
 Copyright (C) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 See LICENSE.txt for this sample’s licensing information
 This class serves as the app's source of control flow.
import GameController
import GameplayKit
import SceneKit
// Collision bit masks
struct Bitmask: OptionSet {
    let rawValue: Int
    static let character = Bitmask(rawValue: 1 << 0) // the main character
    static let collision = Bitmask(rawValue: 1 << 1) // the ground and walls
    static let enemy = Bitmask(rawValue: 1 << 2) // the enemies
    static let trigger = Bitmask(rawValue: 1 << 3) // the box that triggers camera changes and other actions
    static let collectable = Bitmask(rawValue: 1 << 4) // the collectables (gems and key)
#if os( iOS )
    typealias ExtraProtocols = SCNSceneRendererDelegate & SCNPhysicsContactDelegate & MenuDelegate
        & PadOverlayDelegate & ButtonOverlayDelegate
    typealias ExtraProtocols = SCNSceneRendererDelegate & SCNPhysicsContactDelegate & MenuDelegate
enum ParticleKind: Int {
    case collect = 0
    case collectBig
    case keyApparition
    case enemyExplosion
    case unlockDoor
    case totalCount
enum AudioSourceKind: Int {
    case collect = 0
    case collectBig
    case unlockDoor
    case hitEnemy
    case totalCount
class GameController: NSObject, ExtraProtocols {
// Global settings
    static let DefaultCameraTransitionDuration = 1.0
    static let NumberOfFiends = 100
    static let CameraOrientationSensitivity: Float = 0.05
    private var scene: SCNScene?
    private weak var sceneRenderer: SCNSceneRenderer?
    // Overlays
    private var overlay: Overlay?
    // Character
    private var character: Character?
    // Camera and targets
    private var cameraNode = SCNNode()
    private var lookAtTarget = SCNNode()
    private var lastActiveCamera: SCNNode?
    private var lastActiveCameraFrontDirection = simd_float3.zero
    private var activeCamera: SCNNode?
    private var playingCinematic: Bool = false
    private var lastTrigger: SCNNode?
    private var firstTriggerDone: Bool = false
    private var enemy1: SCNNode?
    private var enemy2: SCNNode?
    private var friends = [SCNNode](repeating: SCNNode(), count: NumberOfFiends)
    private var friendsSpeed = [Float](repeating: 0.0, count: NumberOfFiends)
    private var friendCount: Int = 0
    private var friendsAreFree: Bool = false
    //collected objects
    private var collectedKeys: Int = 0
    private var collectedGems: Int = 0
    private var keyIsVisible: Bool = false
    // particles
    private var particleSystems = [[SCNParticleSystem]](repeatElement([SCNParticleSystem()], count: ParticleKind.totalCount.rawValue))
    // audio
    private var audioSources = [SCNAudioSource](repeatElement(SCNAudioSource(), count: AudioSourceKind.totalCount.rawValue))
    // GameplayKit
    private var gkScene: GKScene?
    // Game controller
    private var gamePadCurrent: GCController?
    private var gamePadLeft: GCControllerDirectionPad?
    private var gamePadRight: GCControllerDirectionPad?
    // update delta time
    private var lastUpdateTime = TimeInterval()
// MARK: -
// MARK: Setup
    func setupGameController() {
                self, selector: #selector(self.handleControllerDidConnect),
                name: NSNotification.Name.GCControllerDidConnect, object: nil)
            self, selector: #selector(self.handleControllerDidDisconnect),
            name: NSNotification.Name.GCControllerDidDisconnect, object: nil)
        guard let controller = GCController.controllers().first else {
    func setupCharacter() {
        character = Character(scene: scene!)
        // keep a pointer to the physicsWorld from the character because we will need it when updating the character's position
        character!.physicsWorld = scene!.physicsWorld
    func setupPhysics() {
        //make sure all objects only collide with the character
        self.scene?.rootNode.enumerateHierarchy({(_ node: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in
            node.physicsBody?.collisionBitMask = Int(Bitmask.character.rawValue)
    func setupCollisions() {
        // load the collision mesh from another scene and merge into main scene
        let collisionsScene = SCNScene( named: "Art.scnassets/collision.scn" )
        collisionsScene!.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes { (_ child: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            child.opacity = 0.0
    // the follow camera behavior make the camera to follow the character, with a constant distance, altitude and smoothed motion
    func setupFollowCamera(_ cameraNode: SCNNode) {
        // look at "lookAtTarget"
        let lookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: self.lookAtTarget)
        lookAtConstraint.influenceFactor = 0.07
        lookAtConstraint.isGimbalLockEnabled = true
        // distance constraints
        let follow = SCNDistanceConstraint(target: self.lookAtTarget)
        let distance = CGFloat(simd_length(cameraNode.simdPosition))
        follow.minimumDistance = distance
        follow.maximumDistance = distance
        // configure a constraint to maintain a constant altitude relative to the character
        let desiredAltitude = abs(cameraNode.simdWorldPosition.y)
        weak var weakSelf = self
        let keepAltitude = SCNTransformConstraint.positionConstraint(inWorldSpace: true, with: {(_ node: SCNNode, _ position: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 in
                guard let strongSelf = weakSelf else { return position }
                var position = float3(position)
                position.y = strongSelf.character!.baseAltitude + desiredAltitude
                return SCNVector3( position )
        let accelerationConstraint = SCNAccelerationConstraint()
        accelerationConstraint.maximumLinearVelocity = 1500.0
        accelerationConstraint.maximumLinearAcceleration = 50.0
        accelerationConstraint.damping = 0.05
        // use a custom constraint to let the user orbit the camera around the character
        let transformNode = SCNNode()
        let orientationUpdateConstraint = SCNTransformConstraint(inWorldSpace: true) { (_ node: SCNNode, _ transform: SCNMatrix4) -> SCNMatrix4 in
            guard let strongSelf = weakSelf else { return transform }
            if strongSelf.activeCamera != node {
                return transform
            // Slowly update the acceleration constraint influence factor to smoothly reenable the acceleration.
            accelerationConstraint.influenceFactor = min(1, accelerationConstraint.influenceFactor + 0.01)
            let targetPosition = strongSelf.lookAtTarget.presentation.simdWorldPosition
            let cameraDirection = strongSelf.cameraDirection
            if cameraDirection.allZero() {
                return transform
            // Disable the acceleration constraint.
            accelerationConstraint.influenceFactor = 0
            let characterWorldUp = strongSelf.character?.node?.presentation.simdWorldUp
            transformNode.transform = transform
            let q = simd_mul(
                simd_quaternion(GameController.CameraOrientationSensitivity * cameraDirection.x, characterWorldUp!),
                simd_quaternion(GameController.CameraOrientationSensitivity * cameraDirection.y, transformNode.simdWorldRight)
            transformNode.simdRotate(by: q, aroundTarget: targetPosition)
            return transformNode.transform
        cameraNode.constraints = [follow, keepAltitude, accelerationConstraint, orientationUpdateConstraint, lookAtConstraint]
    // the axis aligned behavior look at the character but remains aligned using a specified axis
    func setupAxisAlignedCamera(_ cameraNode: SCNNode) {
        let distance: Float = simd_length(cameraNode.simdPosition)
        let originalAxisDirection = cameraNode.simdWorldFront
        self.lastActiveCameraFrontDirection = originalAxisDirection
        let symetricAxisDirection = simd_make_float3(-originalAxisDirection.x, originalAxisDirection.y, -originalAxisDirection.z)
        weak var weakSelf = self
        // define a custom constraint for the axis alignment
        let axisAlignConstraint = SCNTransformConstraint.positionConstraint(
            inWorldSpace: true, with: {(_ node: SCNNode, _ position: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 in
                guard let strongSelf = weakSelf else { return position }
                guard let activeCamera = strongSelf.activeCamera else { return position }
                let axisOrigin = strongSelf.lookAtTarget.presentation.simdWorldPosition
                let referenceFrontDirection =
                    strongSelf.activeCamera == node ? strongSelf.lastActiveCameraFrontDirection : activeCamera.presentation.simdWorldFront
                let axis = simd_dot(originalAxisDirection, referenceFrontDirection) > 0 ? originalAxisDirection: symetricAxisDirection
                let constrainedPosition = axisOrigin - distance * axis
                return SCNVector3(constrainedPosition)
        let accelerationConstraint = SCNAccelerationConstraint()
        accelerationConstraint.maximumLinearAcceleration = 20
        accelerationConstraint.decelerationDistance = 0.5
        accelerationConstraint.damping = 0.05
        // look at constraint
        let lookAtConstraint = SCNLookAtConstraint(target: self.lookAtTarget)
        lookAtConstraint.isGimbalLockEnabled = true // keep horizon horizontal
        cameraNode.constraints = [axisAlignConstraint, lookAtConstraint, accelerationConstraint]
    func setupCameraNode(_ node: SCNNode) {
        guard let cameraName = node.name else { return }
        if cameraName.hasPrefix("camTrav") {
        } else if cameraName.hasPrefix("camLookAt") {
    func setupCamera() {
        //The lookAtTarget node will be placed slighlty above the character using a constraint
        weak var weakSelf = self
        self.lookAtTarget.constraints = [ SCNTransformConstraint.positionConstraint(
                                        inWorldSpace: true, with: { (_ node: SCNNode, _ position: SCNVector3) -> SCNVector3 in
            guard let strongSelf = weakSelf else { return position }
            guard var worldPosition = strongSelf.character?.node?.simdWorldPosition else { return position }
            worldPosition.y = strongSelf.character!.baseAltitude + 0.5
            return SCNVector3(worldPosition)
        self.scene?.rootNode.enumerateHierarchy({(_ node: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in
            if node.camera != nil {
        self.cameraNode.camera = SCNCamera()
        self.cameraNode.name = "mainCamera"
        self.cameraNode.camera!.zNear = 0.1
        setActiveCamera("camLookAt_cameraGame", animationDuration: 0.0)
    func setupEnemies() {
        self.enemy1 = self.scene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "enemy1", recursively: true)
        self.enemy2 = self.scene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "enemy2", recursively: true)
        let gkScene = GKScene()
        // Player
        let playerEntity = GKEntity()
        playerEntity.addComponent(GKSCNNodeComponent(node: character!.node))
        let playerComponent = PlayerComponent()
        playerComponent.isAutoMoveNode = false
        playerComponent.character = self.character
        // Chaser
        let chaserEntity = GKEntity()
        chaserEntity.addComponent(GKSCNNodeComponent(node: self.enemy1!))
        let chaser = ChaserComponent()
        chaser.player = playerComponent
        // Scared
        let scaredEntity = GKEntity()
        scaredEntity.addComponent(GKSCNNodeComponent(node: self.enemy2!))
        let scared = ScaredComponent()
        scared.player = playerComponent
        // animate enemies (move up and down)
        let anim = CABasicAnimation(keyPath: "position")
        anim.fromValue = NSValue(scnVector3: SCNVector3(0, 0.1, 0))
        anim.toValue = NSValue(scnVector3: SCNVector3(0, -0.1, 0))
        anim.isAdditive = true
        anim.repeatCount = .infinity
        anim.autoreverses = true
        anim.duration = 1.2
        anim.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
        self.enemy1!.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "")
        self.enemy2!.addAnimation(anim, forKey: "")
        self.gkScene = gkScene
    func loadParticleSystems(atPath path: String) -> [SCNParticleSystem] {
        let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path)
        let directory = url.deletingLastPathComponent()
        let fileName = url.lastPathComponent
        let ext: String = url.pathExtension
        if ext == "scnp" {
            return [SCNParticleSystem(named: fileName, inDirectory: directory.relativePath)!]
        } else {
            var particles = [SCNParticleSystem]()
            let scene = SCNScene(named: fileName, inDirectory: directory.relativePath, options: nil)
            scene!.rootNode.enumerateHierarchy({(_ node: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in
                if node.particleSystems != nil {
                    particles += node.particleSystems!
            return particles
    func setupParticleSystem() {
        particleSystems[ParticleKind.collect.rawValue] = loadParticleSystems(atPath: "Art.scnassets/particles/collect.scnp")
        particleSystems[ParticleKind.collectBig.rawValue] = loadParticleSystems(atPath: "Art.scnassets/particles/key_apparition.scn")
        particleSystems[ParticleKind.enemyExplosion.rawValue] = loadParticleSystems(atPath: "Art.scnassets/particles/enemy_explosion.scn")
        particleSystems[ParticleKind.keyApparition.rawValue] = loadParticleSystems(atPath: "Art.scnassets/particles/key_apparition.scn")
        particleSystems[ParticleKind.unlockDoor.rawValue] = loadParticleSystems(atPath: "Art.scnassets/particles/unlock_door.scn")
    func setupPlatforms() {
        let PLATFORM_MOVE_OFFSET = Float(1.5)
        let PLATFORM_MOVE_SPEED = Float(0.5)
        var alternate: Float = 1
        // This could be done in the editor using the action editor.
        scene!.rootNode.enumerateHierarchy({(_ node: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in
            if node.name == "mobilePlatform" && !node.childNodes.isEmpty {
                node.simdPosition = simd_float3(
                    node.simdPosition.x - (alternate * PLATFORM_MOVE_OFFSET / 2.0), node.simdPosition.y, node.simdPosition.z)
                let moveAction = SCNAction.move(by: SCNVector3(alternate * PLATFORM_MOVE_OFFSET, 0, 0),
                                                duration: TimeInterval(1 / PLATFORM_MOVE_SPEED))
                moveAction.timingMode = .easeInEaseOut
                node.runAction(SCNAction.repeatForever(SCNAction.sequence([moveAction, moveAction.reversed()])))
                alternate = -alternate // alternate movement of platforms to desynchronize them
                node.enumerateChildNodes({ (_ child: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
                    if child.name == "particles_platform" {
                        child.particleSystems?[0].orientationDirection = SCNVector3(0, 1, 0)
    // MARK: - Camera transitions
    // transition to the specified camera
    // this method will reparent the main camera under the camera named "cameraNamed"
    // and trigger the animation to smoothly move from the current position to the new position
    func setActiveCamera(_ cameraName: String, animationDuration duration: CFTimeInterval) {
        guard let camera = scene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: cameraName, recursively: true) else { return }
        if self.activeCamera == camera {
        self.lastActiveCamera = activeCamera
        if activeCamera != nil {
            self.lastActiveCameraFrontDirection = (activeCamera?.presentation.simdWorldFront)!
        self.activeCamera = camera
        // save old transform in world space
        let oldTransform: SCNMatrix4 = cameraNode.presentation.worldTransform
        // re-parent
        // compute the old transform relative to our new parent node (yeah this is the complex part)
        let parentTransform = camera.presentation.worldTransform
        let parentInv = SCNMatrix4Invert(parentTransform)
        // with this new transform our position is unchanged in workd space (i.e we did re-parent but didn't move).
        cameraNode.transform = SCNMatrix4Mult(oldTransform, parentInv)
        // now animate the transform to identity to smoothly move to the new desired position
        SCNTransaction.animationDuration = duration
        SCNTransaction.animationTimingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut)
        cameraNode.transform = SCNMatrix4Identity
        if let cameraTemplate = camera.camera {
            cameraNode.camera!.fieldOfView = cameraTemplate.fieldOfView
            cameraNode.camera!.wantsDepthOfField = cameraTemplate.wantsDepthOfField
            cameraNode.camera!.sensorHeight = cameraTemplate.sensorHeight
            cameraNode.camera!.fStop = cameraTemplate.fStop
            cameraNode.camera!.focusDistance = cameraTemplate.focusDistance
            cameraNode.camera!.bloomIntensity = cameraTemplate.bloomIntensity
            cameraNode.camera!.bloomThreshold = cameraTemplate.bloomThreshold
            cameraNode.camera!.bloomBlurRadius = cameraTemplate.bloomBlurRadius
            cameraNode.camera!.wantsHDR = cameraTemplate.wantsHDR
            cameraNode.camera!.wantsExposureAdaptation = cameraTemplate.wantsExposureAdaptation
            cameraNode.camera!.vignettingPower = cameraTemplate.vignettingPower
            cameraNode.camera!.vignettingIntensity = cameraTemplate.vignettingIntensity
    func setActiveCamera(_ cameraName: String) {
        setActiveCamera(cameraName, animationDuration: GameController.DefaultCameraTransitionDuration)
    // MARK: - Audio
    func playSound(_ audioName: AudioSourceKind) {
        scene!.rootNode.addAudioPlayer(SCNAudioPlayer(source: audioSources[audioName.rawValue]))
    func setupAudio() {
        // Get an arbitrary node to attach the sounds to.
        let node = scene!.rootNode
        // ambience
        if let audioSource = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/ambience.mp3") {
            audioSource.loops = true
            audioSource.volume = 0.8
            audioSource.isPositional = false
            audioSource.shouldStream = true
            node.addAudioPlayer(SCNAudioPlayer(source: audioSource))
        // volcano
        if let volcanoNode = scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "particles_volcanoSmoke_v2", recursively: true) {
            if let audioSource = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/volcano.mp3") {
                audioSource.loops = true
                audioSource.volume = 5.0
                volcanoNode.addAudioPlayer(SCNAudioPlayer(source: audioSource))
        // other sounds
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.collect.rawValue] = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/collect.mp3")!
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.collectBig.rawValue] = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/collectBig.mp3")!
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.unlockDoor.rawValue] = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/unlockTheDoor.m4a")!
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.hitEnemy.rawValue] = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/hitEnemy.wav")!
        // adjust volumes
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.unlockDoor.rawValue].isPositional = false
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.collect.rawValue].isPositional = false
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.collectBig.rawValue].isPositional = false
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.hitEnemy.rawValue].isPositional = false
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.unlockDoor.rawValue].volume = 0.5
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.collect.rawValue].volume = 4.0
        audioSources[AudioSourceKind.collectBig.rawValue].volume = 4.0
    // MARK: - Init
    init(scnView: SCNView) {
        sceneRenderer = scnView
        sceneRenderer!.delegate = self
        // Uncomment to show statistics such as fps and timing information
        //scnView.showsStatistics = true
        // setup overlay
        overlay = Overlay(size: scnView.bounds.size, controller: self)
        scnView.overlaySKScene = overlay
        //load the main scene
        self.scene = SCNScene(named: "Art.scnassets/scene.scn")
        //setup physics
        //setup collisions
        //load the character
        //setup enemies
        //setup friends
        //setup platforms
        //setup particles
        //setup lighting
        let light = scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "DirectLight", recursively: true)!.light
        light!.shadowCascadeCount = 3  // turn on cascade shadows
        light!.shadowMapSize = CGSize(width: CGFloat(512), height: CGFloat(512))
        light!.maximumShadowDistance = 20
        light!.shadowCascadeSplittingFactor = 0.5
        //setup camera
        //setup game controller
        //configure quality
        //assign the scene to the view
        sceneRenderer!.scene = self.scene
        //setup audio
        //select the point of view to use
        sceneRenderer!.pointOfView = self.cameraNode
        //register ourself as the physics contact delegate to receive contact notifications
        sceneRenderer!.scene!.physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self
    func resetPlayerPosition() {
    // MARK: - cinematic
    func startCinematic() {
        playingCinematic = true
        character!.node!.isPaused = true
    func stopCinematic() {
        playingCinematic = false
        character!.node!.isPaused = false
    // MARK: - particles
    func particleSystems(with kind: ParticleKind) -> [SCNParticleSystem] {
        return particleSystems[kind.rawValue]
    func addParticles(with kind: ParticleKind, withTransform transform: SCNMatrix4) {
        let particles = particleSystems(with: kind)
        for ps: SCNParticleSystem in particles {
            scene!.addParticleSystem(ps, transform: transform)
    // MARK: - Triggers
    // "triggers" are triggered when a character enter a box with the collision mask BitmaskTrigger
    func execTrigger(_ triggerNode: SCNNode, animationDuration duration: CFTimeInterval) {
        //exec trigger
        if triggerNode.name!.hasPrefix("trigCam_") {
            let cameraName = (triggerNode.name as NSString?)!.substring(from: 8)
            setActiveCamera(cameraName, animationDuration: duration)
        if triggerNode.name!.hasPrefix("trigAction_") {
            if collectedKeys > 0 {
                let actionName = (triggerNode.name as NSString?)!.substring(from: 11)
                if actionName == "unlockDoor" {
    func trigger(_ triggerNode: SCNNode) {
        if playingCinematic {
        if lastTrigger != triggerNode {
            lastTrigger = triggerNode
            // the very first trigger should not animate (initial camera position)
            execTrigger(triggerNode, animationDuration: firstTriggerDone ? GameController.DefaultCameraTransitionDuration: 0)
            firstTriggerDone = true
    // MARK: - Friends
    func updateFriends(deltaTime: CFTimeInterval) {
        let pathCurve: Float = 0.4
        // update pandas
        for i in 0..<friendCount {
            let friend = friends[i]
            var pos = friend.simdPosition
            let offsetx = pos.x - sinf(pathCurve * pos.z)
            pos.z += friendsSpeed[i] * Float(deltaTime) * 0.5
            pos.x = sinf(pathCurve * pos.z) + offsetx
            friend.simdPosition = pos
    func animateFriends() {
        let walkAnimation = Character.loadAnimation(fromSceneNamed: "Art.scnassets/character/max_walk.scn")
        for i in 0..<friendCount {
            let walk = walkAnimation.copy() as! SCNAnimationPlayer
            walk.speed = CGFloat(friendsSpeed[i])
            friends[i].addAnimationPlayer(walk, forKey: "walk")
    func addFriends(_ count: Int) {
        var count = count
        if count + friendCount > GameController.NumberOfFiends {
            count = GameController.NumberOfFiends - friendCount
        let friendScene = SCNScene(named: "Art.scnassets/character/max.scn")
        guard let friendModel = friendScene?.rootNode.childNode(withName: "Max_rootNode", recursively: true) else { return }
        friendModel.name = "friend"
        var textures = [String](repeating: "", count: 3)
        textures[0] = "Art.scnassets/character/max_diffuseB.png"
        textures[1] = "Art.scnassets/character/max_diffuseC.png"
        textures[2] = "Art.scnassets/character/max_diffuseD.png"
        var geometries = [SCNGeometry](repeating: SCNGeometry(), count: 3)
        guard let geometryNode = friendModel.childNode(withName: "Max", recursively: true) else { return }
        geometryNode.geometry!.firstMaterial?.diffuse.intensity = 0.5
        geometries[0] = geometryNode.geometry!.copy() as! SCNGeometry
        geometries[1] = geometryNode.geometry!.copy() as! SCNGeometry
        geometries[2] = geometryNode.geometry!.copy() as! SCNGeometry
        geometries[0].firstMaterial = geometries[0].firstMaterial?.copy() as? SCNMaterial
        geometryNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = "Art.scnassets/character/max_diffuseB.png"
        geometries[1].firstMaterial = geometries[1].firstMaterial?.copy() as? SCNMaterial
        geometryNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = "Art.scnassets/character/max_diffuseC.png"
        geometries[2].firstMaterial = geometries[2].firstMaterial?.copy() as? SCNMaterial
        geometryNode.geometry?.firstMaterial?.diffuse.contents = "Art.scnassets/character/max_diffuseD.png"
        //remove physics from our friends
        friendModel.enumerateHierarchy({(_ node: SCNNode, _ _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) -> Void in
            node.physicsBody = nil
        let friendPosition = simd_make_float3(-5.84, -0.75, 3.354)
        let FRIEND_AREA_LENGTH: Float = 5.0
        // group them
        var friendsNode: SCNNode? = scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "friends", recursively: false)
        if friendsNode == nil {
            friendsNode = SCNNode()
            friendsNode!.name = "friends"
        let idleAnimation = Character.loadAnimation(fromSceneNamed: "Art.scnassets/character/max_idle.scn")
        for _ in 0..<count {
            let friend = friendModel.clone()
            //replace texture
            let geometryIndex = Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(3)))
            guard let geometryNode = friend.childNode(withName: "Max", recursively: true) else { return }
            geometryNode.geometry = geometries[geometryIndex]
            //place our friend
            friend.simdPosition = simd_make_float3(
                friendPosition.x + (1.4 * (Float(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(RAND_MAX))) / Float(RAND_MAX)) - 0.5),
                friendPosition.z - (FRIEND_AREA_LENGTH * (Float(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(RAND_MAX))) / Float(RAND_MAX))))
            let idle = (idleAnimation.copy() as! SCNAnimationPlayer)
            idle.speed = CGFloat(Float(1.5) + Float(1.5) * Float(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(RAND_MAX))) / Float(RAND_MAX))
            friend.addAnimationPlayer(idle, forKey: "idle")
            self.friendsSpeed[friendCount] = Float(idle.speed)
            self.friends[friendCount] = friend
            self.friendCount += 1
        for i in 0..<friendCount {
    // iterates on every friend and move them if they intersect friend at index i
    func ensureNoPenetrationOfIndex(_ index: Int) {
        var pos = friends[index].simdPosition
        // ensure no penetration
        let pandaRadius: Float = 0.15
        let pandaDiameter = pandaRadius * 2.0
        for j in 0..<friendCount {
            if j == index {
            let otherPos = float3(friends[j].position)
            let v = otherPos - pos
            let dist = simd_length(v)
            if dist < pandaDiameter {
                // penetration
                let pen = pandaDiameter - dist
                pos -= simd_normalize(v) * pen
        //ensure within the box X[-6.662 -4.8] Z<3.354
        if friends[index].position.z <= 3.354 {
            pos.x = max(pos.x, -6.662)
            pos.x = min(pos.x, -4.8)
        friends[index].simdPosition = pos
    // MARK: - Game actions
    func unlockDoor() {
        if friendsAreFree {  //already unlocked
        startCinematic()  //pause the scene
        //play sound
        SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.0
        SCNTransaction.completionBlock = {() -> Void in
            //trigger particles
            let door: SCNNode? = self.scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "door", recursively: true)
            let particle_door: SCNNode? = self.scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "particles_door", recursively: true)
            self.addParticles(with: .unlockDoor, withTransform: particle_door!.worldTransform)
            //add friends
            SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.0
            //open the door
            SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 1.0
            SCNTransaction.completionBlock = {() -> Void in
                //animate characters
                // update state
                self.friendsAreFree = true
                // show end screen
                DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() +
                    Double(Int64(1.0 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC), execute: {() -> Void in
            door!.opacity = 0.0
        // change the point of view
        setActiveCamera("CameraCinematic02", animationDuration: 1.0)
    func showKey() {
        keyIsVisible = true
        // get the key node
        let key: SCNNode? = scene!.rootNode.childNode(withName: "key", recursively: true)
        //sound fx
        addParticles(with: .keyApparition, withTransform: key!.worldTransform)
        SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 1.0
        SCNTransaction.completionBlock = {() -> Void in
            DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() +
                Double(Int64(2.5 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC), execute: {() -> Void in
        key!.opacity = 1.0 // show the key
    func keyDidAppear() {
        execTrigger(lastTrigger!, animationDuration: 0.75) //revert to previous camera
    func keyShouldAppear() {
        SCNTransaction.animationDuration = 0.0
        SCNTransaction.completionBlock = {() -> Void in
        setActiveCamera("CameraCinematic01", animationDuration: 3.0)
    func collect(_ collectable: SCNNode) {
        if collectable.physicsBody != nil {
            //the Key
            if collectable.name == "key" {
                if !self.keyIsVisible { //key not visible yet
                // play sound
                self.collectedKeys += 1
            //the gems
            else if collectable.name == "CollectableBig" {
                self.collectedGems += 1
                // play sound
                // update the overlay
                self.overlay?.collectedGemsCount = self.collectedGems
                if self.collectedGems == 1 {
                    //we collect a gem, show the key after 1 second
                    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: DispatchTime.now() +
                        Double(Int64(0.5 * Double(NSEC_PER_SEC))) / Double(NSEC_PER_SEC), execute: {() -> Void in
            collectable.physicsBody = nil //not collectable anymore
            // particles
            addParticles(with: .keyApparition, withTransform: collectable.worldTransform)
    // MARK: - Controlling the character
    func controllerJump(_ controllerJump: Bool) {
        character!.isJump = controllerJump
    func controllerAttack() {
        if !self.character!.isAttacking {
    var characterDirection: vector_float2 {
        get {
            return character!.direction
        set {
            var direction = newValue
            let l = simd_length(direction)
            if l > 1.0 {
                direction *= 1 / l
            character!.direction = direction
    var cameraDirection = vector_float2.zero {
        didSet {
            let l = simd_length(cameraDirection)
            if l > 1.0 {
                cameraDirection *= 1 / l
            cameraDirection.y = 0
    // MARK: - Update
    func renderer(_ renderer: SCNSceneRenderer, updateAtTime time: TimeInterval) {
        // compute delta time
        if lastUpdateTime == 0 {
            lastUpdateTime = time
        let deltaTime: TimeInterval = time - lastUpdateTime
        lastUpdateTime = time
        // Update Friends
        if friendsAreFree {
            updateFriends(deltaTime: deltaTime)
        // stop here if cinematic
        if playingCinematic == true {
        // update characters
        character!.update(atTime: time, with: renderer)
        // update enemies
        for entity: GKEntity in gkScene!.entities {
            entity.update(deltaTime: deltaTime)
    // MARK: - contact delegate
    func physicsWorld(_ world: SCNPhysicsWorld, didBegin contact: SCNPhysicsContact) {
        // triggers
        if contact.nodeA.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask == Bitmask.trigger.rawValue {
        if contact.nodeB.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask == Bitmask.trigger.rawValue {
        // collectables
        if contact.nodeA.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask == Bitmask.collectable.rawValue {
        if contact.nodeB.physicsBody!.categoryBitMask == Bitmask.collectable.rawValue {
    // MARK: - Congratulating the Player
    func showEndScreen() {
        // Play the congrat sound.
        guard let victoryMusic = SCNAudioSource(named: "audio/Music_victory.mp3") else { return }
        victoryMusic.volume = 0.5
        self.scene?.rootNode.addAudioPlayer(SCNAudioPlayer(source: victoryMusic))
    // MARK: - Configure rendering quality
    func turnOffEXRForMAterialProperty(property: SCNMaterialProperty) {
        if var propertyPath = property.contents as? NSString {
            if propertyPath.pathExtension == "exr" {
                propertyPath = ((propertyPath.deletingPathExtension as NSString).appendingPathExtension("png")! as NSString)
                property.contents = propertyPath
    func turnOffEXR() {
        self.turnOffEXRForMAterialProperty(property: scene!.background)
        self.turnOffEXRForMAterialProperty(property: scene!.lightingEnvironment)
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes { (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            if let materials = child.geometry?.materials {
                for material in materials {
                    self.turnOffEXRForMAterialProperty(property: material.selfIllumination)
    func turnOffNormalMaps() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            if let materials = child.geometry?.materials {
                for material in materials {
                    material.normal.contents = SKColor.black
    func turnOffHDR() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            child.camera?.wantsHDR = false
    func turnOffDepthOfField() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            child.camera?.wantsDepthOfField = false
    func turnOffSoftShadows() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            if let lightSampleCount = child.light?.shadowSampleCount {
                child.light?.shadowSampleCount = min(lightSampleCount, 1)
    func turnOffPostProcess() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            if let light = child.light {
                light.shadowCascadeCount = 0
                light.shadowMapSize = CGSize(width: 1024, height: 1024)
    func turnOffOverlay() {
        sceneRenderer?.overlaySKScene = nil
    func turnOffVertexShaderModifiers() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            if var shaderModifiers = child.geometry?.shaderModifiers {
                shaderModifiers[SCNShaderModifierEntryPoint.geometry] = nil
                child.geometry?.shaderModifiers = shaderModifiers
            if let materials = child.geometry?.materials {
                for material in materials where material.shaderModifiers != nil {
                    var shaderModifiers = material.shaderModifiers!
                    shaderModifiers[SCNShaderModifierEntryPoint.geometry] = nil
                    material.shaderModifiers = shaderModifiers
    func turnOffVegetation() {
        scene?.rootNode.enumerateChildNodes({ (child: SCNNode, _: UnsafeMutablePointer<ObjCBool>) in
            guard let materialName = child.geometry?.firstMaterial?.name as NSString? else { return }
            if materialName.hasPrefix("plante") {
                child.isHidden = true
    func configureRenderingQuality(_ view: SCNView) {
#if os( tvOS )
    self.turnOffEXR()  //tvOS doesn't support exr maps
    // the following things are done for low power device(s) only
    // MARK: - Debug menu
    func fStopChanged(_ value: CGFloat) {
        sceneRenderer!.pointOfView!.camera!.fStop = value
    func focusDistanceChanged(_ value: CGFloat) {
        sceneRenderer!.pointOfView!.camera!.focusDistance = value
    func debugMenuSelectCameraAtIndex(_ index: Int) {
        if index == 0 {
            let key = self.scene?.rootNode .childNode(withName: "key", recursively: true)
            key?.opacity = 1.0
    // MARK: - GameController
    func handleControllerDidConnect(_ notification: Notification) {
        if gamePadCurrent != nil {
        guard let gameController = notification.object as? GCController else {
    func handleControllerDidDisconnect(_ notification: Notification) {
        guard let gameController = notification.object as? GCController else {
        if gameController != gamePadCurrent {
        for controller: GCController in GCController.controllers() where gameController != controller {
    func registerGameController(_ gameController: GCController) {
        var buttonA: GCControllerButtonInput?
        var buttonB: GCControllerButtonInput?
        if let gamepad = gameController.extendedGamepad {
            self.gamePadLeft = gamepad.leftThumbstick
            self.gamePadRight = gamepad.rightThumbstick
            buttonA = gamepad.buttonA
            buttonB = gamepad.buttonB
        } else if let gamepad = gameController.gamepad {
            self.gamePadLeft = gamepad.dpad
            buttonA = gamepad.buttonA
            buttonB = gamepad.buttonB
        } else if let gamepad = gameController.microGamepad {
            self.gamePadLeft = gamepad.dpad
            buttonA = gamepad.buttonA
            buttonB = gamepad.buttonX
        weak var weakController = self
        gamePadLeft!.valueChangedHandler = {(_ dpad: GCControllerDirectionPad, _ xValue: Float, _ yValue: Float) -> Void in
            guard let strongController = weakController else {
            strongController.characterDirection = simd_make_float2(xValue, -yValue)
        if let gamePadRight = self.gamePadRight {
            gamePadRight.valueChangedHandler = {(_ dpad: GCControllerDirectionPad, _ xValue: Float, _ yValue: Float) -> Void in
                guard let strongController = weakController else {
                strongController.cameraDirection = simd_make_float2(xValue, yValue)
        buttonA?.valueChangedHandler = {(_ button: GCControllerButtonInput, _ value: Float, _ pressed: Bool) -> Void in
            guard let strongController = weakController else {
        buttonB?.valueChangedHandler = {(_ button: GCControllerButtonInput, _ value: Float, _ pressed: Bool) -> Void in
            guard let strongController = weakController else {
#if os( iOS )
    if gamePadLeft != nil {
    func unregisterGameController() {
        gamePadLeft = nil
        gamePadRight = nil
        gamePadCurrent = nil
#if os( iOS )
#if os( iOS )
    // MARK: - PadOverlayDelegate
    func padOverlayVirtualStickInteractionDidStart(_ padNode: PadOverlay) {
        if padNode == overlay!.controlOverlay!.leftPad {
            characterDirection = float2(Float(padNode.stickPosition.x), -Float(padNode.stickPosition.y))
        if padNode == overlay!.controlOverlay!.rightPad {
            cameraDirection = float2( -Float(padNode.stickPosition.x), Float(padNode.stickPosition.y))
    func padOverlayVirtualStickInteractionDidChange(_ padNode: PadOverlay) {
        if padNode == overlay!.controlOverlay!.leftPad {
            characterDirection = float2(Float(padNode.stickPosition.x), -Float(padNode.stickPosition.y))
        if padNode == overlay!.controlOverlay!.rightPad {
            cameraDirection = float2( -Float(padNode.stickPosition.x), Float(padNode.stickPosition.y))
    func padOverlayVirtualStickInteractionDidEnd(_ padNode: PadOverlay) {
        if padNode == overlay!.controlOverlay!.leftPad {
            characterDirection = [0, 0]
        if padNode == overlay!.controlOverlay!.rightPad {
            cameraDirection = [0, 0]
    func willPress(_ button: ButtonOverlay) {
        if button == overlay!.controlOverlay!.buttonA {
        if button == overlay!.controlOverlay!.buttonB {
    func didPress(_ button: ButtonOverlay) {
        if button == overlay!.controlOverlay!.buttonA {