWindowObject).fMovie; |
myMC = (**theWindowObject).fController; |
myTextTrack = (**myAppData).fTextTrack; |
if ((myMovie != NULL) && (myMC != NULL)) { |
myTypeTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(myMovie, 1, theType, movieTrackMediaType | movieTrackEnabledOnly); |
if ((myTypeTrack != NULL) && (myTextTrack != NULL)) { |
// add or delete a track reference, as determined by the desired final state |
if (isChapterTrack) |
myErr = AddTrackReference(myTypeTrack, myTextTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, NULL); |
else |
myErr = DeleteTrackReference(myTypeTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, 1); |
// tell the movie controller we've changed aspects of the movie |
MCMovieChanged(myMC, myMovie); |
// stamp the movie as dirty |
(**theWindowObject).fIsDirty = true; |
} |
} |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_TrackTypeHasAChapterTrack |
// Does the (first) enabled track of the specified type in the specified movie have a chapter track? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTText_TrackTypeHasAChapterTrack (Movie theMovie, OSType theType) |
{ |
Track myTypeTrack = NULL; |
Track myTextTrack = NULL; |
myTypeTrack = GetMovieIndTrackType(theMovie, 1, theType, movieTrackMediaType | movieTrackEnabledOnly); |
if (myTypeTrack != NULL) |
myTextTrack = GetTrackReference(myTypeTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, 1); |
return(myTextTrack != NULL); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_TrackHasAChapterTrack |
// Does the specified track have a chapter track? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTText_TrackHasAChapterTrack (Track theTrack) |
{ |
return(GetTrackReference(theTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, 1) != NULL); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_MovieHasAChapterTrack |
// Does the specified movie have a chapter track? In other words, is there are least one enabled track |
// in the specified movie that has a chapter track associated wih it? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTText_MovieHasAChapterTrack (Movie theMovie) |
{ |
long myCount; |
long myTrackCount = GetMovieTrackCount(theMovie); |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
Boolean myGotChapter = false; |
for (myCount = 1; myCount <= myTrackCount; myCount++) { |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrack(theMovie, myCount); |
if (GetTrackEnabled(myTrack)) |
myGotChapter = QTText_TrackHasAChapterTrack(myTrack); |
if (myGotChapter) |
break; |
} |
return(myGotChapter); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetChapterTrackForTrack |
// Return the first chapter track (if any) associated with the specified track. |
// |
////////// |
Track QTText_GetChapterTrackForTrack (Track theTrack) |
{ |
return(GetTrackReference(theTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, 1)); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetChapterTrackForMovie |
// Return the first chapter track (if any) in the specified movie. |
// |
// A movie can have more than one chapter track; if so, QuickTime uses the chapter track associated |
// with the first enabled track that it finds. Accordingly, this function returns the first chapter |
// track that we find as we iterate thru the movie's tracks. |
// |
////////// |
Track QTText_GetChapterTrackForMovie (Movie theMovie) |
{ |
long myCount; |
long myTrackCount = GetMovieTrackCount(theMovie); |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
Track myChapTrack = NULL; |
for (myCount = 1; myCount <= myTrackCount; myCount++) { |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrack(theMovie, myCount); |
if (GetTrackEnabled(myTrack)) |
myChapTrack = QTText_GetChapterTrackForTrack(myTrack); |
if (myChapTrack != NULL) |
break; |
} |
return(myChapTrack); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_IsChapterTrack |
// Is the specified track a chapter track? |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTText_IsChapterTrack (Track theTrack) |
{ |
Movie myMovie = NULL; |
Track myTrack = NULL; |
long myTrackCount = 0L; |
long myTrRefCount = 0L; |
long myTrackIndex; |
long myTrRefIndex; |
myMovie = GetTrackMovie(theTrack); |
if (myMovie == NULL) |
return(false); |
// a chapter track is a text track that is referred to by some other track in the movie, |
// so we need to iterate thru all those tracks to see if any of them refers to the specified track |
myTrackCount = GetMovieTrackCount(myMovie); |
for (myTrackIndex = 1; myTrackIndex <= myTrackCount; myTrackIndex++) { |
myTrack = GetMovieIndTrack(myMovie, myTrackIndex); |
if ((myTrack != NULL) && (myTrack != theTrack)) { |
// iterate thru all track references of type kTrackReferenceChapterList |
myTrRefCount = GetTrackReferenceCount(myTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList); |
for (myTrRefIndex = 1; myTrRefIndex <= myTrRefCount; myTrRefIndex++) { |
Track myRefTrack = NULL; |
myRefTrack = GetTrackReference(myTrack, kTrackReferenceChapterList, myTrRefIndex); |
if (myRefTrack == theTrack) |
return(true); |
} |
} |
} |
return(false); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetFirstChapterTime |
// Return, through the theTime parameter, the starting time of the first chapter of the |
// specified chapter track. |
// |
// If this function encounters an error, it returns a (bogus) starting time of -1. Note that |
// GetTrackNextInterestingTime also returns -1 as a starting time if the search criteria |
// specified in the myFlags parameter are not matched by any interesting time in the movie. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTText_GetFirstChapterTime (Track theChapterTrack, TimeValue *theTime) |
{ |
short myFlags = nextTimeMediaSample + nextTimeEdgeOK; // we want the first sample in the movie |
if (theChapterTrack == NULL) { |
*theTime = kBogusStartingTime; // a bogus time |
return(invalidTrack); |
} |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime(theChapterTrack, myFlags, (TimeValue)0, fixed1, theTime, NULL); |
return(GetMoviesError()); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetNextChapterTime |
// Return, through the theTime parameter, the starting time of the chapter of the |
// specified chapter track that immediately follows the chapter starting at the time |
// passed in through theTime. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTText_GetNextChapterTime (Track theChapterTrack, TimeValue *theTime) |
{ |
short myFlags = nextTimeMediaSample; // we want the next sample in the movie |
if (theChapterTrack == NULL) { |
*theTime = kBogusStartingTime; // a bogus time |
return(invalidTrack); |
} |
GetTrackNextInterestingTime(theChapterTrack, myFlags, *theTime, fixed1, theTime, NULL); |
return(GetMoviesError()); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetIndChapterTime |
// Return the starting time of the chapter in the specified chapter track that has the specified index. |
// |
////////// |
TimeValue QTText_GetIndChapterTime (Track theChapterTrack, long theIndex) |
{ |
long myCount = 1; |
TimeValue myTime = kBogusStartingTime; |
if ((theChapterTrack == NULL) || (theIndex < 1)) |
return(myTime); |
QTText_GetFirstChapterTime(theChapterTrack, &myTime); |
if (theIndex == 1) |
return(myTime); |
while (myCount < theIndex) { |
QTText_GetNextChapterTime(theChapterTrack, &myTime); |
myCount++; |
} |
return(myTime); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetIndChapterText |
// Return the text of the chapter in the specified chapter track that has the specified index. |
// |
// The caller is responsible for disposing of the pointer returned by this function (by calling free). |
// |
////////// |
char *QTText_GetIndChapterText (Track theChapterTrack, long theIndex) |
{ |
long myCount = 1; |
long mySize; // size of entire handle returned, which may include appended style atoms |
short myTextSize; |
TimeValue myTime; |
Handle myHandle = NewHandleClear(0); |
char *myText = NULL; |
if ((theChapterTrack == NULL) || (theIndex < 1)) |
return(myText); |
if (myHandle == NULL) |
return(myText); |
myTime = QTText_GetIndChapterTime(theChapterTrack, theIndex); |
if (myTime != kBogusStartingTime) { |
GetMediaSample( GetTrackMedia(theChapterTrack), |
myHandle, |
0, |
&mySize, |
TrackTimeToMediaTime(myTime, theChapterTrack), // media time scale |
0, |
NULL); |
// for text media samples, the returned handle is a 16-bit size field followed by the actual text data |
myTextSize = *(short *)(*myHandle); |
myText = malloc(myTextSize + 1); |
BlockMove(*myHandle + sizeof(short), myText, myTextSize); |
myText[myTextSize] = '\0'; |
DisposeHandle(myHandle); |
} |
return(myText); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_GetChapterCount |
// Return the number of chapters in the specified chapter track. |
// |
////////// |
long QTText_GetChapterCount (Track theChapterTrack) |
{ |
long myCount = 0; |
TimeValue myTime = kBogusStartingTime; |
if (theChapterTrack != NULL) { |
QTText_GetFirstChapterTime(theChapterTrack, &myTime); |
while (myTime != kBogusStartingTime) { |
myCount++; |
QTText_GetNextChapterTime(theChapterTrack, &myTime); |
} |
} |
return(myCount); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// HREF track utilities. |
// |
// Use these functions to manipulate HREF tracks in a movie. |
// |
// An HREF track is a text track that has a special name ("HREFTrack") and some of whose samples specify |
// URLs that are loaded when the user clicks in the movie box when the text sample is active or when the |
// text sample first loads. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_SetTextTrackAsHREFTrack |
// Set the specified track to be or not to be an HREF track. |
// |
////////// |
OSErr QTText_SetTextTrackAsHREFTrack (Track theTrack, Boolean isHREFTrack) |
{ |
OSErr myErr = noErr; |
myErr = QTUtils_SetTrackName(theTrack, isHREFTrack ? kHREFTrackName : kNonHREFTrackName); |
return(myErr); |
} |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_IsHREFTrack |
// Is the specified track an HREF track? |
// |
// For the moment, we are content to count a track as an HREF track if its name is "HREFTrack"; |
// a more thorough test would be to look through the text samples for some actual URLs. This is |
// left as an exercise for the reader. |
// |
////////// |
Boolean QTText_IsHREFTrack (Track theTrack) |
{ |
Boolean isHREFTrack = false; |
char *myTrackName = NULL; |
myTrackName = QTUtils_GetTrackName(theTrack); |
if (myTrackName != NULL) |
isHREFTrack = (strcmp(myTrackName, kHREFTrackName) == 0); |
free(myTrackName); |
return(isHREFTrack); |
} |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// |
// Miscellaneous utilities. |
// |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
////////// |
// |
// QTText_CopyCStringToPascal |
// Convert the source C string to a destination Pascal string as it's copied. |
// |
// The destination string will be truncated to fit into a Str255 if necessary. |
// If the C string pointer is NULL, the Pascal string's length is set to zero. |
// |
// This routine is borrowed from CGlue.c, by Nick Kledzik. |
// |
////////// |
void QTText_CopyCStringToPascal (const char *theSrc, Str255 theDst) |
{ |
short myLength = 0; |
// handle case of overlapping strings |
if ((void *)theSrc == (void *)theDst) { |
unsigned char *myCurDst = &theDst[1]; |
unsigned char myChar; |
myChar = *(const unsigned char *)theSrc++; |
while (myChar != '\0') { |
unsigned char myNextChar; |
// use myNextChar so we don't overwrite what we are about to read |
myNextChar = *(const unsigned char *)theSrc++; |
*myCurDst++ = myChar; |
myChar = myNextChar; |
if (++myLength >= 255) |
break; |
} |
} else if (theSrc != NULL) { |
unsigned char *myCurDst = &theDst[1]; |
short myOverflow = 255; // count down, so test it loop is faster |
register char myTemp; |
// we can't do the K&R C thing of Òwhile (*s++ = *t++)Ó because it will copy the trailing zero, |
// which might overrun the Pascal buffer; instead, we use a temp variable |
while ((myTemp = *theSrc++) != 0) { |
*(char *)myCurDst++ = myTemp; |
if (--myOverflow <= 0) |
break; |
} |
myLength = 255 - myOverflow; |
} |
// set the length of the destination Pascal string |
theDst[0] = myLength; |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14