
Copyright (C) 2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
Part of Core Audio Public Utility Classes
#if !defined(__CAHostTimeBase_h__)
#define __CAHostTimeBase_h__
//  Includes
    #include <CoreAudio/CoreAudioTypes.h>
    #include <CoreAudioTypes.h>
    #include <mach/mach_time.h>
    #include <pthread.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #include "WinPThreadDefs.h"
    #error  Unsupported operating system
#include "CADebugPrintf.h"
//  CAHostTimeBase
//  This class provides platform independent access to the host's time base.
#if CoreAudio_Debug
//  #define Log_Host_Time_Base_Parameters   1
//  #define Track_Host_TimeBase             1
class   CAHostTimeBase
    static UInt64           ConvertToNanos(UInt64 inHostTime);
    static UInt64           ConvertFromNanos(UInt64 inNanos);
    static UInt64           GetTheCurrentTime();
    static UInt64           GetCurrentTime() { return GetTheCurrentTime(); }
    static UInt64           GetCurrentTimeInNanos();
    static Float64          GetFrequency() { pthread_once(&sIsInited, Initialize); return sFrequency; }
    static Float64          GetInverseFrequency() { pthread_once(&sIsInited, Initialize); return sInverseFrequency; }
    static UInt32           GetMinimumDelta() { pthread_once(&sIsInited, Initialize); return sMinDelta; }
    static UInt64           AbsoluteHostDeltaToNanos(UInt64 inStartTime, UInt64 inEndTime);
    static SInt64           HostDeltaToNanos(UInt64 inStartTime, UInt64 inEndTime);
    static UInt64           MultiplyByRatio(UInt64 inMuliplicand, UInt32 inNumerator, UInt32 inDenominator);
    static void             Initialize();
    static pthread_once_t   sIsInited;
    static Float64          sFrequency;
    static Float64          sInverseFrequency;
    static UInt32           sMinDelta;
    static UInt32           sToNanosNumerator;
    static UInt32           sToNanosDenominator;
#if Track_Host_TimeBase
    static UInt64           sLastTime;
inline UInt64   CAHostTimeBase::GetTheCurrentTime()
    UInt64 theTime = 0;
        theTime = mach_absolute_time();
    #elif TARGET_OS_WIN32
        LARGE_INTEGER theValue;
        theTime = *((UInt64*)&theValue);
    #if Track_Host_TimeBase
        if(sLastTime != 0)
            if(theTime <= sLastTime)
                DebugPrintf("CAHostTimeBase::GetTheCurrentTime: the current time is earlier than the last time, now: %qd, then: %qd", theTime, sLastTime);
            sLastTime = theTime;
            sLastTime = theTime;
    return theTime;
inline UInt64   CAHostTimeBase::ConvertToNanos(UInt64 inHostTime)
    pthread_once(&sIsInited, Initialize);
    UInt64 theAnswer = MultiplyByRatio(inHostTime, sToNanosNumerator, sToNanosDenominator);
    #if CoreAudio_Debug
        if(((sToNanosNumerator > sToNanosDenominator) && (theAnswer < inHostTime)) || ((sToNanosDenominator > sToNanosNumerator) && (theAnswer > inHostTime)))
            DebugPrintf("CAHostTimeBase::ConvertToNanos: The conversion wrapped");
    return theAnswer;
inline UInt64   CAHostTimeBase::ConvertFromNanos(UInt64 inNanos)
    pthread_once(&sIsInited, Initialize);
    UInt64 theAnswer = MultiplyByRatio(inNanos, sToNanosDenominator, sToNanosNumerator);
    #if CoreAudio_Debug
        if(((sToNanosDenominator > sToNanosNumerator) && (theAnswer < inNanos)) || ((sToNanosNumerator > sToNanosDenominator) && (theAnswer > inNanos)))
            DebugPrintf("CAHostTimeBase::ConvertFromNanos: The conversion wrapped");
    return theAnswer;
inline UInt64   CAHostTimeBase::GetCurrentTimeInNanos()
    return ConvertToNanos(GetTheCurrentTime());
inline UInt64   CAHostTimeBase::AbsoluteHostDeltaToNanos(UInt64 inStartTime, UInt64 inEndTime)
    UInt64 theAnswer;
    if(inStartTime <= inEndTime)
        theAnswer = inEndTime - inStartTime;
        theAnswer = inStartTime - inEndTime;
    return ConvertToNanos(theAnswer);
inline SInt64   CAHostTimeBase::HostDeltaToNanos(UInt64 inStartTime, UInt64 inEndTime)
    SInt64 theAnswer;
    SInt64 theSign = 1;
    if(inStartTime <= inEndTime)
        theAnswer = static_cast<SInt64>(inEndTime - inStartTime);
        theAnswer = static_cast<SInt64>(inStartTime - inEndTime);
        theSign = -1;
    return theSign * static_cast<SInt64>(ConvertToNanos(static_cast<UInt64>(theAnswer)));
inline UInt64   CAHostTimeBase::MultiplyByRatio(UInt64 inMuliplicand, UInt32 inNumerator, UInt32 inDenominator)
    __uint128_t theAnswer = inMuliplicand;
    long double theAnswer = inMuliplicand;
    if(inNumerator != inDenominator)
        theAnswer *= inNumerator;
        theAnswer /= inDenominator;
    return static_cast<UInt64>(theAnswer);