
    <h2>USING USHER</h2>
        <li>If you will be sending video, attach the video camera to the computer first
        <li>Drop an .xml file onto the application (2 sample ones can be found in the folder /usher/notes)
        <li>Select &quot;Settings&quot; from the Presentation menu to configure the broadcast.  Select the appropriate capture device (video camera, audio source) and the compression you want to use.     <li>Press the &quot;Start&quot; button to start the broadcast 
        <li>Press the button again to stop the broadcast
        <li>To view the broadcast, drop the corresponding .sdp file onto QuickTime Player.
        <li>Menus do not disable correctly; menus beep instead of showing up as disabled
        <li>Info window doesn't scroll
        <li>The presentation cannot be configured after the broadcast has started
        <li>If you stop the broadcast, you cannot start it again
    <h2>BUILDING USHER</h2>
        <li>Place the QuickTime SDK headers and libraries in a folder called &quot;QTSDK&quot; at the same level as the usher folder (i.e. you will have a folder that contains the QTSDK folder and the usher folder). 
        <li>Launch /uhser/cwproject/usher.mcp in Code Warrior 6
        <li>Build the project
        <li>The usher application will be built in the folder /usher/output/