Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
/* |
File: UsherBroadcast.h |
Copyright: © 2000-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
*/ |
#ifndef __USHERBROADCAST__ |
#define __USHERBROADCAST__ |
#include "SimplePres.h" |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// D E F I N I T I O N S |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
#define kUsherBroadcastSignature FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ubrd') |
#define kUsherBroadcastMaxWindows 10 |
#define kMaxPresNameLength 255 |
#define kUsherBroadcastMaxSourceHandlers 5 |
struct UsherBroadcastSourceHandlerInfo { |
void *handler; |
Boolean handlerWantsNotifications; |
char pad[3]; |
}; |
typedef struct UsherBroadcastSourceHandlerInfo UsherBroadcastSourceHandlerInfo; |
struct UsherBroadcast { |
OSType signature; // this is always a constant so we can identify our structure |
struct UsherBroadcast *next; |
SimplePresRecord *simplePres; |
Boolean disposing; |
QTSStatusParams statusParams; |
char presName[kMaxPresNameLength+1]; |
TimeBase presTimeBase; |
TimeScale presTimeScale; |
// ----- sourcers |
UInt32 numSourceHandlers; |
UsherBroadcastSourceHandlerInfo sourceHandlers[kUsherBroadcastMaxSourceHandlers]; |
Boolean someHandlerWantsNotifications; |
// ------ dealing with ui |
UInt32 numWindows; |
WindowPtr windowList[kUsherBroadcastMaxWindows]; |
}; |
typedef struct UsherBroadcast UsherBroadcast; |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// P R O T O T Y P E S |
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// ----- new / dispose ----- |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_NewFromFile(const FSSpec *inFileSpec, GWorldPtr inGWorld, GDHandle inGD, |
const Rect *inPresBox, UsherBroadcast **outBroadcast); |
void UsherBroadcast_Dispose(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast); |
// ----- commands ----- |
long UsherBroadcast_GetMenuCommand(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, long inMenuResult, void **outCommandParams); |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_DoCommand(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, long inCommand, void *inCommandParams); |
void UsherBroadcast_Idle(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast); |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_Start(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast); |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_Stop(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast); |
// ----- get /set ----- |
QTSStatusParams *UsherBroadcast_GetStatusParams(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast); |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_GetInfo(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, OSType inSelector, void *ioParams); |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_SetInfo(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, OSType inSelector, void *ioParams); |
QTSPresentation UsherBroadcast_GetQTSPresentation(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast); |
// ----- infrastructure stuff ----- |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_AddWindow(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, WindowPtr inWindow); |
void UsherBroadcast_RemoveWindow(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, WindowPtr inWindow); |
OSErr UsherBroadcast_AddSourceHandler(UsherBroadcast *inBroadcast, void *inSourceHandler); |
// ----- global calls ----- |
void UsherBroadcast_CleanUp(void); // dispose of everything |
void UsherBroadcast_IdleAll(void); // idle everyone |
long UsherBroadcast_GetNumBroadcasts(void); |
#endif /* __USHERBROADCAST__ */ |
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