
//  File:       SoundConverter.h
//  Contains:   Sound format conversion sample code.
//  Written by: Bob Aron
//  Revised by: Tim Monroe
//  Copyright:  © 1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      07/01/99    rtm     first file from Bob Aron; conversion to personal coding style; updated to latest headers
// header files
#ifndef __MACERRORS__
#include <MacErrors.h>
#ifndef __COMPONENTS__
#include <Components.h>
#ifndef __FIXMATH__
#include <FixMath.h>
#ifndef __MOVIES__
#include <Movies.h>
#ifndef __MOVIESFORMAT__
#include <MoviesFormat.h>
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h>
#ifndef __SOUND__
#include <Sound.h>
#ifndef __STRINGS__
#include <Strings.h>
#ifndef _STRING_H
#include <string.h>
#ifndef __QTUtilities__
#include "QTUtilities.h"
#include "MacFramework.h"
#include "WinFramework.h"
#include <math.h>
#define double_t        double
    #ifndef __FP__
    #include <fp.h>
// compiler macros
#define FailIf(cond, handler)                               \
    if (cond) {                                             \
        goto handler;                                       \
#define FailWithAction(cond, action, handler)               \
    if (cond) {                                             \
        { action; }                                         \
        goto handler;                                       \
// constants
#define kMaxBufferSize              (20*1024)                                   // the upper limit for the in and out conversion buffers
#define kSaveSoundPrompt            "Save sound movie file as:"
#define kSaveSoundFileName          ""
#define kConcertA                   440
// function prototypes
void                                SndConv_DriveAudioConversion (void);
OSErr                               SndConv_ConvertSomeUncompressedAudio (  
                                                Handle theSourceHandle,
                                                SoundComponentData theSourceInfo,
                                                unsigned long theSourceTotalFrames, 
                                                Handle theDestHandle,
                                                SoundComponentData theDestInfo,
                                                unsigned long *theDestFramesMoved, 
                                                CompressionInfo *theDestCompInfo,
                                                Handle *theDestCompParams);
OSErr                               SndConv_CreateSoundMovie (  
                                                Handle theDestAudioData,
                                                short theMovieRefNum, 
                                                Movie theMovie,
                                                SoundComponentData theDestInfo, 
                                                Handle *theDestCompParams,
                                                CompressionInfo theDestCompInfo, 
                                                unsigned long theDestFrameCount);
OSErr                               SndConv_UncompressedSineWaveToHandle (
                                                Handle theData,
                                                SoundComponentData *theCompInfo,
                                                unsigned long *theTotalFrames);