
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio Public Utility Classes
//  Includes
#include "CAHostTimeBase.h"
Float64         CAHostTimeBase::sFrequency = 0;
Float64         CAHostTimeBase::sInverseFrequency = 0;
UInt32          CAHostTimeBase::sMinDelta = 0;
UInt32          CAHostTimeBase::sToNanosNumerator = 0;
UInt32          CAHostTimeBase::sToNanosDenominator = 0;
pthread_once_t  CAHostTimeBase::sIsInited = PTHREAD_ONCE_INIT;
#if Track_Host_TimeBase
UInt64          CAHostTimeBase::sLastTime = 0;
//  CAHostTimeBase
//  This class provides platform independent access to the host's time base.
void    CAHostTimeBase::Initialize()
    //  get the info about Absolute time
        struct mach_timebase_info   theTimeBaseInfo;
        sMinDelta = 1;
        sToNanosNumerator = theTimeBaseInfo.numer;
        sToNanosDenominator = theTimeBaseInfo.denom;
        //  the frequency of that clock is: (sToNanosDenominator / sToNanosNumerator) * 10^9
        sFrequency = static_cast<Float64>(sToNanosDenominator) / static_cast<Float64>(sToNanosNumerator);
        sFrequency *= 1000000000.0;
    #elif TARGET_OS_WIN32
        LARGE_INTEGER theFrequency;
        sMinDelta = 1;
        sToNanosNumerator = 1000000000ULL;
        sToNanosDenominator = *((UInt64*)&theFrequency);
        sFrequency = static_cast<Float64>(*((UInt64*)&theFrequency));
    sInverseFrequency = 1.0 / sFrequency;
    #if Log_Host_Time_Base_Parameters
        DebugPrintf("Host Time Base Parameters");
        DebugPrintf(" Minimum Delta:          %lu", (unsigned long)sMinDelta);
        DebugPrintf(" Frequency:              %f", sFrequency);
        DebugPrintf(" To Nanos Numerator:     %lu", (unsigned long)sToNanosNumerator);
        DebugPrintf(" To Nanos Denominator:   %lu", (unsigned long)sToNanosDenominator);