
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
AU Filter Graph View
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import "Filter.h"
/* NOTE: It is important to rename ALL ui classes when using the XCode Audio Unit with Cocoa View template  */
/*       Cocoa has a flat namespace, and if you use the default filenames, it is possible that you will     */
/*       get a namespace collision with classes from the cocoa view of a previously loaded audio unit.      */
/*       We recommend that you use a unique prefix that includes the manufacturer name and unit name on     */
/*       all objective-C source files. You may use an underscore in your name, but please refrain from      */
/*       starting your class name with an undescore as these names are reserved for Apple.                  */
@interface AppleDemoFilter_GraphView : NSView
    NSRect  mGraphFrame;        // This is the frame of the drawing area of the view
    float   mActiveWidth;       // The usable portion of the graph
    NSPoint mEditPoint;         // This is the current location in the drawing area that is active
    BOOL    mMouseDown;         // True if the mouse is currently down
    NSColor *curveColor;        // the current color of the graph curve
    NSImage *mBackgroundCache;  // An image cache of the background so that we don't have to re-draw the grid lines and labels all the time
    float mRes;                 // internal copy of the resonance value
    float mFreq;                // internal copy of the frequency value
    NSBezierPath *mCurvePath;   // The bezier path that is used to draw the curve.
    NSDictionary *mDBAxisStringAttributes;      // Text attributes used to draw the strings on the db axis
    NSDictionary *mFreqAxisStringAttributes;    // Text attributes used to draw the strings on the frequency axis
-(void) setRes: (float) res;    // sets the graph's internal resonance value (to match the au)
-(void) setFreq: (float) freq;  // sets the graphs' internal frequency value (to match the au
-(float)getRes;                 // gets the graph's internal resonance value (so the au can match the graph)
-(float)getFreq;                // gets the graph's internal frequency value (so the au can match the graph)
-(double) locationForFrequencyValue: (double) value;    // converts a frequency value to the pixel coordinate in the graph
-(double) locationForDBValue: (double) value;           // converts a db value to the pixel coordinate in the graph
-(FrequencyResponse *) prepareDataForDrawing: (FrequencyResponse *) data;   // prepares the data for drawing by initializing frequency fields based on values on pixel boundaries
-(void) plotData: (FrequencyResponse *) data;                               // draws the curve data
-(void) disableGraphCurve;                                                  // update the view, but don't draw the curve (used when the AU is not initialized and the curve can not be retrieved)
-(void) handleBeginGesture;     // called when parameter automation started
-(void) handleEndGesture;       // called when parameter automation finished