
    File:       softVdig.c
    Contains:   Software video digitzer header file (constants, structs, prototypes)
    Written by: Peter Hoddie (mostly) and Casey King and Gary Woodcock
                Refer to develop Issue 14, "Video Digitizing Under QuickTime",
                for details on this code.
                This code requires QuickTime 1.5.
    Copyright:  © 1993 by Apple Computer, Inc.
    Change History (most recent first):
// includes
#ifndef _SOFTVDIG_
#define _SOFTVDIG_
#include <Components.h>
#include "QuickTimeComponents.h"
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
// Comment out this line if you are building a standalone component
//#define DEBUG_IT
#ifdef DEBUG_IT
pascal ComponentResult softVdig (ComponentParameters *params, Handle storage);
Component RegisterSoftVdig(void);
#endif DEBUG_IT
// constants which define the characteristics of this vdig
//  there are 2 other global controls which are initialized in vdigOpen
//  these global controls are gAttachedGDevice and gAuxBufferRect
#define     kMaxHorNTSCIn       320             // maps to the MaxSrcRect width
#define     kMaxVerNTSCIn       240             // maps to the MaxSrcRect height
#define     kVerBlank           0               // would map to VerBlankRect, but unused here
#define     gMaxSoftVdigCount   1               // how many can be open at once
#define     gDoesDepths         0               // what output depth can the device output to
#define     gDoesPlaythru       false           // will respond to VDSetPlayThruOnOff
#define     gHasAuxBuffer       false           // simulates local buffering                                            
#define     gAuxDepth           16              // for use in simulating local buffering                            
#define     gCanAsync           true            // simulates async grab capability              
#define     gCanClip            true            // clipping can be applied
#define     gCanScale           true            // supports stretch & shrink
#define     gCanDMA             true            // simulates the "go anywhere" vdig                     
#define     gDMADepths          16 | 8          // depths that DMA works                
#define     gMaxHeight          240             // maximum scalable height
#define     gMaxWidth           320             // maximum scalable width
#define     gMinHeight          10              // minimum scalable height
#define     gMinWidth           10              // minimum scalable width
#define     gDoesFrameRate      false           // simulates controllable frame rate grabs
#define     gVideoTimeScale     2997            
#define     gDoesCompress       false           // capable of producing compressed data         
#define     gOnlyDoesCompress   false           // can't provide image data 
#define     gOnlyCompressType   'rpza'          // set to zero to support all compression types
// softvdig global variables
typedef struct {
    ComponentInstance   self;                   // this instance
    long                frameNumber;            // frame counter
    GWorldPtr           tempPort;               // use for drawing simulated video frames
    Rect                maxSrcRect;             // for VDGetMaxSrcRect
    Rect                digiRect;               // part of frame to use
    Boolean             playThruOn;             // draw during idle
    Rect                playThruRect;
    PixMapHandle        playThruPixMap;
    GWorldPtr           auxBuffer;              // the auxbuffer, if using one
    MatrixRecord        matrix;                 // display matrix
    RgnHandle           clipRgn;                // current clip
    Point               clipOrigin;             // top left of display when clip set
    VdigBufferRecListHandle bufferList;         // buffer list for async stuff
    short               pendingAsyncBuffer;     // pending grab request... -1 if none.
    // compressed source stuff
    OSType              compressType;
    short               compressDepth;
    Rect                compressRect;
    CodecQ              spatialQuality;
    CodecQ              temporalQuality;
    long                keyFrameRate;
    ImageDescriptionHandle  desc;
    Ptr                 compressBuffer;
    GWorldPtr           compressGW;
    Boolean             forceKeyFrame;
    Boolean             compressOn;
    ImageSequence       compressSeq;
    TimeBase            timeBase;
    TimeValue           nextFrameTime;          // next time if doing frame rate limiting
    TimeValue           frameTimeStep;          // increment for stepping, non-zero means do limiting
    // more globals
    long                inputCurrentFlags;
    long                outputCurrentFlags; 
    unsigned short      blackLevel;
    unsigned short      whiteLevel;
    unsigned short      brightness;
    unsigned short      hue;
    unsigned short      saturation;
    unsigned short      contrast;
    unsigned short      sharpness;
    Rect                gAuxBufferRect;
    GDHandle            gAttachedGDevice;
} vdigGlobalsRecord, *vdigGlobalsPtr, **vdigGlobals;
// prototypes that map to VD API calls
pascal ComponentResult vdigOpen(vdigGlobals storage, ComponentInstance self);
pascal ComponentResult vdigClose(vdigGlobals storage, ComponentInstance self);
pascal ComponentResult vdigCanDo(vdigGlobals storage, short ftnNumber);
pascal ComponentResult vdigVersion(vdigGlobals storage);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetMaxSrcRect(vdigGlobals storage, short inputStd, Rect *maxSrcRect);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetActiveSrcRect(vdigGlobals storage, short inputStd, Rect *activeSrcRect);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetDigitizerRect(vdigGlobals storage, Rect *digiRect);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetDigitizerRect(vdigGlobals storage, Rect *digiRect);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigUseThisCLUT(vdigGlobals storage, CTabHandle colorTableHandle);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGrabOneFrame(vdigGlobals storage);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetContrast(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *contrast);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetHue(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *hue);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetBrightness(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *brightness);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetSaturation(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *saturation);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetSharpness(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *sharpness);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetBlackLevel(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *blackLevel);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetWhiteLevel(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *whiteLevel);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetContrast(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *contrast);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetHue(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *hue);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetBrightness(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *brightness);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetSaturation(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *saturation);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetSharpness(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *sharpness);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetBlackLevel(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *blackLevel);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetWhiteLevel(vdigGlobals storage, unsigned short *whiteLevel);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetVideoDefaults(vdigGlobals storage,
                            unsigned short *blackLevel, unsigned short *whiteLevel,
                            unsigned short *brightness, unsigned short *hue, unsigned short *saturation,
                            unsigned short *contrast, unsigned short *sharpness);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetMaxAuxBuffer(vdigGlobals storage, PixMapHandle *pm, Rect *r);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetDigitizerInfo(vdigGlobals storage, DigitizerInfo *info);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetCurrentFlags(vdigGlobals storage, long *inputCurrentFlag, long *outputCurrentFlag);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetPlayThruOnOff(vdigGlobals storage, short state);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetPlayThruDestination(vdigGlobals storage, PixMapHandle dest, Rect *destRect, MatrixRecord *m, RgnHandle mask);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetupBuffers(vdigGlobals storage, VdigBufferRecListHandle bufferList);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigPreflightDestination(vdigGlobals storage, Rect *digitizerRect, PixMap **dest, Rect *destRect, MatrixRecord *m);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGrabOneFrameAsync(vdigGlobals storage, short buffer);
pascal long vdigDone(vdigGlobals storage, short buffer);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetNumberOfInputs(vdigGlobals storage, short *inputs);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetInputFormat(vdigGlobals storage, short input, short *format);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetInput(vdigGlobals storage, short input);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetInput(vdigGlobals storage, short *input);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetCompression(vdigGlobals storage, OSType compressType, short depth, Rect *bounds,
            CodecQ spatialQuality, CodecQ temporalQuality, long keyFrameRate);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigCompressOneFrameAsync(vdigGlobals storage);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigCompressDone(vdigGlobals storage, Boolean *done, Ptr *theData, long *dataSize, unsigned char *similarity, TimeRecord *tr);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigReleaseCompressBuffer(vdigGlobals storage, Ptr theBufffer);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetImageDescription(vdigGlobals storage, ImageDescriptionHandle desc);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigResetCompressSequence(vdigGlobals storage);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetCompressionOnOff(vdigGlobals storage, Boolean newState);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetCompressionTypes(vdigGlobals storage, VDCompressionListHandle h);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetTimeBase(vdigGlobals storage, TimeBase t);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigSetFrameRate(vdigGlobals storage, Fixed framesPerSecond);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetDMADepths(vdigGlobals storage, long *depthArray, long *preferredDepth);
pascal VideoDigitizerError vdigGetPreferredTimeScale(vdigGlobals storage, TimeScale *preferred);
// prototypes for utility functions
void makeOffscreen(vdigGlobals storage);
void tossOffscreen(vdigGlobals storage);
void drawVideoFrame(vdigGlobals storage, Point where, PixMapHandle destPixMap);
Boolean validatePixMap(vdigGlobals storage, PixMapHandle p);
void tossCompressStuff(vdigGlobals storage);