
    Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
    See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
    Core of the s_client implementation.
#import "TLSToolClient.h"
@import Security;
#import "QNetworkAdditions.h"
#import "QHex.h"
@interface TLSToolClient ()
@implementation TLSToolClient
- (instancetype)initWithHostName:(NSString *)hostName port:(NSInteger)port {
    NSParameterAssert(hostName != nil);
    NSParameterAssert( (port > 0) && (port < 65536) );
    self = [super init];
    if (self != nil) {
        self->_hostName = [hostName copy];
        self->_port = port;
        self->_serverTrustedRoots = @[];
    return self;
- (void)run {
    dispatch_async(self.queue, ^{
        BOOL                success;
        NSInputStream *     inStream;
        NSOutputStream *    outStream;
        // Create our streams.
        [QNetworkAdditions getStreamsToHostWithName:self.hostName port:self.port inputStream:&inStream outputStream:&outStream];
        if ( (NO) ) {
            // In many cases you can enable TLS with this code, which assumes a whole bunch 
            // of standard defaults.  In our case, however, we need to configure some non-standard 
            // properties so we have to use kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings.
            success = [inStream setProperty:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL forKey:NSStreamSocketSecurityLevelKey];
        } else {
            NSMutableDictionary *   settings;
            settings = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
            // We disable the default server trust evaluation if:
            // * we've been explicitly told to
            // * we've been given some root certificates, in which case we need to do the trust 
            //   evaluation manually (see -evaluateServerTrustManually, below)
            if (self.disableServerTrustEvaluation || (self.serverTrustedRoots.count != 0)) {
                settings[ (__bridge id) kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain ] = @NO;
            // If we have a client identity, pass it along.  It's unfortunate that the CFSocketStream 
            // API does not support client identity challenges (like NSURL{Session,Connection}, or indeed 
            // like Secure Transprot via the kSSLSessionOptionBreakOnCertRequested option) but that's 
            // the way things are.
            if (self.clientIdentity != NULL) {
                [self logWithFormat:@"client identity: %@", [TLSUtilities subjectSummaryForIdentity:self.clientIdentity]];
                settings[ (__bridge id) kCFStreamSSLCertificates ] = @[ (__bridge id) self.clientIdentity ];
            // Configure the stream to use the new settings.
            success = [inStream setProperty:settings forKey:(__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings];
        [self startConnectionWithInputStream:inStream outputStream:outStream responseData:nil];
/*! Called when the connection it opened to show any distinguished names received from the server.
- (void)logDistinguishedNames {
    OSStatus        err;
    SSLContextRef   context;
    CFArrayRef      copyResult;
    context = (__bridge SSLContextRef) [self.inputStream propertyForKey: (__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertySSLContext ];
    assert(context != NULL);
    err = SSLCopyDistinguishedNames(context, &copyResult);
    if (err == errSecSuccess) {
        NSArray *   distinguishedNames;
        distinguishedNames = CFBridgingRelease( copyResult );
        if (distinguishedNames != nil) {       // You get errSecSuccess and distinguishedNames == nil if the server didn't send us any DNs.
            if (distinguishedNames.count != 0) {
                [distinguishedNames enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSData * dnData, NSUInteger dnIndex, BOOL * stop) {
                    #pragma unused(stop)
                    [self logWithFormat:@"  %zu %@", (size_t) dnIndex, [QHex hexStringWithData:dnData]];
    } else {
/*! Called when the caller has overridden the set of root certificates to trust (via the 
 *  serverTrustedRoots property).  In that case standard trust evaluation is disabled 
 *  and we have to do our own, using those trusted root certificates supplied by the caller.
- (void)evaluateServerTrustManually {
    BOOL                allowConnection;
    OSStatus            err;
    SecTrustRef         trust;
    SecTrustResultType  trustResult;
    allowConnection = NO;
    trust = (__bridge SecTrustRef) [self.inputStream propertyForKey: (__bridge NSString *) kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust];
    if (trust != NULL) {
        err = SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, (__bridge CFArrayRef) self.serverTrustedRoots);
        if (err == errSecSuccess) {
            err = SecTrustEvaluate(trust, &trustResult);
            if (err == errSecSuccess) {
                allowConnection = (trustResult == kSecTrustResultProceed) || (trustResult == kSecTrustResultUnspecified);
    if ( ! allowConnection ) {
        [self logWithFormat:@"manual server trust evaluation failed"];
        [self stopConnectionWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:NSOSStatusErrorDomain code:errSSLXCertChainInvalid userInfo:nil]];
- (void)connectionDidOpen {
    if (self.showDistinguishedNames) {
        [self logDistinguishedNames];
    if (self.serverTrustedRoots.count != 0) {
        [self evaluateServerTrustManually];
- (void)connectionDidCloseWithError:(NSError *)error {
    exit(error == nil ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE);