/* |
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information |
Abstract: |
Part of Core Audio Public Utility Classes |
*/ |
#ifndef __CAAtomicStack_h__ |
#define __CAAtomicStack_h__ |
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h> |
#else |
#include <CAAtomic.h> |
#endif |
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> |
#endif |
// linked list LIFO or FIFO (pop_all_reversed) stack, elements are pushed and popped atomically |
// class T must implement T *& next(). |
template <class T> |
class TAtomicStack { |
public: |
TAtomicStack() : mHead(NULL) { } |
// non-atomic routines, for use when initializing/deinitializing, operate NON-atomically |
void push_NA(T *item) |
{ |
item->next() = mHead; |
mHead = item; |
} |
T * pop_NA() |
{ |
T *result = mHead; |
if (result) |
mHead = result->next(); |
return result; |
} |
bool empty() const { return mHead == NULL; } |
T * head() { return mHead; } |
// atomic routines |
void push_atomic(T *item) |
{ |
T *head_; |
do { |
head_ = mHead; |
item->next() = head_; |
} while (!compare_and_swap(head_, item, &mHead)); |
} |
void push_multiple_atomic(T *item) |
// pushes entire linked list headed by item |
{ |
T *head_, *p = item, *tail; |
// find the last one -- when done, it will be linked to head |
do { |
tail = p; |
p = p->next(); |
} while (p); |
do { |
head_ = mHead; |
tail->next() = head_; |
} while (!compare_and_swap(head_, item, &mHead)); |
} |
T * pop_atomic_single_reader() |
// this may only be used when only one thread may potentially pop from the stack. |
// if multiple threads may pop, this suffers from the ABA problem. |
// <rdar://problem/4606346> TAtomicStack suffers from the ABA problem |
{ |
T *result; |
do { |
if ((result = mHead) == NULL) |
break; |
} while (!compare_and_swap(result, result->next(), &mHead)); |
return result; |
} |
T * pop_atomic() |
// This is inefficient for large linked lists. |
// prefer pop_all() to a series of calls to pop_atomic. |
// push_multiple_atomic has to traverse the entire list. |
{ |
T *result = pop_all(); |
if (result) { |
T *next = result->next(); |
if (next) |
// push all the remaining items back onto the stack |
push_multiple_atomic(next); |
} |
return result; |
} |
T * pop_all() |
{ |
T *result; |
do { |
if ((result = mHead) == NULL) |
break; |
} while (!compare_and_swap(result, NULL, &mHead)); |
return result; |
} |
T* pop_all_reversed() |
{ |
TAtomicStack<T> reversed; |
T *p = pop_all(), *next; |
while (p != NULL) { |
next = p->next(); |
reversed.push_NA(p); |
p = next; |
} |
return reversed.mHead; |
} |
static bool compare_and_swap(T *oldvalue, T *newvalue, T **pvalue) |
{ |
#if __LP64__ |
return ::OSAtomicCompareAndSwap64Barrier(int64_t(oldvalue), int64_t(newvalue), (int64_t *)pvalue); |
return ::OSAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(int32_t(oldvalue), int32_t(newvalue), (int32_t *)pvalue); |
#else |
return ::CompareAndSwap(UInt32(oldvalue), UInt32(newvalue), (UInt32 *)pvalue); |
#endif |
#else |
//return ::CompareAndSwap(UInt32(oldvalue), UInt32(newvalue), (UInt32 *)pvalue); |
return CAAtomicCompareAndSwap32Barrier(SInt32(oldvalue), SInt32(newvalue), (SInt32*)pvalue); |
#endif |
} |
protected: |
T * mHead; |
}; |
#include <libkern/OSAtomic.h> |
class CAAtomicStack { |
public: |
CAAtomicStack(size_t nextPtrOffset) : mNextPtrOffset(nextPtrOffset) { |
/*OSQueueHead h = OS_ATOMIC_QUEUE_INIT; mHead = h;*/ |
mHead.opaque1 = 0; mHead.opaque2 = 0; |
} |
// a subset of the above |
void push_atomic(void *p) { OSAtomicEnqueue(&mHead, p, mNextPtrOffset); } |
void push_NA(void *p) { push_atomic(p); } |
void * pop_atomic() { return OSAtomicDequeue(&mHead, mNextPtrOffset); } |
void * pop_atomic_single_reader() { return pop_atomic(); } |
void * pop_NA() { return pop_atomic(); } |
private: |
OSQueueHead mHead; |
size_t mNextPtrOffset; |
}; |
// a more efficient subset of TAtomicStack using OSQueue. |
template <class T> |
class TAtomicStack2 { |
public: |
TAtomicStack2() { |
/*OSQueueHead h = OS_ATOMIC_QUEUE_INIT; mHead = h;*/ |
mHead.opaque1 = 0; mHead.opaque2 = 0; |
mNextPtrOffset = -1; |
} |
void push_atomic(T *item) { |
if (mNextPtrOffset < 0) { |
T **pnext = &item->next(); // hack around offsetof not working with C++ |
mNextPtrOffset = (Byte *)pnext - (Byte *)item; |
} |
OSAtomicEnqueue(&mHead, item, mNextPtrOffset); |
} |
void push_NA(T *item) { push_atomic(item); } |
T * pop_atomic() { return (T *)OSAtomicDequeue(&mHead, mNextPtrOffset); } |
T * pop_atomic_single_reader() { return pop_atomic(); } |
T * pop_NA() { return pop_atomic(); } |
// caution: do not try to implement pop_all_reversed here. the writer could add new elements |
// while the reader is trying to pop old ones! |
private: |
OSQueueHead mHead; |
ssize_t mNextPtrOffset; |
}; |
#else |
#define TAtomicStack2 TAtomicStack |
#endif // __CAAtomicStack_h__ |
Copyright © 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2016-02-19