
//  File:       VRMakeObject.h
//  Contains:   Code for creating a QuickTime VR object movie from a linear QuickTime movie.
//  Written by: Tim Monroe
//              Based on MakeQTVRObject code by Pete Falco and Michael Chen (and others?).
//  Copyright:  © 1991-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
//  Change History (most recent first):
//     <1>      01/20/98    rtm     first file
#include <Endian.h>
#include <FixMath.h>
#include <Math.h>
#include <ImageCompression.h>
#include <Movies.h>
#include <QuickTimeComponents.h>
#include <QuickTimeVR.h>
#include <QuickTimeVRFormat.h>
#include <Script.h>
#include <Sound.h>
#include "ComApplication.h"
#include "MacFramework.h"
#include "WinFramework.h"
// macros
#define FloatToFixed(a)                  ((Fixed)((float)(a) * fixed1))
// constants
#define kDefaultNodeID                  1                           // default node ID
#define kQTVRVersion1                   (long)1
#define kQTVRVersion2                   (long)2
#define kObjectFormat1x0DataType        FOUR_CHAR_CODE('NAVG')
#define kObjSaveMoviePrompt             "Save object movie file as:"
#define kObjSaveMovieFileName           "Untitled.mov"
// default object settings;
// a real application would let the user select these values interactively
// (perhaps by displaying a dialog box with a bunch of edit text items....)
#define kDefaultNumOfColumns            (UInt16)36
#define kDefaultNumOfRows               (UInt16)13
#define kDefaultLoopSize                (UInt16)1
#define kDefaultLoopTicks               (UInt16)0                   // for looping object: display next frame as quickly as possible    
#define kDefaultFrameDuration           (UInt16)60
#define kDefaultMovieType               (UInt16)kGrabberScrollerUI
#define kDefaultViewStateCount          (UInt16)1
#define kDefaultDefaultViewState        (UInt16)1
#define kDefaultMouseDownViewState      (UInt16)1
// version 1.0 uses Fixed for some of its data items, while version 2.x uses Float32;
// we'll define our default settings using Float32 and, when necessary, convert to Fixed using the FloatToFixed macro defined above
#define kDefaultFieldOfView             (Float32)180.0
#define kDefaultMinFieldOfView          (Float32)8.0
#define kDefaultStartPan                (Float32)0.0    
#define kDefaultEndPan                  (Float32)360.0
#define kDefaultStartTilt               (Float32)90.0
#define kDefaultEndTilt                 (Float32)-20.0
#define kDefaultInitialPan              (Float32)180.0              // not used; we calculate the initial pan angle from the source movie's current time
#define kDefaultInitialTilt             (Float32)0.0                // not used; we calculate the initial tilt angle from the source movie's current time
#define kDefaultMouseMotionScale        (Float32)180.0  
#define kDefaultDefaultViewCenterH      (Float32)0.0    
#define kDefaultDefaultViewCenterV      (Float32)0.0    
#define kDefaultViewRate                (Float32)1.0    
#define kDefaultFrameRate               (Float32)1.0
#define kDefaultAnimationSettings       (UInt32)0   
#define kDefaultControlSettings         (UInt32)(kQTVRObjectWrapPanOn | kQTVRObjectCanZoomOn | kQTVRObjectTranslationOn)    
// data types
// version 1.0 data types
#pragma options align=mac68k
// object file format record:
// this defines the structure of the 'NAVG' user data item
typedef struct {
    short           versionNumber;      // version number; always 1
    short           numberOfColumns;    // number of columns in movie
    short           numberOfRows;       // number rows in movie
    short           reserved1;          // reserved; must be 0
    short           loopSize;           // number of frames shot at each position
    short           frameDuration;      // the duration of each frame
    short           movieType;          // kStandardObject, kObjectInScene, or kOldNavigableMovieScene
    short           loopTicks;          // number of ticks before next frame of loop is displayed
    Fixed           fieldOfView;        // 180.0 for kStandardObject or kObjectInScene, actual degrees for kOldNavigableMovieScene.
    Fixed           startHPan;          // start horizontal pan angle, in degrees
    Fixed           endHPan;            // end horizontal pan angle, in degrees
    Fixed           endVPan;            // end vertical pan angle, in degrees
    Fixed           startVPan;          // start vertical pan angle, in degrees
    Fixed           initialHPan;        // initial horizontal pan angle, in degrees (poster view)
    Fixed           initialVPan;        // initial vertical pan angle, in degrees (poster view)
    long            reserved2;          // reserved; must be 0
} QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Record, *QTVRObjectFileFormat1x0Ptr;
#pragma options align=reset
// function prototypes
void                        VRObject_PromptUserForMovieFileAndMakeObject (void);
OSErr                       VRObject_CreateVRWorld (QTAtomContainer *theVRWorld, QTAtomContainer *theNodeInfo, OSType theNodeType);
OSErr                       VRObject_CreateObjectTrack (Movie theMovie, Track theObjectTrack, Media theObjectMedia);
OSErr                       VRObject_CreateQTVRMovieVers1x0 (FSSpec *theObjMovSpec, FSSpec *theSrcMovSpec);
OSErr                       VRObject_CreateQTVRMovieVers2x0 (FSSpec *theObjMovSpec, FSSpec *theSrcMovSpec);
OSErr                       VRObject_MakeObjectMovie (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theDestSpec, long theVersion);
OSErr                       VRObject_GetPanAndTiltFromTime (TimeValue theTime,
                                                            TimeValue theFrameDuration,
                                                            short theNumColumns,
                                                            short theNumRows,
                                                            short theLoopSize,
                                                            Float32 theStartPan,
                                                            Float32 theEndPan,
                                                            Float32 theStartTilt,
                                                            Float32 theEndTilt,
                                                            Float32 *thePan, 
                                                            Float32 *theTilt);
OSErr                       VRObject_ImportVideoTrack (Movie theSrcMovie, Movie theDstMovie, Track *theImageTrack);
OSErr                       VRObject_SetControllerType (Movie theMovie, OSType theType);
OSErr                       VRObject_AddStr255ToAtomContainer (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, Str255 theString, QTAtomID *theID);
void                        VRObject_ConvertFloatToBigEndian (float *theFloat);
PASCAL_RTN Boolean          VRObject_FileFilterFunction (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode);
PASCAL_RTN Boolean          VRObject_FileFilterFunction (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr);