
//  File:       QTTimeCode.h
//  Contains:   QuickTime timecode media handler sample code.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              based on AddTC.c sample code by QT Engineering and Apple Developer Technical Support.
//  Copyright:  © 1998-2000 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      05/18/98    rtm     first file; conversion to personal coding style; updated to latest headers
// header files
#include "ComApplication.h"
// constants
#define kTimeCodeTrackSize              (20 << 16)              // initial height of timecode track
#define kTimeCodeDialogID               200
#define kTimeCodeAlertID                201
#define kItemSrcName                    4
#define kItemDisplayTimeCode            5
#define kItemTimeScale                  7
#define kItemFrameDur                   9
#define kItemNumFrames                  11
#define kItemUseTC                      12
#define kItemUseCounter                 13
#define kItemDropFrame                  14
#define kItem24Hour                     (kItemDropFrame + 1)
#define kItemNegOK                      (kItem24Hour + 1)
#define kItemIsNeg                      (kItemNegOK + 2)
#define kItemHours                      (kItemIsNeg + 1)
#define kItemMinutes                    (kItemHours + 1)
#define kItemSeconds                    (kItemMinutes + 1)
#define kItemFrames                     (kItemSeconds + 1)
#define kItemCounter                    24
#define kItemBelowVideo                 25
#define kFontPopUpMenuControl           26
#define kFontPopUpResID                 1000
#define kTextBigSize                    20
#define kTextRegSize                    12
#define kTextBigSize                    70
#define kTextRegSize                    12
// function prototypes
void                        QTTC_DeleteTimeCodeTracks (Movie theMovie);
OSErr                       QTTC_AddTimeCodeToMovie (Movie theMovie, OSType theType);
Boolean                     QTTC_GetTimeCodeOptions (void);
PASCAL_RTN void             QTTC_OptionsUserItemProcedure (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem);
void                        QTTC_SetDialogTextNumber (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, long theNumber);
void                        QTTC_SetDialogTextString (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, StringPtr theString);
Boolean                     QTTC_ValidateDialogLong (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, long *theResult);
ControlHandle               QTTC_GetDItemHandle (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem);
ControlHandle               QTTC_GetDItemRect (DialogPtr theDialog, short theItem, Rect *theRect);
void                        QTTC_ShowCurrentTimeCode (Movie theMovie);
void                        QTTC_ShowTimeCodeSource (Movie theMovie);
void                        QTTC_ShowStringToUser (StringPtr theString);
void                        QTTC_ToggleTimeCodeDisplay (MovieController theMC);
MediaHandler                QTTC_GetTimeCodeMediaHandler (Movie theMovie);
Boolean                     QTTC_MovieHasTimeCodeTrack (Movie theMovie);