/* |
File: ANBAVDECCEntity.m |
Abstract: Implementation for a class which maintains the state and information for an IEEE Std. 1722.1-2013 AVDECC Entity. It uses AVDECC AECP AEM Commmands and Responses to read the information from the Entity. |
Version: 1.0 |
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The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright (C) 2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
*/ |
#import "ANBAVDECCEntity.h" |
#import "AVBTypes.h" |
#import "ANBAppDelegate.h" |
//The maximum number of AECP commands that may be inflight to this Entity at once |
#define INFLIGHT_LIMIT 8 |
//524 (max) - 12 (sizeof address access common header) - 10 (sizeof address access tlv header) |
#define MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH 502 |
@interface ANBAVDECCEntity () |
{ |
uint16_t _currentConfiguration; |
dispatch_queue_t _aecpQueue; |
dispatch_semaphore_t _aecpLimiter; |
BOOL _hasInterface; |
uint16_t _interfaceIndex; |
BOOL _hasLocale; |
uint16_t _localeIndex; |
uint16_t _localeBaseStrings; |
uint16_t _localeCount; |
NSMutableDictionary *_possibleLocales; |
uint16_t _vendorStringsOffset; |
uint8_t _vendorStringIndex; |
uint16_t _modelStringsOffset; |
uint8_t _modelStringIndex; |
} |
@end |
@implementation ANBAVDECCEntity |
- (id)initWithADPEntity:(AVB17221Entity *)adpEntity onInterface:(AVBInterface *)interface |
{ |
self = [super init]; |
if(self) |
{ |
self.adpEntity = adpEntity; |
self.interface = interface; |
//Create the dispatch queue and semaphore for limiting the number of AECP commands sent to the device |
//By using a serial dispatch queue and a semaphore we can queue up a number of AECP commands and then |
//let the semaphore limit how many are inflight at once. INFLIGHT_LIMIT is currently set at 8 which is |
//a number that most devices seem to be able to handle. |
_aecpQueue = dispatch_queue_create([[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.0x%016llx", [self className], adpEntity.entityID] UTF8String], 0); |
_aecpLimiter = dispatch_semaphore_create(INFLIGHT_LIMIT); |
//Use some placeholder images in case the entity doesn't have any or we can't read them. |
self.vendorLogo = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameNetwork]; |
self.entityLogo = [NSImage imageNamed:NSImageNameAdvanced]; |
} |
return self; |
} |
- (void)parseEntity |
{ |
//The process of parsing the entity happens recursively through the tree of descriptors as it is parsed |
//We start of with the Entity descriptor |
[self readEntityDescriptor]; |
} |
//Read an AEM ENTITY descriptor from the Entity |
- (void)readEntityDescriptor |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//Construct the read descriptor command |
AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields readDescriptorCommand; |
bzero(&readDescriptorCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)); |
readDescriptorCommand.configuration = 0; |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeEntity); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_index = 0; |
//Create the AECP AEM command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeReadDescriptor; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&readDescriptorCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1 |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMEntityDescriptorFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMEntityDescriptorFields *descriptor = (AVB17221AEMEntityDescriptorFields *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields)); |
NSUInteger length = strnlen((const char *)descriptor->entity_name, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *entityName = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:descriptor->entity_name length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
_vendorStringsOffset = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->vendor_name_string); |
_vendorStringIndex = _vendorStringsOffset & 0x07; |
_vendorStringsOffset = _vendorStringsOffset >> 3; |
_modelStringsOffset = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->model_name_string); |
_modelStringIndex = _modelStringsOffset & 0x07; |
_modelStringsOffset = _modelStringsOffset >> 3; |
length = strnlen((const char *)descriptor->firmware_version, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *firmwareVersion = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:descriptor->firmware_version length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
length = strnlen((const char *)descriptor->group_name, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *groupName = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:descriptor->group_name length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
length = strnlen((const char *)descriptor->serial_number, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *serialNumber = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:descriptor->serial_number length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.entityName = entityName; |
self.firmwareVersion = firmwareVersion; |
self.groupName = groupName; |
self.serialNumber = serialNumber; |
}); |
_currentConfiguration = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->current_configuration); |
//If the ADP entity info includes the interface index of the AVB Interface than go and directly read that now (no need to parse everything to find it) |
if(self.adpEntity.entityCapabilities & AVB17221ADPEntityCapabilitiesAEMInterfaceIndexValid) |
{ |
[self readInterfaceDescriptor:self.adpEntity.interfaceIndex inConfiguration:_currentConfiguration]; |
} |
//Read the configuration descriptor and pull out more info |
[self readConfigurationDescriptor:_currentConfiguration]; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readEntityDescriptor Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeEntity, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readEntityDescriptor Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeEntity, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Read an AEM CONFIGURATION descriptor from the Entity |
- (void)readConfigurationDescriptor:(uint16_t)configurationIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//Construct the read decriptor command |
AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields readDescriptorCommand; |
bzero(&readDescriptorCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)); |
readDescriptorCommand.configuration = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(0); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeConfiguration); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(configurationIndex); |
//Construct the AECP AEM Command Message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeReadDescriptor; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&readDescriptorCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1. This is a 2 stage check because it is variable length |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMConfigurationDescriptorFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMConfigurationDescriptorFields *descriptor = (AVB17221AEMConfigurationDescriptorFields *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields)); |
uint16_t count = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->descriptor_counts_count); |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1 |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMConfigurationDescriptorFields) + (count * sizeof(AVB17221AEMDescriptorCountsCount)))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMDescriptorCountsCount *descriptorCounts = (AVB17221AEMDescriptorCountsCount *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMConfigurationDescriptorFields)); |
uint16_t index; |
for(index = 0; index < count; index++) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMDescriptorType descriptorType = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptorCounts[index].descriptor_type); |
uint16_t descriptorCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptorCounts[index].count); |
uint16_t descriptorIndex; |
switch(descriptorType) |
{ |
case AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeAVBInterface: |
if(self.adpEntity.entityCapabilities & AVB17221ADPEntityCapabilitiesAEMInterfaceIndexValid) |
{ |
//We have already executed the read so no need to do anything |
} |
else |
{ |
//We don't know which one it is so we have to read all of them |
for(descriptorIndex = 0; descriptorIndex < descriptorCount; descriptorIndex++) |
{ |
[self readInterfaceDescriptor:descriptorIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
} |
break; |
case AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeMemoryObject: |
//Read all of the memory object descriptors looking for the manufacturer and entity images |
for(descriptorIndex = 0; descriptorIndex < descriptorCount; descriptorIndex++) |
{ |
[self readMemoryObjectDescriptor:descriptorIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
break; |
case AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeLocale: |
//Look for the locales so we can get the localized strings |
if(1 == descriptorCount) |
{ |
//There is only one locale so the choice is easy. Go ahead and read it |
_hasLocale = YES; |
_localeIndex = 0; |
[self readLocaleDescriptor:_localeIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
else |
{ |
//Loop through all of the Locale descriptors building up a list of locale identifiers |
//When it reaches the end it will find the best one compared with the users languages |
_localeCount = descriptorCount; |
_possibleLocales = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; |
for(descriptorIndex = 0; descriptorIndex < descriptorCount; descriptorIndex++) |
{ |
[self readLocaleDescriptor:descriptorIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
} |
break; |
default: |
//Don't do anything with it |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readConfigurationDescriptor: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hxfrom entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeConfiguration, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readConfigurationDescriptor: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hxfrom entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeConfiguration, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Read an AEM AVB_INTERFACE descriptor from the Entity |
- (void)readInterfaceDescriptor:(uint16_t)interfaceIndex inConfiguration:(uint16_t)configurationIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//Construct the read descriptor command |
AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields readDescriptorCommand; |
bzero(&readDescriptorCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)); |
readDescriptorCommand.configuration = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(configurationIndex); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeAVBInterface); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(interfaceIndex); |
//Construct the AECP AEM Command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeReadDescriptor; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&readDescriptorCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1 |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMAVBInterfaceDescriptorFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMAVBInterfaceDescriptorFields *descriptor = (AVB17221AEMAVBInterfaceDescriptorFields *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields)); |
BOOL thisIsIt = NO; |
//If the ADP entity info includes the interface index and we just read that interface then this is it |
if(self.adpEntity.entityCapabilities & AVB17221ADPEntityCapabilitiesAEMInterfaceIndexValid) |
{ |
if(self.adpEntity.interfaceIndex == interfaceIndex) |
{ |
thisIsIt = YES; |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
//if this is the interface with the same MAC address as where we have been sending messages then this is it |
AVBMACAddress *firstMac = self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject; |
if(firstMac && 0 == bcmp(firstMac.bytes, descriptor->mac_address, AVBMACAddressSize)) |
{ |
thisIsIt = YES; |
} |
} |
//If this is it then pull out the info |
if(thisIsIt) |
{ |
uint64_t clockIdentity = OSSwapBigToHostInt64(descriptor->clock_identity); |
uint16_t portNumber = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->port_number); |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.clockIdentity = clockIdentity; |
self.portNumber = portNumber; |
}); |
_hasInterface = YES; |
_interfaceIndex = interfaceIndex; |
[self getGPTPPathForInterfaceIndex:interfaceIndex]; |
[self getAVBInfoForInterfaceIndex:interfaceIndex]; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readInterfaceDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeAVBInterface, interfaceIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readInterfaceDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeAVBInterface, interfaceIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Read an AEM MEMORY_OBJCT descriptor from the Entity |
- (void)readMemoryObjectDescriptor:(uint16_t)memoryObjectIndex inConfiguration:(uint16_t)configurationIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//If the ADP entity info includes the interface index |
AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields readDescriptorCommand; |
bzero(&readDescriptorCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)); |
readDescriptorCommand.configuration = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(configurationIndex); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeMemoryObject); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(memoryObjectIndex); |
//Create the AECP AEM command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeReadDescriptor; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&readDescriptorCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1 |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectDescriptorFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectDescriptorFields *descriptor = (AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectDescriptorFields *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields)); |
AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectType memoryObjectType = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->memory_object_type); |
uint64_t address = OSSwapBigToHostInt64(descriptor->start_address); |
uint64_t length = OSSwapBigToHostInt64(descriptor->length); |
if(AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectTypeManufacturerPNG == memoryObjectType || AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectTypeManufacturerSVG == memoryObjectType) |
{ |
[self addressAccessReadAtAddress:address ofLength:length appendToData:[NSMutableData data] withCompletion:^(NSData *data) { |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.vendorLogo = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:data]; |
}); |
}]; |
} |
else if(AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectTypeEntityPNG == memoryObjectType || AVB17221AEMMemoryObjectTypeEntitySVG == memoryObjectType) |
{ |
[self addressAccessReadAtAddress:address ofLength:length appendToData:[NSMutableData data] withCompletion:^(NSData *data) { |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.entityLogo = [[NSImage alloc] initWithData:data]; |
}); |
}]; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readMemoryObjectDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeMemoryObject, memoryObjectIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readMemoryObjectDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeMemoryObject, memoryObjectIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Read an AEM LOCALE descriptor from the Entity |
- (void)readLocaleDescriptor:(uint16_t)localeIndex inConfiguration:(uint16_t)configurationIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//If the ADP entity info includes the interface index |
AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields readDescriptorCommand; |
bzero(&readDescriptorCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)); |
readDescriptorCommand.configuration = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(configurationIndex); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeLocale); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(localeIndex); |
//Create the AECP AEM command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeReadDescriptor; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&readDescriptorCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1 |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMLocaleDescriptorFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMLocaleDescriptorFields *descriptor = (AVB17221AEMLocaleDescriptorFields *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields)); |
//If we have identified the right locale (and this is it) |
if(_hasLocale && localeIndex == _localeIndex) |
{ |
//Get the base strings entry and then read the strings descriptor(s) to get the vendor and model name strings |
_localeBaseStrings = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(descriptor->base_strings); |
[self readStringsDescriptor:_localeBaseStrings+_vendorStringsOffset inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
//If the vendor and model name strings are in different STRINGS descriptors then read the second one |
if(_vendorStringsOffset != _modelStringsOffset) |
{ |
[self readStringsDescriptor:_localeBaseStrings+_modelStringsOffset inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
} |
//If we haven't identified the locale yet, add this ones identifier to the list and process (if the last one) |
else if(!_hasLocale) |
{ |
NSUInteger length = strnlen((const char *)descriptor->locale_identifier, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *localeIdentifier = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:descriptor->locale_identifier length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
[_possibleLocales setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:localeIndex] forKey:localeIdentifier]; |
//Did we just insert the last one? |
if(_localeCount == _possibleLocales.count) |
{ |
//Yes so look up which one we should use |
NSArray *userLanguages = [NSLocale preferredLanguages]; |
if(userLanguages.count > 0) |
{ |
//Do we have an exact match for the first language? |
if([_possibleLocales objectForKey:[userLanguages objectAtIndex:0]]) |
{ |
//Yes use it |
_hasLocale = YES; |
_localeIndex = [[_possibleLocales objectForKey:[userLanguages objectAtIndex:0]] unsignedShortValue]; |
//Now that we have the known one re-read it so we will go through the other path and read the strings. |
[self readLocaleDescriptor:_localeIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
else |
{ |
//No so we have to find the best option |
for(NSString *language in userLanguages) |
{ |
if([_possibleLocales objectForKey:language]) |
{ |
//Yes use it |
_hasLocale = YES; |
_localeIndex = [[_possibleLocales objectForKey:language] unsignedShortValue]; |
//Now that we have the known one re-read it so we will go through the other path and read the strings. |
[self readLocaleDescriptor:_localeIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
break; |
} |
} |
if(!_hasLocale) |
{ |
//We didn't find an exact match, this should go through and find the best match between the two (which may be a language match plus or minus a region) |
//Use the first one for now |
_hasLocale = YES; |
_localeIndex = 0; |
[self readLocaleDescriptor:_localeIndex inConfiguration:configurationIndex]; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readLocaleDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeLocale, localeIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readLocaleDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeLocale, localeIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Read an AEM STRINGS descriptor from the Entity |
- (void)readStringsDescriptor:(uint16_t)stringsIndex inConfiguration:(uint16_t)configurationIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//If the ADP entity info includes the interface index |
AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields readDescriptorCommand; |
bzero(&readDescriptorCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)); |
readDescriptorCommand.configuration = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(configurationIndex); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeStrings); |
readDescriptorCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(stringsIndex); |
//Create the AECP AEM command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeReadDescriptor; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&readDescriptorCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandReadDescriptorFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned descriptor is long enough then parse out the info. We allow it to be longer so that it will work with future versions of 1722.1 |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields) + sizeof(AVB17221AEMStringsDescriptorFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMStringsDescriptorFields *descriptor = (AVB17221AEMStringsDescriptorFields *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseReadDescriptorFields)); |
//Is this the descriptor with the vendor name string? |
if(stringsIndex == (_localeBaseStrings + _vendorStringsOffset)) |
{ |
//Yes so read the right string entry and set the property |
uint8_t *stringBase = descriptor->string0 + (_vendorStringIndex * AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSUInteger length = strnlen((const char *)stringBase, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *vendorName = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:stringBase length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.vendorName = vendorName; |
}); |
} |
//Is this the descriptor with the model name string? |
if(stringsIndex == (_localeBaseStrings + _modelStringsOffset)) |
{ |
//Yes so read the right string entry and set the property |
uint8_t *stringBase = descriptor->string0 + (_modelStringIndex * AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSUInteger length = strnlen((const char *)stringBase, AVB17221AEMNameLength); |
NSString *modelName = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:stringBase length:length encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.modelName = modelName; |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readStringsDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeStrings, stringsIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"readStringsDescriptor:inConfiguration: Failed to read descriptor type 0x%04hx id 0x%04hx config 0x%04hx from entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", (uint16_t)AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeStrings, stringsIndex, configurationIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Send the GET_AS_PATH AECP AEM Command to the entity to get the IEEE 802.1AS (gPTP) path |
- (void)getGPTPPathForInterfaceIndex:(uint16_t)interfaceIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//Construct the get as path command |
AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields asPathCommand; |
bzero(&asPathCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields)); |
asPathCommand.count = 0; |
asPathCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(interfaceIndex); |
//Create the AECP AEM command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeGetASPath; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&asPathCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned response is long enough then parse out the info. if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields *asPathResponse = (AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields *)payload; |
uint16_t count = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(asPathResponse->count); |
//The response is variable length so make sure that it is long enough for what it says that it contains |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields) + (count * sizeof(uint64_t)))) |
{ |
uint64_t *path = (uint64_t *)(payload + sizeof(AVB17221AEMGetASPathFields)); |
NSMutableArray *gPTPPath = [NSMutableArray array]; |
for(uint16_t index = 0; index < count; index++) |
{ |
[gPTPPath addObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:OSSwapBigToHostInt64(path[index])]]; |
} |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.gPTPPath = gPTPPath; |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"getGPTPPathForInterfaceIndex: Failed to execute for index 0x%04hx of entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", interfaceIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"getGPTPPathForInterfaceIndex: Failed to execute for index 0x%04hx of entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", interfaceIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Send the GET_AVB_INFO AECP AEM Command to the Entity to get AVB info for the interface |
- (void)getAVBInfoForInterfaceIndex:(uint16_t)interfaceIndex |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
//Construct the get avb info command |
AVB17221AEMCommandGetAVBInfoFields avbInfoCommand; |
bzero(&avbInfoCommand, sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandGetAVBInfoFields)); |
avbInfoCommand.descriptor_type = OSSwapHostToBigConstInt16(AVB17221AEMDescriptorTypeAVBInterface); |
avbInfoCommand.descriptor_index = OSSwapHostToBigInt16(interfaceIndex); |
//Create the AECP AEM command message |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAEMMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
message.commandType = AVB17221AEMCommandTypeGetAVBInfo; |
message.commandSpecificData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&avbInfoCommand length:sizeof(AVB17221AEMCommandGetAVBInfoFields)]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AEM Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == (IOReturn)error.code) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *aemMessage = (AVB17221AECPAEMMessage *)response; |
uint8_t *payload = (uint8_t *)[aemMessage.commandSpecificData bytes]; |
//If the returned response is long enough then parse out the info. |
if(aemMessage.commandSpecificData.length >= (sizeof(AVB17221AEMResponseGetAVBInfoFields))) |
{ |
AVB17221AEMResponseGetAVBInfoFields *avbInfoResponse = (AVB17221AEMResponseGetAVBInfoFields *)payload; |
uint64_t grandmasterID = OSSwapBigToHostInt64(avbInfoResponse->gptp_grandmaster_id); |
//Property updates must be performed on the main thread since they update the UI through Cocoa Bindings |
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ |
self.gPTPGrandMaster = grandmasterID; |
}); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"getAVBInfoForInterfaceIndex: Failed to execute for index 0x%04hx of entity 0x%016llx with message status 0x%02hhx\n", interfaceIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint8_t)response.status); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
NSLog(@"getAVBInfoForInterfaceIndex: Failed to execute for index 0x%04hx of entity 0x%016llx with error 0x%08x\n", interfaceIndex, self.adpEntity.entityID, (uint32_t)error.code); |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
typedef void (^memoryCompletion)(NSData *data); |
//This method uses the AECP AA protocol to read the contents of a memory object from the Entity |
//It recusively calls itself to read the block of memory segment by segment until it is done |
- (void)addressAccessReadAtAddress:(uint64_t)address ofLength:(uint64_t)length appendToData:(NSMutableData *)data withCompletion:(memoryCompletion)completion |
{ |
ANBAppDelegate *delegate = (ANBAppDelegate *)[NSApp delegate]; |
uint64_t segmentLength = (length > MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH) ? MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH : length; |
//Create the AECP AA command message |
AVB17221AECPAddressAccessMessage *message = [AVB17221AECPAddressAccessMessage commandMessage]; |
message.targetEntityID = self.adpEntity.entityID; |
message.status = AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess; |
message.controllerEntityID = delegate.controllerEntityID; |
//Create the AECP AA read TLV with the appropriate info for this segment |
AVB17221AECPAddressAccessTLV *tlv = [[AVB17221AECPAddressAccessTLV alloc] init]; |
tlv.mode = AVB17221AECPAddressAccessTLVModeRead; |
tlv.address = address; |
NSMutableData *readData = [NSMutableData data]; |
[readData setLength:segmentLength]; |
tlv.memoryData = readData; |
message.tlvs = @[tlv]; |
//Dispatch async to the AECP serialization and limiting queue |
dispatch_async(_aecpQueue, ^{ |
//Take a semaphore count so that we will limit the inflight |
dispatch_semaphore_wait(_aecpLimiter, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER); |
//Send the AECP AA Command message to the entity. The response is handled in the completion handler block |
if(![self.interface.aecp sendCommand:message toMACAddress:self.adpEntity.macAddresses.firstObject completionHandler:^(NSError *error, AVB17221AECPMessage *response){ |
if(kIOReturnSuccess == [error code]) |
{ |
if(AVB17221AECPStatusSuccess == response.status) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAddressAccessMessage *aaResponse = (AVB17221AECPAddressAccessMessage *)response; |
if(1 == aaResponse.tlvs.count) |
{ |
AVB17221AECPAddressAccessTLV *tlv = [aaResponse.tlvs objectAtIndex:0]; |
uint64_t nextLength = length - segmentLength; |
uint64_t nextAddress = address + segmentLength; |
[data appendData:tlv.memoryData]; |
//if we have reached the end call the completion handler otherwise read the next segment |
if(0 == nextLength) |
{ |
completion(data); |
} |
else |
{ |
[self addressAccessReadAtAddress:nextAddress ofLength:nextLength appendToData:data withCompletion:completion]; |
} |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
//Errored out, drop the whole transaction and don't call completion |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
//Errored out, drop the whole transaction and don't call completion |
} |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
}]) |
{ |
//An error occured trying to send the message (completion handler won't fire) so clean up the limit |
dispatch_semaphore_signal(_aecpLimiter); |
} |
}); |
} |
//Called from the UI refresh button (via buttons target binding) to refresh the gPTP and AVB info from the device (does not reparse descriptors) |
- (void)refreshInfo |
{ |
if(_hasInterface) |
{ |
[self getGPTPPathForInterfaceIndex:_interfaceIndex]; |
[self getAVBInfoForInterfaceIndex:_interfaceIndex]; |
} |
} |
@end |
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