
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio AUInstrument Base Classes
/* You can either fill in code here or remove this and create or add new files. */
#ifndef __SynthEvent__
#define __SynthEvent__
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include "MusicDeviceBase.h"
#include <stdexcept>
class SynthEvent
    enum {
        kEventType_NoteOn = 1,
        kEventType_NoteOff = 2,
        kEventType_SustainOn = 3,
        kEventType_SustainOff = 4,
        kEventType_SostenutoOn = 5,
        kEventType_SostenutoOff = 6,
        kEventType_AllNotesOff = 7,
        kEventType_AllSoundOff = 8,
        kEventType_ResetAllControllers = 9
    SynthEvent() {}
    ~SynthEvent() {}
    void Set(   
                UInt32                          inEventType,
                MusicDeviceGroupID              inGroupID,
                NoteInstanceID                  inNoteID,
                UInt32                          inOffsetSampleFrame,
                const MusicDeviceNoteParams*    inNoteParams
        mEventType = inEventType;
        mGroupID = inGroupID;
        mNoteID = inNoteID;
        mOffsetSampleFrame = inOffsetSampleFrame;
        if (inNoteParams)
            UInt32 paramSize = offsetof(MusicDeviceNoteParams, mControls) + (inNoteParams->argCount-2)*sizeof(NoteParamsControlValue); 
            mNoteParams = inNoteParams->argCount > 3 
                                ? (MusicDeviceNoteParams*)malloc(paramSize) 
                                : &mSmallNoteParams;
            memcpy(mNoteParams, inNoteParams, paramSize);
            mNoteParams = NULL;
    void Free()
        if (mNoteParams)
            if (mNoteParams->argCount > 3)
            mNoteParams = NULL;
    UInt32                  GetEventType() const { return mEventType; }
    MusicDeviceGroupID      GetGroupID() const { return mGroupID; }
    NoteInstanceID          GetNoteID() const { return mNoteID; }
    UInt32                  GetOffsetSampleFrame() const { return mOffsetSampleFrame; }
    MusicDeviceNoteParams*  GetParams() const { return mNoteParams; }
    UInt32                  GetArgCount() const { return mNoteParams->argCount; }
    UInt32                  NumberParameters() const { return mNoteParams->argCount - 2; }
    Float32                 GetNote() const { return mNoteParams->mPitch; }
    Float32                 GetVelocity() const { return mNoteParams->mVelocity; }
    NoteParamsControlValue  GetParameter(UInt32 inIndex) const 
                                if (inIndex >= NumberParameters()) 
                                    throw std::runtime_error("index out of range");
                                return mNoteParams->mControls[inIndex]; 
    UInt32                  mEventType;
    MusicDeviceGroupID      mGroupID;
    NoteInstanceID          mNoteID;
    UInt32                  mOffsetSampleFrame;
    MusicDeviceNoteParams*  mNoteParams;
    MusicDeviceNoteParams   mSmallNoteParams; // inline a small one to eliminate malloc for the simple case.