
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
View Factory Class
#import "AppleDemoFilter_ViewFactory.h"
#import "AppleDemoFilter_UIView.h"
@implementation AppleDemoFilter_ViewFactory
// version 0
- (unsigned) interfaceVersion {
    return 0;
// string description of the Cocoa UI
- (NSString *) description {
    return @"Apple Demo: Filter";
// N.B.: this class is simply a view-factory,
// returning a new autoreleased view each time it's called.
- (NSView *)uiViewForAudioUnit:(AudioUnit)inAU withSize:(NSSize)inPreferredSize {
    if (! [NSBundle loadNibNamed: @"CocoaView" owner:self]) {
        NSLog (@"Unable to load nib for view.");
        return nil;
    // This particular nib has a fixed size, so we don't do anything with the inPreferredSize argument.
    // It's up to the host application to handle.
    [uiFreshlyLoadedView setAU:inAU];
    NSView *returnView = uiFreshlyLoadedView;
    uiFreshlyLoadedView = nil;  // zero out pointer.  This is a view factory.  Once a view's been created
                                // and handed off, the factory keeps no record of it.
    return [returnView autorelease];