Retired Document
Important: This sample code may not represent best practices for current development. The project may use deprecated symbols and illustrate technologies and techniques that are no longer recommended.
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// |
// File: VRMakePano.h |
// |
// Contains: Code for creating a QuickTime VR panoramic movie from a panoramic image. |
// |
// Written by: Tim Monroe |
// Based largely on MakeQTVRPanorama code by Ed Harp (and others?). |
// |
// Copyright: © 1996-1998 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved. |
// |
// Change History (most recent first): |
// |
// <2> 11/24/99 rtm minor clean-up |
// <1> 12/01/98 rtm first file |
// |
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#pragma once |
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// |
// header files |
// |
////////// |
#ifndef __ENDIAN__ |
#include <Endian.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef __FIXMATH__ |
#include <FixMath.h> |
#endif |
#ifndef _MATH_H |
#include <Math.h> |
#endif |
#include <QuickTimeVRFormat.h> |
#endif |
#include "ComApplication.h" |
////////// |
// |
// compiler flags |
// |
////////// |
// the following flag determines whether we show the uncompressed tiles in a window as they get processed; |
// I did this mainly for debugging purposes, but it's also a useful progress indicator.... |
////////// |
// |
// constants |
// |
////////// |
#define kQTVRStandardTimeScale 3600 // time scale for QTVR panoramas |
#define kDefaultNodeID 1 // default node ID |
#define kNumTilesInPanoFile 24 |
#define kPanoramaHeight (long)300 |
#define kPanoramaWidth (long)400 |
#define kQTVRVersion1 (long)1 |
#define kQTVRVersion2 (long)2 |
#define kCubicQTVR (long)3 |
#define kPanDescType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pano') |
#define kPanHeaderType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pHdr') |
#define kStringTableType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('strT') |
#define kHotSpotTableType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pHot') |
#define kPanoSaveTilePrompt "Save tile movie file as:" |
#define kPanoSaveTileFileName "Untitled.til" |
#define kPanoSaveMoviePrompt "Save panoramic movie file as:" |
#define kPanoSaveMovieFileName "" |
////////// |
// |
// data types |
// |
////////// |
// version 1.0 data types |
#pragma options align=mac68k |
// panorama description: |
// this defines the structure of a sample description for a media sample in a panorama track |
typedef struct PanoramaDescription { |
long size; // total size of PanoramaDescription |
long type; // must be 'pano' |
long reserved1; // must be zero |
long reserved2; // must be zero |
short majorVersion; // must be zero |
short minorVersion; // must be zero |
long sceneTrackID; // ID of video track that contains panoramic scene |
long loResSceneTrackID; // ID of video track that contains lo res panoramic scene |
long reserved3[6]; // must be zero |
long hotSpotTrackID; // ID of video track that contains hotspot image |
long loResHotSpotTrackID; // ID of video track that contains lo res hotspot image |
long reserved4[8]; // must be zero |
Fixed hPanStart; // horizontal pan range start angle (eg. 0) |
Fixed hPanEnd; // horizontal pan range end angle (eg. 360) |
Fixed vPanTop; // vertical pan range top angle(eg. 42.5) |
Fixed vPanBottom; // vertical pan range bottom angle (eg. -42.5) |
Fixed minimumZoom; // minimum zoom angle (eg. 5; use 0 for default)) |
Fixed maximumZoom; // maximum zoom angle (eg. 65; use 0 for default) |
// info for highest res version of scene track |
long sceneSizeX; // pixel width of the panorama (eg. 768) |
long sceneSizeY; // pixel height of the panorama (eg. 2496) |
long numFrames; // number of diced frames (eg. 24) |
short reserved5; // must be zero |
short sceneNumFramesX; // diced frames wide (eg. 1) |
short sceneNumFramesY; // diced frames high (eg. 24) |
short sceneColorDepth; // bit depth of the scene track (eg. 32) |
// info for highest res version of hotSpot track |
long hotSpotSizeX; // pixel width of the hot spot panorama (eg. 768) |
long hotSpotSizeY; // pixel height of the hot spot panorama (eg. 2496) |
short reserved6; // must be zero |
short hotSpotNumFramesX; // diced frames wide (eg. 1) |
short hotSpotNumFramesY; // diced frames high (eg. 24) |
short hotSpotColorDepth; // must be 8 |
} PanoramaDescription, *PanoramaDescriptionPtr, **PanoramaDescriptionHandle; |
// panorama sample header atom: |
// this defines the structure of (part of) a media sample in a panorama track |
typedef struct PanoSampleHeaderAtom { |
long size; |
OSType type; // must be 'pHdr' |
unsigned long nodeID; // corresponds to a node ID in the idToTime table |
Fixed defHPan; // default horizontal pan angle when displaying this node |
Fixed defVPan; // default vertical pan angle when displaying this node |
Fixed defZoom; // default zoom angle when displaying this node |
Fixed minHPan; // constraints for this node; use zero for default |
Fixed minVPan; |
Fixed minZoom; |
Fixed maxHPan; |
Fixed maxVPan; |
Fixed maxZoom; |
long reserved1; // must be zero |
long reserved2; // must be zero |
long nameStrOffset; // offset into string table atom |
long commentStrOffset; // offset into string table atom |
} PanoSampleHeaderAtom, *PanoSampleHeaderAtomPtr, **PanoSampleHeaderAtomHandle; |
// hot spot atom |
typedef struct HotSpot { |
unsigned short hotSpotID; // the ID of this hot spot |
short reserved1; // must be zero |
OSType type; // the hot spot type (e.g. 'link', 'navg', etc) |
unsigned long typeData; // for link and navg, the ID in the link and navg table |
Fixed viewHPan; // canonical view for this hot spot |
Fixed viewVPan; |
Fixed viewZoom; |
Rect hotSpotRect; // bounding rectangle of the hot spot in the panorama |
long mouseOverCursorID; |
long mouseDownCursorID; |
long mouseUpCursorID; |
long reserved2; // must be 0 |
long nameStrOffset; // offset into string table atom |
long commentStrOffset; // offset into string table atom |
} HotSpot, *HotSpotPtr, **HotSpotHandle; |
// hot spot table atom |
typedef struct HotSpotTableAtom { |
long size; |
OSType type; // must be 'pHot' |
short pad; // must be 0 |
short numHotSpots; |
HotSpot hotSpots[1]; // list of hot spots |
} HotSpotTableAtom, *HotSpotTableAtomPtr, **HotSpotTableAtomHandle; |
typedef struct StringTableAtom { |
long size; |
OSType type; // must be 'strT' |
char bunchOstrings[1]; // concatenated Pascal strings |
} StringTableAtom, *StringTableAtomPtr, **StringTableAtomHandle; |
#pragma options align=reset |
// cubic panorama data types |
// (the following will should be in QuickTimeVRFormat.h) |
#if 0 |
struct QTVRCubicViewAtom { |
Float32 minPan; |
Float32 maxPan; |
Float32 minTilt; |
Float32 maxTilt; |
Float32 minFieldOfView; |
Float32 maxFieldOfView; |
Float32 defaultPan; |
Float32 defaultTilt; |
Float32 defaultFieldOfView; |
}; |
typedef struct QTVRCubicViewAtom QTVRCubicViewAtom; |
typedef QTVRCubicViewAtom * QTVRCubicViewAtomPtr; |
#define kQTVRPanoTypeCube FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cube') |
#define kQTVRCubicViewAtomType FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cuvw') |
#endif |
////////// |
// |
// function prototypes |
// |
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void VRPano_PromptUserForImageFileAndMakeMovie (void); |
void VRPano_PromptUserForFacesFileAndMakeCubic (void); |
OSErr VRPano_CreateVRWorld (QTAtomContainer *theVRWorld, QTAtomContainer *theNodeInfo, OSType theNodeType); |
OSErr VRPano_CreatePanoTrack (Movie theMovie, FSSpec *theSrcFile, FSSpec *theHSSrcFile, Track theQTVRTrack, Track thePanoTrack, Media thePanoMedia, long theWidth, long theHeight); |
OSErr VRPano_CreateTileMovie (GraphicsImportComponent theImporter, FSSpec *theTileSpec, CodecType theCodec, CodecQ theQuality, short theDepth); |
OSErr VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers1x0 (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theTileSpec, FSSpec *theHSTileSpec, long theHeight, long theWidth); |
OSErr VRPano_CreateQTVRMovieVers2x0 (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theTileSpec, FSSpec *theHSTileSpec, long theHeight, long theWidth); |
OSErr VRPano_CreateCubicQTVRMovie (FSSpec *theMovieSpec, FSSpec *theFramesSpec, FSSpec *theHSFramesSpec, long theHeight, long theWidth); |
OSErr VRPano_MakePanorama (FSSpec *thePictSpec, FSSpec *theHSPictSpec, FSSpec *theTileSpec, FSSpec *theDestSpec, long theWidth, long theHeight, CodecType theCodec, CodecQ theQuality, long theVersion); |
OSErr VRPano_ImportVideoTrack (Movie theSrcMovie, Movie theDstMovie, TimeValue theDuration, long *theTrackWidth, long *theTrackHeight, Track *theTrack); |
HotSpotTableAtomHandle VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers1x0 (StringTableAtomHandle theStringTable); |
OSErr VRPano_MakeHotSpotVers2x0 (QTAtomContainer theNodeInfo, QTAtom theHSParent, char *theURL, char *theHSName, UInt32 theIndex); |
OSErr VRPano_SetControllerType (Movie theMovie, OSType theType); |
OSErr VRPano_AddStr255ToAtomContainer (QTAtomContainer theContainer, QTAtom theParent, Str255 theString, QTAtomID *theID); |
void VRPano_ConvertFloatToBigEndian (float *theFloat); |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean VRPano_FileFilterFunction (AEDesc *theItem, void *theInfo, void *theCallBackUD, NavFilterModes theFilterMode); |
#endif |
PASCAL_RTN Boolean VRPano_FileFilterFunction (CInfoPBPtr thePBPtr); |
#endif |
OSErr VRPano_FlattenMovieForStreaming (Movie theMovie, FSSpecPtr theFSSpecPtr); |
Copyright © 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Updated: 2003-01-14