
//  File:       MakeEffectMovie.h
//  Contains:   QuickTime video effect support for QuickTime movies.
//              This file is used for BOTH MacOS and Windows.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Based (heavily!) on the previous MakeEffectMovie code written by Sam Bushell.
//  Copyright:  © 1997-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      11/06/97    rtm     first file; integrated existing code with shell framework
// header files
#include <ImageCodec.h>
#include "MacFramework.h"
#include "WinFramework.h"
// compiler flags and macros
#define USES_MAKE_IMAGE_DESC_FOR_EFFECT 1       // use MakeImageDescriptionForEffect (QT 4.0 and later)
#define BailNil(n)                      if (!n) { if (!myErr) myErr = -1; goto bail; }
#define BailError(n)                    if (n) { if (!myErr) myErr = -1; goto bail; }
// constants
#define kMaxNumSources                  2       // the maximum number of input tracks we will collect
#define kNoSourceName                   FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none')
#define kSourceOneName                  FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcA')
#define kSourceTwoName                  FOUR_CHAR_CODE('srcB')
#define kDefaultFramesPerSecond         15      // the default playback rate of the video effects track
#define kEffectsSaveMoviePrompt         "Save Effect Movie File As:"
#define kEffectsSaveMovieFileName       ""
// function prototypes
OSErr                               QTEffects_GetFirstVideoTrackInMovie (Movie theMovie, Track *theTrack);
OSErr                               QTEffects_DisplayDialogForSources (FSSpec *theSpecList, UInt16 theSpecCount);
void                                QTEffects_RespondToDialogSelection (OSErr theErr);
static void                         QTEffects_EffectsDialogCallback (EventRecord *theEvent, DialogRef theDialog, DialogItemIndex theItemHit);
LRESULT CALLBACK                    QTEffects_CustomDialogWndProc (HWND theWnd, UINT theMessage, UINT wParam, LONG lParam);
Boolean                             QTEffects_HandleEffectsDialogEvents (EventRecord *theEvent, DialogItemIndex theItemHit);
void                                QTEffects_PromptUserForFilesAndMakeEffect (void);