/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Part of Core Audio AUBase Classes |
*/ |
#include "AUMIDIBase.h" |
#include <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h> |
#include "CAXException.h" |
//temporaray location |
enum |
{ |
kMidiMessage_NoteOff = 0x80, |
kMidiMessage_NoteOn = 0x90, |
kMidiMessage_PolyPressure = 0xA0, |
kMidiMessage_ControlChange = 0xB0, |
kMidiMessage_ProgramChange = 0xC0, |
kMidiMessage_ChannelPressure = 0xD0, |
kMidiMessage_PitchWheel = 0xE0, |
kMidiController_AllSoundOff = 120, |
kMidiController_ResetAllControllers = 121, |
kMidiController_AllNotesOff = 123 |
}; |
AUMIDIBase::AUMIDIBase(AUBase* inBase) |
: mAUBaseInstance (*inBase) |
{ |
mMapManager = new CAAUMIDIMapManager(); |
#endif |
} |
{ |
if (mMapManager) |
delete mMapManager; |
#endif |
} |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::DelegateGetPropertyInfo(AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
UInt32 & outDataSize, |
Boolean & outWritable) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch (inID) { |
case kMusicDeviceProperty_MIDIXMLNames: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
if (GetXMLNames(NULL) == noErr) { |
outDataSize = sizeof(CFURLRef); |
outWritable = false; |
} else |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
break; |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
outWritable = true; |
outDataSize = sizeof (AUParameterMIDIMapping)*mMapManager->NumMaps(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HotMapParameterMIDIMapping: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
outWritable = true; |
outDataSize = sizeof (AUParameterMIDIMapping); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AddParameterMIDIMapping: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
outWritable = true; |
outDataSize = sizeof (AUParameterMIDIMapping); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
case kAudioUnitProperty_RemoveParameterMIDIMapping: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
outWritable = true; |
outDataSize = sizeof (AUParameterMIDIMapping); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
#endif |
default: |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
break; |
} |
return result; |
InvalidScope: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope; |
InvalidElement: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement; |
#endif |
} |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::DelegateGetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
void * outData) |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
switch (inID) { |
case kMusicDeviceProperty_MIDIXMLNames: |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
result = GetXMLNames((CFURLRef *)outData); |
break; |
#endif |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings:{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
AUParameterMIDIMapping* maps = (static_cast<AUParameterMIDIMapping*>(outData)); |
mMapManager->GetMaps(maps); |
// printf ("GETTING MAPS\n"); |
// mMapManager->Print(); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HotMapParameterMIDIMapping:{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
AUParameterMIDIMapping * map = (static_cast<AUParameterMIDIMapping*>(outData)); |
mMapManager->GetHotParameterMap (*map); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
} |
#endif |
default: |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
break; |
} |
return result; |
InvalidScope: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope; |
InvalidElement: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement; |
#endif |
} |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::DelegateSetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID, |
AudioUnitScope inScope, |
AudioUnitElement inElement, |
const void * inData, |
UInt32 inDataSize) |
{ |
OSStatus result; |
switch (inID) { |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AddParameterMIDIMapping:{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
AUParameterMIDIMapping * maps = (AUParameterMIDIMapping*)inData; |
mMapManager->SortedInsertToParamaterMaps (maps, (inDataSize / sizeof(AUParameterMIDIMapping)), mAUBaseInstance); |
mAUBaseInstance.PropertyChanged (kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_RemoveParameterMIDIMapping:{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
AUParameterMIDIMapping * maps = (AUParameterMIDIMapping*)inData; |
bool didChange; |
mMapManager->SortedRemoveFromParameterMaps(maps, (inDataSize / sizeof(AUParameterMIDIMapping)), didChange); |
if (didChange) |
mAUBaseInstance.PropertyChanged (kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_HotMapParameterMIDIMapping:{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
AUParameterMIDIMapping & map = *((AUParameterMIDIMapping*)inData); |
mMapManager->SetHotMapping (map); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
} |
case kAudioUnitProperty_AllParameterMIDIMappings:{ |
ca_require(inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global, InvalidScope); |
ca_require(inElement == 0, InvalidElement); |
AUParameterMIDIMapping * mappings = (AUParameterMIDIMapping*)inData; |
mMapManager->ReplaceAllMaps (mappings, (inDataSize / sizeof(AUParameterMIDIMapping)), mAUBaseInstance); |
result = noErr; |
break; |
} |
#endif |
default: |
result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty; |
break; |
} |
return result; |
InvalidScope: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidScope; |
InvalidElement: |
return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidElement; |
#endif |
} |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
#pragma mark ____MidiDispatch |
inline const Byte * NextMIDIEvent(const Byte *event, const Byte *end) |
{ |
Byte c = *event; |
switch (c >> 4) { |
default: // data byte -- assume in sysex |
while ((*++event & 0x80) == 0 && event < end) |
; |
break; |
case 0x8: |
case 0x9: |
case 0xA: |
case 0xB: |
case 0xE: |
event += 3; |
break; |
case 0xC: |
case 0xD: |
event += 2; |
break; |
case 0xF: |
switch (c) { |
case 0xF0: |
while ((*++event & 0x80) == 0 && event < end) |
; |
break; |
case 0xF1: |
case 0xF3: |
event += 2; |
break; |
case 0xF2: |
event += 3; |
break; |
default: |
++event; |
break; |
} |
} |
return (event >= end) ? end : event; |
} |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
// AUMIDIBase::HandleMIDIPacketList |
// |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::HandleMIDIPacketList(const MIDIPacketList *pktlist) |
{ |
if (!mAUBaseInstance.IsInitialized()) return kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; |
int nPackets = pktlist->numPackets; |
const MIDIPacket *pkt = pktlist->packet; |
while (nPackets-- > 0) { |
const Byte *event = pkt->data, *packetEnd = event + pkt->length; |
long startFrame = (long)pkt->timeStamp; |
while (event < packetEnd) { |
Byte status = event[0]; |
if (status & 0x80) { |
// really a status byte (not sysex continuation) |
HandleMidiEvent(status & 0xF0, status & 0x0F, event[1], event[2], static_cast<UInt32>(startFrame)); |
// note that we're generating a bogus channel number for system messages (0xF0-FF) |
} |
event = NextMIDIEvent(event, packetEnd); |
} |
pkt = reinterpret_cast<const MIDIPacket *>(packetEnd); |
} |
return noErr; |
} |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
// AUMIDIBase::HandleMidiEvent |
// |
//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::HandleMidiEvent(UInt8 status, UInt8 channel, UInt8 data1, UInt8 data2, UInt32 inStartFrame) |
{ |
if (!mAUBaseInstance.IsInitialized()) return kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; |
// you potentially have a choice to make here - if a param mapping matches, do you still want to process the |
// MIDI event or not. The default behaviour is to continue on with the MIDI event. |
if (mMapManager->HandleHotMapping (status, channel, data1, mAUBaseInstance)) { |
mAUBaseInstance.PropertyChanged (kAudioUnitProperty_HotMapParameterMIDIMapping, kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0); |
} |
else { |
mMapManager->FindParameterMapEventMatch(status, channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame, mAUBaseInstance); |
} |
#endif |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch(status) |
{ |
case kMidiMessage_NoteOn: |
if(data2) |
{ |
result = HandleNoteOn(channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
} |
else |
{ |
// zero velocity translates to note off |
result = HandleNoteOff(channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
} |
break; |
case kMidiMessage_NoteOff: |
result = HandleNoteOff(channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
break; |
default: |
result = HandleNonNoteEvent (status, channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::HandleNonNoteEvent (UInt8 status, UInt8 channel, UInt8 data1, UInt8 data2, UInt32 inStartFrame) |
{ |
OSStatus result = noErr; |
switch (status) |
{ |
case kMidiMessage_PitchWheel: |
result = HandlePitchWheel(channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
break; |
case kMidiMessage_ProgramChange: |
result = HandleProgramChange(channel, data1); |
break; |
case kMidiMessage_ChannelPressure: |
result = HandleChannelPressure(channel, data1, inStartFrame); |
break; |
case kMidiMessage_ControlChange: |
{ |
switch (data1) { |
case kMidiController_AllNotesOff: |
result = HandleAllNotesOff(channel); |
break; |
case kMidiController_ResetAllControllers: |
result = HandleResetAllControllers(channel); |
break; |
case kMidiController_AllSoundOff: |
result = HandleAllSoundOff(channel); |
break; |
default: |
result = HandleControlChange(channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
break; |
} |
break; |
} |
case kMidiMessage_PolyPressure: |
result = HandlePolyPressure (channel, data1, data2, inStartFrame); |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::SysEx (const UInt8 * inData, |
UInt32 inLength) |
{ |
if (!mAUBaseInstance.IsInitialized()) return kAudioUnitErr_Uninitialized; |
return HandleSysEx(inData, inLength ); |
} |
#if __LP64__ |
// comp instance, parameters in forward order |
#define PARAM(_typ, _name, _index, _nparams) \ |
_typ _name = *(_typ *)¶ms->params[_index + 1]; |
#else |
// parameters in reverse order, then comp instance |
#define PARAM(_typ, _name, _index, _nparams) \ |
_typ _name = *(_typ *)¶ms->params[_nparams - 1 - _index]; |
#endif |
#elif TARGET_OS_WIN32 |
// (no comp instance), parameters in forward order |
#define PARAM(_typ, _name, _index, _nparams) \ |
_typ _name = *(_typ *)¶ms->params[_index]; |
#endif |
OSStatus AUMIDIBase::ComponentEntryDispatch( ComponentParameters * params, |
AUMIDIBase * This) |
{ |
if (This == NULL) return kAudio_ParamError; |
OSStatus result; |
switch (params->what) { |
case kMusicDeviceMIDIEventSelect: |
{ |
PARAM(UInt32, pbinStatus, 0, 4); |
PARAM(UInt32, pbinData1, 1, 4); |
PARAM(UInt32, pbinData2, 2, 4); |
PARAM(UInt32, pbinOffsetSampleFrame, 3, 4); |
result = This->MIDIEvent(pbinStatus, pbinData1, pbinData2, pbinOffsetSampleFrame); |
} |
break; |
case kMusicDeviceSysExSelect: |
{ |
PARAM(const UInt8 *, pbinData, 0, 2); |
PARAM(UInt32, pbinLength, 1, 2); |
result = This->SysEx(pbinData, pbinLength); |
} |
break; |
default: |
result = badComponentSelector; |
break; |
} |
return result; |
} |
#endif |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-02-19