
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio AUBase Classes
#ifndef __AUBaseHelper_h__
#define __AUBaseHelper_h__
    #include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
    #include <AudioUnit/AUComponent.h>
    #include <CoreFoundation.h>
    #include <AUComponent.h>
#include "AUBase.h"
// helpers for dealing with the file-references dictionary in an AUPreset
OSStatus GetFileRefPath (CFDictionaryRef parent, CFStringRef frKey, CFStringRef * fPath);
// if fileRefDict is NULL, this call creates one
// if not NULL, then the key value is added to it
CFMutableDictionaryRef CreateFileRefDict (CFStringRef fKey, CFStringRef fPath, CFMutableDictionaryRef fileRefDict);
int AccessURLAsset(const CFURLRef inURL, int mode);
    void PrintAUParamEvent (AudioUnitParameterEvent& event, FILE* f);
#endif // __AUBaseHelper_h__