
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio AUBase Classes
#include "AUBuffer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
    if (mPtrs)
// a * b + c
static UInt32 SafeMultiplyAddUInt32(UInt32 a, UInt32 b, UInt32 c)
    if (a == 0 || b == 0) return c;  // prevent zero divide
    if (a > (0xFFFFFFFF - c) / b)
        throw std::bad_alloc();
    return a * b + c;
void                AUBufferList::Allocate(const CAStreamBasicDescription &format, UInt32 nFrames)
    UInt32 nStreams;
    if (format.IsInterleaved()) {
        nStreams = 1;
    } else {
        nStreams = format.mChannelsPerFrame;
    // careful -- the I/O thread could be running!
    if (nStreams > mAllocatedStreams) {
        size_t theHeaderSize = sizeof(AudioBufferList) - sizeof(AudioBuffer);
        mPtrs = (AudioBufferList *)CA_realloc(mPtrs,
                                    SafeMultiplyAddUInt32(nStreams, sizeof(AudioBuffer), theHeaderSize));
        mAllocatedStreams = nStreams;
    UInt32 bytesPerStream = SafeMultiplyAddUInt32(nFrames, format.mBytesPerFrame, 0xF) & ~0xF;
    UInt32 nBytes = SafeMultiplyAddUInt32(nStreams, bytesPerStream, 0);
    if (nBytes > mAllocatedBytes) {
        if (mExternalMemory) {
            mExternalMemory = false;
            mMemory = NULL;
        mMemory = (Byte *)CA_realloc(mMemory, nBytes);
        mAllocatedBytes = nBytes;
    mAllocatedFrames = nFrames;
    mPtrState = kPtrsInvalid;
void                AUBufferList::Deallocate()
    mAllocatedStreams = 0;
    mAllocatedFrames = 0;
    mAllocatedBytes = 0;
// this causes a world of hurt if someone upstream disconnects during I/O (SysSoundGraph)
/*  if (mPtrs) {
        printf("deallocating bufferlist %08X\n", int(mPtrs));
        mPtrs = NULL;
    } */
    if (mMemory) {
        if (mExternalMemory)
            mExternalMemory = false;
        mMemory = NULL;
    mPtrState = kPtrsInvalid;
AudioBufferList &   AUBufferList::PrepareBuffer(const CAStreamBasicDescription &format, UInt32 nFrames)
    if (nFrames > mAllocatedFrames)
    UInt32 nStreams;
    UInt32 channelsPerStream;
    if (format.IsInterleaved()) {
        nStreams = 1;
        channelsPerStream = format.mChannelsPerFrame;
    } else {
        nStreams = format.mChannelsPerFrame;
        channelsPerStream = 1;
        if (nStreams > mAllocatedStreams)
    AudioBufferList *abl = mPtrs;
    abl->mNumberBuffers = nStreams;
    AudioBuffer *buf = abl->mBuffers;
    Byte *mem = mMemory;
    UInt32 streamInterval = (mAllocatedFrames * format.mBytesPerFrame + 0xF) & ~0xF;
    UInt32 bytesPerBuffer = nFrames * format.mBytesPerFrame;
    for ( ; nStreams--; ++buf) {
        buf->mNumberChannels = channelsPerStream;
        buf->mData = mem;
        buf->mDataByteSize = bytesPerBuffer;
        mem += streamInterval;
    if (UInt32(mem - mMemory) > mAllocatedBytes)
    mPtrState = kPtrsToMyMemory;
    return *mPtrs;
AudioBufferList &   AUBufferList::PrepareNullBuffer(const CAStreamBasicDescription &format, UInt32 nFrames)
    UInt32 nStreams;
    UInt32 channelsPerStream;
    if (format.IsInterleaved()) {
        nStreams = 1;
        channelsPerStream = format.mChannelsPerFrame;
    } else {
        nStreams = format.mChannelsPerFrame;
        channelsPerStream = 1;
        if (nStreams > mAllocatedStreams)
    AudioBufferList *abl = mPtrs;
    abl->mNumberBuffers = nStreams;
    AudioBuffer *buf = abl->mBuffers;
    UInt32 bytesPerBuffer = nFrames * format.mBytesPerFrame;
    for ( ; nStreams--; ++buf) {
        buf->mNumberChannels = channelsPerStream;
        buf->mData = NULL;
        buf->mDataByteSize = bytesPerBuffer;
    mPtrState = kPtrsToExternalMemory;
    return *mPtrs;
// this should NOT be called while I/O is in process
void        AUBufferList::UseExternalBuffer(const CAStreamBasicDescription &format, const AudioUnitExternalBuffer &buf)
    UInt32 alignedSize = buf.size & ~0xF;
    if (mMemory != NULL && alignedSize >= mAllocatedBytes) {
        // don't accept the buffer if we already have one and it's big enough
        // if we don't already have one, we don't need one
        Byte *oldMemory = mMemory;
        mMemory = buf.buffer;
        mAllocatedBytes = alignedSize;
        // from Allocate(): nBytes = nStreams * nFrames * format.mBytesPerFrame;    
        // thus: nFrames = nBytes / (nStreams * format.mBytesPerFrame)
        mAllocatedFrames = mAllocatedBytes / (format.NumberChannelStreams() * format.mBytesPerFrame);
        mExternalMemory = true;
void    AUBufferList::PrintBuffer(const char *label, int subscript, const AudioBufferList &abl, UInt32 nFrames, bool asFloats)
    printf("  %s [%d] 0x%08lX:\n", label, subscript, long(&abl));
    const AudioBuffer *buf = abl.mBuffers;
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < abl.mNumberBuffers; ++buf, ++i) {
        printf("      [%2d] %5dbytes %dch @ %p: ", (int)i, (int)buf->mDataByteSize, (int)buf->mNumberChannels, buf->mData);
        if (buf->mData != NULL) {
            UInt32 nSamples = nFrames * buf->mNumberChannels;
            for (UInt32 j = 0; j < nSamples; ++j) {
                if (nSamples > 16 && (j % 16) == 0)
                if (asFloats)
                    printf(" %6.3f", ((float *)buf->mData)[j]);
                    printf(" %08X", (unsigned)((UInt32 *)buf->mData)[j]);