Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
Common Files/ComFramework.h
////////// |
// |
// File: ComFramework.h |
// |
// Contains: Code for the QuickTime sample code framework that is common to both Macintosh and Windows. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based on the QTShell code written by Tim Monroe, which in turn was based on the MovieShell |
// code written by Kent Sandvik (Apple DTS). This current version is now very far removed from |
// MovieShell. |
// |
// Copyright: © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <2> 01/14/00 rtm added fGraphicsImporter field to window object record |
// <1> 11/05/99 rtm first file |
// |
////////// |
#pragma once |
////////// |
// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#ifndef __Prefix_File__ |
#include <WinPrefix.h> |
#endif |
#include <ControlDefinitions.h> |
#endif |
#include <FileTypesAndCreators.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MENUS__ |
#include <Menus.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __MOVIES__ |
#include <Movies.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __NAVIGATION__ |
#include <Navigation.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QUICKTIMEVR__ |
#include <QuickTimeVR.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __RESOURCES__ |
#include <Resources.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __SOUND__ |
#include <Sound.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef _STRING_H |
#include <string.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __TEXTUTILS__ |
#include <TextUtils.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __QTUtilities__ |
#include "QTUtilities.h" |
#endif |
#include "ComResource.h" |
#ifndef __QTML__ |
#include <QTML.h> |
#endif |
#include <shlobj.h> // for SHAddToRecentDocs |
#endif |
// revert to older names, to keep the linker happy |
#if TARGET_CPU_68K |
#define EnableMenuItem EnableItem |
#define DisableMenuItem DisableItem |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// constants |
// |
////////// |
#define kInvalidFileRefNum -1 // an invalid file reference number |
#define kDefaultFileTypeCount 100 // a generous guess at the number of file types we can open |
// constants for selecting InitApplication phase |
enum { |
kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow = 1L << 0, // MDI frame window is not yet created |
kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow = 1L << 1, // MDI frame window is already created |
kInitAppPhase_BothPhases = kInitAppPhase_BeforeCreateFrameWindow | kInitAppPhase_AfterCreateFrameWindow |
}; |
// constants for selecting StopApplication phase |
enum { |
kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows = 1L << 0, // movie windows are not yet torn down |
kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows = 1L << 1, // movie windows are already torn down |
kStopAppPhase_BothPhases = kStopAppPhase_BeforeDestroyWindows | kStopAppPhase_AfterDestroyWindows |
}; |
enum { |
kApplicationSignature = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('QTsh') |
}; |
// parameters to the SetMenuItemState function |
#define kEnableMenuItem 0x00000000L |
#define kDisableMenuItem 0x00000001L |
#endif |
#define kEnableMenuItem MF_ENABLED |
#define kDisableMenuItem MF_GRAYED |
#endif |
// constants for standard modal dialog filter proc |
#define kMyButtonDelay 8 |
#define kReturnKey (char)0x0D |
#define kEnterKey (char)0x03 |
#define kEscapeKey (char)0x1B |
#define kPeriod '.' |
// items in Save Changes dialog box |
#define kSaveChanges 1 // save the changes before closing window |
#define kCancelClose 2 // no, don't close the window or save changes |
#define kDontSaveChanges 3 // discard any unsaved changes |
#define kOKButtonUserItem 4 |
#endif |
#define kSaveChanges IDYES // save the changes before closing window |
#define kCancelClose IDCANCEL // no, don't close the window or save changes |
#define kDontSaveChanges IDNO // discard any unsaved changes |
#endif |
// default name of a movie created by "New" menu command |
#define kNewMovieName "" |
#endif |
#define kNewMovieName "C:\\" |
#endif |
// default window positions |
#ifndef kDefaultWindowX |
#define kDefaultWindowX 100 |
#endif |
#ifndef kDefaultWindowY |
#define kDefaultWindowY 100 |
#endif |
// accelerators for Windows Edit menu items |
#define kWinUndoAccelerator "\tCtrl+Z" |
#define kWinPasteAccelerator "\tCtrl+V" |
#define kWinClearAccelerator "\tDel" |
#define kAmpersandText "&" |
///////// |
// |
// macros |
// |
////////// |
// macros for converting Mac menu ID/menu item pairs into a single "menu item identifier" |
#define MENU_IDENTIFIER(menuID,menuItem) ((menuID<<8)+(menuItem)) |
#define MENU_ID(menuIdentifier) ((menuIdentifier&0xff00)>>8) |
#define MENU_ITEM(menuIdentifier) ((menuIdentifier&0x00ff)) |
////////// |
// |
// data types |
// |
////////// |
typedef const OSType * QTFrameTypeListPtr; |
typedef MenuHandle MenuReference; |
typedef WindowPtr WindowReference; |
typedef NavObjectFilterUPP QTFrameFileFilterUPP; |
#endif |
typedef HMENU MenuReference; |
typedef HWND WindowReference; |
typedef FileFilterUPP QTFrameFileFilterUPP; |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// structures |
// |
////////// |
// WindowObjectRecord is a data structure attached to a movie window. |
// We use this structure to associate data with any window presented. |
// If you have application-specific data that you want associated with |
// a movie or movie window, use the fAppData field to hold a handle to |
// that data. |
typedef struct { |
WindowReference fWindow; // the window |
Movie fMovie; // the movie |
MovieController fController; // the movie controller |
GraphicsImportComponent fGraphicsImporter; // the graphics import component (if an image file) |
FSSpec fFileFSSpec; // location of the movie file |
short fFileResID; // the resource ID that the movie was loaded from |
short fFileRefNum; // the file reference number for the movie file |
Boolean fCanResizeWindow; // can the window be resized? |
Boolean fIsDirty; // has the movie data changed since the last save? |
Boolean fIsQTVRMovie; // is this a QuickTime VR movie? |
QTVRInstance fInstance; // the QTVRInstance, if it's a QuickTime VR movie |
OSType fObjectType; // a tag indicating that the window object belongs to our application |
Handle fAppData; // a handle to application-specific window data |
} WindowObjectRecord, *WindowObjectPtr, **WindowObject; |
////////// |
// |
// function prototypes |
// |
////////// |
// the following functions are defined in MacFramework.c and/or WinFramework.c |
void QTFrame_QuitFramework (void); |
WindowReference QTFrame_CreateMovieWindow (void); |
void QTFrame_DestroyMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_ShowAboutBox (void); |
void QTFrame_GetDisplayName (char *thePathName, char *theDispName); |
// the following functions are defined in ComFramework.c |
void QTFrame_HandleFileMenuItem (WindowReference theWindow, UInt16 theMenuItem); |
void QTFrame_HandleEditMenuItem (WindowReference theWindow, UInt16 theMenuItem); |
int QTFrame_AdjustMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu, long theModifiers); |
Boolean QTFrame_CreateNewMovie (void); |
Boolean QTFrame_OpenMovieInWindow (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theFSSpec); |
MovieController QTFrame_SetupController (Movie theMovie, WindowReference theWindow, Boolean theMoveWindow); |
OSErr QTFrame_SaveAsMovieFile (WindowReference theWindow); |
Boolean QTFrame_UpdateMovieFile (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_IdleMovieWindows (void); |
void QTFrame_CloseMovieWindows (void); |
void QTFrame_CreateWindowObject (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_CloseWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetFrontAppWindow (void); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetNextAppWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetFrontMovieWindow (void); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetNextMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowObject QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromFrontWindow (void); |
WindowObject QTFrame_GetWindowObjectFromWindow (WindowReference theWnd); |
MovieController QTFrame_GetMCFromFrontWindow (void); |
MovieController QTFrame_GetMCFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
QTVRInstance QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromFrontWindow (void); |
QTVRInstance QTFrame_GetQTVRInstanceFromWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromFrontWindow (void); |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindow (WindowReference theWnd); |
Handle QTFrame_GetAppDataFromWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsWindowObjectOurs (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsAppWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsMovieWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
Boolean QTFrame_IsImageWindow (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_ActivateController (WindowReference theWindow, Boolean IsActive); |
void QTFrame_Beep (void); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuRank, short theState); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemState (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, short theState); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemLabel (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, char *theText); |
void QTFrame_SetMenuItemCheck (MenuReference theMenu, UInt16 theMenuItem, Boolean theState); |
GrafPtr QTFrame_GetPortFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetWindowReferenceFromPort (GrafPtr thePort); |
WindowPtr QTFrame_GetWindowFromWindowReference (WindowReference theWindow); |
WindowReference QTFrame_GetWindowReferenceFromWindow (WindowPtr theWindow); |
short QTFrame_GetWindowWidth (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTFrame_SetWindowTitleFromFSSpec (WindowReference theWindow, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, Boolean theAddToRecentDocs); |
void QTFrame_SizeWindowToMovie (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
OSErr QTFrame_PutFile (ConstStr255Param thePrompt, ConstStr255Param theFileName, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, Boolean *theIsSelected, Boolean *theIsReplacing); |
OSErr QTFrame_GetOneFileWithPreview (short theNumTypes, QTFrameTypeListPtr theTypeList, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr, void *theFilterProc); |
PASCAL_RTN void QTFrame_HandleNavEvent (NavEventCallbackMessage theCallBackSelector, NavCBRecPtr theCallBackParms, void *theCallBackUD); |
Handle QTFrame_CreateOpenHandle (OSType theApplicationSignature, short theNumTypes, QTFrameTypeListPtr theTypeList); |
QTFrameFileFilterUPP QTFrame_GetFileFilterUPP (ProcPtr theFileFilterProc); |
OSErr QTFrame_BuildFileTypeList (void); |
static void QTFrame_AddComponentFileTypes (OSType theComponentType, long *theNextIndex); |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTFrame_FilterFiles (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode); |
#endif |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTFrame_FilterFiles (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr); |
void QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinRect (Rect *theMacRect, RECT *theWinRect); |
void QTFrame_ConvertWinToMacRect (RECT *theWinRect, Rect *theMacRect); |
void QTFrame_ConvertMacToWinMenuItemLabel (MovieController theMC, MenuReference theWinMenu, long theModifiers, UInt16 theMenuItem); |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// application-specific function prototypes |
// |
// These are defined in the file ComApplication.c; both MacFramework.c and WinFramework.c |
// call these functions at specific times; you can use them to customize a specific application. |
// |
////////// |
void QTApp_Init (UInt32 theStartPhase); |
void QTApp_Stop (UInt32 theStopPhase); |
void QTApp_Idle (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTApp_Draw (WindowReference theWindow); |
void QTApp_HandleContentClick (WindowReference theWindow, EventRecord *theEvent); |
Boolean QTApp_HandleKeyPress (char theCharCode); |
Boolean QTApp_HandleMenu (UInt16 theMenuItem); |
void QTApp_AdjustMenus (WindowReference theWindow, MenuReference theMenu); |
Boolean QTApp_HandleEvent (EventRecord *theEvent); |
void QTApp_SetupController (MovieController theMC); |
void QTApp_SetupWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
void QTApp_RemoveWindowObject (WindowObject theWindowObject); |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean QTApp_MCActionFilterProc (MovieController theMC, short theAction, void *theParams, long theRefCon); |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-02-25