
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio AUInstrument Base Classes
#ifndef __SynthNote__
#define __SynthNote__
#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>
#include <CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h>
#include "MusicDeviceBase.h"
enum SynthNoteState {
    kNoteState_Attacked = 0,
    kNoteState_Sostenutoed = 1,
    kNoteState_ReleasedButSostenutoed = 2,
    kNoteState_ReleasedButSustained = 3,
    kNoteState_Released = 4,
    kNoteState_FastReleased = 5,
    kNoteState_Free = 6,
    kNumberOfActiveNoteStates = 5,
    kNumberOfSoundingNoteStates = 6,
    kNumberOfNoteStates = 7,
    kNoteState_Unset = kNumberOfNoteStates
        This table describes the state transitions for SynthNotes
        EVENT                   CURRENT STATE                                   NEW STATE
        note on                 free                                            attacked
        note off                attacked (and sustain on)                       released but sustained
        note off                attacked                                        released
        note off                sostenutoed                                     released but sostenutoed
        sustain on              -- no changes --
        sustain off             released but sustained                          released
        sostenuto on            attacked                                        sostenutoed
        sostenuto off           sostenutoed                                     attacked
        sostenuto off           released but sostenutoed (and sustain on)       released but sustained
        sostenuto off           released but sostenutoed                        released
        end of note             any state                                       free
        soft voice stealing     any state                                       fast released
        hard voice stealing     any state                                       free
        soft voice stealing happens when there is a note on event and NumActiveNotes > MaxActiveNotes
        hard voice stealing happens when there is a note on event and NumActiveNotes == NumNotes (no free notes)
        voice stealing removes the quietest note in the highest numbered state that has sounding notes.
class SynthGroupElement;
class SynthPartElement;
class AUInstrumentBase;
struct SynthNote
    SynthNote() :
        mPrev(0), mNext(0), mPart(0), mGroup(0),
    virtual                 ~SynthNote() {}
    virtual void            Reset();
    //! Returns true if active note resulted from this call, otherwise false
    virtual bool            AttackNote(
                                    SynthPartElement *              inPart,
                                    SynthGroupElement *             inGroup,
                                    NoteInstanceID                  inNoteID, 
                                    UInt64                          inAbsoluteSampleFrame, 
                                    UInt32                          inOffsetSampleFrame, 
                                    const MusicDeviceNoteParams     &inParams
    virtual OSStatus        Render(UInt64 inAbsoluteSampleFrame, UInt32 inNumFrames, AudioBufferList** inBufferList, UInt32 inOutBusCount) = 0;
    //! Returns true if active note resulted from this call, otherwise false
    virtual bool            Attack(const MusicDeviceNoteParams &inParams) = 0;
    virtual void            Kill(UInt32 inFrame); // voice is being stolen.
    virtual void            Release(UInt32 inFrame);
    virtual void            FastRelease(UInt32 inFrame);
    virtual Float32         Amplitude() = 0; // used for finding quietest note for voice stealing.
    virtual void            NoteEnded(UInt32 inFrame);
    SynthGroupElement*      GetGroup() const { return mGroup; }
    SynthPartElement*       GetPart() const { return mPart; }
    AUInstrumentBase*       GetAudioUnit() const;
    Float32                 GetGlobalParameter(AudioUnitParameterID inParamID) const;
    NoteInstanceID          GetNoteID() const { return mNoteID; }
    SynthNoteState          GetState() const { return mState; }
    UInt8                   GetMidiKey() const { return (UInt8) mPitch; }
    UInt8                   GetMidiVelocity() const { return (UInt8) mVelocity; }
    Boolean                 IsSounding() const { return mState < kNumberOfSoundingNoteStates; }
    Boolean                 IsActive() const { return mState < kNumberOfActiveNoteStates; }
    UInt64                  GetAbsoluteStartFrame() const { return mAbsoluteStartFrame; }
    SInt32                  GetRelativeStartFrame() const { return mRelativeStartFrame; }
    SInt32                  GetRelativeReleaseFrame() const { return mRelativeReleaseFrame; }
    SInt32                  GetRelativeKillFrame() const { return mRelativeKillFrame; }
    void                    ListRemove() { mPrev = mNext = 0; } // only use when lists will be reset.
    float                   GetPitchBend() const;
    double                  TuningA() const;
    Float32                 GetPitch() const { return mPitch; } // returns raw pitch from MusicDeviceNoteParams
    virtual double          Frequency(); // returns the frequency of note + pitch bend.
    virtual double          SampleRate();
    // linked list pointers
    SynthNote               *mPrev;
    SynthNote               *mNext;
    friend class            SynthGroupElement;
    friend struct           SynthNoteList;
    void                    SetState(SynthNoteState inState) { mState = inState; }
    SynthPartElement*       mPart;
    SynthGroupElement*  mGroup;
    NoteInstanceID          mNoteID;
    SynthNoteState          mState;
    UInt64                  mAbsoluteStartFrame;
    SInt32                  mRelativeStartFrame;
    SInt32                  mRelativeReleaseFrame;
    SInt32                  mRelativeKillFrame;
    Float32                 mPitch;
    Float32                 mVelocity;