# Fox2
Scene Kit sample code that was demonstrated at WWDC 2017.
## Overview
This sample code demonstrates the following Scene Kit features that were added in iOS 11, tvOS 11, and macOS 10.13:
- Camera constraints define the camera behaviour of the app/game
- A new physically-based depth of field effect achieved with “bokeh”
- Screen space GPU tessellation (using Pixar’s openSubdiv)
- Animation of character tones using a new animation engine (and API)
- Cascaded shadow maps
- GameplayKit integration
## Requirements
### Build
Xcode 9 or later
### Runtime
iOS 11 or later, tvOS 11 or later, macOS 10.13 or later
### Devices
Fox 2 must be run on a physical device.
Fox 2 is not supported on the iOS Simulator or tvOS Simulator.