Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: scaudiocompress.c |
Abstract: Demonstrates typical usage of the SCAudio compression API's, in |
particular, SCAudioFillBuffer. Also demonstrates how to read |
from files using (1) MovieAudioExtraction, and (2) AudioFile API, |
and how to write audio QuickTime movies using AddMediaSample2 or |
.caf files using AudioFile API. |
Version: 1.0 |
Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple |
Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the |
following terms, and your use, installation, modification or |
redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these |
terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, |
install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. |
In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and |
subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive |
license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the |
"Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple |
Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; |
provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and |
without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following |
text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. |
Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, |
Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple |
Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except |
as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express |
or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to |
any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by |
other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. |
The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE |
Copyright © 2006 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved |
*/ |
#include <TargetConditionals.h> |
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> |
#include <QuickTime/QuickTime.h> |
#include <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h> |
#include <ApplicationServices/ApplicationServices.h> |
#else |
#include <stdlib.h> |
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <string.h> |
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h> |
#include <QTML.h> |
#endif |
#define kQTAudioPropertyID_MaxAudioSampleSize 'mssz' |
#define DEFAULT_PULL_FRAMES 5000 |
#define LOG_FILE stderr |
#define LOG_DATA_FLOW 0 |
#define logflow(...) fprintf(LOG_FILE, __VA_ARGS__) |
#else |
#define logflow(...) |
#endif |
#else |
// Windows compiler unfortunately does not allow variadic macros |
int __cdecl logflow(const char *format, ...) |
{ |
int retval = 0; |
va_list args; |
char * buffer = NULL; |
int len; |
va_start( args, format ); |
len = _vscprintf( format, args ) // _vscprintf doesn't count |
+ 1; // terminating '\0' |
buffer = malloc( len * sizeof(char) ); |
retval = vsprintf( buffer, format, args ); |
OutputDebugString(buffer); |
free( buffer ); |
va_end(args); |
#endif |
return retval; |
} |
#endif |
typedef struct { |
char * inFile; |
char * outFile; |
Boolean suppressUI; |
Boolean forceQTRead; |
Boolean extractionComplete; |
Boolean writingMovie; |
Boolean writingRaw; |
UInt8 pad[1]; |
FILE * rawFile; |
SInt32 onlyChannel; |
UInt32 pullPackets; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription inasbd; |
UInt32 inputBufferSize; |
void ** inputBuffers; |
Movie m; |
MovieAudioExtractionRef mae; |
AudioFileID af; |
#endif |
UInt64 srcFilePacketCount; |
SInt64 srcPacketsRead; |
AudioStreamPacketDescription * packetDescs; |
UInt32 numPacketDescs; |
UInt32 srcFileMaxPacketSize; |
void * srcFileReadBuffer; |
UInt32 srcFileReadBufferSize; |
AudioFileID outaf; |
#endif |
SInt64 numPacketsWritten; |
Movie outm; |
DataHandler dataH; |
Media media; |
SoundDescriptionHandle sdh; |
ComponentInstance stdAudio; |
} SCAudioCompressDataRecord, *SCAudioCompressData; |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/* |
mySCAudioInputDataProc is called for input in the specified source format. |
The source format is specified using the kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputBasicDescription |
property in the ConfigureStdAudio function below. The input data proc may |
provide exactly the number of packets of audio requested in *ioNumberDataPackets, |
fewer packets, or more packets. The means to signal end of data is identical |
to that specified for AudioConverters in technical Q&A 1317: | |
Unlike AudioConverters, the source format and destination format can have |
totally different channel layouts. SCAudioFillBuffer's processing chain |
uses: |
(1) an AudioConverter for decode (if necessary) |
(2) a MatrixMixer for mixing (if necessary) |
(3) another AudioConverter for encode (if necessary) |
*/ |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static ComponentResult |
mySCAudioInputDataProc( ComponentInstance ci, |
UInt32 *ioNumberDataPackets, |
AudioBufferList *ioData, |
AudioStreamPacketDescription **outDataPacketDescription, |
void *inRefCon) |
{ |
ComponentResult err = noErr; |
SCAudioCompressData globs = (SCAudioCompressData)inRefCon; |
UInt32 pullPackets = *ioNumberDataPackets; |
*ioNumberDataPackets = 0; |
if (globs->mae) |
{ |
UInt32 flags = 0; |
// if it's movie audio extraction, we know we're doing pcm, packetdescriptions |
// are unnecessary. |
if ( globs->extractionComplete ) |
{ |
ioData->mBuffers[0].mData = NULL; |
ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = 0; |
goto bail; |
} |
if ( ioData->mBuffers[0].mData == NULL ) |
{ |
UInt32 i, neededBufSize = pullPackets * globs->inasbd.mBytesPerPacket; |
if ( globs->inputBufferSize < neededBufSize ) |
{ |
globs->inputBufferSize = neededBufSize; |
if ( globs->inputBuffers ) |
{ |
for ( i = 0; i < globs->inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame; i++ ) |
free(globs->inputBuffers[i]); |
free(globs->inputBuffers); |
globs->inputBuffers = NULL; |
} |
globs->inputBuffers = malloc( sizeof(void*) * globs->inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame ); |
for ( i = 0; i < globs->inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame; i++ ) |
globs->inputBuffers[i] = malloc( globs->inputBufferSize ); |
} |
for ( i = 0; i < ioData->mNumberBuffers; i++ ) |
{ |
ioData->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = globs->inputBufferSize; |
ioData->mBuffers[i].mData = globs->inputBuffers[i]; |
} |
} |
logflow("Calling MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer() for %lu frames\n", pullPackets); |
err = MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer( globs->mae, &pullPackets, ioData, &flags); |
if ( flags & kQTMovieAudioExtractionComplete ) |
{ |
globs->extractionComplete = true; |
logflow("setting kQTMovieAudioExtractionComplete to true\n"); |
} |
*ioNumberDataPackets = pullPackets; |
logflow("MovieAudioExtractionFillBuffer() returned %lu frames\n", pullPackets); |
} |
else if ( globs->af ) { |
// do it the audio file way |
if ( globs->srcPacketsRead == globs->srcFilePacketCount ) |
{ |
// end of data |
ioData->mBuffers[0].mData = NULL; |
ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize = 0; |
goto bail; |
} |
if ( pullPackets > (globs->srcFilePacketCount - globs->srcPacketsRead) ) |
pullPackets = globs->srcFilePacketCount - globs->srcPacketsRead; |
if (outDataPacketDescription) |
{ |
if (pullPackets > globs->numPacketDescs) |
{ |
if (globs->packetDescs) |
free(globs->packetDescs); |
globs->packetDescs = (AudioStreamPacketDescription*)calloc(pullPackets, sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription)); |
globs->numPacketDescs = pullPackets; |
} |
} |
if ( pullPackets * globs->srcFileMaxPacketSize > globs->srcFileReadBufferSize ) |
{ |
if (globs->srcFileReadBuffer) |
free(globs->srcFileReadBuffer); |
globs->srcFileReadBufferSize = pullPackets * globs->srcFileMaxPacketSize; |
globs->srcFileReadBuffer = calloc(1, globs->srcFileReadBufferSize); |
} |
ioData->mBuffers[0].mData = globs->srcFileReadBuffer; |
logflow("Reading %lu packets from src AudioFile\n", pullPackets); |
err = AudioFileReadPackets ( globs->af, |
false, // inUseCache, |
&ioData->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize, // outNumBytes, |
globs->packetDescs, |
globs->srcPacketsRead, |
&pullPackets, |
ioData->mBuffers[0].mData); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileReadPackets() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
logflow("AudioFileReadPackets() returned %ld packets\n", pullPackets); |
*ioNumberDataPackets = pullPackets; |
if (outDataPacketDescription) |
*outDataPacketDescription = globs->packetDescs; |
globs->srcPacketsRead += pullPackets; |
} |
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC |
else |
err = paramErr; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/* |
DoSCAudioCompress - here is where we call SCAudioFillBuffer repeatedly and |
write the resulting packets to file using QuickTime's AddMediaSample2 API, |
and AudioFile's AudioFileWritePackets API. Code is also provided to write |
raw PCM (headerless) interleaved frames to disk. |
*/ |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSStatus |
DoSCAudioCompress( SCAudioCompressData globs ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
AudioStreamPacketDescription * aspds = NULL; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription asbd; |
UInt32 maxBytesPerPacket = 0; |
AudioBufferList * abl = NULL; |
void * buffer = NULL; |
UInt32 bufferSize = 0; |
SInt32 onlyChannel = 0; |
Boolean requiresPackets = false; |
// see if the output format is externally framed and requires packet descriptions |
err = QTGetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_OutputFormatIsExternallyFramed, |
sizeof(requiresPackets), &requiresPackets, NULL ); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### Get(kQTSCAudioPropertyID_OutputFormatIsExternallyFramed) returned err %ld\n", err); |
if (requiresPackets) |
aspds = (AudioStreamPacketDescription*)calloc(globs->pullPackets, sizeof(AudioStreamPacketDescription)); |
err = QTGetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_BasicDescription, |
sizeof(asbd), &asbd, NULL ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### In DoSCAudioCompress(): QTGetComponentProperty(stdAudio, BasicDescription) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
// figure out the max bytes per packet |
if ( asbd.mBytesPerPacket ) |
{ |
maxBytesPerPacket = asbd.mBytesPerPacket; |
} |
else { |
err = QTGetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MaximumOutputPacketSize, |
sizeof(maxBytesPerPacket), &maxBytesPerPacket, NULL); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### Get(kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MaximumOutputPacketSize) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
// now we can make an audio buffer list big enough for the data we want to get |
bufferSize = maxBytesPerPacket * globs->pullPackets; |
if ( asbd.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved ) |
bufferSize *= asbd.mChannelsPerFrame; |
if (bufferSize == 0) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### bufferSize rolled over.\n"); |
err = memFullErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
buffer = malloc(bufferSize); |
bufferSize = maxBytesPerPacket * globs->pullPackets; |
if ( asbd.mFormatFlags & kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved ) |
{ |
abl = (AudioBufferList*)calloc(1, |
offsetof(AudioBufferList, mBuffers[asbd.mChannelsPerFrame])); |
abl->mNumberBuffers = asbd.mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
else { |
abl = (AudioBufferList*)calloc(1, offsetof(AudioBufferList, mBuffers[1])); |
abl->mNumberBuffers = 1; |
} |
if ( globs->onlyChannel > -1 ) |
onlyChannel = globs->onlyChannel; |
while ( true ) |
{ |
UInt32 i, pullPackets = globs->pullPackets; |
void * ptr = buffer; |
for (i = 0; i < abl->mNumberBuffers; i++) |
{ |
abl->mBuffers[i].mNumberChannels = (abl->mNumberBuffers > 1 ? 1 : asbd.mChannelsPerFrame); |
abl->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize = bufferSize; |
abl->mBuffers[i].mData = ptr; |
ptr = (UInt8*)ptr + bufferSize; |
} |
logflow("calling SCAudioFillBuffer for %lu packets\n", pullPackets); |
err = SCAudioFillBuffer(globs->stdAudio, |
mySCAudioInputDataProc, |
(void*)globs, |
&pullPackets, |
abl, |
aspds); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "received err %ld from SCAudioFillBuffer\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
else if (pullPackets == 0 && abl->mBuffers[0].mDataByteSize == 0) { |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "received EOS from SCAudioFillBuffer, finishing\n"); |
break; |
} |
logflow("SCAudioFillBuffer returned %ld packets\n", pullPackets); |
if (pullPackets) |
{ |
if (globs->outaf) |
{ |
err = AudioFileWritePackets ( globs->outaf, |
false, // inUseCache, |
abl->mBuffers[onlyChannel].mDataByteSize, // inNumBytes, |
aspds, // inPacketDescriptions, |
globs->numPacketsWritten, // inStartingPacket, |
&pullPackets, // ioNumPackets, |
abl->mBuffers[onlyChannel].mData ); // inBuffer |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileWritePackets() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
logflow("AudioFileWritePackets() wrote %ld packets\n", pullPackets); |
globs->numPacketsWritten += pullPackets; |
} |
else |
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC |
if (globs->writingRaw) { |
UInt32 i; |
for (i = 0; i < abl->mNumberBuffers; i++) |
{ |
if ( 1 > fwrite(abl->mBuffers[i].mData, abl->mBuffers[i].mDataByteSize, 1, globs->rawFile) ) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### fwrite() returned err %d\n", ferror(globs->rawFile)); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// add to the movie |
if (aspds) |
{ |
// if we've got packet descriptions, we need to add them one at a time |
UInt32 i; |
for (i = 0; i < pullPackets; i++) |
{ |
err = AddMediaSample2( globs->media, |
(UInt8*)abl->mBuffers[onlyChannel].mData + aspds[i].mStartOffset, |
aspds[i].mDataByteSize, |
(aspds[i].mVariableFramesInPacket |
? aspds[i].mVariableFramesInPacket |
: asbd.mFramesPerPacket), //decodeDurationPerSample |
0, //displayOffset |
(SampleDescriptionHandle)globs->sdh, |
1, // numberOfSamples |
0, // sampleFlags |
NULL ); // sampleDecodeTimeOut |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AddMediaSample2() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
// make believe the frames in each packet are individually accessible. |
// this is commonly known as "THE LIE". It's the truth for PCM. |
// It's a lie for all CBR compressed formats. |
ItemCount numSamples = pullPackets * asbd.mFramesPerPacket; |
err = AddMediaSample2( globs->media, |
abl->mBuffers[onlyChannel].mData, |
abl->mBuffers[onlyChannel].mDataByteSize, |
1, //decodeDurationPerSample |
0, //displayOffset |
(SampleDescriptionHandle)globs->sdh, |
numSamples, // numberOfSamples |
0, // sampleFlags |
NULL ); // sampleDecodeTimeOut |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AddMediaSample2() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
if (aspds) |
free(aspds); |
if (buffer) |
free(buffer); |
return err; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/* |
ConfigureStdAudio - Here's where we instantiate StdAudio, and feed it information |
about our source (asbd, layout, magic cookie). If we've not been directed to |
suppress ui, we display the StdAudio modal dialog and let the user select |
his/her desired output format. |
*/ |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSStatus |
ConfigureStdAudio ( SCAudioCompressData globs ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription inasbd; |
AudioChannelLayout * pLayout = NULL; |
void * magicCookie = NULL; |
UInt32 size = sizeof(inasbd), layoutSize = 0, cookieSize = 0; |
UInt32 numDiscreteInputChannels = 0; |
err = OpenADefaultComponent(StandardCompressionType, StandardCompressionSubTypeAudio, &globs->stdAudio); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### OpenADefaultComponent('scdi', 'audi') returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
if (globs->af) |
{ |
// 1. get asbd |
err = AudioFileGetProperty( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat, &size, &inasbd); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileGetProperty(kAudioFilePropertyDataFormat) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
// 2. get channel layout |
if ( noErr == AudioFileGetPropertyInfo( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout, &layoutSize, NULL ) ) |
{ |
pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)calloc(1, layoutSize); |
if ( noErr != AudioFileGetProperty( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout, &layoutSize, pLayout) ) |
{ |
free(pLayout); |
pLayout = NULL; |
} |
} |
// 3. get magic cookie |
if ( noErr == AudioFileGetPropertyInfo( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, &cookieSize, NULL ) ) |
{ |
magicCookie = calloc(1, cookieSize); |
if ( noErr != AudioFileGetProperty( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, &cookieSize, magicCookie) ) |
{ |
free(magicCookie); |
magicCookie = NULL; |
} |
} |
numDiscreteInputChannels = inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC |
else if ( globs->m ) { |
UInt32 maxSampleSize = 0; |
Boolean allChansDiscrete; |
// do it the qt way - use MovieAudioExtraction API's |
err = MovieAudioExtractionBegin( globs->m, 0, &globs->mae ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionBegin() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
// first things first, temporarily set the extraction session to "AllChannelsDiscrete", so |
// we can get the true (unmixed) channel count in the source movie. We want the user to |
// have the option of exporting all the source channels without doing any mixing, and |
// for that we need to tell StdAudio the discrete number of channels to allow |
allChansDiscrete = true; |
err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty( globs->mae, |
kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Movie, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionMoviePropertyID_AllChannelsDiscrete, |
sizeof(allChansDiscrete), &allChansDiscrete); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty(allChannelsDiscrete) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty( globs->mae, kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription, |
sizeof(inasbd), &inasbd, NULL ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty(asbd (allChannelsDiscrete)) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
numDiscreteInputChannels = inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame; |
allChansDiscrete = false; |
err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty( globs->mae, |
kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Movie, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionMoviePropertyID_AllChannelsDiscrete, |
sizeof(allChansDiscrete), &allChansDiscrete); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty(allChannelsDiscrete) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
// not doing AllChannelsDiscrete any more - find out info about the summary mixed audio |
err = MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty( globs->mae, kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription, |
sizeof(inasbd), &inasbd, NULL ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty(asbd) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
// get max sample size (needed for accurate 'alac'). |
err = MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty( globs->mae, kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTAudioPropertyID_MaxAudioSampleSize, |
sizeof(maxSampleSize), &maxSampleSize, NULL ); |
if (noErr == err && maxSampleSize) |
{ |
inasbd.mBitsPerChannel = maxSampleSize; |
if (maxSampleSize <= 32) |
{ |
inasbd.mFormatFlags &= ~(kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved); |
inasbd.mFormatFlags |= kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger; |
inasbd.mBytesPerFrame = inasbd.mBytesPerPacket = maxSampleSize/8 * inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame; |
} |
err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty( globs->mae, |
kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription, |
sizeof(inasbd), &inasbd); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty(asbd) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
if ( noErr == MovieAudioExtractionGetPropertyInfo( globs->mae, kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout, |
NULL, &layoutSize, NULL ) ) |
{ |
if (layoutSize) |
{ |
pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)calloc(1, layoutSize); |
if (noErr != MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty(globs->mae, kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout, |
layoutSize, pLayout, &layoutSize)) |
{ |
free(pLayout); |
pLayout = NULL; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
else { |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### ConfigureStdAudio() called without a source AudioFileID or Movie!\n"); |
err = paramErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
// set the input desc info on stdaudio |
err = QTSetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputBasicDescription, |
sizeof(inasbd), &inasbd ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSetComponentProperty(stdaudio, InputBasicDescription) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
if (pLayout) |
{ |
err = QTSetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputChannelLayout, |
layoutSize, pLayout ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSetComponentProperty(stdaudio, InputChannelLayout) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
if (magicCookie) |
{ |
err = QTSetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputMagicCookie, |
cookieSize, magicCookie ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSetComponentProperty(stdaudio, InputMagicCookie) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
// the following function call is optional - we can specify a list of allowable AudioChannelLayoutTag's |
// to StdAudio. StdAudio will prune its list of available layout tags to our specified set. |
// If you want StdAudio to allow export to a custom layout (i.e. if the source movie has a |
// whacky AudioChannelLayout that is not encompassed by any of the AudioChannelLayoutTag's), |
// or to show "n Discrete Channels" as an option, you need to set the |
// kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedChannelLayoutTagList property, as shown |
// below. |
{ |
AudioChannelLayoutTag tagList[] = |
{ |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DiscreteInOrder | numDiscreteInputChannels, // OR in the real discrete number of channels |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_UseChannelDescriptions, // allows passthru of source's whacky custom channel layout (if it has one) |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Mono, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Stereo, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Quadraphonic, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_B, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_C, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_0_D, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_B, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_C, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_5_1_D, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AudioUnit_6_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_6_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_6_1_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_6_1, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AudioUnit_7_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_7_0, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_A, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_B, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_MPEG_7_1_C, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_Emagic_Default_7_1, |
kAudioChannelLayoutTag_AAC_Octagonal |
}; |
(void)QTSetComponentProperty(globs->stdAudio, |
kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedChannelLayoutTagList, |
sizeof(tagList), |
tagList); |
} |
if (globs->onlyChannel > -1 || |
globs->writingRaw) |
{ |
// if globs->onlyChannel > -1, we need to only write one of the source channels. This requires that |
// (1) onlyChannel must be < inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame |
// (2) StdAudio must be configured to only do deinterleaved |
// (3) Stdaudio must be configured to only do PCM (as per 2 above) |
SCAudioFormatFlagsRestrictions restrictions = { 0 }; |
OSType restrictedFormat = 'lpcm'; |
if (globs->onlyChannel >= (SInt32)inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### The requested channel (%lu) to write is greater than the source number of channels (%lu)\n", |
globs->onlyChannel, inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame); |
err = badFormat; |
goto bail; |
} |
restrictions.formatFlagsMask = kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; |
if (globs->onlyChannel > -1) |
{ |
restrictions.formatFlagsValues = kAudioFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; |
} |
else { |
// if writing raw, we want to force interleaved |
} |
err = QTSetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedLPCMFlags, |
sizeof(restrictions), &restrictions ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSetComponentProperty(stdaudio, ClientRestrictedLPCMFlags) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = QTSetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ClientRestrictedCompressionFormatList, |
sizeof(restrictedFormat), &restrictedFormat ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSetComponentProperty(stdaudio, ClientRestrictedCompressionFormatList) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
// now StdAudio has been configured with the input info. |
// Display the dialog now |
if ( false == globs->suppressUI ) |
{ |
SCExtendedProcs xProcs; |
// make our command line test app an app that can become the foreground process |
extern int32_t CPSEnableForegroundOperation( ProcessSerialNumber * PSN ); |
ProcessSerialNumber psn; |
GetCurrentProcess(&psn); |
CPSEnableForegroundOperation(&psn); |
SetFrontProcess(&psn); |
#endif |
memset(&xProcs, 0, sizeof(xProcs)); |
strcpy((char*)xProcs.customName + 1, "Select Output Format"); |
xProcs.customName[0] = (unsigned char)strlen((char*)xProcs.customName + 1); |
(void)QTSetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ExtendedProcs, |
sizeof(xProcs), &xProcs); |
err = SCRequestImageSettings(globs->stdAudio); |
if (err == userCanceledErr) |
err = noErr; // User cancelling is ok. |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### SCRequestImageSettings() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
// Now we've given the user an opportunity to specify output settings, including |
// the "Render Quality" for the export operation (Render Quality is one of the |
// choices in the dialog). If we are extracting from a movie, we should apply |
// that same render quality to the MovieAudioExtraction Session, so that |
// any scaled edits or codec decompressions are done at the same render quality |
// that was specified in the dialog |
if (globs->mae) |
{ |
UInt32 renderQuality; |
if (noErr == QTGetComponentProperty(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_RenderQuality, |
sizeof(renderQuality), &renderQuality, NULL)) |
{ |
err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty( globs->mae, |
kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_RenderQuality, |
sizeof(renderQuality), &renderQuality); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty(renderQuality) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
} |
// if we've been configured to produce discrete output channels, we need |
// to set up MovieAudioExtraction to render the PCM samples without mixing |
if (globs->mae) |
{ |
AudioChannelLayout * outputLayout = NULL; |
UInt32 outputLayoutSize = 0; |
err = QTGetComponentPropertyInfo(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, NULL, &outputLayoutSize, NULL); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTGetComponentPropertyInfo(layoutSize) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
outputLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)malloc(outputLayoutSize); |
err = QTGetComponentProperty(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, |
outputLayoutSize, outputLayout, &outputLayoutSize); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTGetComponentProperty(layoutSize) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
if (err == noErr && |
((outputLayout->mChannelLayoutTag & 0xFFFF0000) == kAudioChannelLayoutTag_DiscreteInOrder)) |
{ |
Boolean allChansDiscrete = true; |
err = MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty( globs->mae, |
kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Movie, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionMoviePropertyID_AllChannelsDiscrete, |
sizeof(allChansDiscrete), &allChansDiscrete); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionSetProperty(allChannelsDiscrete - for real this time!) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
// re-get the input asbd (with new number of channels) |
err = MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty( globs->mae, kQTPropertyClass_MovieAudioExtraction_Audio, |
kQTMovieAudioExtractionAudioPropertyID_AudioStreamBasicDescription, |
sizeof(inasbd), &inasbd, NULL ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### MovieAudioExtractionGetProperty(asbd) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
// tell StdAudio about the input format change |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
SoundDescriptionHandle sdh = NULL; |
err = QTSoundDescriptionCreate(&inasbd, outputLayout, outputLayoutSize, NULL, 0, |
kQTSoundDescriptionKind_Movie_AnyVersion, &sdh); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSoundDescriptionCreate() returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
err = QTSetComponentProperty(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_InputSoundDescription, |
sizeof(sdh), &sdh); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSetComponentProperty(InputSDH) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
} |
DisposeHandle((Handle)sdh); |
} |
} |
} |
free(outputLayout); |
if (err) |
goto bail; |
} |
globs->inasbd = inasbd; |
bail: |
if (pLayout) |
free(pLayout); |
if (magicCookie) |
free(magicCookie); |
return err; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/* |
OpenDestinationFile - Here's where we open the destination file, either a |
QuickTime movie, .caf file, or raw pcm file. |
*/ |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSStatus |
OpenDestinationFile ( SCAudioCompressData globs ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
CFStringRef filename = NULL; |
#endif |
UInt32 size; |
AudioStreamBasicDescription format = { 0 }; |
// get the format we'll be writing |
err = QTGetComponentProperty( globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_BasicDescription, |
sizeof(format), &format, NULL ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTGetComponentProperty(stdAudio, BasicDescription) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
if (globs->onlyChannel > -1) |
{ |
if (globs->onlyChannel >= (SInt32)format.mChannelsPerFrame) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### The requested channel (%lu) to write is greater than the source number of channels (%lu)\n", |
globs->onlyChannel + 1, format.mChannelsPerFrame); |
err = badFormat; |
goto bail; |
} |
format.mFormatFlags &= ~kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsNonInterleaved; |
format.mChannelsPerFrame = 1; |
} |
// delete the file if there already is one |
remove(globs->outFile); |
err = noErr; |
if (globs->writingMovie) |
{ |
CFStringRef fullpath = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, globs->outFile, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
Handle dataRef = NULL; |
OSType dataRefType = 0; |
Track t; |
err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(fullpath, kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType); |
CFRelease(fullpath); |
if( err ) |
{ |
fprintf( LOG_FILE, "### QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString() returned err %ld\n", err ); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = CreateMovieStorage( dataRef, dataRefType, 'TVOD', 0, createMovieFileDeleteCurFile, |
&globs->dataH, &globs->outm ); |
DisposeHandle(dataRef); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf( LOG_FILE, "### CreateMovieStorage() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
t = NewMovieTrack(globs->outm, 0, 0, kFullVolume); |
err = GetMoviesError(); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### NewMovieTrack() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
globs->media = NewTrackMedia(t, SoundMediaType, (TimeScale)format.mSampleRate, NULL, 0); |
err = GetMoviesError(); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### NewTrackMedia() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = BeginMediaEdits( globs->media ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### BeginMediaEdits() returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
err = QTSoundDescriptionCreate( &format, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, |
kQTSoundDescriptionKind_Movie_LowestPossibleVersion, |
&globs->sdh); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSoundDescriptionCreate() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
else if ( globs->writingRaw ) { |
globs->rawFile = fopen(globs->outFile, "w"); |
if ( NULL == globs->rawFile ) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### fopen() returned err %d\n", errno); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
else { |
unsigned char sep = '/'; // For Windows, sep would be '\\' |
FSRef fsdir, fspath; |
Boolean isDirectory = false; |
UInt32 i, len = (UInt32)strlen(globs->outFile); |
// separate the directory from the last component of the path |
for (i = len; i > 0; i--) |
{ |
if ( globs->outFile[i - 1] == sep ) |
{ |
char temp; |
filename = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, globs->outFile + i, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
temp = globs->outFile[i]; |
globs->outFile[i] = '\0'; |
err = FSPathMakeRef((UInt8*)globs->outFile, &fsdir, &isDirectory); |
globs->outFile[i] = temp; |
if (err || !isDirectory) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### FSPathMakeRef for \"%s\" returned err %ld\n", globs->outFile, err); |
goto bail; |
} |
break; |
} |
} |
if ( NULL == filename ) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### Couldn't parse \"%s\" for the last path component\n", globs->outFile); |
err = paramErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
err = AudioFileCreate ( &fsdir, filename, kAudioFileCAFType, &format, |
0, // inFlags, |
&fspath, &globs->outaf); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileCreate() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
#endif |
if ( globs->onlyChannel == -1 && false == globs->writingRaw ) |
{ |
// set the layout on the file |
if (noErr == QTGetComponentPropertyInfo(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, |
NULL, &size, NULL)) |
{ |
if (size) |
{ |
AudioChannelLayout * pLayout = (AudioChannelLayout*)calloc(1, size); |
if (noErr == QTGetComponentProperty(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_ChannelLayout, |
size, pLayout, &size)) |
{ |
if (globs->outaf) |
{ |
err = AudioFileSetProperty(globs->outaf, kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout, size, pLayout); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileSetProperty(kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
else |
#endif |
{ |
err = QTSoundDescriptionSetProperty(globs->sdh, kQTPropertyClass_SoundDescription, |
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_AudioChannelLayout, |
size, pLayout); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSoundDescriptionSetProperty(ChannelLayout) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
} |
free(pLayout); |
if (err) |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
// set the magic cookie on the file |
if (noErr == QTGetComponentPropertyInfo(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie, |
NULL, &size, NULL)) |
{ |
if (size) |
{ |
void * magicCookie = calloc(1, size); |
if (noErr == QTGetComponentProperty(globs->stdAudio, kQTPropertyClass_SCAudio, |
kQTSCAudioPropertyID_MagicCookie, |
size, magicCookie, &size)) |
{ |
if (globs->outaf) |
{ |
err = AudioFileSetProperty(globs->outaf, kAudioFilePropertyMagicCookieData, size, magicCookie); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileSetProperty(kAudioFilePropertyChannelLayout) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
else |
#endif |
{ |
err = QTSoundDescriptionSetProperty(globs->sdh, kQTPropertyClass_SoundDescription, |
kQTSoundDescriptionPropertyID_MagicCookie, |
size, magicCookie); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTSoundDescriptionSetProperty(MagicCookie) returned err %ld\n", err); |
} |
} |
free(magicCookie); |
if (err) |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
} |
bail: |
if (filename) |
CFRelease(filename); |
#endif |
return err; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
/* |
OpenSourceFile - Here's where we open the source file. First we try to open |
it using AudioFileOpen, and fall back to importing it as a QuickTime movie |
if AudioFile doesn't understand the file format. |
*/ |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSStatus |
OpenSourceFile( SCAudioCompressData globs ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
if ( NULL == globs->inFile || NULL == globs->outFile ) |
return paramErr; |
if (false == globs->forceQTRead) |
{ |
UInt32 size; |
FSRef fsref; |
err = FSPathMakeRef( (UInt8*)globs->inFile, &fsref, NULL ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### FSPathMakeRef(\"%s\") returned err %ld\n", globs->inFile, err); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = AudioFileOpen( &fsref, fsRdPerm, 0, &globs->af ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "AudioFileOpen(\"%s\") returned err %ld (reverting to QT read path)\n", globs->inFile, err); |
goto readWithQT; |
} |
size = sizeof(globs->srcFilePacketCount); |
err = AudioFileGetProperty( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount, |
&size, &globs->srcFilePacketCount); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "AudioFileGetProperty(kAudioFilePropertyAudioDataPacketCount) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
size = sizeof(globs->srcFileMaxPacketSize); |
err = AudioFileGetProperty( globs->af, kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize, |
&size, &globs->srcFileMaxPacketSize); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "AudioFileGetProperty(kAudioFilePropertyMaximumPacketSize) returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
readWithQT: |
// open the input file with QT if needed |
if ( globs->af == 0 ) |
#endif // TARGET_OS_MAC |
{ |
Handle dataRef = NULL; |
OSType dataRefType = 0; |
short resID = 0; |
CFStringRef fullpath = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, globs->inFile, kCFStringEncodingASCII); |
err = QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(fullpath, kQTNativeDefaultPathStyle, 0, &dataRef, &dataRefType); |
CFRelease(fullpath); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### QTNewDataReferenceFromFullPathCFString(\"%s\") returned err %ld\n", globs->inFile, err); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = NewMovieFromDataRef( &globs->m, |
newMovieActive | newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs, |
&resID, |
dataRef, dataRefType); |
DisposeHandle(dataRef); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### NewMovieFromDataRef() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
} |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static OSStatus |
RunTheTest( SCAudioCompressData globs ) |
{ |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
InitializeQTML(0); |
#endif |
err = EnterMovies(); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "EnterMovies() returned err %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
err = OpenSourceFile(globs); |
if (err) goto bail; |
err = ConfigureStdAudio(globs); |
if (err) goto bail; |
err = OpenDestinationFile(globs); |
if (err) goto bail; |
err = DoSCAudioCompress(globs); |
if (err) goto bail; |
bail: |
return err; |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
static void |
PrintUsage(FILE * f) |
{ |
fprintf(f, "scaudiocompress -i /path/to/inputfile -o /path/to/outputfile.(caf | mov | pcm) { [-writeraw] | [-noui] | [-pullPackets #] | [-forceqtinput] }\n"); |
fprintf(f, "\t(default output file format is .caf)\n"); |
#else |
fprintf(f, "scaudiocompress -i /path/to/inputfile -o /path/to/outputfile.(mov | pcm) { [-writeraw] | [-noui] | [-pullPackets #] | [-forceqtinput] }\n"); |
fprintf(f, "\t(default output file format is .mov)\n"); |
#endif |
fprintf(f, "\t-noui = Run automated test. No StdAudio dialog UI is shown.\n"); |
fprintf(f, "\t-pullpackets = The number of packets of audio to pull for at a time. Default is %lu.\n", DEFAULT_PULL_FRAMES); |
fprintf(f, "\t-forceqtinput = Don't try to open the input file using AudioFile API's, just use QuickTime API's\n"); |
fprintf(f, "\t-channel = Only write the specified input channel (zero-based) to the output movie/audio file\n"); |
} |
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) { |
int i; |
OSStatus err = noErr; |
SCAudioCompressDataRecord globs = { 0 }; |
globs.pullPackets = DEFAULT_PULL_FRAMES; |
globs.onlyChannel = -1; |
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) |
{ |
if ( (0 == strncmp("-input", argv[i], 2)) && i + 1 < argc ) |
globs.inFile = (char*)argv[++i]; |
if ( (0 == strncmp("-channel", argv[i], 2)) && i + 1 < argc ) |
globs.onlyChannel = strtol(argv[++i], NULL, 0); |
if ( (0 == strncmp("-output", argv[i], 2)) && i + 1 < argc ) |
globs.outFile = (char*)argv[++i]; |
if ( 0 == strncmp("-noui", argv[i], 2) ) |
globs.suppressUI = true; |
if ( (0 == strncmp("-pullpackets", argv[i], 2)) && i + 1 < argc ) |
globs.pullPackets = strtoul(argv[++i], NULL, 0); |
if ( 0 == strncmp("-forceqtinput", argv[i], 2) ) |
globs.forceQTRead = true; |
} |
if ( NULL == globs.inFile || NULL == globs.outFile ) |
{ |
PrintUsage(LOG_FILE); |
err = paramErr; |
goto bail; |
} |
// see if they want to write a quicktime movie, or raw pcm file |
if ( strlen(globs.outFile) > 4 ) |
{ |
const char * extension = globs.outFile + strlen(globs.outFile) - 4; |
if ( 0 == strcmp(extension, ".mov") ) |
globs.writingMovie = true; |
else if ( 0 == strcmp(extension, ".pcm") ) |
globs.writingRaw = true; |
} |
err = RunTheTest( &globs ); |
if (err) |
{ |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### DoSCAudioCompressTest returned %ld\n", err); |
goto bail; |
} |
bail: |
// close up stuff |
if (globs.stdAudio) |
CloseComponent(globs.stdAudio); |
if (globs.mae) |
MovieAudioExtractionEnd(globs.mae); |
if (globs.m) |
DisposeMovie(globs.m); |
if ( |
AudioFileClose(; |
#endif |
if (globs.packetDescs) |
free(globs.packetDescs); |
if (globs.srcFileReadBuffer) |
free(globs.srcFileReadBuffer); |
if (globs.outaf) |
{ |
OSStatus afcloseErr = AudioFileClose(globs.outaf); |
if (afcloseErr) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AudioFileClose \"%s\" returned %ld\n", globs.outFile, afcloseErr); |
} |
#endif |
if (globs.outm) |
{ |
Track t = GetMediaTrack( ); |
err = EndMediaEdits( ); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### EndMediaEdits() returned err %ld\n", err); |
err = InsertMediaIntoTrack( t, 0, 0, GetMediaDuration(, fixed1 ); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### InsertMediaIntoTrack() returned err %ld\n", err); |
err = AddMovieToStorage( globs.outm, globs.dataH ); |
if (err) |
fprintf(LOG_FILE, "### AddMovieToStorage() returned err %ld\n", err); |
CloseMovieStorage( globs.dataH ); |
DisposeMovie(globs.outm); |
DisposeHandle((Handle)globs.sdh); |
} |
if ( globs.inputBuffers ) |
{ |
for ( i = 0; i < (int)globs.inasbd.mChannelsPerFrame; i++ ) |
free(globs.inputBuffers[i]); |
free(globs.inputBuffers); |
} |
if (globs.writingRaw && globs.rawFile) |
{ |
fclose(globs.rawFile); |
} |
return err; |
} |
Copyright © 2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2006-08-22