Common Files/EffectsUtilities.h

//  File:       EffectsUtilities.h
//  Contains:   Some utilities for working with QuickTime video effects.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      07/10/01    rtm     first file
// header files
#ifndef __IMAGECODEC__
#include <ImageCodec.h>
#ifndef __RESOURCES__
#include <Resources.h>
#ifndef __SOUND__
#include <Sound.h>
// compiler flags
#define USES_MAKE_IMAGE_DESC_FOR_EFFECT 1       // use MakeImageDescriptionForEffect (QT 4.0 and later)
// constants
#define kMaxNumSources                  3       // the maximum number of input tracks we will collect
#define kSourceOneName                  FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcA')
#define kSourceTwoName                  FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcB')
#define kSourceThreeName                FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcC')
#define kSourceNoneName                 FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcZ')
#define kVideoTrackTimeScale            600
// function prototypes
QTAtomContainer                         EffectsUtils_CreateEffectDescription (OSType theEffectType, OSType theSourceName1, OSType theSourceName2, OSType theSourceName3);
OSErr                                   EffectsUtils_GetTypeFromEffectDescription (QTAtomContainer theEffectDesc, OSType *theEffectType);
OSErr                                   EffectsUtils_AddTrackReferenceToInputMap (QTAtomContainer theInputMap, Track theTrack, Track theSrcTrack, OSType theSrcName);
ImageDescriptionHandle                  EffectsUtils_MakeSampleDescription (OSType theEffectType, short theWidth, short theHeight);
QTAtomContainer                         EffectsUtils_GetEffectDescFromQFXFile (FSSpec *theFSSpec);
OSErr                                   EffectsUtils_GetPictResourceAsGWorld (short theResID, short theWidth, short theHeight, short theDepth, GWorldPtr *theGW);
OSErr                                   EffectsUtils_AddVideoTrackFromGWorld (Movie *theMovie, GWorldPtr theGW, Track *theSourceTrack, long theStartTime, TimeValue theDuration, short theWidth, short theHeight);
short                                   EffectsUtils_GetFrontmostTrackLayer (Movie theMovie, OSType theTrackType);
#endif  // ifndef __EFFECTSUTILITIES__