
    File:       Document.h
    Contains:   Contains our custom document structure
    Written by: Scott Kuechle, based on original Gerbils code by Brian Greenstone
    Copyright:  © 1998 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
    Change History (most recent first)
        <1>     9/1/98      srk     first file
#pragma once
*                                                           *
*    INCLUDE FILES                                          *
*                                                           *
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include "WinPrefix.h"
#include <ConditionalMacros.h>
    /* Windows headers */
    #define STRICT
    #include <windows.h>        /* required for all Windows applications */
#include "Track.h"
*                                                           *
*    STRUCTURE DEFINITIONS                                  *
*                                                           *
struct _documentRecord
        WindowPtr       fMainWindow;            /* Mac window to draw into */
    #else if TARGET_OS_WIN32
        HWND            fMainWindow;            /* Win32 destination window to blit offscreen buffer onto */
        char            fGroundTextureFilePath[MAX_PATH];
        char            fTrackTextureFilePath[MAX_PATH];
    TQ3ViewObject       fView ;                 /* the view for the scene */
    TQ3GroupObject      fTrackGroup ;           /* object in the scene being modelled */
    TQ3GroupObject      fGroundGroup ;          /* object in the scene being modelled */
    TQ3StyleObject      fInterpolation ;        /* interpolation style used when rendering */
    TQ3StyleObject      fBackFacing ;           /* whether to draw shapes that face away from the camera */
    TQ3StyleObject      fFillStyle ;            /* whether drawn as solid filled object or decomposed to components */
    TQ3ShaderObject     fTrackShader;
    TQ3CameraObject     fCamera;
    TrackSectionType    fTrackSectionList[MAX_TRACK_SECTIONS];
    PartType            fPartsList[MAX_PARTS];
    NubEntryType        fNubArray[MAX_SPLINE_NUBS];
    NubEntryType        *fSplinePointsPtr;
    long                fNumSplineNubs;
    long                fNumSplinePoints;
    long                fTrackIndex;
typedef struct _documentRecord DocumentRec, *DocumentPtr, **DocumentHdl ;