
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Hex dump utilities.
@import Foundation;
/*! Hex utilities, primarily for testing.
 *  \details This class exports routines for converting data to a hex string 
 *      and a hex string to data.  In all cases the hex string is very strict.
@interface QHex : NSObject
/*! Returns a hex dump of the supplied binary data.
 *  \details The hex dump uses lowercase letters with no spaces.
 *  \param bytes A pointer to the data.
 *  \param length The length of that data; this may be 0.
 *  \returns A hex dump string.
+ (NSString *)hexStringWithBytes:(const void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length;
/*! Returns a hex dump of the supplied data.
 *  \details The hex dump uses lowercase letters with no spaces.
 *  \param data The data to use; this may be empty.
 *  \returns A hex dump string.
+ (NSString *)hexStringWithData:(NSData *)data;
/*! Returns binary data for the supplied hex string.
 *  \details The input data must be strictly formatted.  Specifically, 
 *      no whitespace is allowed, all digits must be valid hex characters, 
 *      and the length must be even.  Both upper and lower case letters are 
 *      allowed.
 *  \param hexString The hex string to parse; this may be empty.
 *  \returns The parsed data; will not return nil; if the data is 
 *      malformed, this routine will throw an exception.
+ (NSData *)dataWithValidHexString:(NSString *)hexString;
/*! Returns binary data for the supplied hex string.
 *  \details The input data should be strictly formatted as defined by 
 *      +hexStringWithData:.
 *  \param hexString The hex string to parse; this may be empty.
 *  \returns The parsed data, or nil if the data is malformed.
+ (nullable NSData *)dataWithHexString:(NSString *)hexString;