Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: QTime.c |
Written by: Keith Gurganus |
Copyright: © 1997 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
*/ |
#include "QTML.h" |
#include "Movies.h" |
#include "stdwin.h" |
#include "QTime.h" |
#include "TextUtils.h" |
#define USEEXPLORERSTYLE (LOBYTE(LOWORD(GetVersion()))>=4) |
static UINT APIENTRY GenericHook(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); |
void CreateNewMovieController(HWND hwnd, Movie theMovie, MovieController *theMC); |
Boolean MCFilter(MovieController mc, short action, void*params, long refCon); |
void GetMaxBounds(Rect *maxRect); |
BOOL GetFile(char *fileName) |
{ |
memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); |
*fileName = '\0'; |
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); |
ofn.hwndOwner = GetActiveWindow(); |
ofn.lpstrFile = (LPSTR)fileName; |
ofn.nMaxFile = 255; |
ofn.lpstrFilter = "QuickTime Movies (*.mov;*.avi) \0 *.mov;*.avi\0All Files (*.*) \0 *.*\0"; // Robert requested *.* to be added 07/10/96 BSF |
ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; |
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; |
else |
ofn.Flags |= OFN_ENABLEHOOK; |
ofn.lpfnHook = GenericHook; |
if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)) |
{ |
return TRUE; |
} else |
return FALSE; |
} |
static UINT APIENTRY GenericHook(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
{ |
switch (uMsg) |
{ |
case WM_INITDIALOG: // Center window |
{ |
Point ptTopLeft; |
RECT rcWindow; |
BOOL retValue; |
HWND theWnd = hWnd; |
RECT rcDesktopWindow; |
long width; |
long height; |
// if we are using 95 or NT 4.0 use the new explorer style |
theWnd = GetParent(hWnd); |
GetWindowRect(theWnd, &rcWindow); |
width = rcWindow.right - rcWindow.left; |
height = rcWindow.bottom -; |
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &rcDesktopWindow); |
ptTopLeft.h = (short)((rcDesktopWindow.right + rcDesktopWindow.left)/2 - width/2); |
ptTopLeft.v = (short)(( + rcDesktopWindow.bottom)/3 - height/3); |
retValue = SetWindowPos(theWnd, 0, ptTopLeft.h, ptTopLeft.v, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER|SWP_NOSIZE); |
return true; |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
BOOL OpenMovie(HWND hwnd, MovieStuff *movieStuff) |
{ |
BOOL isMovieGood = FALSE; |
if ( strlen ((char*)movieStuff->filename ) != 0) |
{ |
OSErr err; |
short theFile = 0; |
long controllerFlags = 0L; |
FSSpec sfFile; |
short movieResFile; |
char theFullPath[255]; |
// make a copy of our full path name |
strcpy ( (char *)theFullPath, (const char *) movieStuff->filename ); |
// convert theFullPath to pstring |
c2pstr((char*)theFullPath); |
// Make a FSSpec with a pascal string filename |
FSMakeFSSpec(0,0L,theFullPath, &sfFile); |
// Set the port |
SetGWorld((CGrafPtr)GetNativeWindowPort((void *)hwnd), nil); |
// Open the movie file |
err = OpenMovieFile(&sfFile, &movieResFile, fsRdPerm); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
// Get the Movie from the file |
err = NewMovieFromFile(&movieStuff->theMovie,movieResFile, |
nil, |
nil, |
newMovieActive, /* flags */ |
nil); |
// Close the movie file |
CloseMovieFile(movieResFile); |
if (err == noErr) |
{ |
// Create the movie controller |
CreateNewMovieController(hwnd, movieStuff->theMovie, &movieStuff->theMC); |
movieStuff->movieOpened = TRUE; |
isMovieGood = TRUE; |
p2cstr((char*)theFullPath); |
SetWindowTitle(movieStuff->theHwnd, theFullPath); |
} else |
theFullPath[0] = '\0'; |
} else |
theFullPath[0] = '\0'; |
} |
return isMovieGood; |
} |
OSErr SaveMovie(MovieStuff *movieStuff) |
{ |
OSErr theErr = noErr; |
if (strlen(movieStuff->filename) != 0) { |
long movieFlattenFlags = flattenAddMovieToDataFork; |
FSSpec sfFile; |
OSType creator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'); |
long createMovieFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile; |
char theFullPath[255]; |
strcpy(theFullPath, movieStuff->filename); |
// Convert full path name to pstring |
c2pstr((char *)theFullPath); |
// Make a FSSpec with a pascal string filename |
FSMakeFSSpec(0,0L,theFullPath, &sfFile); |
// Try to delete the original |
DeleteMovieFile(&sfFile); |
// FlattenMovie |
FlattenMovie( movieStuff->theMovie, |
movieFlattenFlags, |
&sfFile, |
creator, |
-1, |
createMovieFlags, |
nil, |
NULL ); |
theErr = GetMoviesError(); |
} |
return theErr; |
} |
OSErr SaveAsMovie(MovieStuff *movieStuff) |
{ |
unsigned char lpszPathName[256]; |
OSErr theErr = noErr; |
memset(&ofn, 0, sizeof(OPENFILENAME)); |
lpszPathName[0] = '\0'; |
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); |
ofn.hwndOwner = GetActiveWindow(); |
ofn.lpstrFilter = "QuickTime Movies (*.mov) \0 *.mov\0"; |
ofn.lpstrFile = (char *)lpszPathName; |
ofn.nMaxFile = sizeof(lpszPathName); |
ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; |
ofn.nMaxFileTitle = (unsigned long)NULL; |
ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; |
// Put up a save file dialog |
if (GetSaveFileName(&ofn)) { |
long movieFlattenFlags = flattenAddMovieToDataFork; |
FSSpec sfFile; |
OSType creator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('TVOD'); |
long createMovieFlags = createMovieFileDeleteCurFile; |
// Convert full path name to pstring |
c2pstr((char *)lpszPathName); |
// Make a FSSpec with a pascal string filename |
FSMakeFSSpec(0,0L,lpszPathName, &sfFile); |
// Try to delete the original |
DeleteMovieFile(&sfFile); |
// FlattenMovie |
FlattenMovie( movieStuff->theMovie, |
movieFlattenFlags, |
&sfFile, |
creator, |
-1, |
createMovieFlags, |
nil, |
NULL ); |
theErr = GetMoviesError(); |
p2cstr((char *)lpszPathName); |
SetWindowTitle(movieStuff->theHwnd, lpszPathName); |
} |
return theErr; |
} |
void CloseMovie(MovieStuff *movieStuff) |
{ |
if (movieStuff->movieOpened == TRUE ){ |
movieStuff->movieOpened = FALSE; |
if (movieStuff->theMC) |
DisposeMovieController(movieStuff->theMC); |
if (movieStuff->theMovie) |
DisposeMovie(movieStuff->theMovie); |
movieStuff->theMovie = NULL; |
movieStuff->theMC = NULL; |
} |
} |
void CreateNewMovieController(HWND hwnd, Movie theMovie, MovieController *theMC) |
{ |
Rect bounds; |
Rect maxBounds; |
long controllerFlags; |
Rect theMovieRect; |
// 0,0 Movie coordinates |
GetMovieBox(theMovie, &theMovieRect); |
MacOffsetRect(&theMovieRect, -theMovieRect.left,; |
// Attach a movie controller |
*theMC = NewMovieController(theMovie, &theMovieRect, mcTopLeftMovie ); |
// Get the controller rect |
MCGetControllerBoundsRect(*theMC, &bounds); |
// Enable editing |
MCEnableEditing(*theMC,TRUE); |
// Tell the controller to attach a movie's CLUT to the window as appropriate. |
MCDoAction(*theMC, mcActionGetFlags, &controllerFlags); |
MCDoAction(*theMC, mcActionSetFlags, (void *)(controllerFlags | mcFlagsUseWindowPalette)); |
// Allow the controller to accept keyboard events |
MCDoAction(*theMC, mcActionSetKeysEnabled, (void *)TRUE); |
// Set the controller action filter |
MCSetActionFilterWithRefCon(*theMC, MCFilter, (long)hwnd); |
// Set the grow box amount |
GetMaxBounds(&maxBounds); |
MCDoAction(*theMC, mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds, &maxBounds); |
// Size our window |
SizeWindow((WindowPtr)GetNativeWindowPort(hwnd), bounds.right, bounds.bottom, FALSE); |
} |
Boolean MCFilter(MovieController mc, short action, void*params, long refCon) |
{ |
if(action == mcActionControllerSizeChanged) { |
Rect bounds; |
WindowPtr w; |
MCGetControllerBoundsRect(mc, &bounds); |
w = GetNativeWindowPort((HWND)refCon); |
SizeWindow((WindowPtr)w, bounds.right, bounds.bottom, TRUE); |
} |
return FALSE; |
} |
void GetMaxBounds(Rect *maxRect) |
{ |
RECT deskRect; |
GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow(), &deskRect); |
OffsetRect(&deskRect, -deskRect.left,; |
maxRect->top = (short); |
maxRect->bottom = (short)deskRect.bottom; |
maxRect->left = (short)deskRect.left; |
maxRect->right = (short)deskRect.right; |
} |
ComponentResult EditCut(MovieController mc) |
{ |
Movie scrapMovie; |
ComponentResult theErr = invalidMovie; |
if (mc){ |
scrapMovie = MCCut(mc); |
if ( scrapMovie ) { |
theErr = PutMovieOnScrap(scrapMovie, 0L); |
DisposeMovie(scrapMovie); |
} |
} |
return theErr; |
} |
ComponentResult EditCopy(MovieController mc) |
{ |
Movie scrapMovie; |
ComponentResult theErr = invalidMovie; |
if (mc){ |
scrapMovie = MCCopy(mc); |
if ( scrapMovie ) { |
theErr = PutMovieOnScrap(scrapMovie, 0L); |
DisposeMovie(scrapMovie); |
} |
} |
return theErr; |
} |
ComponentResult EditPaste(MovieController mc) |
{ |
ComponentResult theErr = invalidMovie; |
if (mc) |
theErr = MCPaste(mc, nil); |
return theErr; |
} |
ComponentResult EditClear(MovieController mc) |
{ |
ComponentResult theErr = invalidMovie; |
if (mc) |
theErr = MCClear(mc); |
return theErr; |
} |
ComponentResult EditUndo(MovieController mc) |
{ |
ComponentResult theErr = invalidMovie; |
if (mc) |
theErr = MCUndo(mc); |
return theErr; |
} |
ComponentResult EditSelectAll(Movie movie, MovieController mc) |
{ |
TimeRecord tr; |
ComponentResult theErr = noErr; |
if ( movie && mc ) { |
tr.value.hi = 0; |
tr.value.lo = 0; |
tr.base = 0; |
tr.scale = GetMovieTimeScale(movie); |
MCDoAction(mc, mcActionSetSelectionBegin, &tr); |
tr.value.lo = GetMovieDuration(movie); |
MCDoAction(mc, mcActionSetSelectionDuration, &tr); |
} else { |
if ( movie == NULL ) |
theErr = invalidMovie; |
else |
theErr = -1; |
} |
return theErr; |
} |
void SetWindowTitle(HWND hWnd, unsigned char *theFullPath) |
{ |
/* set window title to name */ |
unsigned char titleName[256]; |
titleName[0] = '\0'; |
GetFileNameFromFullPath(theFullPath, (unsigned char *)&titleName); |
SetWindowText(hWnd, (const char *)titleName); |
} |
void GetFileNameFromFullPath(unsigned char *theFullPath, unsigned char *fileName) |
{ |
/* pluck the filename from the fullpath, */ |
int i = 0, j = -1, stringLen = 0; |
stringLen = strlen((char *)theFullPath); |
if (stringLen > 0 ) { |
while(i<stringLen){ |
if (theFullPath[i] == 0x5c || theFullPath[i] == '/' ) |
j = i; |
i++; |
} |
if ( j>-1) |
strcpy((char *)fileName, (char *)&theFullPath[j+1]); |
else |
strcpy((char *)fileName, (char *)theFullPath); |
} |
} |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14